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Thais Urged Not To Panic Over Upcoming Solar Storms


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Does this mean that TVF might be off the air for a while? What the hell am I going to do all day? God forbid I would have to sit all day and talk to my gf. She's a good old girl but that's is asking a bit much w00t.gif

Have you ever considered the "local" at times like these?

Yes sir I sure have. And here in Udon there are some fine locals. But at my age the would only ask me about my great grand children.sad.png
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Does this mean that TVF might be off the air for a while? What the hell am I going to do all day? God forbid I would have to sit all day and talk to my gf. She's a good old girl but that's is asking a bit much w00t.gif

Have you ever considered the "local" at times like these?

Yes sir I sure have. And here in Udon there are some fine locals. But at my age the would only ask me about my great grand children.sad.png

Then...by golly...strike up a conversation!!!

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Does this mean that TVF might be off the air for a while? What the hell am I going to do all day? God forbid I would have to sit all day and talk to my gf. She's a good old girl but that's is asking a bit much w00t.gif

Have you ever considered the "local" at times like these?

Yes sir I sure have. And here in Udon there are some fine locals. But at my age the would only ask me about my great grand children.sad.png

Then...by golly...strike up a conversation!!!

Sage advice. Will do.
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Is it only me suffering from `We all are doomed` fatigue? I hear this flapdoodle time and time again, yet I still seem to be here.

Can I be the first to try and connect Thaksin Shinawatra with solar activity before the usual suspects begin their tirades...

I supose that you blame Thaksin for this,he gets the blame for most things.

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Is it only me suffering from `We all are doomed` fatigue? I hear this flapdoodle time and time again, yet I still seem to be here.

Can I be the first to try and connect Thaksin Shinawatra with solar activity before the usual suspects begin their tirades...

I supose that you blame Thaksin for this,he gets the blame for most things.

Only when the shoe fits. Edited by Pimay1
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And this is supposed to cause panic in Thailand?

No Soaps can have devastating consequences.

And in the West..my God....teenagers may actually have to talk to their parents instead of tweeting/texting etc...the end of civilisation as we know it !!!

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Is it only me suffering from `We all are doomed` fatigue? I hear this flapdoodle time and time again, yet I still seem to be here.

Can I be the first to try and connect Thaksin Shinawatra with solar activity before the usual suspects begin their tirades...

I supose that you blame Thaksin for this,he gets the blame for most things.

Well he was into these mystics and fortunes and the till Ha Ha
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Darn! Then the solar storm could amplify the cores magnetic field. This would start slowly magnetize every iron object in the world. First all the computers magnetic cards would stop working, then computer and at some point nobody could carry any objects witch are affected by all the magnets everywhere.

The funny part would be throw up copper plates, which would fall down very slowly. Even the water would be effected and in some parts rivers would flow upwards.

There must be some tingtong idea which has not been done yet smile.png

OMG...no Thai Visa for a whole week??

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Darn! Then the solar storm could amplify the cores magnetic field. This would start slowly magnetize every iron object in the world. First all the computers magnetic cards would stop working, then computer and at some point nobody could carry any objects witch are affected by all the magnets everywhere.

The funny part would be throw up copper plates, which would fall down very slowly. Even the water would be effected and in some parts rivers would flow upwards.

There must be some tingtong idea which has not been done yet smile.png

OMG...no Thai Visa for a whole week??

Some times.....Shit happens....

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While talking about EMP's and solar flares / storm.

EMP I can understand in basic level. It's typically caused by neutron bomb exploded in high altitude. This will cause a huge neutron flow which will interact with metals which will cause the atoms to excite and therefore emit electrons, which will cause extra surge, which can heat up the delicate electronic parts and therefore destroy the electronic devices. Please correct if I'm wrong as it has been a long time since I checked the facts.

If the sun's flare would come directly to the earth, what would come from there? All the electro magnetic radiation would reach the Earth in 8.5 minutes. For the particles it will take an average of 3 days.

So what causes the problems to the electric devices and grid. What, how and why?

Erm...electromagneitc radiation is...erm...electric.

