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Wikileaks Founder Assange To Run For Senate In Australian Election


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The bottom line is Julian Assange is a real, live, courageous whistle-blower who has exposed serious crimes committed by the U.S. government.

Now please consider just how much fairness and justice do you honestly think the U.S. government would afford this man.

Also, his so-called sex crimes in Sweden are a clearly a political smoke-screen.

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Because Australians support the underdog and a sense of fair play, which he certainly hasn't had

You assume iJulian s an underdog and not a narcissistic manipulative specimen and, you voice the opinion of a older male.

I am sure there are a large number of women that do not share your views.

They will think about his treatment of women before they vote for him.

Not every Australian male is easily conned or suckered, although judging by the number of Australians ripped off in Patong, I do wonder if the sun makes some Australians susceptible.

IMO the public support for Assange isn't there. In case you missed it, there is a shift to a law and order sentiment. Have a look at the news and you'll see people that would otherwise be your "liberal" sympathizers of underdogs demanding the imposition of draconian laws to curb house parties that go wild. Years ago, no one would have though about giving the police the powers proposed now. By the same token, the typical taxpayer doesn't care about Assange. Why should they?The man has not done anything for Australia and only rediscovered his patriotism once he got into trouble. It is not as if Assange has a history of working for the betterment of Australia. The man never did anything on behalf of any Australian has he? Did he work for some group helping the poor or disadvantaged? Did he help the elderly or the infirm? Did he advance science or the humanities? He did however, manage to party heartily and to allegedly use the wikileaks funds for his own personal benefit. His former colleagues do not speak highly of the man and have exposed a lot of sordid details that Assange fought hard to keep concealed. Isn't it slightly curious that Wikileaks insiders have not really taken to the man's defense with gusto?

Correct me if If I am wrong but I also believe you are a male although I have no knowledge if you are young or old, although that's irrelevant anyway.

In any case, you and I both ( as males ) have very limited insight into the real feelings of women over this matter.

However I do believe one person who has a deep understanding about the farce these allegations represent is Naomi Wolf, who herself in her own words has” spent two decades traveling the world reporting on and interviewing survivors of sexual assault “.

I have followed all her writing and contributions regarding the Julian Assange case and equally I believe a lot of women will take notice of her scathing attack’s on those that are pursuing him.

My favourite passage that she wrote was this

Anyone who works in supporting women who have been raped knows from this grossly disproportionate response that Britain and Sweden, surely under pressure from the US, are cynically using the serious issue of rape as a fig leaf to cover the shameful issue of mafioso-like global collusion in silencing dissent. That is not the State embracing feminism. That is the State pimping feminism.

This is not a comment about Assange but I am rather amused by the idea of someone crediting Naomi Wolf with so much authority...I've read a fair bit of her work and seen her thoughts in interviews and such. Have you?

EDIT TO ADD: Wow. I just read that piece by Wolf. If this is supposed to support Assange's innocence:

"...men are pretty much never treated the way Assange is being treated. in the face of sex crime charges" along with a long bit about war criminals who got away with rape in various countries and sex traffickers in Thailand not being prosecuted and...

Where shall I begin?

sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Assange has had ample oppotunity to state why he advertised US military movements he got of a US soldier and advertised it on Wickileaks, which put the lives of US, Aussie, English and other soldiers lives at risk. The man was in charge of the site and has a case to answer. He is not only a traitor to Australia, but also to the US, England and the other countries that had and have soldiers in that war zone.

Anything he gets he has coming to him. He like most rats want the cash and the glory, but when caught cry about the deaths he caused or possibly caused. He should be prosecuted to the highest degree and punished the same.

This bloke is not an underdog, he is a dog and Aussies wont support him. If he has nothing to worry about, let him come out from the Embassy in Britain and face up to what he said did not happen. Then it's fair play.

So many have been quick to accept at face value the U.S. government's warning that Wikileaks has "put lives of soldiers at risk." However, to date not one instance has been documented to show that any soldier (or anyone else) has been killed or even hurt by the Wikileaks releases.

Now, consider for just a moment how many needless military (and innocent civilian) deaths have been caused by the U.S. government.

Then tell us who should be held accountable.

