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Zimbabwe Checks Its Bank Balance, Finds Only $217


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The statement that it was Mugabe and the expropriation of white farmers that turned a bread basket into a dust bowl is false. Climate change is doing that. Zimbabwe has experienced continuous droughts since the turn of the century. I doubt that white farmers could conjure up more water somehow. They would pull out by themselves now, unable to produce any crops in a new desert.

that's a cop out. an adept farmer can grow plenty amounts of useful crops - even w low water.

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Those bloody white farmers ran off with it all when we burn't them out. We could have been a prosperous nation and the food bowl of Africa if it wasn't for white interference.

The idea of taking over the plantations and turning the white farmers out was to farm the land themselves,what happened to that idea? before it all turned back to Jungle?

If only it did turn to jungle, that would actually be good as there would probably be some wildlife to eat then.

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