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Thailand To Benefit From Free Flow Of Skilled Labour In 2015


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Not so sure that I understand the headline "Thailand to Benefit from Free Flow...." All the article mentions is foreigners coming to Thailand and taking up jobs. Nothing mentioned about where the Thais will be heading to benefit from this opening of the borders. I thought it was generally considered preferable for your own countrymen/women to go overseas to work and then send back their earnings to their families in the form of foreign currency, rather than have foreigners come to your country and do the same.

I for one will be really interested to see how this all plays out. The official unemployment rate in Thailand is below 1% to my understanding. Lord knows how that figure was reached but if it were true, then taking into account all the unregistered hawkers etc., one could assume that there is basically 0% unemployment in Thailand.Given how much Thais love their country, the climate, the food etc., would many be interested to go overseas to work? And a labour shortage here in the meantime can only result in salaries increasing in certain sectors which would make the workers less likely to go overseas to work.

Personally, as a business owner, I can't wait for this to be implemented. Maybe in the big prestigious companies it is easy, but with smaller companies it is so hard finding staff right now, and once you find them they have no qualms at all about leaving because they know there are plenty of jobs out there. One night they have a fight with their bf or gf and the next day they decide they are quitting. And the Thai way (for the younger generations at least) is to just leave without giving any notice...

I know many business owners (myself included) who would either love to expand their existing business or else open a new business but are not prepared to do so because they are concerned that they could not staff the business correctly. Maybe an influx of foreign workers would allow them to do so and maybe this is the benefit referred to in the title of this thread...

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"The Alien Employment Act continues to exclude non-Thais from 39 occupations reserved for Thai nationals which include civil engineering and legal services."

I don't think you can have the Alien Employment Act and the agreement on the free movement of labor at the same time. The ASEAN Mutual Recognition Agreement supersedes the Alien Employment Act as far as ASEAN citizens are concerned. For non ASEAN citizens, the Alien Employment Act is still in effect. I think the author didn't realize this.

By the way, is there a source for this story?

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<deleted> Guys,these Laws were made to protect Thai people, they are not anti Farang laws, they are there to protect Thai people.

If these laws never existed, Thailand would now be owned by Farangs, and you couldn't afford to live here,so be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

Your own countries are run by Farangs right, so if they do everything right, what the hell are you doing here,me, I was from the UK, thank christ I came here when I did, and thank christ a Farang government never fawked up Thailand like they have the UK.

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i have been thinking about 2015 from my perspective ie hotel staff and its kind of double ended stick.

yes i could finally employ fluent english speaking staff,but then who would deal with the locals? ie Filipinos can speak English but cannot speak Thai, which means they will not be able to even explain directions to a taxi driver.

On the other hand, if i mix the staff, again have a problem as they will not understand each other.

Same may apply to bigger company's where they will have Thai management, but non thai staff, so again have a problem.

I can see the benefit for other nations, but can not see any benefit for Thai's perhaps only for ones who go to work in Singapore, but with Thai work ethics, how would they last?! ie facebooking or speaking on the phone or whatever while customers wait.

Perhaps skilled professionals would be different, for example doctors, but i think skilled Thai doctors already make just as much as Western Doctors, i know when i had my surgery here in Thailand, it cost me the same as it would have cost in Oz

and the less skilled ones, do not speak enough english

its all about choice. at the 5 star end of hotel industry, anyone can come without work permits. As for doctors, at the end, getting access is the most important thing. Of course this is down to being able to afford it, but believe me, having had a father in the medical profession, knowing whom to speak to with the largest experience and training is the issue.

If the best heart surgeon in Asia decides to open a clinic in Bangkok, you think anyone will give a hoot which language he speaks?

I think you misunderstood my point.

Firstly about the staff at hotel, yes they will come but say they need to explain taxi driver the directions, but they do not speak Thai-its a problem

Staff are mixed, so possible problems of misunderstandings.

About the doctors, what i was saying was that Singaporean doctor has not reason to come to Thailand because his/her pay is high enough in Singapore and good Thai doctors are well paid here, where not so good Thai, does not speak enough English to work in Singapore.

I think the hotel issue will mean that the larger hotels will cast their net wider to get true English ability for front desk and sales

i wouldn't worry about them being the type ordering taxis. Although, toyota seem to manage making cars here with japanese management.

I am sure they will find someone to sort out the taxis.

