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rixalex, on 14 Mar 2013 - 10:34, said:

It's a brave man who makes any sort of prediction at this stage of the game. Without knowing how the cars will perform, it's pretty much a blind prediction.

A more interesting and more calculable prediction to make for me would be which team mate will get the better of the other.

Alonso - Massa

Vettel - Webber

Button - Perez

Raikkonnen - Grosjean

Rosberg - Hamilton

Hulkenburg - Gutierrrez

Di-Resta - Sutil

Maldonado - Bottas

Vergne - Ricciardo

Pic - Van der Garde

Bianchi - Chilton

Some are obviously quite easy. Further down the pack it gets a bit more difficult. Some unknown quantities.

Another prediction that interests me is who will come out on top with regards the garage tottie. Was quite impressed with Maldonado's squeeze last season. Quite a cutie. Alonso's fluff was pretty easy on the eye too.

the team mate wars is a pretty easy thing to call, all you have to do is watch out for who is making noise about beating their team mate, and then put them second

I guess the team mate battle isn't so easy to call after all....

Excited for this season ?

Me tooooooooo smile.png

Yeah i agree although i think it's fair to say that one qualifying result doesn't really tell us a lot, does it.

Red Bulls look very strong. It's not really much a of a surprise to see Vettel of pole, and were it just him on the front row, it might tell us more about his driving than about his car, but the fact that Webber lines up along side him, i think tells us that RB have once again done a great job and will be hard to beat this season.

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Looks like Fox Sports is taking the Sky commentary with Martin Brundle and Co.

A huge improvement.

Never been a great fan of Brundle, but he does indeed know his stuff and his co-commentator who has taken over from Slater, is a voice i recognize and i really like. Manages to convey excitement without becoming shrill. Only thing i was disappointed about this morning was that they didn't show the rescheduled qualifying. Understandable if they already have a live event for that time slot, but why not flash up a message to tell viewers that they'll be showing it a such and such a time?

Anyway, a minor thing and i agree so far it looks great.

Funny but in a way, seeing as how quite a few of the old faces remain, almost feel a bit sorry for Slater being singled out. Can't be many job opportunities for a man of his "skills" about.

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Looks like Fox Sports is taking the Sky commentary with Martin Brundle and Co.

A huge improvement.

Never been a great fan of Brundle, but he does indeed know his stuff and his co-commentator who has taken over from Slater, is a voice i recognize and i really like. Manages to convey excitement without becoming shrill. Only thing i was disappointed about this morning was that they didn't show the rescheduled qualifying. Understandable if they already have a live event for that time slot, but why not flash up a message to tell viewers that they'll be showing it a such and such a time?

Anyway, a minor thing and i agree so far it looks great.

Funny but in a way, seeing as how quite a few of the old faces remain, almost feel a bit sorry for Slater being singled out. Can't be many job opportunities for a man of his "skills" about.

They flashed up about 7:30 that they would show live coverage at 8:00. then didn't show it blink.png

I enjoyed the race and the coverage. I like the pit wall chat feature. Force India owe Sutil an apology.

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Great result! :) I did not expect Räikkönen to win this race.

One major difference of the Lotus car between last season and this season was the straight line speed. Last year Räikkönen was ok on corners, but seemed to be stuck behind cars, which were able to get faster speeds afterwards. Today he managed to pass Hamilton seemingly easily.

Pirelli mentioned that Lotus got the full potential of the tires, which made the difference to other teams.

Räikkönen's fastest lap of the race after 22 laps on the medium tires was a good indication of this.

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Congratulations to Kimi on his win, very impressive with the way the Lotus handled the tyres with it's two stop strategy as opposed to three stops of the other teams but perhaps it beggers the next question, how will Lotus fair in comparison when they get to the hotter tracks because with another stop then they would not have won.

Very disappointed with the Maclaren. A pig of a car from a top manufacturer it makes one wonder just how good all the top wind tunnel features are and the engine management systems that they end up with a car slower than last years so perhaps it's just the personnel that are getting it wrong so surely one would compare this years data with last years car and realise it does not compare.

Did I nod off for a minute because one second Fellipe was in front of Fernando and when the bloody advert finished he had dived into the pits. I am not impressed with Trues coverage although purchased from Sky, certainly is no comparison to the Beebs.


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I did see the delayed Q2 and Q3, if I remember well, it was on Starsport channel 109 (not FoxHD, channel 136).

As for the race, I really did not like the commentators, long silences and hard to distinguish who is who, a bit British biased (OK, OK, I am a Ferrari fan.

My most urgent wish would be to repeat the radio messages, because I really have a hard time understanding them.

The second wish would be for True to turn off their station logo in the upper left corner, it disturbs the listing.

During the free practice, no comment was made about the long-runs and the lap times.

Finally, to FIA, if it starts raining, the best lap times of the session become pretty useless. Either show lap times under rain or make a second list.

Anyone going to KL this weekend?

