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Tough Guy's In Thailand


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I can never understand these people,who gives some one a warning,that will certainly put the opposition on guard

That's what I thought. I was also thinking "Go outside where?" This is a busy area with many bars and a mall across the street.

I was very polite to the guy, but after I left he kept on staring at me while I was sitting with my friends?

Everyone else was having a good time anyway.

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In my fitter, stronger, faster 20's I was in a bar in Sukhumvit with a handful of equally fitter, stronger, faster 20 somethings....

An older fellow, perhaps in his 50's, over weight and clearly drunk decided he didn't like me.

We weren't even sat near him, we simply passed by as we walked into the bar, I was the first in line.

The old guy stopped me and got a little aggressive with me but I couldn't understand him. I think this might have irritated him more. He pulled a pen knife (a small one with a 1" blade). I just walked away...

I had no idea what he was thinking, or what he thought I'd done to upset him.

I'm not sure who was lucky that day... walking away was obviously the right thing to do, but I often wonder what would have happened had he pushed his luck and tried to stab me.

Edited by richard_smith237
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Unfortunately you have some of these fools around,some areas here more than other.They usually don`t mix well with alcohol because of different "mental" issues and a life as lowbreedes...when they got that stupid look in their face and start measuring people up,it`s time to leave.Dumb <deleted> sad.png !!!!!!!!!!

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The booze, the heat and the girls make some think they have been transformed into Rambo. Usually 2 week tourists who are afraid to walk the street at night in their home country.

It's part of any holiday place, be it Thailand or Spain. Seen them and not worth may time or effort to indulge their fantasies. Jim

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I had this happen once - only the other way around... he was about age 25 or so - half my age ... He kept making a jackass out of his self. Called me an old man and that he was going to kick my ass. All this came after I genuinely offered congratulations for a big sale he had made that day (several mutual buddies had been talking about it). He came around and tried to get a head lock on me ... But he regretted the whole thing as he ended up with black eyes and on the floor.. So - guys it is not always the old guy -- it is just some guys are dumb jackasses - get drunk and well you know the story... age is not the real factor.

In general it would be a young guy thing i guess. Older guys often are more mellow.

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Spend most of my working life in one type of blue suite or other and can usually pick who is for real is not. Real ones are not picking fights in bars.

Some crazy people out there that are just mean bad asses, but they spend most of their time in prison. Jim

unfortunately some good fighters do pick fights, i know a pro boxer who goes out looking for fights evey weekend, I know him but i certainly dont hang with him.

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The people that pick these fights are also the ones we usually read about found with a bag over their head tossed by the road, or that receive a beating from a mob of Thais. Take comfrot in the old saying, that if you give enough rope to someone, he'll hang himself.

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