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Thais haven't got a clue how this will work. Other posters have noted that people will stream in from the Philippines to health care and hospitality industries as well as high tech in Thailand. Non professional Filipinos will also flood into manufacturing and other labor intensive jobs in Thailand. Filipinos with their superior English skills, personalities, work ethic, and global awareness far exceed Thais and will always out compete Thais for any professional role in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia. Thais are underprepared for outside world relationships and work environments.

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Tourism service providers? does that mean i can employ all hotel staff from Philippines?

I lost both my school teaching jobs because the Philpinos are working for half my wages, so maybe the hotels will be the same as the schools.
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As far as I was aware ALL the jobs they listed are on the list of thai nationals only

I don't think this will ever work....

Correction, just saw the list but with regard to those professions, currently you must prove that a thai nat. can not do it

Will that change?

Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"• Driving motor vehicles"

a short look on the street should be proof enough.

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i have been thinking about 2015 from my perspective ie hotel staff and its kind of double ended stick.

yes i could finally employ fluent english speaking staff,but then who would deal with the locals? ie Filipinos can speak English but cannot speak Thai, which means they will not be able to even explain directions to a taxi driver.

On the other hand, if i mix the staff, again have a problem as they will not understand each other.

Same may apply to bigger company's where they will have Thai management, but non thai staff, so again have a problem.

I can see the benefit for other nations, but can not see any benefit for Thai's perhaps only for ones who go to work in Singapore, but with Thai work ethics, how would they last?! ie facebooking or speaking on the phone or whatever while customers wait.

Perhaps skilled professionals would be different, for example doctors, but i think skilled Thai doctors already make just as much as Western Doctors, i know when i had my surgery here in Thailand, it cost me the same as it would have cost in Oz

and the less skilled ones, do not speak enough english

mixed staff.....They will learn to communicate with each other and together they can communicate with both English and Thai speaking customer.

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i have been thinking about 2015 from my perspective ie hotel staff and its kind of double ended stick.

yes i could finally employ fluent english speaking staff,but then who would deal with the locals? ie Filipinos can speak English but cannot speak Thai, which means they will not be able to even explain directions to a taxi driver.

On the other hand, if i mix the staff, again have a problem as they will not understand each other.

Same may apply to bigger company's where they will have Thai management, but non thai staff, so again have a problem.

I can see the benefit for other nations, but can not see any benefit for Thai's perhaps only for ones who go to work in Singapore, but with Thai work ethics, how would they last?! ie facebooking or speaking on the phone or whatever while customers wait.

Perhaps skilled professionals would be different, for example doctors, but i think skilled Thai doctors already make just as much as Western Doctors, i know when i had my surgery here in Thailand, it cost me the same as it would have cost in Oz

and the less skilled ones, do not speak enough english

mixed staff.....They will learn to communicate with each other and together they can communicate with both English and Thai speaking customer.

yeah, good imagination, for some reason my thai staff still have problems understanding or communicating, actually thinking about it, understanding the the job and communicating it seems to the problem across most businesses in Thailand

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why don't they let anybody work anywhere they want for whatever the employer wants to pay?

If 7-11 wants to hire a foreigner, which is doubtful, then why can't they work there for whatever the

current employees are making?

Just give everybody a "'green card" and let people live here if they want to and level the playing field.

Would certainly more revenue from tax.

I've never seen anywhere before coming here where the totally unskilled can make more than twice

as much as the locals just because they're native speakers.

it's the "us and them" mentality that keeps the quality so low. sick.gif

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this thread is actually quite useful to have about although I'd point out

1. while Asean might have this mra or framework set out each country will still have domestic laws and requirements for people to meet so no guarantee about anyone but Thais still being here

2. the minute Filipinos are able to actually work here, the same issues over time will start up like the ones in usa and Britain were locals complain that immigrants stole my jobs. also for example if many people try to go work in Singapore the locals are going to get restless especially if unemployment goes up and locals feel left out don't expect saving face to mean anything

3. Thailand is very unprepared for asean in many areas but the main thing is there has been zero progress in Thailand's to push the country forward in terms of development

4. what will Thailand look like by that time especially as this country has a long history of coups, worsing corruption, short term governments.

5. while Asean will supposedly present many so called opportunities the only country that anyone see potential / making real money in would be Burma.

look forward to hearing your postings and comments

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yeah, good imagination, for some reason my thai staff still have problems understanding or communicating, actually thinking about it, understanding the the job and communicating it seems to the problem across most businesses in Thailand

yes, same same here....while they speak all the time, there isn't much of communication on how to get the job done TOGETHER. At least not until my wife (half Chinese, half Thai) is shouting and insulting them. Than they show they could communicate together.

