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Soi Dog Killing Cats, What Would You Do?


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Shame on the vet I say. coffee1.gif

The vets a Budhist

Actually he's Muslim, non practicing as far as I know -he's talked me into putting other animals down when I didn't want to. And he had a weird reason-asked me to consider if I would want to be killed if I did something wrong ?

He's a vet. He's trained to heal sick animals not to kill them because you've taken a dislike to them.

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Shame on the vet I say. coffee1.gif

The vets a Budhist

Actually he's Muslim, non practicing as far as I know -he's talked me into putting other animals down when I didn't want to. And he had a weird reason-asked me to consider if I would want to be killed if I did something wrong ?

He's a vet. He's trained to heal sick animals not to kill them because you've taken a dislike to them.

If the guy is for real (i still doubt it) then the vet sized him up correctly and acted accordingly.

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Wasn't just me and the dog was going to be poisoned, so I have no regrets for my actions, other than not taking it a week earlier.

The Vet's suggestion of dumping him at a temple is as irresponsible a solution as it gets. I did ask if he would first neuter the dog for no charge. Nope, so.... Dog gets off lucky as is in a compassionate shelter, though maybe they will dump him elsewhere, at least he will be sterilized, just hope he doesn't find his way back.

Shame on the vet I say. coffee1.gif

The vets a Budhist

Actually he's Muslim, non practicing as far as I know -he's talked me into putting other animals down when I didn't want to. And he had a weird reason-asked me to consider if I would want to be killed if I did something wrong ?

He's a vet. He's trained to heal sick animals not to kill them because you've taken a dislike to them.

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^ 94

Sorry no gory details. post 87 above has this update

After the local foreigner run shelter told me they would not take the dog as they won't euthanize healthy dogs, and would not be able to adopt him out, the Thais neighbor who lost chickens called today and spoke with Thai staff and suddenly the dog is a recognized danger and was accepted to that shelter.

So as much as I considered beating him to a bloody- fuzz pulp or see him vomit or choke until his eyes popped out I just couldn't and seems he gets a second chance.

I did scrawl Cat Killer on him with permanent marker .

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I think there are some stupid and careless cats. I have no doubt that my dog would kill cats if he could catch them. There are at least three cats that come on the property and the dog hasn't managed to catch any of them.

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I think there are some stupid and careless cats. I have no doubt that my dog would kill cats if he could catch them. There are at least three cats that come on the property and the dog hasn't managed to catch any of them.

Have you tried food rationing?

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I think there are some stupid and careless cats. I have no doubt that my dog would kill cats if he could catch them. There are at least three cats that come on the property and the dog hasn't managed to catch any of them.

Have you tried food rationing?

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Can you get some chlorophorme or aether? I used C. to put

mice down which were injured by my cat.

Once the dog is asleep, some local farmer might find a way to do it quickly.

Some poison leads to internal bleeding which should be painless -

and I heard of anti freeze working when drunk with water.

it is your responsibility to end this - or do you want the future killings

on your karma?

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Can you get some chlorophorme or aether? I used C. to put

mice down which were injured by my cat.

Once the dog is asleep, some local farmer might find a way to do it quickly.

Some poison leads to internal bleeding which should be painless -

and I heard of anti freeze working when drunk with water.

it is your responsibility to end this - or do you want the future killings

on your karma?

Yes and you will forever have the death of all the mice and other animals your cat slaughters on your karma... time to get grilled i think cats are killing machines and you enable them too. biggrin.png

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I think there are some stupid and careless cats. I have no doubt that my dog would kill cats if he could catch them. There are at least three cats that come on the property and the dog hasn't managed to catch any of them.

Well the final straw was Strawberry Short One Eye, who was just that. I did let him in for his handicap, Or he sometimes went up on the porch roof to sleep, but would need help getting down He got dumped on my door as a 12 week old, with his little eye hanging out by the nerve practically, from a severe infection. Dumped by the same neighbors who have the cat killing dogs procreating. ( They are Muslim , too ) ) I had tied the dog up, he got away.

Sammy Whisker was attacked by OP Cat Killer Dog and his co-hort- brother, probably.

Cat KillerDog did act conflicted when I chased those other dogs off.

Bent Tail Mel is now stub tail Mel after his rectum was savaged by the two other siblings, or mother possibly. Vet did a good job patching up his colon and butt hole using his tail. That was the beginning that I know of when Cat Killer Dog started to join in.

Cat killer two nites earlier, woke me up late barking killed a 10 month female whom I just paid 800 baht to fix, he ripped into her incision. She took about 15 minutes to die, maybe I should have let him finish, but ..

I do know I almost lost a cat last year to a green snake. The Bent-tail brother of Stub-tail Mel, he also had his rectum injured, flesh eating snake bacteria was eating it away. Now he's No -Tail

These cats were adopted out of that same shelter, btw

Yes, there are hazards, but too many too keep in, but if predation is the way to go, then I'm actually the top predator.

Dogs must go.

Can you get some chlorophorme or aether? I used C. to put

mice down which were injured by my cat.

Once the dog is asleep, some local farmer might find a way to do it quickly.

Some poison leads to internal bleeding which should be painless -

and I heard of anti freeze working when drunk with water.

it is your responsibility to end this - or do you want the future killings

on your karma?

The dog was taken to a shelter. The best I hope for is they will fix him, and dump him elsewhere.

Can you get some chlorophorme or aether? I used C. to put

mice down which were injured by my cat.

Once the dog is asleep, some local farmer might find a way to do it quickly.

Some poison leads to internal bleeding which should be painless -

and I heard of anti freeze working when drunk with water.

it is your responsibility to end this - or do you want the future killings

on your karma?

Yes and you will forever have the death of all the mice and other animals your cat slaughters on your karma... time to get grilled i think cats are killing machines and you enable them too. biggrin.png

Edited by MacChine
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Thank you

I saved that mutt, too, with a deworm. No good deed...We get a lot cats through here, a few I've gotten attached to but Strawberry was really special. Maybe a little kitten with an eye dangling out- really just makes you react compassionately.

[sigh] Even the dogs are two faced users.

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Over the last two years, we have lost around 50 turkeys and chickens to dogs. We have walling around most of the land but there's one strip of hedge that's secure until the neighbors clear the undergrowth right along it when they take the cassava. Despite all the measure we have taken to stop dogs getting in, they are in as soon as the tractor leaves.

A few weeks ago, we caught dogs owned by close neighbours munching o two of our banties on our land. The owner of one at first denied that her dog would do such a thing but, when my wife told her that the thing was still out back having his chicken breakfast she said nothing more. when she then laughed as I tried to get to the other dog with a pepper spray, she laughed.

It's the last straw, as they say, that breaks the camel's back. Neither of us kill animals deliberately but the attitude of the neighbour was enough to turn us into determined dog killers. Chicken neck stuffed with rat poison is all that's needed. They die a death no more unpleasant than do the cats and chickens they catch. The culprits were dead two days later. To eat the poison they had to get onto the land again. As you might expect, we were the bad guys, not the owners of the dogs.

Partly because of this and partly because I think that home defence will become more important over the next few years, we have upgraded our stock of intruder deterrents. 38 hollow points, to be precise. Perhaps a pump action shot gun would be handy outside the house too. Before anyone kicks off about that, we are responsible gun owners, keep the weapon safe according to the normal rules and train and practice at a gun club.

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