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Thai Govt Wants Youtube Sex Spoof Removed


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Totally stupid. We have the p**s taken out of us in the UK and the USA does too for sure but we do not react so childishly like this. Very stupid and only makes more and more people want to view it of course. They should better just ignore it and treat it in the good humoured way it was intended. It is this silly way they react that makes Thailand lose face much more than ever the actual spoof itself does. It seems when jokes get close to the truth then the powers that be over react in an almost childish way instead of just doing the adult thing of ignoring it. When will they realise this ??

I say all this because I do actually love Thailand and hate to see them make such fools of themselves on issues like this which in fact their sill reaction probably embarrasses most ordinary Thai folk too. Oh well no skin off my nose of course,.and for the record I did not even find it that funny anyway.

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Maybe time to make a spoof about US racism................

US racism? Yeah, like the US owns that title alone. Ask any white person, someone from Esaan or the Burmese and various tribes in this country, and then let's talk. Or maybe you could watch Thai television one night and count the number of minorities on TV shows, movies and commercials. You seem uneducated. Or possibly from Bangkok. :-)

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The video seemed to make more fun of Westerns than Thailand itself. Thailand needs to lighten up.

True, but it doesn't seem to be able to.

You can keep applying bandaids to a broken leg but you'll just end up with an infected broken leg. In Thailand's case the broken leg is the denial that anything other than what we can see on the surface ever occurs.

ie there's no admission of an underlying disease .... bad things just happen and, as we see in this (SNL) instance, it's believed (as usual) that wrapping a quick bandage around it will heal it.

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The only thing that really is tarnishing Thailand's image is the kneejerk reaction of a culture minister on an obvious spoof that merely reminds us in a sarcastic way of what we've known all along: that the sex business exists everywhere in Thailand, although it's supposed to be illegal.

The only logical thing for everyone to do now is to repost that video as often as they can, just to teach that hypocrite a lesson.

Isn't that the same guy who allegedly sheltered his father, a convicted murderer, for god knows how long? Oh, what a bastion of good morals and ethics he is!

I am also wondering whether this most capable minister is aware that some 90% of local prostitutes cater exclusively to Thai customers. But I guess that makes it perfectly alright. After all, they already know Thai and won't need Rosetta Stone...

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Please....the "sex workers" are obviously illegals from Myanmar ,Cambodia or sshh, Rohinga even.......No , Thailand is rightly outraged ,as it only has nationals employed as " enertainment liason facilitators ". .......which is not an easy thing to ask for after a few beers ..

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I think they should have to explain why it is offensive before YouTube even listens to them.

pointing out a humourous truth should never be reason to take something off youtube. These netizrns need to get around the Web a bit more,plenty worse than this.

Then they should get of their computer, go to nana and protest about its presence, if they are soooooo offended.

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Funny clip, typically hypocritical, hysterical response from Thai politicians who can't see the wood for the trees and will use any excude to attack foreigners to create a smokescroon to cover their own incompetence and misdeeds..

The ads interspersed with the comments pretty much give the game away though....

Meet Pretty Thai Girl


Hi I am Alisa from Thai & I want to Seek a Date.Reach Me Now!

I wonder is Alisa uses Rosetta stone too...

No need for Alisa to learn English, she'll just get her friend Boom to type her replies in any email or sms you send her.

That's why they take so long to reply sometimes (so I am told whistling.gif ).

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As much as I love Thailand, they need to seriously get over themselves and start to show some humor!!! I can't believe they involved the American embassy over this!!!

In a culture where the media all tap dance to the same tune, all show the same news footage, all pixelate cigarettes and liquor etc., it is understandable that they would think other governments pull the strings of media as well. The irony is that they are right. Just look at how most media in the USA have given the current administration a free pass on Benghazi, on the Treasury Secretary's evasion of taxes, on the selling of firearms to Mexican drug cartels, and on the previous administrations allowance of the Saudi plane carrying bin Laden relatives to fly outbound on 9/11 when the restrictions on air space were in place.

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Maybe time to make a spoof about US racism................

There are tons of them including on SNL quite regularly.

Skippy, specs and planks on eyes come to mind.

