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Thaksin Announces House Dissolution, New Election

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my 2 cents are: better have some civil unrest for a short time, kick out Thaksin. If Thailand can show that it can clean itself it is also good for the long term economic. Anyway Thailand is far away from beeing a democracy.

No, i believe violence is completely unacceptable. Especially now.

What many opponents of Thaksin disregard is, that this is a different situation than there ever was in Thailand. Thaksin has not just bought the votes upcountry, but because his easy loan scemes and consistent presence he has created a huge following. The vast majority of people in most parts of isaarn and the north genuinly see him as their savior. This was never before in modern Thai history, where previously most people upcountry were rather apathetc regarding politics. Politics was made in Bangkok, and politicians were for them almost all the same.

Thaksin has managed to bring politics into the villages. If he is brought down by violence in the city this is going to create a far more dangerous rift in the society than another election win of Thaksin.

He has to be brought down by peaceful means, even if that means that we have to live a bit longer with him. The people upcountry cannot be disregarded anymore this way. Accusing them to only vote for Thaksin because he bought their votes is highly arrogant.

He has to be brought down by the collapse of his party, and by the opposition spreading their political message upcountry, convincing people that Thaksin is cheating them. It is very short sighted by the parliamentary opposition if it joins the demonstartors by boycotting the election, because those parties have to accept that it was to a large part their fault that Thaksin has been elected in the first place. They have to come up with the tactics to get Thaksin elected out of office. And that should not be too difficult, it only takes a bit longer, because they have not yet started to do the job they should have been supposed to do a very long time ago.

Thaksin has created a genuine following of millions. Violence is not going to take this support away. Only peaceful, democratic means will. Violence is only creating counterviolence, and this is a vicious circle that Thai society does not need.

I recommend to learn history! Often very often violence formed a better future. All over Europe would be absolute monarchies if the french did not start to unrest against the king.....

USA would be controlled by England.....

Thaksin did not bring politics in the villages! Do you own a TV, what did you see from the ralles against him in TV? He did not bring politics in the villages he brought his propaganda there. How many people in Isaan think, whatever money they get is a personal gift from Thaksin (his own money, not the countries money). "Accusing them to only vote for Thaksin because he bought their votes is highly arrogant." loool: If I give them 500 Baht and a bottle lao kao they vote me. that might be arrogant, but it would work (as well it worked well for Thaksin, only that I have not as much budget). Here are all the basics of a democracy missing: "People select the best one out of their community". The political mafia has nothing to do with the "normal" people. The mass media aren't free, the internet is not free, the schools outside are with purpose bad and only propaganda. So called High So people don't even see the outside people as human (hint: try to discuss about human rights, you'll find out that for many rich people these rights do not apply for Isaan farmers, because they are for humans only, thats not my idea that is what the upper class is thinking).

... So called High So people don't even see the outside people as human

Oh dear. Another (reasonably) intelligent discussion being trashed by one of the board half-wits who want to turn everything into class warefare. Why don't you head off on a visa run, pal, and leave the adults to talk among themselves?

I recommend to learn history! Often very often violence formed a better future. All over Europe would be absolute monarchies if the french did not start to unrest against the king.....

USA would be controlled by England.....

Excuse me, i believe that i know my history rather well.

You though should have a look at contemporary Thai history. Thaksin did not come to power through a coup, neither is he an absolute monarch. You are completely off drawing comparism with feudal rulers in Europe and Thaksin.

Thaksin came to power by elections, and that due to the failure of the opposition parties to properly adress issues to the rural population. And, he was re-elected by a majority in Bangkok as well.

You apparantly have not much clue about the villages if you think he only has brought propaganda, and bought votes. He has brought lots of money into the villages through his easy loan scemes. and the opposition has failed to properly explain why those easy loan scemes are going to be catastrophic in the long term. Thaksin has a functioning party organisation at grass roots level with regular meetings in the villages. The opposition has completely failed to counter that, is simply not present in the villages other than just before elections. Yes, Thaksin brings his own slant to things, the problem is that the oppostion parties don't adress anything at all in the villages. They are a vacuum there.

