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Soi Dog Killing Cats, What Would You Do?


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^ There we go, Thank you

I will appeal to the local BiB and I'm sure a small fee will cover it.

It has also just been suggested we administer a large dose of sleeping pills so as not to induce unneeded panic .

Thanks for the replies

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Let Robblok have him, he does not think there is a problem.

I think its a windup story. I got 2 dogs and they chase cats and im sure they would bite a cat if they could get them. But in all my time i never seen them even get close to catching one. Its rare for a dog to be able to do that and then doing that many times like the OP says and insisting on the killing.. windup story.

It depends on the age of the cat. I had an older cat killed by a dog. I came home and discovered her laying on the grass with a giant bite mark on the neck.
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I am surprised no one has suggested a bullet.

Quick (humane), cheap.

This is very common method used by farmers. You might have a problem with discharging a firearm assuming you can get one. Or pay the local cop to do it for you. That way you won't have a problem with the law.

Local cop should do it for free. Its their job to keep the peace.
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Let Robblok have him, he does not think there is a problem.

I think its a windup story. I got 2 dogs and they chase cats and im sure they would bite a cat if they could get them. But in all my time i never seen them even get close to catching one. Its rare for a dog to be able to do that and then doing that many times like the OP says and insisting on the killing.. windup story.

It depends on the age of the cat. I had an older cat killed by a dog. I came home and discovered her laying on the grass with a giant bite mark on the neck.

Ok can accept that, cats here are generally not to old. Anyway i find the OP's story a bit strange and for every solution he has a counter always steering towards wanting to kill the dog. Anyway, I don't know the dog and I don't love all dogs ect ect. Just felt like a windup especially about multiple cats ect ect. Getting 1 cat.. sure it can happen.Anyway i would feel bad if my dogs did get a cat. But outside its as much the cats owners responsibility as the dogs owner. Just like if my dog gets hit by a car or something like that.

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^ There we go, Thank you

I will appeal to the local BiB and I'm sure a small fee will cover it.

It has also just been suggested we administer a large dose of sleeping pills so as not to induce unneeded panic .

Thanks for the replies

Good luck getting any sleeping pills. There're not given out here period.

But hope you find a solution with the dog.

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THanks for this response, but I think relocation is just subjecting other cats to death, and he will probably just comeback. These attacks are all at late night, they are for sport only as the animals are not eaten, noone responds to pleas to adopt him, and the dog needs to be put down, so just looking for humane suggestions.

"The neighbor plans to get poison, but what's a better relatively humane way ?" I wanted to say "wait, there is a local solution to expect soon."

Another solution would be, to migrate the dog to another location.

Or get him one of this fanncy 'taser' dog collars.

You push the remote, as soon he attacks something!

And what about cats killing birds for sports ? Is that any different ? Should they be put down too ?

if the birds are pets, sure.

or if they are chickens.

Edited by candypants
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i would kill it. this young dog is killing pet cats and chicken now, the next thing he would be attacking children

so natural progression of a dog attacking cats is to attack children, take it you know jack s**t about dogs

Same same weed gets you onto crack.

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Tie a cat around its neck and watch the malarkey...hours of fun for all the village.

Thats an idiotic post and actually a sadistic thought. Not funny if thats your aim.

Can I PM you next time for advice on funny prior to posting ?

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Let Robblok have him, he does not think there is a problem.

I think its a windup story. I got 2 dogs and they chase cats and im sure they would bite a cat if they could get them. But in all my time i never seen them even get close to catching one. Its rare for a dog to be able to do that and then doing that many times like the OP says and insisting on the killing.. windup story.

It depends on the age of the cat. I had an older cat killed by a dog. I came home and discovered her laying on the grass with a giant bite mark on the neck.

Ok can accept that, cats here are generally not to old. Anyway i find the OP's story a bit strange and for every solution he has a counter always steering towards wanting to kill the dog. Anyway, I don't know the dog and I don't love all dogs ect ect. Just felt like a windup especially about multiple cats ect ect. Getting 1 cat.. sure it can happen.Anyway i would feel bad if my dogs did get a cat. But outside its as much the cats owners responsibility as the dogs owner. Just like if my dog gets hit by a car or something like that.

We've had plenty of old stray cats around here.

