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Evidence Of Contact Uk Spousal Visa

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I am concerned with this question from the British Embassy "

  • Please also submit evidence of contact between you and your sponsor as well as confirmation from him that he supports your application."

I did send letter of introduction so I will send again but what can I send to show evidence of contact. They have a copy of my passport and visa pages. Should I send evidence for the airline bookings and credit card statements indication spending in Thailand. Not sure how that shows contact with my wife.

I can't send phone bills as my supplier wont give me itemised bills despite asking for them. I can't show evidence of skype . The wife send shed load of photos. We are going to get friends to send tesimonials and a testimonial from my 2 kids. I can't think of what else I can supply.

Also why wont the Embassy accept documents from other UK Government Depts. They say they want a P60 but won't accept an SA302.

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Flight confirmations for visits to each other, photos of the two of you together, email communications, letters/cards sent to each other. Do you use instant messaging apps to communicate (like Whatsapp)? Those sometimes let you download chat history..

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The wife sent a whole photo album so no problem there. I can send the flight confirmations but they have the visa pages from my passport. We use skype on a pc, not sure if that retains a record. Don't really communicate by mail but there are plenty of emails. I just amazed how much they require. Do they actually read and correlate all this crap?

They are bitching because I didn't send evidence of child benefit, well I did it is on the bank statements if they bothered to look but since my annual earkings are £44k why do they need to see evidence of and addition £1752 per year.

Surely if you exceed the minimum by a long way on earnings why ask about pensions and benefits?

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I just amazed how much they require. Do they actually read and correlate all this crap?

They are bitching because...

I realize that the whole process of getting a visa appears to be a pain in the ass. We were refused our first visa and the comments from the ECO included "you had not dated our photo's", I had, but on the reverse side, and the ECO didn't look, 'cos I hadn't told him.

You cannot assume that the ECO will come to the same logical conclusions that you do.

They have limited time to consider the application, so, make it easy for them. Include everything they require and present it in a logical sequence.

It is probably a little late now for you, but when we communicated on-line, I took photo's of the computer screen so that they were dated by my camera.

Include a cronological list of your travelling, so they do not have to trawl through your passport photocopies. I also included boarding cards and tickets.

I included copies of our emails, however, now it is suggested by contributers here that you copy only the email headers.

You are requesting the visa (for your wife) so make it as easy as you can for the ECO.

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I take you point but then why ask for so much information.

They want to know salary, right SA302, 1 page gives it. But then they want wage slips, confirmation letter from employer, bank statements showing wages in (I have 3 bank accounts so times that by 3), evidence of child benefit (on the bank statements but thet want confirmation from HMRC). That is 49 items to look through when one SA302 tells them what they need to know.

I am colating all this in a folder ready to send and I am already up to 59mb and still a long way to go. No wonder they dumped 16000 applications.

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I take you point but then why ask for so much information.

That question is really aimed at couples who apply for a visa but have never actually met, arranged marriages and the like or for those whose only contact has been via some dodgy website, the UKBA has a one size fits all application form.

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I take you point but then why ask for so much information.

They want to know salary, right SA302, 1 page gives it. But then they want wage slips, confirmation letter from employer, bank statements showing wages in (I have 3 bank accounts so times that by 3), evidence of child benefit (on the bank statements but thet want confirmation from HMRC). That is 49 items to look through when one SA302 tells them what they need to know.

I am colating all this in a folder ready to send and I am already up to 59mb and still a long way to go. No wonder they dumped 16000 applications.

What method are you using to meet the financial requirement ? I'm confused by the information you have given. I ask because SA302 is only necessary if you are self-employed. Wage slips are required if you are a salaried employee ( you can be both, of course, if you are self-employed and pay yourself a salary - that is when a P60 will be needed, and not an SA302 ).

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I'm still confused by the information you have given. Have you made an application, and if so, what did you put on the Appendix 2 ( vaf4a2) for evidence of meeting the financial requirement ? Are you meeting the requirement as a salaried empolyee, a self-employed person, or a combinatiion of both ? If it is a combination of both, then the SA302 alone is not sufficient.

I have no idea why they would ask about pensions and child benefit unless you mentioned these on the Appendix 2 ( vaf4a2) as additional forms of income. If you did, then that's why they are asking for more detail. Normally you have a time limit to produce this extra documentation ( 10 days is normal). If you don't provide it within the specified time, the aplication will be refused. Have they specified a time limit ?

