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Yingluck Stresses She's Real Prime Minister


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ah well in that case because you said it !! lol

But the real point here is not whether we believe her or not. Its whether the Thais do. She will probably know the rest of the world will laugh at that but what is Joe Bloggs in the remote village going to think. That's anyone's guess I suppose but more than likely they will fall for it.

She will get away with it because she is not dealing with a sceptical and questioning population. Thai politics is about as deep as the puddle outside my door. Just need to get the price of rice, oil and eggs down and your a great prime minister ! In my opinion that's why Abhisit was always doomed. He was ahead of his time. He should of rocked up 50 years later !

Let us not forget getting the farmer's selling price of rice, palm and rubber up !!!

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"The media can see that Cabinet members cannot use even mobile phones during Cabinet meetings," Yingluck said when asked to confirm whether Thaksin was Skyping Cabinet sessions.

I for one didn't know the media was allowed to be present during cabinet meetings.

This is another non-denial:

- media can see no mobile phones usage during cabinet meetings

So, next we'll get

- media can also see all ministers c.s. have notebook with Windows7/8 and skype or instant messenger ?

Edited by rubl
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Ok, there is no democratically elected government where everything is just peachy. The key phrase that I used would be free election. The last election was monitored extensively by the international community and no widespread fraud was observed. I don't think that comparing Thailand to Iraq under Hussein is a valid analogy, and I doubt if you really do either.

You go on as if you assume that I dispute the results of the election, I don't, I dispute the notion that simply gaining a majority on an election is the basis for a democratic system of government.

If the end all of the idea is the one with the most votes wins, and that is that then I must have wasted a lot of time in civic studies learning the intricacies of the different forms of democratic government, the prerequisites for them and the mechanisms that ensure that the government works for all the people in a country and is accountable to them.

You seem to be arguing that since they won the election we should just shut up at seeing how the government is run by remote control by a fugitive living in another country (there goes the accountability), one sentenced for conflict of interests while PM, AKA using the public office to enrich his private accounts (which points at why there needs to be accountability).

One of the prerequisites for a functional, healthy democracy is an informed population; if we would just shut up about what we perceive to be wrong and simply accept what the incumbents feed us then that can hardly lead to an informed population.

Now you may be perfectly happy to go along with Yingluck's lies, but some of us have different standards. (it may come with being a bigot I suppose)

Given the number of Cabinet Ministers and others present at Cabinet meetings. I find it hard to believe

not one of them would point to the fact that Mr. Thaksin would be giving direction. I would like to see proof

of this. Otherwise I am only reading the malcontent of Yellow Shirts and thier sympathizers.

I challenge you to find one single post of mine were I supported the Yellow Shirts.

What, none?

As for proof, it's all over the place, even in this thread, haven't you even read the first post linking to the article? Have you pair any attention to what goes on with the PTP government over the last 18 months and during the election?

You don't want to see proof, you just want to see what you want to see.

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Imagine if T was just a self-exiled self-aggrandizing Thai politician who had no affiliation with Ms Yingluck. Then imagine he would contact her and her top people constantly to tell them who to appoint and what policies to enact. In that case, surely Ms Yingluck would tell that person to stop calling and stop meddling in government affairs.

Of course, nothing remotely like that is happening.

The best proof that she is not controlled by her brother, is to either not communicate with him and/or disagree with him publicly on one or more policy issues.

thai women are known for their honesty 100% lol

You would trust a Farang more ?

Yes. I don't trust all farang, but I generally trust them more than Thai men or women. I've had enough biz dealings with Thai to know that a verbal or 'gentlemen's' agreement doesn't account for anything. Their 'word' on something means absolutely nothing

The sacriest thing for Thaksin now would be if Yingluck really does start to believe that she is running the country, and shuns his advice.

True, see my comment on that above.

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Given the number of Cabinet Ministers and others present at Cabinet meetings. I find it hard to believe

not one of them would point to the fact that Mr. Thaksin would be giving direction. I would like to see proof

of this. Otherwise I am only reading the malcontent of Yellow Shirts and thier sympathizers.