Back in England my chavvy neighbours dog got my cat about 12 at the time, incidently when the arrogant chav and his mate came over with the dog, a torque wrench and a large wrench to 'warn' me for driving at 15 mph down the road. Seriously weird control freak bloke. Only 3 houses on the whole estate bothered to talk to the idiot. Anyway I'm rambling. He had no problem with letting his aggressive penis extension dog out and thought it would never do any harm although every other neighbour was sick to death of it.

He had no problem with the dog attacking my cat and told me to leave it. So I got a nice steel bar out the garage and introduced it to the dog and told the chav to ..... well I think you can guess and told him if I ever saw the dog over here again I'd finish the job. Never had any problem with the dog or him again.

There's my offer of a solution to the OP. thumbsup.gif

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Poison the dog. He's getting what's coming to him.

As much as I love moggies, that's not good advice at all.

I knew a bloke who had a problem with a Thai street dog, barking all night.. He baited meat with rat poison. The dog came and gobbled it down. The next day, same time, the dog was back barking for more.

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Anyone else find the OP a bit odd in how he talks about the dog?

Some of the wording used makes me think the OP thinks Dogs have the same mential capacity as humans..

Either way, if you are going to kill it I think finding a vet willing is the only humane option.. A bullet to the head does not guarantee death in every case and as others have mentioned, poisons can be painful and slow... I doubt we have any experts on the subject so I dont think its wise taking advise from here (unless we actually do have someone with knowledge on the forum).

You could also just put the dog in the car and move him to the other side of the city... Someone elses problem then... Chances are the dog is not going to come back if he does not have a reason to and by the sounds of it, no one is treating the dog very kind at the moment (for obvious reasons)

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Seriously don't poison the dog. That's just cruel and inhumane.

1.) Try a muzzle.

2.) Keep it in a fenced in area.

3.) Chain it up.

4.) See if they have those electric collars here in Thailand (or get one shipped here). Everytime the dog starts after a cat or a chicken give it a shock. It should learn pretty quickly not to chase after them anymore.

5.) Watch a few episodes of the Dog Whisperer and see if you can pick up some more ideas.

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i would kill it. this young dog is killing pet cats and chicken now, the next thing he would be attacking children

so natural progression of a dog attacking cats is to attack children, take it you know jack s**t about dogs

go figure it yourself. the dog in question is killing chickens and cats without the intention of eating. its aggression and territoriality issues, you let a soi dog climb up the alpha role, guess what?

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Cats are 10 times more destructive to native bird and animal life than dogs will ever be, and when was the last time you saw a cat with a bell in Thailand? Thais (and some falangs) are totally irresponsible when it comes to desexing their animals and cats tend to breed like rabbits. Unless you're prepared to keep a cat inside or in a cat run I'm all for shooting on sight, I'm sick of their screeching all night and sh*tting all over my lawn.

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^ There we go, Thank you

I will appeal to the local BiB and I'm sure a small fee will cover it.

It has also just been suggested we administer a large dose of sleeping pills so as not to induce unneeded panic .

Thanks for the replies

Good luck getting any sleeping pills. There're not given out here period.

But hope you find a solution with the dog.

Got off the plane after a long haul flight Saturday and was kept awake by noisy hotel guests. Yesterday purchased sleeping pills in bangkok and last night slept like a baby :)

Seems a bit harsh to kill a dog for doing what comes naturally to it, even pulling its teeth out would be kinder.

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Cats are 10 times more destructive to native bird and animal life than dogs will ever be, and when was the last time you saw a cat with a bell in Thailand? Thais (and some falangs) are totally irresponsible when it comes to desexing their animals and cats tend to breed like rabbits. Unless you're prepared to keep a cat inside or in a cat run I'm all for shooting on sight, I'm sick of their screeching all night and sh*tting all over my lawn.

Sure cats are 10 times more destructive and are killers for fun. No animal is like a cat maybe humas they kill for fun. But still its never fun if your cat gets bitten by a dog. I can understand the guys feelings. I do have the idea he is exaggeration the claims a bit to get ideas about killing the dog. Anyway if he wants it dead it will be dead and nobody will care. Maybe some Thais will and he will be in trouble but i doubt it.