At least most Americans have admitted there was racism, and are aware of the issues in their country.

I just walked past a mop branded "black man" on homepro....

Ohhh, the hilarity.Not.

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Maybe time to make a spoof about US racism................

US racism? Yeah, like the US owns that title alone. Ask any white person, someone from Esaan or the Burmese and various tribes in this country, and then let's talk. Or maybe you could watch Thai television one night and count the number of minorities on TV shows, movies and commercials. You seem uneducated. Or possibly from Bangkok. :-)

No, just Australian . . . ah well sad.png

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As much as I love Thailand, they need to seriously get over themselves and start to show some humor!!! I can't believe they involved the American embassy over this!!!

In a culture where the media all tap dance to the same tune, all show the same news footage, all pixelate cigarettes and liquor etc., it is understandable that they would think other governments pull the strings of media as well. The irony is that they are right. Just look at how most media in the USA have given the current administration a free pass on Benghazi, on the Treasury Secretary's evasion of taxes, on the selling of firearms to Mexican drug cartels, and on the previous administrations allowance of the Saudi plane carrying bin Laden relatives to fly outbound on 9/11 when the restrictions on air space were in place.

No they are not right. 2 words: Fox News. I reckon this ain't the place for a tedious rehash of internal American political divisions. Edited by Jingthing
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Ameri(k)an television (along with the media whores, minions and jackals) has nothing better to do but joke and poke at every little thing, then drag a country or religion into the mix, to offend even more. It is no wonder that most living outside of that cesspool called, Ameri(k)a, have a great disdain for it.

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My Thai friend actually interrupted dinner at a restaurant to watch and then bitch to me about this video.

She didn't even realize it was a spoof.

Even after I explained it she still didn't really understand how it was funny. She was still hella pissed.

It's not just the government acting retarded- which it is- it really is a cultural difference as well.

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Thai people often tell foreigners that we can't ever possibly understand Thai politics and culture (so don't even try and certainly don't comment or criticize).

Wouldn't it be rich if the U.S. ambassador responded to the complaints by saying, you can't possibly understand American humor!

Spot-on JT! Would be extremely "rich".

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Ameri(k)an television (along with the media whores, minions and jackals) has nothing better to do but joke and poke at every little thing, then drag a country or religion into the mix, to offend even more. It is no wonder that most living outside of that cesspool called, Ameri(k)a, have a great disdain for it.

It beats Thai slapstick, mate.
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Ameri(k)an television (along with the media whores, minions and jackals) has nothing better to do but joke and poke at every little thing, then drag a country or religion into the mix, to offend even more. It is no wonder that most living outside of that cesspool called, Ameri(k)a, have a great disdain for it.

It beats Thai slapstick, mate.

Especially true if you understand Thai very well. Worse than Jerry Springer by a country mile. thumbsup.gif

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Ameri(k)an television (along with the media whores, minions and jackals) has nothing better to do but joke and poke at every little thing, then drag a country or religion into the mix, to offend even more. It is no wonder that most living outside of that cesspool called, Ameri(k)a, have a great disdain for it.

I'm not American and it may not be perfect but that seems a bit harsh. Too many people take things too seriously now (eg the culture minister son of the Godfather..... a great American movie).

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I was the owner of a Black Man mop at one stage. Used to get a kick out of having my own personal black man to clean my floors. Imagined myself being a slave owner at one stage....until I realised the black man didn't work unless I was pushing him. And when the black man was mopping my bathroom floor, I'd look up and there would be Darkie toothpaste smiling at me. Those were the days....

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It is never about the facts; but always always about FACE. Telling the truth about BKK or anything else Thai can be very bad for Face...so must be eliminated. So all discussions about facts, reality, history, legality, proportionality etc etc - are a waste of time. They are simply missing the point : Face.

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Well now...it seems the Thais and many others really do not have the sense of humour that maybe the world had thought Thailand did have.

Other than that, when you promote a country for the last 30 years, with onwards of 17 million visitors now coming to Thailand, to see the sights and sounds and experience "amazing" Thailand, many of those visitors will see and learn about the many other things "also" going on.

Meantime the prostitution aspect of Thailand is not going to fade away rather it will continue to increase.

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