The "political mafia" exists on all sides here in Thailand, Thaksin just makes better use of it. If Thailand ever wants to grow socially and politically, the opposition has to start doing what they are supposed to do, and maybe then a crook like Thasin has a far more difficult time to abuse the sythem.

It was made far too easy for Thaksin to come to power, to hold on to power BY THE OPPOSITION!

And as long as Thaksin opponents fail to see that, nothing will change here. No election, no demonstration, and for sure no violence.

And please, have a look at the major figures of the demonstrations please: a dubious media mogul that has supported Thaksin's worst policies, a nationalist-Buddhist fundamentalist who has not said a single word against the slaughter during the first two months of the drugwar, and a bunch of people whose main theoretical background is a revisionist historical book that advocates a return to absolute monarchy.

Can you tell me please where there is "democracy"? They are as undemocratic as Thaksin. Only Thaksin is far more screwd then them.


Breaking News

"3:05 pm: The Chat Thai resolves to boycott the April 2 election. Chat Thai leader Banharn Silpa-archa will send two representatives - Nikorn Chamnong and Smsak Prissanananthakul to participate in a press conference with the Democrat Party at the Sofitel Central Hotel at 3:30 pm."

The plot thickens!

ColPyat: "And please, have a look at the major figures of the demonstrations please: a dubious media mogul that has supported Thaksin's worst policies, a nationalist-Buddhist fundamentalist who has not said a single word against the slaughter during the first two months of the drugwar, and a bunch of people whose main theoretical background is a revisionist historical book that advocates a return to absolute monarchy."

Yes, there's some truth in what you say here, but also, undeniably, a lot of spin.

Sure some of the main characters of the People's Alliance For Democracy "can" be accused of having a somewhat dubious and murky background, but that isn't to say they should step down and let others lead the movement.

In the second world war, Churchill was a bit of a cowboy, and it took a cowboy - Churchill - to bring down another cowboy - Hitler.

Maybe a bit like now.

Also, IMHO, anyone will do - literally - so long as they've got the balls and temerity to attempt to remove a terrible dictator.

Excuse me, i believe that i know my history rather well.

You though should have a look at contemporary Thai history. Thaksin did not come to power through a coup, neither is he an absolute monarch. You are completely off drawing comparism with feudal rulers in Europe and Thaksin.....

It was made far too easy for Thaksin to come to power, to hold on to power BY THE OPPOSITION!

And as long as Thaksin opponents fail to see that, nothing will change here. No election, no demonstration, and for sure no violence.....

Can you tell me please where there is "democracy"? They are as undemocratic as Thaksin. Only Thaksin is far more screwd then them.

now, THIS is finally one post which makes sense and offers sober opinion - thanks, man !

in fact I'm quite surpised even to see such on TV anymore. seems like TV has improved somewhat, huh? if there are stilll (or already?) some people who can talk sense, NOT only useless Thaksin-bashing.

I agree with you. I don't think Thaksin or his opposition can be better. but Thaksin outsmarted them for sure. and Opposition either lazy or impotent or not clever enough - or all of these.

it is not enough to rally and critisize, as well as boycot the re-election. do your work with voters - masses, as well as all those things ColPyat has mentioned in his post, and more - whatever it is polititians' work. to wimper or to use more powerfull mesures as violence without any proper real agenda - is pointless.

WHOM Opposition has to offer who'd be better if at all? and why don't they, and then why don't they do same work as Thaksin and make their candidate win, if as they claim or think that masses realy prefer them and their candidate to Thaksin and his TRT.

I bet even IF another guy becomes a PM - very same issues won't stop. may be even more money would be pocketed and who knows what other things happen.

all those smart academicians - why don't they run their cnadidacy for election? seems like they are very smart and know better how this country should be governed. why not step up and compete for leading position? to talk is easy - to do work - not ! and talk is only thing they do so far. not even bopther to "go into masses" - as those Isaan rural areas as ColPyat has mentioned - or whatever other things to ensure that Thaksin, whom they critisize so much, won't win this time.

so, who wanna bet what and how much will change even if Thaksin losses re-election?

so, who wanna bet what and how much will change even if Thaksin losses re-election?