PULL YOUR HEAD OUT BRO and stop listening to your red shirt gf.

“He’s the one who formulates the Pheu Thai policies,” said Noppadon Pattama, a senior official in Mr. Thaksin’s party who also serves as his personal lawyer. “Almost all the policies put forward during the last election came from him.”

“We can contact him at all hours,” said Charupong Ruangsuwan, the interior minister and secretary general of Mr. Thaksin’s Pheu Thai Party.“If we’ve got any problem, we give him a call,” Mr. Charupong said.


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Her party was democratically elected in a free election. More Thai citizens chose her party over any other. And she doesn't have to shut down websites and media outlets or imprison people without due process to stay in power. If you believe in democracy, accept her and hope she does her best. If you don't believe in democracy, just keep posting your ridiculous crap. Thankfully most of the Thais don't care about your bigoted opinions.

Democracy / PTP - cheesy.gif

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Her party was democratically elected in a free election. More Thai citizens chose her party over any other. And she doesn't have to shut down websites and media outlets or imprison people without due process to stay in power. If you believe in democracy, accept her and hope she does her best. If you don't believe in democracy, just keep posting your ridiculous crap. Thankfully most of the Thais don't care about your bigoted opinions.

what a great laugh this post is cheesy.gif , do you really believe this, if so then you are one of the brainless idiots that think she is actually doing her job. Free election, I doubt it, it cost her brother a hell of a lot of money to pay for all those that voted for her and organize all the transport etc, you really do need to look more deeply into things before putting your foot into your mouth.

Accusations without supporting evidence are nothing more than the ramblings of a brainless idiot with his foot in his mouth. You need to learn that there is a Thailand outside of Bangkok.
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I really do wish PM-Yingluck well, and hope she will take control & be her own person as former-PM Samak had started to do, but I also have this recurring mental-impression of an old-fashioned Punch-and-Judy Show, a sort of traditional seaside glove-puppet entertainment we have in the UK. smile.png

Mrs-Punch (who looks a little like Ms Yingluck), dressed at a female-PM, stands centre-stage, waving her handbag (shades of Maggie Thatcher) and stamping her foot, and saying "Hello Children, I'm The Prime Minister !"

Chorus from the assembled children (or it may be TV-posters) : "Oh No You're Not !"

"Yes, Yes, Really I AM !"

Then a crocodilian-grin is seen from the shadows behind her ...

"Look Out, There's A Crocodile !" the children warn.

The puppet (or it may be a clone) turns, and the Crocodile dodges away, out-of-sight.

She turns back, and again the audience shout to warn her "Look Out, It's a Crocodile (or it may be a former-PM) !"

Once more, she stamps her feet, and insists "No, See, It's Not There, I Really Truly AM Prime-Minister, As My Brother Told Me I Would Be !"

"But Big Brother's Right Behind You !"

"Yes" she replies, "And He Told Me He Would Be Behind Me Always, When He Showed Me Where To Sign, On The 'PM-for-a-Day/Month/Year' Application-Form !"

Comic-Policeman Character enters, and fails to see or arrest the Crocodile, in exchange for a suitable sum or libation or Cabinet-post.

Crowd of kids gives up in disgust, and exits right-stage, shaking their heads. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ricardo
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Her party was democratically elected in a free election. More Thai citizens chose her party over any other. And she doesn't have to shut down websites and media outlets or imprison people without due process to stay in power. If you believe in democracy, accept her and hope she does her best. If you don't believe in democracy, just keep posting your ridiculous crap. Thankfully most of the Thais don't care about your bigoted opinions.

what a great laugh this post is cheesy.gif , do you really believe this, if so then you are one of the brainless idiots that think she is actually doing her job. Free election, I doubt it, it cost her brother a hell of a lot of money to pay for all those that voted for her and organize all the transport etc, you really do need to look more deeply into things before putting your foot into your mouth.