And that at people who are outstanding good at their job. Everyone on his part in his way....just no working together on intellectual things. Cleaning or repairing something together works perfect, but sharing the work and separating tasks doesn't work at all.

I don't have much experience at working in the west so I can't judge if it is better there or if it is a race problem of the homo sapiens......

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There are skilled workers in Thailand? They should not be afraid of a "brain drain" from Thailand. You cannot drain something that is not there.

There are skilled people, but they are either already outside or get very high salaries....

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Critics have also cited the short-term effect of “brain drain” as a long-term obstacle

If I can ever stop cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif I will finish.

OK, as I was saying. Language skills........Oh never mind

In addition, the Thai government has also expressed confidence that the state-initiated 300-baht minimum wage policy will be an attractive incentive to bring the labour back to the country and prevent skilled labour from seeking employments elsewhere in the ASEAN region. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

yes even very skilled people are often very bad in their English skills.

Skilled people don't work for 300 Baht/day. For technicians there is nothing below 20K

The government is so clueless...

Head on over to the field behind khamtien market where the unskilled labors hang out trying to get daily jobs. They want 400 baht per day for unskilled labor.

Here in San Khamphaeng i have not been able to find anyone who will work for 300 baht a day since they think that is for the people that will work for minimum wage. I have no idea where these ditch diggers got the idea that they were skilled laborers that deserve 400 baht a day.

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There are skilled workers in Thailand? They should not be afraid of a "brain drain" from Thailand. You cannot drain something that is not there.

There are skilled people, but they are either already outside or get very high salaries....

It is almost impossible to get competent cabinet makers for a reasonable wage here. My last worker that wasn't even that good was making over 30,000 a month and he quit because it was not enough for him.

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Critics have also cited the short-term effect of “brain drain” as a long-term obstacle

If I can ever stop cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif I will finish.

OK, as I was saying. Language skills........Oh never mind

In addition, the Thai government has also expressed confidence that the state-initiated 300-baht minimum wage policy will be an attractive incentive to bring the labour back to the country and prevent skilled labour from seeking employments elsewhere in the ASEAN region. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

yes even very skilled people are often very bad in their English skills.

Skilled people don't work for 300 Baht/day. For technicians there is nothing below 20K

The government is so clueless...

Head on over to the field behind khamtien market where the unskilled labors hang out trying to get daily jobs. They want 400 baht per day for unskilled labor.

Here in San Khamphaeng i have not been able to find anyone who will work for 300 baht a day since they think that is for the people that will work for minimum wage. I have no idea where these ditch diggers got the idea that they were skilled laborers that deserve 400 baht a day.

Talking to a mate down here in Ranong. Just a bit of tidying up, and even the Burmese want 350 Bt

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The Thai elite don't want to loose control hence the difficulties in finding employment in Thailand. If they have too many farang in the country they would loose control and hence money. Everything is about protecting their brainless heads.

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I'd love to know where all these foreigners will find work. The government SAY there are no restrictions on doctors/nurses, etc. But they can't work in government hospitals as they won't speak Thai. Same for most other professions, bar language teaching. Then there is the issue of doctor/nurse board exams. Will there be an equivalent exam in english (can't wait to see one translated from Thailaugh.png Or will they just accept their foreign qualifications? Has anyone in power actually thought this all out? Oh Happy Birthday to ASEAN, 45 and going strongbiggrin.png

One thing is sure Thais who don't want to do labour work will have their slots easily filled by those from neighboring countries.

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I for one will be really interested to see how this all plays out. The official unemployment rate in Thailand is below 1% to my understanding. Lord knows how that figure was reached but if it were true, then taking into account all the unregistered hawkers etc., one could assume that there is basically 0% unemployment in Thailand.

Regarding the official employment figures - I understand that they are calculated on only the "head of the family" in other words, the male. If an extended family live together, only one adult male is required to be in work for the family to be considered 'employed'. My neighbours: couple in their 50's, daughter and son-in-law in their 20's. The father was working, then decided he was 'too old to work' ('couldn't be bothered once he got himself a son-in-law' is how we all see it...) so his son-in-law is now the official breadwinner. So if the other 3 adults are all out of work, it doesn't show on the official statistics.

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