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Assange has had ample oppotunity to state why he advertised US military movements he got of a US soldier and advertised it on Wickileaks, which put the lives of US, Aussie, English and other soldiers lives at risk. The man was in charge of the site and has a case to answer. He is not only a traitor to Australia, but also to the US, England and the other countries that had and have soldiers in that war zone.

Anything he gets he has coming to him. He like most rats want the cash and the glory, but when caught cry about the deaths he caused or possibly caused. He should be prosecuted to the highest degree and punished the same.

This bloke is not an underdog, he is a dog and Aussies wont support him. If he has nothing to worry about, let him come out from the Embassy in Britain and face up to what he said did not happen. Then it's fair play.

So many have been quick to accept at face value the U.S. government's warning that Wikileaks has "put lives of soldiers at risk." However, to date not one instance has been documented to show that any soldier (or anyone else) has been killed or even hurt by the Wikileaks releases.

Now, consider for just a moment how many needless military (and innocent civilian) deaths have been caused by the U.S. government.

Then tell us who should be held accountable.

Are you not implying a false dichotomy?

The effects of security leaks are by no means easily established tangible and/ or identifiable and specific instances. He may have done damage and perhaps he deserves to be held accountable for that.

As for how many deaths caused by the US government were "needless", that's far from easily established or agreed upon. Nonetheless, one would hope people responsible for such could be held accountable if it could be established.

Holding one party accountable for any misdeeds by them does not preclude holding another responsible for any of their own.

In other words; who should be held accountable for doing wrong? Anyone that does it. It's not an either/or case.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Assange has had ample oppotunity to state why he advertised US military movements he got of a US soldier and advertised it on Wickileaks, which put the lives of US, Aussie, English and other soldiers lives at risk. The man was in charge of the site and has a case to answer. He is not only a traitor to Australia, but also to the US, England and the other countries that had and have soldiers in that war zone.

Anything he gets he has coming to him. He like most rats want the cash and the glory, but when caught cry about the deaths he caused or possibly caused. He should be prosecuted to the highest degree and punished the same.

This bloke is not an underdog, he is a dog and Aussies wont support him. If he has nothing to worry about, let him come out from the Embassy in Britain and face up to what he said did not happen. Then it's fair play.

So many have been quick to accept at face value the U.S. government's warning that Wikileaks has "put lives of soldiers at risk." However, to date not one instance has been documented to show that any soldier (or anyone else) has been killed or even hurt by the Wikileaks releases.

Now, consider for just a moment how many needless military (and innocent civilian) deaths have been caused by the U.S. government.

Then tell us who should be held accountable.

Are you not implying a false dichotomy?

The effects of security leaks are by no means easily established tangible and/ or identifiable and specific instances. He may have done damage and perhaps he deserves to be held accountable for that.

As for how many deaths caused by the US government were "needless", that's far from easily established or agreed upon. Nonetheless, one would hope people responsible for such could be held accountable if it could be established.

Holding one party accountable for any misdeeds by them does not preclude holding another responsible for any of their own.

In other words; who should be held accountable for doing wrong? Anyone that does it. It's not an either/or case.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Personally I think when it comes to the 14th of September Australians couldn't care less about American Politics.
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Assange has had ample oppotunity to state why he advertised US military movements he got of a US soldier and advertised it on Wickileaks, which put the lives of US, Aussie, English and other soldiers lives at risk. The man was in charge of the site and has a case to answer. He is not only a traitor to Australia, but also to the US, England and the other countries that had and have soldiers in that war zone.

Anything he gets he has coming to him. He like most rats want the cash and the glory, but when caught cry about the deaths he caused or possibly caused. He should be prosecuted to the highest degree and punished the same.

This bloke is not an underdog, he is a dog and Aussies wont support him. If he has nothing to worry about, let him come out from the Embassy in Britain and face up to what he said did not happen. Then it's fair play.

So many have been quick to accept at face value the U.S. government's warning that Wikileaks has "put lives of soldiers at risk." However, to date not one instance has been documented to show that any soldier (or anyone else) has been killed or even hurt by the Wikileaks releases.

Now, consider for just a moment how many needless military (and innocent civilian) deaths have been caused by the U.S. government.