Accusations without supporting evidence are nothing more than the ramblings of a brainless idiot with his foot in his mouth. You need to learn that there is a Thailand outside of Bangkok.

see post #132 . . . and do your own research . . the information (aka evidence) is out there, whether people choose to accept it or believe it is up to them.

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I really do wish PM-Yingluck well, and hope she will take control & be her own person as former-PM Samak had started to do, but I also have this recurring mental-impression of an old-fashioned Punch-and-Judy Show, a sort of traditional seaside glove-puppet entertainment we have in the UK. smile.png

Mrs-Punch (who looks a little like Ms Yingluck), dressed at a female-PM, stands centre-stage, waving her handbag (shades of Maggie Thatcher) and stamping her foot, and saying "Hello Children, I'm The Prime Minister !"

Chorus from the assembled children (or it may be TV-posters) : "Oh No You're Not !"

"Yes, Yes, Really I AM !"

Then a crocodilian-grin is seen from the shadows behind her ...

"Look Out, There's A Crocodile !" the children warn.

The puppet (or it may be a clone) turns, and the Crocodile dodges away, out-of-sight.

She turns back, and again the audience shout to warn her "Look Out, It's a Crocodile (or it may be a former-PM) !"

Once more, she stamps her feet, and insists "No, See, It's Not There, I Really Truly AM Prime-Minister, As My Brother Told Me I Would Be !"

"But Big Brother's Right Behind You !"

"Yes" she replies, "And He Told Me He Would Be Behind Me Always, When He Showed Me Where To Sign, On The 'PM-for-a-Day/Month/Year' Application-Form !"

Comic-Policeman Character enters, and fails to see or arrest the Crocodile, in exchange for a suitable sum or libation or Cabinet-post.

Crowd of kids gives up in disgust, and exits right-stage, shaking their heads. rolleyes.gif

So brilliantly accurate lol . . . that one needs to be posted in the Thai newspapers!

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Her party was democratically elected in a free election. More Thai citizens chose her party over any other. And she doesn't have to shut down websites and media outlets or imprison people without due process to stay in power. If you believe in democracy, accept her and hope she does her best. If you don't believe in democracy, just keep posting your ridiculous crap. Thankfully most of the Thais don't care about your bigoted opinions.

what a great laugh this post is cheesy.gif , do you really believe this, if so then you are one of the brainless idiots that think she is actually doing her job. Free election, I doubt it, it cost her brother a hell of a lot of money to pay for all those that voted for her and organize all the transport etc, you really do need to look more deeply into things before putting your foot into your mouth.

Accusations without supporting evidence are nothing more than the ramblings of a brainless idiot with his foot in his mouth. You need to learn that there is a Thailand outside of Bangkok.

see post #132 . . . and do your own research . . the information (aka evidence) is out there, whether people choose to accept it or believe it is up to them.

I see no evidence of the alleged vote-buying in post 132 or anywhere else.

Here's a question for all of you "anything but Thaksin or anyone remotely connected to him" posters: Since you can't trust the election process, just how would you propose the government be selected? And how would you spin it to be anything close to democracy?

Edited by gatorsoft
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Well guys, if you don't like her or the party she represents, vote her out in the next election. smile.png

I agree it's good to encourage people to discuss these matters with their Thai family, friends, and associates.

There are votes involved with those discussions.


Your efforts to get people effectively canvassing for the opposition (is that allowed on TV?) may be admirable in their tenacity but I fear that even the mobilization of the entire TV readership won't be enough to turn the tide of Thai public opinion, which appears to be that significantly more people don't mind this government than do mind it, and that significantly more people aren't concerned with Thaksin's influence than are concerned about it.

The Siam Pitak rally a short while ago was a clear sign of this. Poorly organized and attended in a supposedly anti-Thaksin heartland (BKK), with its leaders clearly targetting Thaksin as a source of many of this nation's ills.

Still, your work remains impressive on this site.

