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Thais Urged Not To Panic Over Upcoming Solar Storms


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Its the plasma discharge (CME). It can also have different polarities, depending on where it originated from.

Sometimes it is allowed in when hitting an opposing charge's end of Earth's EM field.

Like I said, it averages over a billion tonnes of plasma per CME

And yes, it takes days for those to arrive. Its's not a wave, but actual ejected matter into space. Looking at the projected paths / what planets they hit is kinda neat smile.png

Poor Mercury gets it pretty bad. Also Mars since losing its magnetic field ~.o

That link to the EMP thread at top of page is kinda funny. Anything can be shielded from EMP/CME, its just a matter of having a container/field that absorbs/redirects the current.

Edited by Lizard0
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I really like the scientifically sound discussion which is evolving here. Mind you, I'm a bit worried as I still remember a scene from Event Horizon where Dr. Weir tries to explain his FTL engine and when failing to do so first and second try ...

"Weir shrugged. "Well, it's difficult to..." He stopped, feeling helpless as the equations glowed across his mind, a pure blend of mathematics and practical physics. One day he had known how to bend space and had then set out to prove it. "It's all math, you see... but..." He trailed off again, still trying to reduce the concepts. He had cracked the sky. Now he had to explain it to these people. "In layman's terms, you use a rotating magnetic field to focus a narrow beam of gravitons; these in turn fold space-time consistent with Weyl tensor dynamics until the space-time curvature becomes infinitely large and you have a singularity...""

Now don't tell me you didn't get that rolleyes.gif

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I always liked Sam Neill smile.png

With his third attempt to explain his FTL drive getting a "<removed> 'laymen's terms,' what about English?"" and thinking hard Dr. Weir finally found the right approach:

"Weir turned back to the other crew members, holding up the poster, making the paper snap in his hands. Doggedly, he said, "Say this paper represents space-time..." He slapped the pinup onto the nearest flat surface then made a half-turn, picking up a pen as he did so. He quickly marked an X on the pinup, putting the letter A at one side. "And you want to get from point A here to point B here." He scribbled another X, this time marked with a B. "Now. What's the shortest distance between two points?"


"The shortest distance between two points is zero." He held the poster up, folding it so that the first X was over the second. With a fast, vicious, movement he drove the pen through the layers of paper. Melodramatic but functional;"

Mind you, one nice pinup poster destroyed. Scientists will do anything necessary to get their 'point' across rolleyes.gif

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After our scientific exposee let's get back on topic.

Solar Storm, at least Armageddon will look pretty:

That's a nice time-lapse vdo on a borealis. Mr. rubi

Do you have a VDO on the austrialis as wel? I never saw that in my life..

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After our scientific exposee let's get back on topic.

Solar Storm, at least Armageddon will look pretty:

That's a nice time-lapse vdo on a borealis. Mr. rubi

Do you have a VDO on the austrialis as wel? I never saw that in my life..

Search and you will find, that's my motto smile.png

or just go to the website it is from originally:


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So it will manifest itself as disruption to the mobile phone network, electricity supply and the internet?

And this is supposed to cause panic in Thailand? Just try using truemove for a few weeks....... Seems like these guys are trying reaaaaaaaly hard to get a budget of some sort.

A storm of the 1859 magnitude could black out the planet. A transformer takes 6 months to build, 2/3s of the population rely on electricity for drinking water. Humans can go about 14 days with out water, Savvy?

Phone chargers are transformers and are made by the million. Really big transformers may take 6 months to build, but are amply provided with surge protection. They are also fitted with internal fault protection designed by (not our very own) Buchholz.

Protecting Oil Type Transformer with Buchholz Relay | EEP

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Even if the solar cycle is at its peak in 2013 , solar flares can happen anytime , the big one can start in 2015 , so you cant just predict it just like that . The thais will probably think the danger is over by June.

And then we can start reading about people getting electrocuted in the showers again , a more serious problem than solar flares in this country.

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Solar flares, oh boy!

What about asteroid 2012 DA 14? No need to warn about? Around 02.24 on February 16th it's fly by only 27,700 kilometers above Thailand. Surely it's mystic power and forces will influence all below :-)


Big difference. If that chunk of space debris hits us, we're all doomed. Either we die at impact or from the tsunami or will slowly starve to death as the earth's access to sunlight is cut off due to the resultant dust cloud. People would be too smacked about to panic. On the other hand, the solar storm disruption has the potential to cause panic as people would not be aware of the cause of the power and communication system disruptions. The advance warning of the solar activity gives time for businesses and government departments to implement contingency plans and to prepare.

