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Wheater Dizziness, Sensitive In Unstable Weather Conditions?


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In this topic I want to find out the reason, why most people living in Thailand feel better healthy with lower side effects then in the home country!

Is it realy only the always beautiful weather?

My homecountry , in the alps on around 900 m sea level has very quickly wether change 23 on next day 14 or lower

Then. Up again and down!

The last to years I got very sensitives

About the weather changes!

Dizziness headache , and very tiered in morning, also when I go to bed early u cannot standup before 11 o clock !

Make X-ray the brain everything ok!

Need at home homophatic drops and ginseng that I not tiered on daytime!

Here in Thailand , I can weak up at 9 o clock not tiered on the daytime, and the best thing no dizziness in the morning!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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