Then tell us who should be held accountable.

Are you not implying a false dichotomy?

The effects of security leaks are by no means easily established tangible and/ or identifiable and specific instances. He may have done damage and perhaps he deserves to be held accountable for that.

As for how many deaths caused by the US government were "needless", that's far from easily established or agreed upon. Nonetheless, one would hope people responsible for such could be held accountable if it could be established.

Holding one party accountable for any misdeeds by them does not preclude holding another responsible for any of their own.

In other words; who should be held accountable for doing wrong? Anyone that does it. It's not an either/or case.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Personally I think when it comes to the 14th of September Australians couldn't care less about American Politics.

Not sure what that has to do with my post but...OK! (Personally I think no matter where you are from, the US matters, like it or not).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Will even one of you Assange apologists provide a link that proves the US has either indicted Assange or issued an arrest warrant for him?

Forget the conspiracy theories and give some thought to Assange's obvious paranoia.

Looks like a smoke screen argument to me.

The 800-lb gorilla in the room is the world's one superpower that has other countries falling over each other in their scramble to kiss the superpower's arse.

It's best to keep focused on the 800-lb gorilla before he completely ruins our world.

That would mean your answer is..."No, I cannot provide a link to support the conspiracy theory that the US has charged Assange with anything."

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The bottom line is Julian Assange is a real, live, courageous whistle-blower who has exposed serious crimes committed by the U.S. government.

Now please consider just how much fairness and justice do you honestly think the U.S. government would afford this man.

Also, his so-called sex crimes in Sweden are a clearly a political smoke-screen.

Smoke screens seem to be everywhere these days. Mostly coming from Assange apologists.thumbsup.gif

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Will even one of you Assange apologists provide a link that proves the US has either indicted Assange or issued an arrest warrant for him?

Forget the conspiracy theories and give some thought to Assange's obvious paranoia.

Looks like a smoke screen argument to me.

The 800-lb gorilla in the room is the world's one superpower that has other countries falling over each other in their scramble to kiss the superpower's arse.

It's best to keep focused on the 800-lb gorilla before he completely ruins our world.

I am not a cheer leader for the US. However, when the US makes mistakes it does try to rectify them, unlike many others. When countries stop trying to leverage off US/Western shared intrinsic values & support you can guarantee their will be a whole world of hurt.

Right now I cannot see any workable alternative political philosophy or leadership outside of the Western democracies; can you?

you obviously took the blue pill.


You only need to see what's happening in Europe to realise this is not democracy. It's an oligarchy of banksters working in collusion with bought off politicians.


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Will even one of you Assange apologists provide a link that proves the US has either indicted Assange or issued an arrest warrant for him?

Forget the conspiracy theories and give some thought to Assange's obvious paranoia.

Looks like a smoke screen argument to me.

The 800-lb gorilla in the room is the world's one superpower that has other countries falling over each other in their scramble to kiss the superpower's arse.

It's best to keep focused on the 800-lb gorilla before he completely ruins our world.

I am not a cheer leader for the US. However, when the US makes mistakes it does try to rectify them, unlike many others. When countries stop trying to leverage off US/Western shared intrinsic values & support you can guarantee their will be a whole world of hurt.

Right now I cannot see any workable alternative political philosophy or leadership outside of the Western democracies; can you?

you obviously took the blue pill.


You only need to see what's happening in Europe to realise this is not democracy. It's an oligarchy of banksters working in collusion with bought off politicians.


Easy to critic and of course they are flaws in the process of governing and decision making, but you did not answer the question

Edited by simple1
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The bottom line is Julian Assange is a real, live, courageous whistle-blower who has exposed serious crimes committed by the U.S. government.

Now please consider just how much fairness and justice do you honestly think the U.S. government would afford this man.

Also, his so-called sex crimes in Sweden are a clearly a political smoke-screen.

Smoke screens seem to be everywhere these days. Mostly coming from Assange apologists.thumbsup.gif

The smokescreen is attaching all this importance to the to alleged rape of two ladies by one party and then totally ignoring the cold-blooded murder of half a dozen people, including children by another party which is not even alleged because it's clearly documented on video footage.