In my case, I am adopting an end of the world protocol and will seek out suitable people for an end of times sexy event. I anyone wants to "get it on", PM me. wub.png

From that link:

The asteroid measures about 150 feet (45 meters) in diameter. That makes it relatively small by celestial standards.

"The object that ... took out the dinosaurs was about 10 kilometers," said Yeomans.

Nevertheless, if it were to hit the Earth, the impact would be roughly equivalent to a 2.4 megaton bomb -- enough to flatten a large area but not globally catastrophic, he explained.

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Contingency plans for something that might effect us from outer space, but couldn't come up with one that effected us from something that fell from the sky... RAIN !!!

I don't hold out much hope.

Sounds like hands are being held out for another nice little earner. (a bit like the 877 million baht up front for new police stations/apartments that in the end never materialised)

Amazing Thailand !!

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People don't realize how fragile our infrastructures really are. Population centers simply will not function. After a week, or two , it will get very ugly. In a year, back to the neanderthal.

Maybe it would be a good thing, stop the insane consumption.

We need something to wake us up.

There is also something called a coronal mass ejection that is actual plasma, once spewed, it could theoretically hit the earth. Want to be on the day side for that. Nice and quick, night side will suffer quite a bit.

Actually my Thai friends are a bit concerned. I explained the issues, but I didnt completely satisify them lol

CME's (coronal mass ejections) occur quite frequenty. we'll approaching a period of maximum solar activity so we can expect the frequency of CME's to rise, and CME's with earth as a bore-sight to rise.

When we get hit with CME's, our magnetosphere protects us from most of the damaging effects. Anything electronic or biological in oribit are most at risk. On the ground, communications equipment are most at risk during the heaviest of storms.

In recent history (say the last 100 years), the most noticeable effect has been a black out of the northeastern North America a while back, and the ability to see the aurora borealis in the temperate climate zones.

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The sun runs in 11 year activity cycles, so we will get more of what happened in 2002. Remember what happened then? No? me too

Sorry missed all 2002, one hell of a hangover. What happened?

You missed Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones. :)

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lets not forget all ATM's and the banking system will not work ...just as No cars will (if they have a compuer controled fuel system etc).....people need to realize this is a real and present threat...IT WILL HAPPEN ads it has every 3-400 hundred years (we are due)

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Good thing I fly out in April.. Otherwise it would be scary sh*t to be flying when these solar storms are EMP'ing the earth. Planes need electronics to fly -- in fact most modern planes are fly-by-wire ... be <deleted> if the autopilot gets shafted.

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HOLY SHIZ... I just read the stuff over at http://www.edaboard.com/thread236085.html (thanks to the poster before me posting about it) and if an EMP can do all that... then better crap your pants if this solar storm introduces a crapload of those EMP shockwaves.

iPhones and iPads will burn... that alone will kill many.

But seriously -- on a scale of losing EVERY electronic equipment you have... DAMAGES??? And they tell us NOT TO F---ING PANIC???

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So how does one recover from such an event? If all the electricity goes out is it not a case of waiting a while and switching it off and on again? Bit of a simplified question i know but no one seems to have listed any solutions.

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So it will manifest itself as disruption to the mobile phone network, electricity supply and the internet?

And this is supposed to cause panic in Thailand? Just try using truemove for a few weeks....... Seems like these guys are trying reaaaaaaaly hard to get a budget of some sort.

Thais do not have to worry. slept missed the two wars and would only realise there was one solar fallout. if it stops the floods

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I only know about them from the news etc. Thais not to panic--the 80% of Thais wouldn;t know about them and wouldn;t give a sh#t anyway.

Go on all you rural dwellers, ask the local town persons,or villagers what they think, they will think your of your trolly.

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Does this mean that TVF might be off the air for a while? What the hell am I going to do all day? God forbid I would have to sit all day and talk to my gf. She's a good old girl but that's is asking a bit much w00t.gif

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Does this mean that TVF might be off the air for a while? What the hell am I going to do all day? God forbid I would have to sit all day and talk to my gf. She's a good old girl but that's is asking a bit much w00t.gif

Have you ever considered the "local" at times like these?

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