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Good Thai Lawyer


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I drive my car quite a lot and am always very wary of the amount of traffic on the road, and that the possibility of an accident never feels far away

i drove past a young girl the other day, who must have been no more than 2 years old, and she was happily playing with her toy on the side of the road, and i drove past really carefuuly just incase she made a move into the road......

that got me thinking, that if i were involved in an accident, whether i was in the right or in the wrong, chances are, as i am farang, i would get the blame

the relatives would blame me, the person with whom the accident occured would blame me, the crowd that gathered would likely blame me, and the police for sure would blame me

so i am thinking, hopefully this situation will never occur, but if it does i would like a number in my phone of a good thai lawyer, who could come to my rescue and put forward my side of the story and represent me

does anyone have any numbers of good thai lawyers that they know about that they would like to share??

choc dee khrap wai.gif

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I drive my car quite a lot and am always very wary of the amount of traffic on the road, and that the possibility of an accident never feels far away

i drove past a young girl the other day, who must have been no more than 2 years old, and she was happily playing with her toy on the side of the road, and i drove past really carefuuly just incase she made a move into the road......

that got me thinking, that if i were involved in an accident, whether i was in the right or in the wrong, chances are, as i am farang, i would get the blame

the relatives would blame me, the person with whom the accident occured would blame me, the crowd that gathered would likely blame me, and the police for sure would blame me

so i am thinking, hopefully this situation will never occur, but if it does i would like a number in my phone of a good thai lawyer, who could come to my rescue and put forward my side of the story and represent me

does anyone have any numbers of good thai lawyers that they know about that they would like to share??

choc dee khrap wai.gif

You have a very dim view of Thailand thinking like you do, are you happy in this country? If you have an accident and it is not your fault you will not be blamed just because you are a falang!! I was in a motorbike shop yesterday, there was a falang wanting to buy a bike, he shouted on the phone, " they are charging 2000bht more here because I am falang" get a grip it's the same price for everyone, I have had 2 accidents here and each time there was no mob, I was not blamed! the Thai"s insurance paid out fully in each case!! don't believe everything you hear from other people most of he time it is attention seeking!!

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I drive my car quite a lot and am always very wary of the amount of traffic on the road, and that the possibility of an accident never feels far away

i drove past a young girl the other day, who must have been no more than 2 years old, and she was happily playing with her toy on the side of the road, and i drove past really carefuuly just incase she made a move into the road......

that got me thinking, that if i were involved in an accident, whether i was in the right or in the wrong, chances are, as i am farang, i would get the blame

the relatives would blame me, the person with whom the accident occured would blame me, the crowd that gathered would likely blame me, and the police for sure would blame me

so i am thinking, hopefully this situation will never occur, but if it does i would like a number in my phone of a good thai lawyer, who could come to my rescue and put forward my side of the story and represent me

does anyone have any numbers of good thai lawyers that they know about that they would like to share??

choc dee khrap wai.gif

You have a very dim view of Thailand thinking like you do, are you happy in this country? If you have an accident and it is not your fault you will not be blamed just because you are a falang!! I was in a motorbike shop yesterday, there was a falang wanting to buy a bike, he shouted on the phone, " they are charging 2000bht more here because I am falang" get a grip it's the same price for everyone, I have had 2 accidents here and each time there was no mob, I was not blamed! the Thai"s insurance paid out fully in each case!! don't believe everything you hear from other people most of he time it is attention seeking!!

maybe you are right, and i am a bit paranoid, but a little paranoia wont hurt......

my mate told me of an incident in samui...... thai guy crashed his motorbike into a farang at full speed, and died. the farang was not at blame, but he was still alive, so who are they going to blame.... the farang had to pay the family of the thai guy 1 million baht......

after that was over, the police came along, cap in hand, and he had to pay them off too!!

as if killing a guy wasnt enough, without all the extra added stress and financial burden that was thrown at him unjustly!!

for me, i do not trust thai justice, and would like to have someone on my side to ensure i dont get too rough a ride should something happen

Best in Hua Hin, bar none - Chavalit & Finch, they have a British lawyer by the name of Jane.

thanks mate.... in a similar situation as described above though, i feel a thai lawyer would be more effective... you hear of any good thai lawyers TenDreams mate?

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Your mate told you!! Do you know of anyone personally that has had to pay a large amount of money for something they did not do? how ridiculous to think you could be waiting at traffic lights and be rear ended which results in the death of the at fault driver, then be asked to pay the family 1 million bht!!

Come on do you really believe the story you have quoted?

Edited by dogpoo
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Your mate told you!! Do you know of anyone personally that has had to pay a large amount of money for something they did not do? how ridiculous to think you could be waiting at traffic lights and be rear ended which results in the death of the at fault driver, then be asked to pay the family 1 million bht!!

Come on do you really believe the story you have quoted?

yes i do believe it, otherwise i would not have shared it on here. the mate who told me is a regular poster on here..... a stand up guy

do you not believe things that your mates tell you Dogpoo?!

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It is unlikely that any lawyer would be on call to attend the scene of an accident unless of course they were being paid a retainer for that purpose.

In the event of an accident it is the insurance company who should be first contacted. They have a vested interest and normally have a representative who is available at short notice to attend the scene of any accident.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had an accident two years back. The lady on a scooter came down the road on the wrong side and crashed into my vehicle. She first wanted to put the blame on me but the bystanders told her she was wrong. As the lady wasn't hurt and my vehicle only had minor damage we didn't involve the police or insurance. When I read the post about putting the blame on foreigners I smile at the lack of understanding by foreigners on how things work in Thailand. Fact 1 - most foreigners have insurance on their vehicles and many Thai's don't. Due to this many Thai's view it as a win win situation if the foreigner's insurance picks up the bill for fixing both vehicles. Fact 2 - If you are involved in an accident and you are insured you call the insurance contact center (most are open 24 hours). You don't move the vehicle and don't acknowledge guilt. The police and insurance rep will show up, they will take statements, mark the vehicles positions, take photo's and organise the tow in if needed. Fact 3 - The insurance company will negotiate with the other party or the other parties insurance company. Fact 4 - If you caused the accident due to bad driving or substance miss use the insurance company may not pay out and you could face criminal charges and the bill. Fact 5 - If you are not insured and you caused the accident and the other party is insured you have to negotiate with their insurance. Fact 6 - if both parties aren't insured you take photo's of the accident scene with your mobile phone, get the contact details of any witnesses and get all the details of the other party and wait for the police to arrive. Fact 7 - if a Thai policeman ever ask you for a bribe, delay your response and contact a THAI lawyer. Setup an appointment between you, your lawyer and the policeman and let the lawyer handle the case (the policeman don't need to know its a lawyer only your Thai friend because you don't talk Thai well). If you contact the policemens boss he would loose face and the situation can spiral out of control. 99.99% of the time the policeman will back down and say that you misunderstood him.

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