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Guns On The Road.


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Its helped a lot in Australia. Not so easy to go out and get a gun anymore and seek a quick vengance. True, criminals still get them, but if your caught, then your in big trouble. Id dare say shootings here have dropped considerably since we brought in anti gun laws. Im a good guy and just because I dont have a gun, I dont feel vulnerable, nor would most Aussies.

Krisb, Thailand isn't Austrialia. There is no real rule of law in Thailand. Such topics are discussed regularly here. Yes, if you get caught with a gun in Australia or Canada or Britain you know what will happen. The same is true in the US if you violate a gun law. That just isn't true of Thais. It has a lot more to do with who you are, who you know, and tea money.

You would never get guns out of the hands of criminals in Thailand. Many of the guns they have now are "illegal." All you could do is get them out of the hands of law abiding people.

That makes no sense to me and never will. Disarm the law abiding, and let the criminals continue to run amok as they already do.

Yeh but Thailands not Australia either. Get caught with a gram of cocaine of a few exctasy tablets and you wont do 30 years. Your post is what makes no sense. To accept the culture of owning a gun in Thailand and thats how Thailand is, thats giving up to easily.

I say bring in severe sentences for carrying guns in public or owning a gun unregistered. Only the bad guys do this and they need a stint in Bangkok Hilton to wake them up.

Krisb, this is wishful thinking. I have to deal with reality, and the reality is that Thailand has made it apparent that there is no uniform rule of law. It is apparent that there is a gun culture with a very high death rate in Thailand. As an individual, I can't change other people much less a government. The truth is that there is danger from guns in Thailand, there will be for the rest of my life, and I can only control what I do.

I've posted this in other threads, with links before, so I'm not going to look it up again. In the US the homicide with gun rate per capita has dropped by about 1/2 in the past 20 years. While the lame stream media doesn't report it, this coincides with so many states loosening up their carry laws. While the bad guys always had guns, now so many more good citizens do. The applications for carry licenses have skyrocketed as have legal firearm sales. The bad guys now don't know who is carrying.

The most dangerous place I can think of in the US other than the bad inner cities is in a school. That is because so many states have made schools "gun free zones" and no one but a police officer may legally carry in a school. This makes everyone in the school a sitting duck against an insane person with a gun. Many places are now considering letting citizens and teachers carry guns in schools to deter would-be killers. It is, and always has been legal for licensed citizens to carry guns into schools where I live, and guess what? None of them has ever carried out a shooting. If there is a shooting, it would still be by an insane criminal and he might get quickly mowed down by a citizen(s). I will never understand a law which makes it possible for only insane criminals to carry a gun in a public place.

I posted this too, but in the US every year there is something like 9,000 people killed by gun murder. This is mostly criminal on criminal, but it is still a high number. A link was posted showing that Thailand, with 1/4 the population, has twice that many gun murders. Thailand is dangerous.

I also posted that the US gun crime rate had dropped by 1/2 and is still dropping. I also posted a link where about 2 million US citizens use a gun each year to defend themselves, usually without firing a shot. There can be no record of how many gun crimes are avoided simply because the bad guy has no idea how many good citizens around him are armed.

Is a criminal going to pull a gun in a bar when a bunch of the good patrons in there may be armed? I am allowed to carry a gun into a school or into a bar and I do. The only person I could ever be a problem for is that lone insane criminal who decides he wants to shoot the place up. The recent horrible shooting in a school in the US was in a gun-free zone where no one had a gun except the shooter. That shooter knew he wouldn't be challenged.

When you have a culture where guns are wanted by the people, you aren't going to get rid of them. You aren't going to get rid of them in Thailand. The only possible defense against that is to arm the good guys and give the bad guys something to worry about.

The wishful thinking of disarming Thailand is only that - wishful thinking.

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I was offered a choice of 2 guns last week, .38 and a 9mm, 50,000 and 70,000 respectively.

With Ammo.

If it's legal, I would far rather have the 9mm. It's going to be semi-auto, likely hold more rounds, and the ballistics of the two are almost identical. Bullet diameter and weight, bullet speed, all about the same. But the .38 will be a revolver, probably holding 5 or 6 rounds.

Edited by NeverSure
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Wow, I just walked to Chula and apparently a motorbiker got really upset about one of the Chula buses crossing the road. I'm not quite sure, I think he had to stop because of it but the traffic lights were red anyway, smallish road between National Stadium/MBK and Chula. Well, the biker started shouting at the bus driver who just went on with his route and then the biker took something out of his pocket, unwrapped it and I thought it was a phone and he'd call police or his wife to moan about the situation. Nope, it was a knife, he opened it and started driving after the bus, still yelling and cursing and after a while just stopped and drove off o_O. 3pm in the middle of Bangkok, for no real reason.

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