Edited by midas
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The bottom line is Julian Assange is a real, live, courageous whistle-blower who has exposed serious crimes committed by the U.S. government.

Now please consider just how much fairness and justice do you honestly think the U.S. government would afford this man.

Also, his so-called sex crimes in Sweden are a clearly a political smoke-screen.

Smoke screens seem to be everywhere these days. Mostly coming from Assange apologists.thumbsup.gif

The smokescreen is attaching all this importance to the to alleged rape of two ladies by one party and then totally ignoring the cold-blooded murder of half a dozen people, including children by another party which is not even alleged because it's clearly documented on video footage.

Yep...you still can't answer my question.

GIVE ME A LINK...or it is still a conspiracy theory.

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Not when it come to the Australian electorate voting at the election. If joe citizen in Australia want's to vote for julian then America and American politics mean nothing. Sorry maybe I have the wrong topic.wai.gif oops. Who moved the Julian Assange for Senator topic????

Edited by chooka
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The bottom line is Julian Assange is a real, live, courageous whistle-blower who has exposed serious crimes committed by the U.S. government.

Now please consider just how much fairness and justice do you honestly think the U.S. government would afford this man.

Also, his so-called sex crimes in Sweden are a clearly a political smoke-screen.

Smoke screens seem to be everywhere these days. Mostly coming from Assange apologists.thumbsup.gif

The smokescreen is attaching all this importance to the to alleged rape of two ladies by one party and then totally ignoring the cold-blooded murder of half a dozen people, including children by another party which is not even alleged because it's clearly documented on video footage.

Yep...you still can't answer my question.

GIVE ME A LINK...or it is still a conspiracy theory.

You know very well because you responded directly to the moderators warning yourself that it is not a question of can't answer but that it is off topic

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The bottom line is Julian Assange is a real, live, courageous whistle-blower who has exposed serious crimes committed by the U.S. government.

Now please consider just how much fairness and justice do you honestly think the U.S. government would afford this man.

Also, his so-called sex crimes in Sweden are a clearly a political smoke-screen.

Smoke screens seem to be everywhere these days. Mostly coming from Assange apologists.thumbsup.gif

The smokescreen is attaching all this importance to the to alleged rape of two ladies by one party and then totally ignoring the cold-blooded murder of half a dozen people, including children by another party which is not even alleged because it's clearly documented on video footage.

Yep...you still can't answer my question.

GIVE ME A LINK...or it is still a conspiracy theory.

( p.s. I think this action be USA has inflamed the situation even more. And judging by the favourable response to a question at the bottom of the page, I would say he now has a pretty good chance of winning Senate seat

thumbsup.gif )

Edited by midas
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( p.s. I think this action be USA has inflamed the situation even more. And judging by the favourable response to a question at the bottom of the page, I would say he now has a pretty good chance of winning Senate seat

thumbsup.gif )

Then 87% of the responders are fools, unless he swears an oath that he will no longer disseminate classified material.

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That is far from a credible source about a legal issue. "THE US military has designated Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as enemies of the United States ...." So he has been charged with what? Nothing.

In your case Credo even if there was a link to a copy of the extradition warrant itself you would find some flaw in it?


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( p.s. I think this action be USA has inflamed the situation even more. And judging by the favourable response to a question at the bottom of the page, I would say he now has a pretty good chance of winning Senate seat

thumbsup.gif )

Then 87% of the responders are fools, unless he swears an oath that he will no longer disseminate classified material.

Quite the opposite! I think 87% would be voting for him so he keeps up the good work and revealing information about illegal activities by governments

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Will even one of you Assange apologists provide a link that proves the US has either indicted Assange or issued an arrest warrant for him?

Forget the conspiracy theories and give some thought to Assange's obvious paranoia.

Looks like a smoke screen argument to me.

The 800-lb gorilla in the room is the world's one superpower that has other countries falling over each other in their scramble to kiss the superpower's arse.

It's best to keep focused on the 800-lb gorilla before he completely ruins our world.

That would mean your answer is..."No, I cannot provide a link to support the conspiracy theory that the US has charged Assange with anything."

I probably would have tried to answer your question but it seems to relate to someone else's post. It had no connection with anything I posted.

