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French people don't surrender, French politicians surrender, please don't forget how many battles and wars have been fought and won in the previous 3 centuries by gallant and fearless French.
True, French soldiers have earned their reputation for bravery the hard way. But let's not forget how many times the British have beaten them in the same period, starting with the Duke of Marlborough in the War of the Spanish Succession and ending with Wellesley spanking Napoleon at Waterloo. Since then, the frogs have realised they are second best and have left us alone. As for the better relations, maybe that's why French ghettoes are full of unemployed Algerians, Tunisians and Moroccans.
Do the French have something against Super-Powers?

You bet they have. Massive resentment and an inferiority complex which has spiralled out of control ever since the US and UK had to rescue them from their own collaborationist government in WWII.

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it is not just the French that have the problem with the ghettos, the dutch have the same, even the spanish have got it too. The sad thing is with all low quality immigration you will get the dregs of society, take a look around London and you will see the eastern block pimps running the sex trade, the West African drug dealers, all the low down and evil sides of things that run in our glorious nation by the worst kind of people, let in through poor and ineffective immigration control.

I am afraid this all sounds like right wing claptrap, but let me assure you it is and has been the downfall of our once glorious nation, we have let it all get out of hand and now it has bitten us in the bottom like a bottom biting thingy!

This is just one of the reasons I left our green and pleasant lands for one with a tad more sunshine and a few less of our brown brothers. (Excepton Sukhumvit soi 3) Poor old Enoch Powell must be turning in his grave.


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