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NO need to abuse the animal with a screw on the end of a stick, ( and then admits it ? ) carry small squirt gun or bottle and fill it with vinegar and aim to the eye.

Ahhh another very good one! thank you sir, that really is quite clever. and fun too..maybe even experiment with the liquid would be fun, substitute the vinegar for a water thats been soaked in a bag of crushed chillieswink.png that will fix em!!

i must say i do prefer these non violent ones..not that i am a softie at all..me is a lover not a fightersmile.png

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i must say i do prefer these non violent ones..not that i am a softie at all..me is a lover not a fightersmile.png

You could try fending them off with plastic rosery beads.


I can't help thinking that while all these stick wielding, pepper spray carrying, water (vinegar) pistol packing foreigners may keep the dogs at bay, they look stupid. And for the latter two, by the time that you have determined that the dog is about to attack, you are too late in drawing your weapon of choice.

Unless, you are in need of some support when walking, in Bangkok and the burbs, why would anyone carry a stick every where they go just on the off chance they meet an angry dog.

A valid point. There is only the one soi near me that has the crazy dogs. I once found a heavy steal pipe that someone had thrown away and after passing the crazy dog zone i hid it in some grass on a vacant block..plan to get it again for the trip back..but only gone for 2 or so hours and in this short time somebody had already knicked it blink.png

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There's a black soi dog that lives on the beach, she is very friendly and will and sit with you. However should a beach hawker attempt to come with in 10 metres of you and try and make a sale, she will go ballistic barking and snarling at the hawkers only.

I can only imagine because she's able to differentiate between, who is and who isn't a hawker, as there most be some bad history between them.

It's great though because you can sit on the beach without the normal interruption's, and it's funny watching the hawkers muttering obscenities under there breath as most are wise to her antics.

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i must say i do prefer these non violent ones..not that i am a softie at all..me is a lover not a fightersmile.png

You could try fending them off with plastic rosery beads.

yes, maybe they will get caught in the dogs throat as he eats them?biggrin.png


I used to have a home at the end of Soi Buakhow near the market. Two groups of soi dogs on my way home daily. The least violent ones I gave chicken bones to on my way home. They got used to meeing me two blocks before my street and escorted me home daily. This for 20 baht of chicken.


Well to recap one hits him in the head with a club with a nail in it, one bites his balls off and one gives him chicken.smile.png

My pick of the day is Mr McChine and his vinegar water pistol..bravo!!!!! cheesy.gif



I was bitten by a dog at our village. The < Snip > owner just doesn't give a shit about his many dogs running loose around the village. I walk around with an Airsoft bb gun and have used it once with really great effect. The dog stayed behind the fence - next time around.

Exactly ... This is the same thing with the sling shot method ... Avoidance Response .. very similar to classic conditioning of dogs (Pavlov). One does not have to be cruel to dogs - just sting them a few times with something that they do not understand how to defend against and they will avoid the interaction. Dogs will continue to fight a stick - but it does help. Being stung at a 20-30-40 foot distance is more than they can deal with ... so they keep a distance. And - most importantly continue the avoidance - even when they cannot see the exact thing that brought the sting before. Just carrying a stick that looks a BB gun or raising your hands simulating a sling shot and they RUN. My sling shot with a hollow core hex nut also provided a sonic and ultrasonic whistle as it when by ...


I was bitten by a dog at our village. The < Snip > owner just doesn't give a shit about his many dogs running loose around the village. I walk around with an Airsoft bb gun and have used it once with really great effect. The dog stayed behind the fence - next time around.

Exactly ... This is the same thing with the sling shot method ... Avoidance Response .. very similar to classic conditioning of dogs (Pavlov). One does not have to be cruel to dogs - just sting them a few times with something that they do not understand how to defend against and they will avoid the interaction. Dogs will continue to fight a stick - but it does help. Being stung at a 20-30-40 foot distance is more than they can deal with ... so they keep a distance. And - most importantly continue the avoidance - even when they cannot see the exact thing that brought the sting before. Just carrying a stick that looks a BB gun or raising your hands simulating a sling shot and they RUN. My sling shot with a hollow core hex nut also provided a sonic and ultrasonic whistle as it when by ...

It does sound good as a theory JD, but really think it would take some practice to master this art.

and while i am fumbling around getting out the slingshot and loading the nut, i fear these B4**tards would be all over me and eat me for breakfast bah.gif

there are sometimes four of them dogs who join in. One time i did make the mistake to run and had all four of them after me.

I think the locals here if they did hear would now still be talking about the farang running down the soi swearing in thai and being being chased by a pack of angry mutts

I figure i can keep my distance with the high power vinegar pistol and have a good chance to make the shot..

with slingshot you only have one chance to get a good one away and reload again, and if miss the first time you will be toastlaugh.png


I did warn you all vinegar does not bother my soi dog nor does black pepper. Be careful.

Yes CMK, thanks for that. I did take note of what you said actually. i thought i would crush a bag of those really hot green chillies..the prick kee noo type...and soak in water and use that water instead of vinegar.

surely they would come back for more of that ??crazy.gifcool.png


''the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way animals are treated'' gandi

The best way to do this is by not making a slave of any animal.