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Congratulations to Kimi on his win, very impressive with the way the Lotus handled the tyres with it's two stop strategy as opposed to three stops of the other teams but perhaps it beggers the next question, how will Lotus fair in comparison when they get to the hotter tracks because with another stop then they would not have won.

Very disappointed with the Maclaren. A pig of a car from a top manufacturer it makes one wonder just how good all the top wind tunnel features are and the engine management systems that they end up with a car slower than last years so perhaps it's just the personnel that are getting it wrong so surely one would compare this years data with last years car and realise it does not compare.

Did I nod off for a minute because one second Fellipe was in front of Fernando and when the bloody advert finished he had dived into the pits. I am not impressed with Trues coverage although purchased from Sky, certainly is no comparison to the Beebs.


Yep a great win by Kimi. Looks like a competitive car and they got the tactics spot on.

In terms of the teams, two biggest surprises for me were Ferrari and McClaren. Ferrari for how quick they looked - even Massa was flying until that inexplicable decision to stay out and not pit. McClaren for how terrible they looked. Right up until qualifying it looked like they would be up with the front runners. Flattered to deceive it seems.

Re coverage, i don't think the problem is with Sky, the problem is with Fox that insists on cutting into the race every 15 minutes for some advertising. Without that messing things up i think it would be pretty good. Of course nothing comes close to the Beeb, but not much chance of us ever enjoying that here.

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Masterful performance from Vettel. He really and truly is the king of qualifying these days, isn't he. Not only does he invariably manage to nail it in one lap, he is ahead of everyone else with regards the tactics, as demonstrated yesterday with the timing of his switch to a new set of tyres.

Two Ferraris right on his tail will hopefully provide some interest for the race. If one of them can get past him in the first lap - my money would be on Alonso, being on the clean side of the track - then Vettel might not have it all his own way... but if he gets a clean start it could easily be race win number whatever... lost count.

Of course the weather could end up playing a big role in it all. Hope for a good race..

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Actually the qualifying times don't show the true potential but always very handy to be on the front row.

Sutil has been a surprise revelation so far in my opinion and is getting some good performance out of the car.

Interesting article in Pitpass concerning a statement from Bernie regarding Lewis approaching him to get the seat at Red Bull but boss man offered this years seat to Mark, Bernie then suggested Mercedes which did not seem to be met with too much enthusiasm by Lewis but of course the team are investing very heavily and have always had the potential to be a force to be reckoned with but not this year in my view but a year with them before the new engines come into play should cement his position in the team, as long as he consistantly out performs his team mate. Good luck to Lewis and Nico.

Contrary to popular opinion {not mine} Fellipe is performing very well and almost back to his best which if teams orders are not brought into play could give Fernando a run for his money but we all know team orders will prevail.

Kimis car is still performing great and if there is no rain then tyre wear could determine the race outcome. Really disappointed with Maclarens car but if the weather turns then there could be an improvement in their finishing order.

I hate reading posts that Jenson is not a good driver and if it rains and he does well it proves nothing, well it proves to me that he is good in the wet with some other drivers not so, remember Prost hated the wet and once refused to race in those conditions, with Senna calling him a coward over it.

Heres to an interesting race and possibly a few surprises.


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Actually the qualifying times don't show the true potential but always very handy to be on the front row.

Sutil has been a surprise revelation so far in my opinion and is getting some good performance out of the car.

Interesting article in Pitpass concerning a statement from Bernie regarding Lewis approaching him to get the seat at Red Bull but boss man offered this years seat to Mark, Bernie then suggested Mercedes which did not seem to be met with too much enthusiasm by Lewis but of course the team are investing very heavily and have always had the potential to be a force to be reckoned with but not this year in my view but a year with them before the new engines come into play should cement his position in the team, as long as he consistantly out performs his team mate. Good luck to Lewis and Nico.

Contrary to popular opinion {not mine} Fellipe is performing very well and almost back to his best which if teams orders are not brought into play could give Fernando a run for his money but we all know team orders will prevail.

Kimis car is still performing great and if there is no rain then tyre wear could determine the race outcome. Really disappointed with Maclarens car but if the weather turns then there could be an improvement in their finishing order.

I hate reading posts that Jenson is not a good driver and if it rains and he does well it proves nothing, well it proves to me that he is good in the wet with some other drivers not so, remember Prost hated the wet and once refused to race in those conditions, with Senna calling him a coward over it.

Heres to an interesting race and possibly a few surprises.


Good post that David. Completely agree about wet weather drivers. To me a driver who can do well in those sorts of changeable conditions where every lap and every corner is an unknown as to level of grip, is a driver who possesses a very special talent. Would make an interesting side discussion to hear about people's favourite wet weather drivers and their favourite wet weather drives.

Personally i always liked watching Alesi in the wet. Barrichello was pretty good too. As far as Button is concerned in the wet, he has built something of a reputation of being good at it, and he does undoubtedly have the sort of smooth driving style that works well in those conditions, but i think what has set him apart from other drivers recently, has been as much to do with his decision making in terms of when to come in to the pits, when to switch to wets, when to switch to slicks, as it has been to do with his driving.