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Her party was democratically elected in a free election. More Thai citizens chose her party over any other. And she doesn't have to shut down websites and media outlets or imprison people without due process to stay in power. If you believe in democracy, accept her and hope she does her best. If you don't believe in democracy, just keep posting your ridiculous crap. Thankfully most of the Thais don't care about your bigoted opinions.

what a great laugh this post is cheesy.gif , do you really believe this, if so then you are one of the brainless idiots that think she is actually doing her job. Free election, I doubt it, it cost her brother a hell of a lot of money to pay for all those that voted for her and organize all the transport etc, you really do need to look more deeply into things before putting your foot into your mouth.

Accusations without supporting evidence are nothing more than the ramblings of a brainless idiot with his foot in his mouth. You need to learn that there is a Thailand outside of Bangkok.

Correct - anyone who believes in democracy would have little time for a government that ignores the law, takes advantage of corruption for personal wealth, lies and admits openly to telling lies, promotes based on nepotism and cronyism, and avoids any accountability or prudence in the use of public expenditure.

All of this can be researched quite easily. This is not all unique to Thailand and governments that behave like this rely on an indifferent and/or uneducated population that believe's change is impossible, a corrupt legal system and the premise that anything is possible - just a matter of cost.

If you believe that this government works democratically and ethically for the benefit of the people, then you are proably beyond mere rambling. They are controlled by a convicted fugitive criminal, who they refuse to extradite, have issued a new passport to contrary to law, and spend an inordinate amount of their time and at tax payers expense trying to change things so he can come back and take charge. You need to learn the reallity of this government.

You need to learn the reality that just because you state your opinion emphatically, it does not become fact.
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I am not going to bother researching the endless evidence of vote buying for the doubters . You can do it yourself if you are interested.

Regarding fixing this issue, how about an automatic 10 year prison sentence for vote buying. That will take care of this matter.

And yes I am proud we have the hottest prime minister in the world. Too bad we get the insane policies of the big brother

puppet master as a package deal.

Well before I agree with your hottest prime minister in the world statement (which she might be) I would need to speak with her common law husband first.
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Baerboxer: Correct - anyone who believes in democracy would have little time for a government that ignores the law, takes advantage of corruption for personal wealth, lies and admits openly to telling lies, promotes based on nepotism and cronyism, and avoids any accountability or prudence in the use of public expenditure.

All of this can be researched quite easily. This is not all unique to Thailand and governments that behave like this rely on an indifferent and/or uneducated population that believe's change is impossible, a corrupt legal system and the premise that anything is possible - just a matter of cost.

If you believe that this government works democratically and ethically for the benefit of the people, then you are proably beyond mere rambling. They are controlled by a convicted fugitive criminal, who they refuse to extradite, have issued a new passport to contrary to law, and spend an inordinate amount of their time and at tax payers expense trying to change things so he can come back and take charge. You need to learn the reallity of this government.

gatorsoft: You need to learn the reality that just because you state your opinion emphatically, it does not become fact.

I believe it's fact, I really & truly do believe it.

(My apology for the cut and paste to get past the quoted rule, but nothing changed)

Edited by scorecard
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I see no evidence of the alleged vote-buying in post 132 or anywhere else.

Here's a question for all of you "anything but Thaksin or anyone remotely connected to him" posters: Since you can't trust the election process, just how would you propose the government be selected? And how would you spin it to be anything close to democracy?

I was actually referring to the manipulation of the current Govt by someone overseas who has not been elected.

The vote buying is another issue and I'm sure you can use Google, ask friends, a wife or her family in the provinces whether they received any money in the most recent elections. If you get the same response I do/did, then case closed.

As for trusting the election process, that will happen when independent inspectors come in, or when Thailand changes fundamentally the way it deals with corruption, graft, favors etc. Essentially, it's never going to happen.

I'll refer you to a page here (http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2009/09/25/jakrapob-on-the-state-within-the-state/) that does a wonderful job of explaining "how" things work here within Govt. It's even been translated into English for those that are hard of understanding.

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