That's the beauty of the status quo. Contrary to popular belief, it IS perpetually changing. What's unfortunate is that the whingers and peons also seem to perpetually have the scheiss end of the stick. The key (IMHO) is not to whinge and allow yourself to be peed on, but instead to do something about your own situation.



so, who wanna bet what and how much will change even if Thaksin losses re-election?

That's the beauty of the status quo. Contrary to popular belief, it IS perpetually changing. What's unfortunate is that the whingers and peons also seem to perpetually have the scheiss end of the stick. The key (IMHO) is not to whinge and allow yourself to be peed on, but instead to do something about your own situation.


Please tell us how us ordinary 'Joes' can correct the issue with 1 million websites being shutdown, the press freedom limited and so on.

Go on, I really would like to hear it.


so, who wanna bet what and how much will change even if Thaksin losses re-election?

That's the beauty of the status quo. Contrary to popular belief, it IS perpetually changing. What's unfortunate is that the whingers and peons also seem to perpetually have the scheiss end of the stick. The key (IMHO) is not to whinge and allow yourself to be peed on, but instead to do something about your own situation.


Please tell us how us ordinary 'Joes' can correct the issue with 1 million websites being shutdown, the press freedom limited and so on.

Go on, I really would like to hear it.

Give me one particular ordinary Joe (and some pertinent details, location, income, occupation, education level, etc.), and I will generate a unique solution for him/her. Also, what is ordinary Joe's problem that needs to be corrected?



The opposition parties are fragmented and wherever that happens they will never win an election against a strong government. There are many parties in the UK but only 2 ever govern the country.

Unless Thailand can form one strong opposition party TRT will win every election ad infinitum. How can the people possible vote TRT out of office if they cannot see how to do it. Protest votes are common enough but they are only effective when there is one obvious alternative and the opposition parties take the decision not to stand against each other. However, they have to decide which candidate and which constituency they each stand the best chance of winning. Some hopes!

The solution for the opposition would be to stand just one candidate against every TRT candidate in every constituency, then the voters would have a simple choice. The other benefit for them is they may get more MP's elected and also it would offer them the chance to use the contents of their election funds more effectively.

There seems no evidence at this time that they have considered this strategy.

A dream, a dream, nothing but a dream!


Less than half of people agree with parliament dissolution decision: ABAC Poll

The popular ABAC Poll today released a result of its latest poll under the topic Appropriateness of Prime Minister Thaksin's decision of dissolving the Parliament and Opinions on the actual political situation.

The poll result says that, 37.4% of its respondents considered the decision of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's of dissolving the Parliament is the right thing to do.

The Poll Director, Dr Noppadol Kannika (นพดล กรรณิกา), officially announced the poll results that 37.4% of the respondents see the parliament dissolution as the right thing while 22.5% of the respondents oppose the doing. The remaining 40.1% have no comments.

The poll said that 74.1% of the respondents oppose to the the election boycott of the Opposition parties, in opposite to the 13.6%. The remaining 12.3% expressed no comments.

Source: Thaisnews.com ประจำวันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ 2549

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

The solution for the opposition would be to stand just one candidate against every TRT candidate in every constituency, then the voters would have a simple choice. The other benefit for them is they may get more MP's elected and also it would offer them the chance to use the contents of their election funds more effectively.

There seems no evidence at this time that they have considered this strategy.

The opposition did use this strategy in last year's by-elections in Udon Thani, Phichit, Uthai Thani and Ang Thong. They agreed that whichever opposition party had the strongest candidate would field the joint anti-TRT candidate. So Mahachon contested Phichit and Udon, and Chart Thai in Angtong and Uthai Thani. TRT ended up losing seats they previously held in Phichit and Uthai as a result, and held on to the Angtong seat by less than 500 votes!

If the opposition does end up contesting this election, I'm sure they would continue trying this, but now the situation is too confused, with the call for a boycott and all. Also, the problem is that Banharn is happy to sell himself to the highest bidder - and we all know who that bidder is.