I have a friend who is a dairy farmer. He buys all his feed from a brewery. He has a border collie who is blind in one eye. Best cow dog I have ever seen. Are the cows and the dogs slaves? No. They both work every day and both get food and shelter and affection and the dog won't touch a bite of his food until the cattle are all in the milking barn.


''the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way animals are treated'' gandi

The best way to do this is by not making a slave of any animal.

I have a friend who is a dairy farmer. He buys all his feed from a brewery. He has a border collie who is blind in one eye. Best cow dog I have ever seen. Are the cows and the dogs slaves? No. They both work every day and both get food and shelter and affection and the dog won't touch a bite of his food until the cattle are all in the milking barn.

They do a good job for the Massa then


A Postman friend of mine once told me that the most effective way to deter a Dog was a Water Pistol filled with Cloudy Ammonia. It was not neccessary to even get it on the Dogs head. Just the upper body or neck. Once they smell it they then sniff it. Then they are gone!!


''the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way animals are treated'' gandi

The best way to do this is by not making a slave of any animal.

I have a friend who is a dairy farmer. He buys all his feed from a brewery. He has a border collie who is blind in one eye. Best cow dog I have ever seen. Are the cows and the dogs slaves? No. They both work every day and both get food and shelter and affection and the dog won't touch a bite of his food until the cattle are all in the milking barn.

They do a good job for the Massa then

You aren't serious are you?


A Postman friend of mine once told me that the most effective way to deter a Dog was a Water Pistol filled with Cloudy Ammonia. It was not neccessary to even get it on the Dogs head. Just the upper body or neck. Once they smell it they then sniff it. Then they are gone!!

I agree .. I have used ammonia in a squirt bottle to deter possums and raccoons from living under my porch and in my garage... works great. Some squirt guns won't hold up long with ammonia but they are fairly cheap...

My feeling it is much better for the dog that we deter - train the aggressive dog with squirts of vinegar, ammonia, a smack with a stick (even with a sharp screw n it), a sharp sting with a sling shot delivered nut or a BB gun, etc... so that they begin to not be so aggressive to humans. Why? Because sooner or later overly aggressive dogs will meet an untimely end as their aggression leads to biting ... When the dog gets to be too much of a pain - someone will take stronger measures ... So - if one wants to be kind to street dogs - then kindness comes in the form of training with the methods described above... as they are not going to be sent to obedience school.


I have a friend who is a dairy farmer. He buys all his feed from a brewery. He has a border collie who is blind in one eye. Best cow dog I have ever seen. Are the cows and the dogs slaves? No. They both work every day and both get food and shelter and affection and the dog won't touch a bite of his food until the cattle are all in the milking barn.

They do a good job for the Massa then

You aren't serious are you?

I think he is. Some people can't understand that people have working dogs, which work hard but enjoy the work and are well looked after. That they are put to work makes some people equate them with slaves of the human. Weird world innit.


My dog has a job. She knows her job and does it well. She also likes to play fetch. I throw a stuffed toy and she runs after it and brings it back to me. She does not seem to tire of doing this. But if a stranger walks by when she is playing fetch as much as she likes playing she stops and does her job. Which is to bark at the stranger and scare him or her away from the house.

BTW I did not teach my dog her job. She did this on her own. We are her family and our house is her den and she has assumed the job of security. The same thing with dogs that are bred to herd. They will herd anything. Sheep, cattle or people. They like to herd things. I don't know why. I was there when a rancher offered my brother in law $30,000 for his dog with one eye. The brother in law laughed and said not for sale. The dog is part of his family and worth 3 men when it comes to herding cows.


While riding my bike today a dog came up and growled at me- threatening to bite. I stopped, jumped off and waved my stick at the dog, which like the cowardly curr it is ran off and hid under a car.

However, had I not had a stick, the result could have been very different. The dogs owner, who was nearby, did nothing to stop his mongrel attacking me.

While riding my bike today a dog came up and growled at me- threatening to bite. I stopped, jumped off and waved my stick at the dog...

I agree. When I can I slow and stop when a dog is chasing my motorbike. The dog's thought process when barking at a passing bike/person etc is that their barking has chased away the 'threat' so the dog's action is re-enforced for next time. I have taken to sitting in the garden of one house of a friend of my wife where their dog is instantly mad at my appearance, I visit occasionally. In a CM way I am showing the dog that I can 'own' that garden should I choose to.In that case it's a function of the dog as their three previous dogs loved me.

Some can be turned into allies. A near neighbor's dog used act very aggressive towards me, over the period of a month I was able to approach, sit and eventually stroke this little monster. Now I pick him up when he comes out to greet me and help his owner trim nails etc.

Yes, these are not soi dogs but are uncontrolled and have next to no training.

In a CM way I am showing the dog that I can 'own' that garden should I choose to.

And why would you do that for? Why not showing the dog, who's obviously very anxious/fearful about his safety, that you come as a friend and have no intention whatsoever in harming him?

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