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Thailand Will Have World's Largest Warning Labels On Cigarette Packs


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Unfortunately, I went back to smoking when I came to Thailand. 66b a pack at every corner store and singles sold in between. I had been using skoal or snus to stay off but ran out and couldn't find it here before I had weened myself off the nicotine.

Does this mean, due to a savings on killing yourself, you feel it was a good deal?

Just trying to understand the logic...

No. Just musing over the power of addiction, and nicotine, and I guess many other substances. And commenting on the ease and availability of cigarettes here(yes the bars don't help), while I can't find the substitute I was using to try to save my lungs if not the rest of my body. That's all. BTW, my respects to you for your personal efforts.

I must admit, when the smoking dragon grabs one, it is one hell of a bad habit to quit, I had quit at least 10 times before this last time, your right, when they make it so easy and much cheaper, it's mo-easy to be hooked again.

Thanks for that. I'll use it as an inspiration, to keep attempting to quit. Or die trying....

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When are they going to put a picture obese belly fat on a cartons of donuts, french fries, pizza and litres of sugar-filled sodas?

Because you can see those fat bellies in real life, everywhere, everyday. Thais are among Asia's fattest Asians. 30% of population. Just 5.7% behind rotund Americans!

That's exactly why they need "fat" warning labels. Most people really don't understand the difference between eating a donut vs. eating an apple. American junk food has been invading Thailand for years now with major fast food chains, even in the grocery stores and now they even have donut trucks riding up and down the streets of Isahn to the delight of Thai kids who run screaming, "Mommy, mommy, give me 5 baht for donut, paaaahlease!!"

Its really sick that Thailand which traditionally has one of the most beautiful and authentic cultures and world-renowned cuisines is being over-run by fatty, sugary junk food that has proven to be dangerous to ones health.

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When are they going to put a picture obese belly fat on a cartons of donuts, french fries, pizza and litres of sugar-filled sodas?

Because you can see those fat bellies in real life, everywhere, everyday. Thais are among Asia's fattest Asians. 30% of population. Just 5.7% behind rotund Americans!

You want to put warning labels on sticky rice?

Yes, perhaps. But rice isn't dangerous or unhealthy, it's just not particular nutritious compared to other foods. White rice is actually one of the least nutritious foods there is. It has a few B vitamins (all found in much greater quantities in other foods like vegetables). It's a "staple" food because it is very cheap and filling. In the USA bleached wheat flour fills the same role.

Brown rice at least is a bit better since it contains more micro nutrients and fiber.

But more importantly, there should be warning labels on foods which contain high amounts of saturated fat and processed sugar (such as high fructose corn syrup). These nasty substances actually have been shown to lead to increased rates of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and many other medical problems. The public is generally unaware of this, thus the real need for warning labels!

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As a non smoker I really do not understand why some other non smokers want to take the hilier than thou attitude towards smokers. Hey it is thier life let them live it as they please. Would you like someone hanging over your shoulder 24/7 saying that is not right because I personally do not like it. Leave them be as you have your life to live and I am sure with more issues than worrying about someone else you do not know or care for. You are trumpet blowing and sayinf I am better than you he he he

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