One thing to keep in mind though. A Thammasart Prof on Nation TV earlier today said that if the the votes won by the Democrats and Mahachon in the last election were combined, TRT would have won 70 fewer seats! If the Democrats-Mahachon did choose to contest the election togehter, they would stand a good chance of ousting Thaksin, provided that the election is free and fair, which is by no means guaranteed.


I am sick of the farangs whose hatred of Thaksin stems from nothing more than them having to pay a few more satang for their visas :D:D:o

no it comes from the fact that i hate to see the poor thai people being ripped off and given no future by a person who is not even thai!!!!

After having a body count of 3,000+ extra judicial killings in the "drug on war" and some 80 handcuffed "insurgents" suffocated on a truck ride (just to mention two incidents), The Hague would be an option to consider.


TRT insists to send in candidates despite Opposition's boycott

The Thai Rak Thai party vows to send in candidates to run in the April 2nd's general election despite boycotts from Opposition parties.

The Secretary General of Thai Rak Thai, Mr Suriya Jungrungreangkit, said that the allegations made by Opposition parties saying the actual Constitution does not provide adequate fairness for the political competition is not true.

Mr Suriya said the Thai Rak Thai party will still be sending in candidates for the upcoming election, in accordance with the democratic regime, to let the Thai people choose the government once again.

As for the mass resignation of Wang Nam Yen cluster of Thai Rak Thai, Mr Suriya commented that the party will hold several gatherings in Wang nam Yen's base provinces to announce the party's policies. He said the people will understand even though the party has to send in new-faced candidates to run in the areas.

Source: Thaisnews.com ประจำวันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ 2549

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I am sick of the farangs whose hatred of Thaksin stems from nothing more than them having to pay a few more satang for their visas :D:D:o

no it comes from the fact that i hate to see the poor thai people being ripped off and given no future by a person who is not even thai!!!!

After having a body count of 3,000+ extra judicial killings in the "drug on war" and some 80 handcuffed "insurgents" suffocated on a truck ride (just to mention two incidents), The Hague would be an option to consider.

Hague? :D


Don't get me wrong. This is my democratic opinion and nothing personel :D:D:D

And when might we have the pleasure to read your educated opinion?

I just can't understand why this forum is filled with so many negative people. The admins should step in and delete those negative comment and etc... :D:D:D

...did Thaipro get a new nick? :o


the point is all politicians are self centred crooks, only interested in filling their cookie jars either now or after politics. bush, toxin, hamas, blair, they're all the same! :D

<deleted> them all, thats why i've moved away into freedom, rather being stateless and save my taxes for my own personal use! :D

suckers, welcome to the club!!! :o

would you rather we all joined up with the ayatolahs, read the koran, become good obediant islamic fundamentalists?

..maybe we should go around murdering people because of some cartoons?

I think democracy is the better option. ..even if it is not perfect.

Well, once again, 'haha'(sic), your comment reveals more about your own lack of comprehension than anything that has been said. :D


Don't get me wrong. This is my democratic opinion and nothing personel :D:D:D

And when might we have the pleasure to read your educated opinion?

I just can't understand why this forum is filled with so many negative people. The admins should step in and delete those negative comment and etc... :D:D:D

...did Thaipro get a new nick? :o

He shouldn't be banned, under any nic nor circumstances, even if he's too daft to post with a new IP.

Too much entertainment value to be missed.... :D

Keep it coming, my outstandingly successful 2nd-hand car dealer friend in Pattaya! :D

Sorry, it's not me. it's my crappy web connection which made this go tits up...

all those smart academicians - why don't they run their cnadidacy for election? seems like they are very smart and know better how this country should be governed. why not step up and compete for leading position?

If the academics do not step up to the plate, no matter what government is in power, they can continue to complain about and criticize the implementation of the government policies.

If the academics ran and were elected to government.

1:- they would have to implement policies that actually worked and were popular.

2:- they would be accountable for the policies they created that failed.

3:- the void created by the academics election would be filled with new academics who would complain and criticize the policies of the new Academic Government.

It's easy to criticize a government policy when you will suffer no repercussions from your criticism, someone or some group will always criticize government actions. The simple fact is that a government, be it Thai or otherwise, cannot and will not satisfy everyone.