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That is far from a credible source about a legal issue. "THE US military has designated Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as enemies of the United States ...." So he has been charged with what? Nothing.

In your case Credo even if there was a link to a copy of the extradition warrant itself you would find some flaw in it?


That's where your wrong. I don't really care one way or the other, but the fact is there is nothing to support this conspiracy.

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That is far from a credible source about a legal issue. "THE US military has designated Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as enemies of the United States ...." So he has been charged with what? Nothing.

In your case Credo even if there was a link to a copy of the extradition warrant itself you would find some flaw in it?


That's where your wrong. I don't really care one way or the other, but the fact is there is nothing to support this conspiracy.

Then there would be very simple for them to state that publicly?

smile.png The fact is there is nothing to support continued blandishments and attempted reassurances that they don't want to get their hands on him?

So far better for him to adopt a conservative approach (I mean just based on history can USA be considered trustworthy?

giggle.gif )

Edited by midas
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That is far from a credible source about a legal issue. "THE US military has designated Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as enemies of the United States ...." So he has been charged with what? Nothing.

In your case Credo even if there was a link to a copy of the extradition warrant itself you would find some flaw in it?


That's where your wrong. I don't really care one way or the other, but the fact is there is nothing to support this conspiracy.

There is no conspiracy about Julian running for the Austrlian senate.....

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That is far from a credible source about a legal issue. "THE US military has designated Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as enemies of the United States ...." So he has been charged with what? Nothing.

In your case Credo even if there was a link to a copy of the extradition warrant itself you would find some flaw in it?


That's where your wrong. I don't really care one way or the other, but the fact is there is nothing to support this conspiracy.

Then there would be very simple for them to state that publicly?

smile.png The fact is there is nothing to support continued blandishments and attempted reassurances that they don't want to get their hands on him?

So far better for him to adopt a conservative approach (I mean just based on history can USA be considered trustworthy?

giggle.gif )

You have nothing to support your claim, so now it is up to the gov't to publish some sort of disclaimer? How about a list of everybody who is not wanted? Oh, that probably wouldn't be good enough either.

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( p.s. I think this action be USA has inflamed the situation even more. And judging by the favourable response to a question at the bottom of the page, I would say he now has a pretty good chance of winning Senate seatthumbsup.gif )

Then 87% of the responders are fools, unless he swears an oath that he will no longer disseminate classified material.

Wow, you certainly do have a high opinion of yourself . . . branding 87% of responders as fools. Though I am quite certain that you are both a MENSA member as well as a Rhodes scholar your answer makes you look the fool . . . an arrogant fool.

I doubt Assange would, get 87% of the vote in an election but it does seem as though he would do well, having proven himself to not be someone easily cowed by 'the big boys'.

I'd rather have someone like Assange cleaning up the political scene than just another career politician

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( p.s. I think this action be USA has inflamed the situation even more. And judging by the favourable response to a question at the bottom of the page, I would say he now has a pretty good chance of winning Senate seatthumbsup.gif )

Then 87% of the responders are fools, unless he swears an oath that he will no longer disseminate classified material.

Wow, you certainly do have a high opinion of yourself . . . branding 87% of responders as fools. Though I am quite certain that you are both a MENSA member as well as a Rhodes scholar your answer makes you look the fool . . . an arrogant fool.

I doubt Assange would, get 87% of the vote in an election but it does seem as though he would do well, having proven himself to not be someone easily cowed by 'the big boys'.

I'd rather have someone like Assange cleaning up the political scene than just another career politician

At little like being against democracy. Edited by chooka
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Discussion of the US being after Assange is off-topic. Continue posting about it at your own peril.

It is pretty obvious it is a conspiracy theory only.

A pity you followed a warning with a post that no one is allowed to respond to.

Edited by FDog
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( p.s. I think this action be USA has inflamed the situation even more. And judging by the favourable response to a question at the bottom of the page, I would say he now has a pretty good chance of winning Senate seat

thumbsup.gif )

Then 87% of the responders are fools, unless he swears an oath that he will no longer disseminate classified material.

Quite the opposite! I think 87% would be voting for him so he keeps up the good work and revealing information about illegal activities by governments

like this.....................


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