I guess that comes down to having a decent racing brain, something that for all his decent recent form, i wouldn't accuse Massa of after undoing all his hard in Australia with his inexplicable decision to stay out, and then his decision a few laps later having lost a handful of places, to come in.

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I did post previously about missing Fellipes call as to when to pit but cannot fathom out his reasoning behind that decision, could the pits have had anything to do with it?.

Any driver that can use his brain to rapidly adjust to changing weather conditions and do well is indeed a genuinely good driver and my opinion is that choosing the correct tyres and pit stops by the driver is as important as defining the outcome of the race as the teams strategy.


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I did post previously about missing Fellipes call as to when to pit but cannot fathom out his reasoning behind that decision, could the pits have had anything to do with it?.

Any driver that can use his brain to rapidly adjust to changing weather conditions and do well is indeed a genuinely good driver and my opinion is that choosing the correct tyres and pit stops by the driver is as important as defining the outcome of the race as the teams strategy.


I do struggle deciphering the car to pits audio transmissions, and wish they would give it in subtitle form so one could understand clearly what is being said, but if i understood the gist of it, just after Alonso came in to the pits Massa had a chat with his engineer along the lines of him feeling like the tyres were ok and that he wanted to try for a two stop strategy. Once that decision was made, i think he should have tried sticking to it. Instead he waited a few laps until he had lost a bunch of places, and came in anyway. Complete disaster. How much blame goes to driver and how much to team i'm not sure. Either way, i couldn't see that sort of blunder happening with his team mate.

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I was watching the pratice session and your right in saying it's difficult understanding the chat and I'm sure Sutil misheard a radio signal or perhaps the language although he speaks very good English, the message was something about not riding the KERBS so high and it seems he thought they said his KERS was not working.

Subtitles for us old geezers may go some way in helping us follow what's being said.


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Any driver that can use his brain to rapidly adjust to changing weather conditions and do well is indeed a genuinely good driver and my opinion is that choosing the correct tyres and pit stops by the driver is as important as defining the outcome of the race as the teams strategy.


Agreed but would you not also accept that weather being the unpredictable creature it is, it often comes down to not only having a quick brain, but having a slice or two of luck. For example when rain comes suddenly, being in a position on the track just before the pit lane entrance or being just past it, can make an enormous difference, as can taking a gamble on slicks and the track continuing to dry nicely, as opposed to another rain cloud blowing over and forcing driver off track or to pit again and switch back to intermediates.

Pit lane strategy in changeable weather is all a bit of a gamble in my opinion. You toss the dice and sometimes you win, sometimes you don't, and all the racing genius minds in the world calling the shots won't necessarily change that.

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Your right with the weather variables especially with Sepang and proof of the pudding was Di Resta making something of a pigs ear of his laps compared to his team mate, after all he is not a rookie.

Having some circuits that have such rapid changes in weather conditions around the track, some places wet some places dry and for me it throws a spanner in the works and can throw up some surprises which as much as I like my favourites continually winning , having races that are predictable is boring and last years 7 races 7 different winners did wonders for the sport.


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Fellipe will be told to move over when and if it becomes obvious that he is holding Fernando up , unless of course that Fernando passes him at the first corner.


Alternatively, they can just break the seal on his gearbox. wink.png

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Fellipe will be told to move over when and if it becomes obvious that he is holding Fernando up , unless of course that Fernando passes him at the first corner.


Alternatively, they can just break the seal on his gearbox. wink.png


Edit F1 site is forcasting a wet race.

Edited by Mosha
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I have never been an advocate of team orders for drivers but I do understand why it's done with a driver moving over to allow his team mate to become WDC.

Fans should understand that teams are not participating in the sport for the benefit of fans, it's for the publicity of their sponsors and money.


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Well if the teams want to determine the winner as in Mark over Seb and Lewis over Nico then stop calling it a race.

Mark did not look like he had turned it down and did everything within his ability to outrace Seb but couldn't, perhaps he will one day accept they're are not of the same ability.

Lewis showed compassion in accepting that Nico should have been on the podium and not him.

The interviewers after the race said Seb did not act right and made him any friends but thats what it's called. RACING.


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I can understand Nico being a bit peeved because of a strategy mistake for Lewis they made him play second fiddle {probably in Lewis contract} when obviously his strategy was different and he could have overtaken Lewis for 3rd place.

Imagine this scenario, Jenson running 5th and perez running say 8th, the pits as usual cock up the wheel change for Jenson and he drops back to perhaps 9th or 10th but overtakes and is sitting on Sergios tail, would it be fair to Sergio to be told to let Jenson pass because if it had not been for the teams cock up Jenson would have been in front of Sergio, of course not, the whole bloody sport is about sponsors and money.

Why have Pirelli produce tyres to make the racing more exciting only for the teams to decide who will win.


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