I am sick of the farangs whose hatred of Thaksin stems from nothing more than them having to pay a few more satang for their visas :D:D:o

Thats because your a brain dead idiot that can`t see thaksin is only bringing down thailand.If he gets his way there will be no more tourists staying in thailand spending millions.his wife owns the land for the new airport.everything he does is not for the thai comunity its to pad his pockets with as much cash as he can before he is eventually thrown out of office.he has done nothing to help anybody but himself.the southern part of thailand would not be in the trouble that has been happening if it wasn`t for this moron running thailand.the good people of thailand deserve much better. :D

Thats because your a brain dead idiot that can`t see thaksin is only bringing down thailand.

the southern part of thailand would not be in the trouble that has been happening if it wasn`t for this moron running thailand.

Thailand's image internationally has actually gone up because of the Thaksin Government. Thaksin runs Thailand like a company and it is easy for pacific rim countries who also govern the same way to deal with Thailand.

Surely you don't suggest that Thaksin is single handedly responsible for the troubles in the deep south, they were going on well before he was born. The trouble in the south is more than governmental, it's similar to the French in Canada wanting to be recognized. They have a different religion, a different language, different schooling and a different predominately Malay culture. If you think that the situation will improve or go away with the removal of a single person you have a very shallow understanding of the situation. If you are saying that some of the actions of the government made the situation worse, I can't disagree with you, things could and should have been done differently, but they probably should have been done differently 100 years ago as well.

Why do all the anti-Thaksin people love complaining but provide no solutions? To me they represent the vocal MINORITY (aka whiners).

Would you rather have a leader chosen by election or by mob violence?

These seem to be the primary anti-Thaksin arguments, as well as my explanations to their faults:

-"He's buying votes"

Where do you get that from? Even if a poor person gets money under his authority, they are free to change their vote anytime they want.

-"Only the uneducated poor are voting for him"

Why would they choose him over someone else? Anyone else running can promise the same "vote-buying" activities.

-"He's corrupt"

He's a billionaire. He is less likely to be bribed than any other candidate. Who in Thailand has the ability to bribe a billionaire?

-"He's bad for the economy"

Who is better? A massage parlor king? A media giant that wants to overthrow legitimate governments?

-"The middle class wants someone else"

In a democracy, the majority vote gets to choose their leader. What would you rather have? A society where only the rich are allowed to vote?

-"According to the newspaper, Thai people want someone else"

The newspapers write stuff that sell, not that are true. And they generally don't represent the majority, just the whiners who like to blame their situations on others. The # of votes tell which leader Thais really want.

I still find it shocking that the protestors admit they won't accept the results of the election if Thaksin wins. It's getting obvious at this point that they don't respect democracy at all and are only doing this to get PMs that benefit them personally, and could possibly resort to violence to get their way.

great post!!!

if the anti-thaksin can't fathom the message that you are expressing, there is no hope for them.

someone else on this thread mentioned that I was a brain-dead, uncomprehending numbskull. but actually, I think it is the other way around.

qurkle, keep up the good work.

may the "truth" come out.


the point is all politicians are self centred crooks, only interested in filling their cookie jars either now or after politics. bush, toxin, hamas, blair, they're all the same! :D

<deleted> them all, thats why i've moved away into freedom, rather being stateless and save my taxes for my own personal use! :D

suckers, welcome to the club!!! :o

would you rather we all joined up with the ayatolahs, read the koran, become good obediant islamic fundamentalists?

..maybe we should go around murdering people because of some cartoons?

I think democracy is the better option. ..even if it is not perfect.

Well, once again, 'haha'(sic), your comment reveals more about your own lack of comprehension than anything that has been said. :D

yeah. I know. you are smarter than me. so, I should follow your lead. right?

Surely you don't suggest that Thaksin is single handedly responsible for the troubles in the deep south, they were going on well before he was born.

Thaksin though is single-handedly responsible for the escalation of the problems down south.

First he took the authority from the body that overlooked the south. Then he handed responsibility to the police, which had no intelligence sources whatsoever. People started disappearing, etc.

His comments on the disappearance of the lawyer were highly insensitive.