I would not like it if my dog killed cats, i do know they chase cats, its normal. The cat is let out by its owner and so is the dog so both are responsible.

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^ There we go, Thank you

I will appeal to the local BiB and I'm sure a small fee will cover it.

It has also just been suggested we administer a large dose of sleeping pills so as not to induce unneeded panic .

Thanks for the replies

Good luck getting any sleeping pills. There're not given out here period.

But hope you find a solution with the dog.

Got off the plane after a long haul flight Saturday and was kept awake by noisy hotel guests. Yesterday purchased sleeping pills in bangkok and last night slept like a baby smile.png

Seems a bit harsh to kill a dog for doing what comes naturally to it, even pulling its teeth out would be kinder.

Soi dog gums pussy to death.....will be the next complaints.

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^ There we go, Thank you

I will appeal to the local BiB and I'm sure a small fee will cover it.

It has also just been suggested we administer a large dose of sleeping pills so as not to induce unneeded panic .

Thanks for the replies

Good luck getting any sleeping pills. There're not given out here period.

But hope you find a solution with the dog.

Got off the plane after a long haul flight Saturday and was kept awake by noisy hotel guests. Yesterday purchased sleeping pills in bangkok and last night slept like a baby smile.png

Seems a bit harsh to kill a dog for doing what comes naturally to it, even pulling its teeth out would be kinder.

Soi dog gums pussy to death.....will be the next complaints.

gums and pussy that sounds good to me.
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i would kill it. this young dog is killing pet cats and chicken now, the next thing he would be attacking children

so natural progression of a dog attacking cats is to attack children, take it you know jack s**t about dogs

go figure it yourself. the dog in question is killing chickens and cats without the intention of eating. its aggression and territoriality issues, you let a soi dog climb up the alpha role, guess what?

most dogs chase cats here and in the western world, do most dogs attack children? All soi dogs have an Alpha male, do the soi dogs all attack children? So soi dogs attack cats over territory issues, that's a first cheesy.gif
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The dog belongs to no one, he showed up last year as young adult stray , starving and was helped by a neighbor and has been a soi dog within the neighborhood and has been vaccinated, etc by various neighbors, me included.

That's (out of my point of view) is not really true!

You feed a dog one time, ok, not yours. but you start taking care it (vacinating, ect.), and no other human being shows up, to claim it: You are responsible for it.

Actually, we have this 'nice ' dog lady in Kata/Karon. Feeding this 'poor' stray dogs.

Besides, that many of them aren't really stray dogs, because they are only 'I don't wanna take care you' dogs, but still sleeping before one house, only:

She feeds 'em, but she doesn't get them sterilized/castrated.

What should be number one priority, for strays!

But what do i know?

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^ There we go, Thank you

I will appeal to the local BiB and I'm sure a small fee will cover it.

It has also just been suggested we administer a large dose of sleeping pills so as not to induce unneeded panic .

Thanks for the replies

Good luck getting any sleeping pills. There're not given out here period.

But hope you find a solution with the dog.

Got off the plane after a long haul flight Saturday and was kept awake by noisy hotel guests. Yesterday purchased sleeping pills in bangkok and last night slept like a baby smile.png

Seems a bit harsh to kill a dog for doing what comes naturally to it, even pulling its teeth out would be kinder.

o.o.T, but:

What kind of sleepin pills? Real one, or 'can use as'?



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^ There we go, Thank you

I will appeal to the local BiB and I'm sure a small fee will cover it.

It has also just been suggested we administer a large dose of sleeping pills so as not to induce unneeded panic .

Thanks for the replies

Good luck getting any sleeping pills. There're not given out here period.

But hope you find a solution with the dog.

Got off the plane after a long haul flight Saturday and was kept awake by noisy hotel guests. Yesterday purchased sleeping pills in bangkok and last night slept like a baby smile.png

Seems a bit harsh to kill a dog for doing what comes naturally to it, even pulling its teeth out would be kinder.

o.o.T, but:

What kind of sleepin pills? Real one, or 'can use as'?



I've found most pharmacies in Thailand will sell you just about any kind you want without a prescription.

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I've found most pharmacies in Thailand will sell you just about any kind you want without a prescription.

I beg to differ you are right for the tourist areas but other places the do uphold the law. If i want something like that i go to the tourist area's.

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