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Sunday food. Nothing special, I just wanted to share as I made food by myself first time for months smile.png

is that ketchup? why man, why?

I love ketchup! I also love tomatoes and ketchup is like heavenly concentration of the tomatoes.. with lovely sugar and vinegar. I know some people don't value this amazing sauce.

To put in the photography terms. Some people like black and white shots and I like overly vivid colors :)

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Presentation is important as well, oilinky...coffee1.gifwink.png . I behave like a cave man when it comes to food myself,

but ripping the casing of an old fan and use it as an instant barbeque would seem too barbaric to this girl:rolleyes.gif

Fair and Festival Nakhon Sawan 2013

Didn't get a good shot on the creator but she(notice the look on her face on pic 1) seemed very proud of

the fact that i was taking pictures of her sweetswink.png .

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Edited by Dancealot
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I ate at this restaurant half an year ago. Ever since I tried to find the place and failed. I rode around Phuket Town at least 10 times without success. Today I found the place again.

They have some local dishes, which I have not seen anywhere else. I did not really knew how to eat this one, until I spied how the people at the table on the right ate it.

The place have an unique atmosphere. Very old and traditional Thai-Chinese place, where people are simply nice to everybody. That's not always the case in busy towns.

While eating there, there was a old, financially poor person sitting on the next table. He had 20 bath bill on his hand, waiting for food.

That reminded me of this image I saw at Imgur some time ago. http://imgur.com/gallery/9d9Ymdi People at Napoli buy their coffees and sometimes have Pending coffees as well. These are coffees paid by the people who are doing well financially and served to the less fortunate. Great idea. So I had my lunch, paid for two and made at least three people happy.

After that, memory bring up old things I have seen here. Some restaurants do this frequently. Give free food for poorer people. No fuss, just a simple act of kindness, which can be found in many places. Probably this restaurant has been doing it for decades already.

Restaurant with an hearth


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Dancealot, unfortuntly the flash backs of horror memories over whelm me when I see that, nothing to do with your actual image though !!!!!

It defiantly made some emotion in this viewer !!! thumbsup.gifbah.gif

Some of the sweets in post #191 you did have given me some ideas though thumbsup.gif

Edited by Chao Lao Beach
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Dancealot, unfortuntly the flash backs of horror memories over whelm me when I see that, nothing to do with your actual image though !!!!!

It defiantly made some emotion in this viewer !!! thumbsup.gifbah.gif

Some of the sweets in post #191 you did have given me some ideas though thumbsup.gif

I am glad you oblige.


Which sweet are you talking about?

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Again this burgerw00t.gif . How about a thin crusted pepperoni pizza(No beetroot) from the pizza company?

attachicon.gifIMG_2244 (1000 x 750).jpg

They do a ok Bacon pizza, but the peperonia they use is horrible tasteless fake stuff. Don't waste your baht, I did !!!

nar, no beetroot on a pizza, but a burger is not complete with out bacon and beetroot. IMO


Edited by Chao Lao Beach
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Again this burgerw00t.gif . How about a thin crusted pepperoni pizza(No beetroot) from the pizza company?

attachicon.gifIMG_2244 (1000 x 750).jpg

They do a ok Bacon pizza, but the peperonia they use is horrible tasteless fake stuff. Don't waste your baht, I did !!!

nar, no beetroot on a pizza, but a burger is not complete with out bacon and beetroot. IMO


Now i see it too, YOU PERVERT! laugh.pngbiggrin.png

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A decent and quality breakfast at the Riverside view Hotel in Phitsanulok 2013


Noodles with fried egg and vegetables/ fried egg/ grilled chicken simmered in red wine.

Edited by Dancealot
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This is a special pic.

Wormfarmers' prepard food for isaan farmers meeting #8. With special thinks to his wife and daughter.

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Center : Huge SomTamPoo. This one was medium spicy not too much on the lime and not too little on the sugar.

Left : Tasty fried chicken and above left two grilled tilapias covered in rock salt(bought at the market).

Right : Astonishing Yammoo, perfectly balanced flavoures between chili, mint and shallotes, spring union, coriander and of course fish sauce.

Top : Vegetables/ Cabbage and long beans to wash away the spicyness.

Top below : Two grilled fish she caught and prepared herself, delicious

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Tomatoes and caramelized onions ready for the cooking pot, at one of Samui's best Indian restaurants! thumbsup.gif

You took this shot from their kitchen?....w00t.gif

Duh yes!!!! ..... tongue.png it was not at the dining table..... now was it! blink.pngbiggrin.png

Duh!! I mean they didn't allow me in there...... Must have been Krishna who let you in whistling.gif .

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Three types of Thai Northern sausage done in a spring roll casing, seriously, just unbelievable.


Same restaurant......the best Larb Todt i have ever tasted, the texture was just superb, the taste sublime. So good that my Thai companions ordered more as they couldn't believe it either.


Og....sorry there's on three on the plate, they were that good we forgot to take the photo. biggrin.png

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