His handling of the Tak Bai issue was unbelievably bad. Remember his first reaction on the suffocated people? He said they must have been "weakened" by the Ramadan fast. He never apologised for Tak Bai, held back for almost a year proof that the demonstrators there were peaceful and the authorities initiated the violence. The guilty and convicted officers were punished only by restationing in other provinces (appearantly the loss of face was sever punishment enough).

He refused to engage in talks with the exile leadership of the pulo even though the pulo offered collaboration in order to bring peace to the south.

And now the worst - he completely shuns high ranked generals who have feasable peace plans for the south. These generals have already contacted the people who have successfully facilitated the peace process in Aceh. But Thaksin is refusing to have foreign bodys involved in the southern issue, it's his way, or no way.

And don't get me started on the miserable handling of the intelligence operations down south, and the political interference on every level of the embarrasingly little intelligence the authorities actually have, or the complete lack of any strategy, conflicting policies, etc...


Surely you don't suggest that Thaksin is single handedly responsible for the troubles in the deep south, they were going on well before he was born.

Thaksin though is single-handedly responsible for the escalation of the problems down south.

You are correct there in a way. The separatist movement (PLUO) began to use violent tactics in 2001 after the TRT, headed by Thaksin, formed the government. The Southern 4 provinces voted primarily Democrat but the separatists failed to run a single candidate in the 2001 or 2005 elections. There is an election coming and they once again have the chance to put forward candidates but they will not. The separatists have been targeting government officials, teachers, policemen and anyone it views as part of the establishment Buddhist and Muslin alike.

I'm really interested in a reply to the question below. Lots of people complain about the actions taken but don't put forth any concrete alternative to the action taken by the government. Go for it tell me what action would stop the unrest and how the government should implement it. There you go Your turn to be PM of Thailand for 5 minutes.

What should the government have done/should do when confronted by increasing numbers of drive by shootings, murders and bombings since 2001, from an anonymous group with the absence of any concrete demands?

I'll give you all some hints. When the FLQ was bombing in Montreal in 1963 the Canadian Government instituted martial law (War Measures Act). After the Hurricane in Louisiana earlier this year the US government sent in Regular army troops, contrary to the constitution, and did the same thing declared Martial Law.

Thailand's image internationally has actually gone up because of the Thaksin Government. Thaksin runs Thailand like a company and it is easy for pacific rim countries who also govern the same way to deal with Thailand.


That was a good one. So how did he do it? With the extrajudicial killing of 2000 alleged drug dealers? How about cozying up to the junta in Burma? Oh wait, that was in order to sell his stuff to the Burmese - after all, you say that Thaksin running the country like a company is what burnishes Thailand's image! :D

Fulungs do not have any right to comment about how Thailand runs it's affairs,we are guests in your country


Some are not guests anymore. They are tax payers and/or parents of a Thai national. Therefore they are allowed to speak out whenever Thaksin throws the state's money out of the window (through his populist policies). Those who pay the bill are not the guests but the hosts.


Thailand's image internationally has actually gone up because of the Thaksin Government. Thaksin runs Thailand like a company and it is easy for pacific rim countries who also govern the same way to deal with Thailand.


That was a good one. So how did he do it? With the extrajudicial killing of 2000 alleged drug dealers? How about cozying up to the junta in Burma? Oh wait, that was in order to sell his stuff to the Burmese - after all, you say that Thaksin running the country like a company is what burnishes Thailand's image! :D

wanted to post the same.....

Thailand has the worst image since a long time. And a country is not a company. And Thailand is not his company where he is allowed to take all the profit in his pocket.....

lukamar has either no idea about politics, is paid by thaksin or is simply a bit stupid

Fulungs do not have any right to comment about how Thailand runs it's affairs,we are guests in your country


Some are not guests anymore. They are tax payers and/or parents of a Thai national. Therefore they are allowed to speak out whenever Thaksin throws the state's money out of the window (through his populist policies). Those who pay the bill are not the guests but the hosts.

I call it paying guests like in a restaurant. You are a guest, but you can complain if the food is not good and thaksin is a bad cook :D

beside when it comes to human rights, you should protest and not just watch and tell its not your afair.

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