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They specified 10 days but as far as I am concerned that have evidence of the child benefit, its on the bank statements, and without it I earn £44k per year. I will be pissed if they refuse the visa on the basis that I didn't provide evidence of the CB since I don't need it to meet the requirement. Hpefully I will get a letter from HMRC before then anyway.

I am not self employed but was advied to send the SA302 since the P60 doesn't give a figure for all earnings. I don't understand why you say the SA302 is insufficient on its own. HMRC are quite happy to tax me on £44k based on information on my self assessment.

If this is good enough for HMRC why not the British Embassy.

If the UK Goverment thinks that I don't earn £44k then I am owed a huge tax rebate.

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You may think that your SA302 and bank statements are enough proof that you meet the requirement, I may agree, the ECO probably agrees too; but the government have set the rules in stone and the ECO has absolutely no choice or discretion in the matter.

You say that you're not self employed, but you have an SA302; is that because you have unearned income which you are using toward meeting the financial requirement?

Is this your only source of income, or are you employed as well? If so, then your P60 is also required, as TVE has already said.

TVE is trying to help you, but cannot do so if you do not answer his questions!

If the information you gave in the application is as confusing and lacking in detail as the information you are posting here, it is no surprise that the ECO wants more information!

Throwing a hissy fit and proclaiming that you earn £44K wont get your partner a visa; giving the ECO the information the government demands they seek just may.

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Who is throwing a hissing fit. I am trying to understand what is required. So I send a P60 that says I miss the requirement. Fine I can send it. It shows that I don't meet the requirement. Then I have unearned income. I have sent the SA302 which show that I meet the requirement by showing earned and unearned income. Either way it comes back with a query.

Jeez trying to make it easier for these people gets you accused of having a hissing fit. There seems to be little point in posting any sort of a question here if when you ask one it is seen as a hissing fit.

I have sent them a letter of introduction. by mentioning that is that a hissing fit oh aand along with the passport with the dates I enterd and left Thailand.

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Who is throwing a hissing fit. I am trying to understand what is required. So I send a P60 that says I miss the requirement. Fine I can send it. It shows that I don't meet the requirement. Then I have unearned income. I have sent the SA302 which show that I meet the requirement by showing earned and unearned income. Either way it comes back with a query.

Jeez trying to make it easier for these people gets you accused of having a hissing fit. There seems to be little point in posting any sort of a question here if when you ask one it is seen as a hissing fit.

I have sent them a letter of introduction. by mentioning that is that a hissing fit oh aand along with the passport with the dates I enterd and left Thailand.

With respect, people here are trying to help you, but you seem to think that because you have shown UKBA evidence of income ( an SA302), the visa should be issued. It doesn't work like that, and that is what we have been trying to help you with. For instance, you say :

"They are bitching because I didn't send evidence of child benefit, well I did it is on the bank statements if they bothered to look but since my annual earkings are £44k why do they need to see evidence of and addition £1752 per year."

The reason they want to know how much you get in Child Benefit is because you cannot use Child Benefit to meet the financial requirement, so they are looking to subtract that amount from your claimed annual income, not to include it.

With respect, we understand your position, and most of us believe that the financial requirements are "over the top". But, the visa officer does not have, in law, any discretion to issue a visa if you don't provide the specified documentation. In fact, he could have refused it already, but he is giving you a chance. He will have no alternative but to refuse the visa if you don't supply what he asks for in the way of documentatioin to meet the financial requirement. Showing evidence of contact is a different matter,and there are no specified documents to show that.

Edited by ThaiVisaExpress
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There seems to be little point in posting any sort of a question here if when you ask one it is seen as a hissing fit.

Last October, over three months ago, you began a topic on this subject and were told then that you needed to complete the appendix and provide all the documents required.

You chose to ignore that advice.

You have posted since about this, and several members have tried to help and advise you. In order to do this they need more information than you have given about your circumstances and so have asked various questions.

You chose to ignore those questions.

Instead, to use your language, you simply bitch about the ECO wanting more documents; documents the law demands that he sees.

As TVE says, your wife's application could have been refused because you did not submit the required documents in the first place. But it wasn't; they gave you another chance.

It seems that, using your language again, you would rather bitch about being given that chance than actually take it and provide the documents they, by law, require.

Members of this forum, who give their time freely, cannot help you if you ignore their advice and don't answer their questions. No one can.

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