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My Wifes Itchy Bum Indicates Rain And Other Psychic Abilities...


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Seriously, her bum cheeks gets itchy a day before rain and its accurate! I used to think "what are you on about"?, but these days I just accept it as its gonna rain and its her bum thats forecast it! In the village her family and friends actually use it to decide going to work or not. I dont understand it, but its true and no, its not a case of not being clean or worm problem, its like a special gift she has, present from Buddha!

Another one not only myself has noticed, also a friend of mine that also has a Thai wife, is Thai girls seem to be psychic. Not in the sense of picking lotto numbers, but the sense being in tune with what people around them are thinking and doing. Shes always predicting things about myself and others a bit to well at times. My wifes not the only one to do this, my mate says his wifes also really good with what seems to be similar to psychic ability.

So what is it?...the mystic east perhaps?...Is it just us imagining this?

Anyone else out there notice anything similar?

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I have several damages in joints, and I felt weather changes in one knee in Europe (but not in Thailand).

My mother also get some problems, like headache or blood pressure issues on weather changes.

But I must note where we come from the weather changes can be extreme in air pressure and temperature, as it is close to mountains.

So why not someone can feel lesser changes....nothing to do with magic, just air pressure, moisture, electric things maybe....

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If I was you I would be looking a bit more closely at your wifes amazing bum!

It could be able to also predict futures in the stock market or football results, say, just think?

Edited by enyaw
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I feel a little out of sorts when it is going to rain, I didn't get this in Europe. So instead of thinking that I am about to die, I predict rain. My wife no longer scoffs. After my magic pendulum demonstration to find a lost locket I think I may have a reputation in the village.

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It is commonly accepted that animals have far greater sensitivity than humans. Family pets know when the master is coming home far sooner than members of the family. Eminent neurologists state that we use about 5% of our mental powers. It follows that the ability to forecast rain or other events is not in itself that unusual , but by means of ones rear end? Are you saying in a roundabout way that your wife has got her head stuck up her ass?

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I have the opposite after too much spicey food. I can't predict if it will be a wet one or not.

Anyway it's not that much of a talent, most people just stick their finger in it,

the wind that is.

When I fart in bed I know there is a big Thai storm coming my way

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Could be ants in her pants. In NW Aust I was shown that when the termites did renovations on their mounds all at the same time it would rain 3 weeks later. Accurate every time. How they knew 3 weeks in advance got me, the weather bureau with all their high tech stuff is lucky to be accurate for the next 24 hours.


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Hey I dont understand either. Looks same as any other to me but seriously Im not joking.

Here, take a look at my favorite barometer...Looks like the rest of em.


Edited by krisb
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Could be ants in her pants. In NW Aust I was shown that when the termites did renovations on their mounds all at the same time it would rain 3 weeks later. Accurate every time. How they knew 3 weeks in advance got me, the weather bureau with all their high tech stuff is lucky to be accurate for the next 24 hours.


My wife told that when the ants go a lot upstairs it indicates floods are coming. I think more that they can feel that heavy rain will come and of course floods come in times with heavy rains. I guess opening the dam upcountry in the dry season will catch the ants wet.

That ants may bite the wife, cause itching.....

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