Seriously the massive amount of electric magneto radiation can totally swamp any electical devices we have by magnetic induction - a property of electirc flow... the same way as we produce electricity in our power plants. Try putting a magnet near an old television (tube style, I did and Dad kicked my arse big time...the "bruise" was on the telly for months) to see the effect. We use magnets to produce electricity....the same situation in reverse with a solar flare..huge amount of electromagnetism can cause huge amounts of induced electomagnetism (i.e. electric current flow) in magentic materials...electronics etc. But don't worry too much i think the effects will be negligible, posibly a few power outages but nothing for an extended period. NASA and others will reorientate their satelittes to a safe position and life will go as a normal.

Loking on the bright sidethere could be a special on the Iphone 6 shortly...good luck to all!!

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We have the SOHO, which is 1/3 (Uups, I made a big mistake here. It's actually located only 0.01 AU from the Earth, which changes lot's of the text..Sorry) of the distance to the Sun compared to the Earth

Edit: SOHO is pretty close to the Earth and therefore it can predict the solar activity only by what electromagnetic activity it can detect..not the physical particles.

You are NOT on earth??

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lets not forget all ATM's and the banking system will not work ...just as No cars will (if they have a compuer controled fuel system etc).....people need to realize this is a real and present threat...IT WILL HAPPEN ads it has every 3-400 hundred years (we are due)

yeah I rememember Grandad saying his fathers, fathers, fathers, fathers car stopped 500 years ago. Damned inconvenient at the time...he was driving Ann Boleyn to the head shorteners at the time!!! Had to call a taxi I understand.

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Perchance considering our brains function on electrical impulses generated by our own body perhaps the venerable DDPM chief Chatchai Promlert is concerned that Thais might start to think and question what is happening around them.

To be honest though 98% 0f the Thai population haven't actually got a clue what a solar flare is


Probably think it's some sort of Temple fair

Judging from the comments here, 99% of the Thai Visa regulars are equally clueless. Probably think it's something in a tall glass made with vodka and with a tiny umbrella stuck in an orange slice.

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Perchance considering our brains function on electrical impulses generated by our own body perhaps the venerable DDPM chief Chatchai Promlert is concerned that Thais might start to think and question what is happening around them.

To be honest though 98% 0f the Thai population haven't actually got a clue what a solar flare is


Probably think it's some sort of Temple fair

Judging from the comments here, 99% of the Thai Visa regulars are equally clueless. Probably think it's something in a tall glass made with vodka and with a tiny umbrella stuck in an orange slice.

I prefer a mango slice if you must know.....never mind....solar flares come & go...

just like tourista's on a breezy day...

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I think this is a load of BS tbh... not a single word on the news or any papers. Is this just a bunch of nerds getting excited about something? I'm sure if something like this were a real possibility then governments everywhere would be working hurridly to try and come up with some sort of mitigation plan. I

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As the paranoia of my Thai wife’s friends transfers to her, apparently it’s my job to assure all electrical/electronic equipment safe from solar storms. I explained the atmosphere will shield us from the majority of solar events, forcing them to the earth’s poles.

Maybe I should employ Mel1 to produce a house sized Anti-solar flare cap.

I think me sees a little business venture coming soon.

Anti-solar flare caps, with the Thai flag emblazoned in style.


Consequently researching 2013’s potential solar events, referring back to the last the solar (Super) storm of 1859 electrocuting telegraph operators, I have downloaded Android Apps to alert me of a large solar flare. (Solaris Alpha and NASA Space Weather)

Happy wife, happy life! :-D

Worst case scenario, get the alert of a large coronal mass and disconnect all appliances from the power sockets within a few minutes.

Evermore, these solar events will erratically occur throughout the next few months or more.

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The DPPM must be the Thai version of our FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) in America. I was beginning to believe they never had such an agency when I saw what a poor job was being done to help the people during the floods of 2011. These severe solar storms are called Black Swans and are very difficult to predict. There have only been speculations and estimates based on history that NASA and NOAA scientists are using and of course solar disturbance activity captured by NASA spacecraft and satellite imagery. If Thailand would have allowed NASA in to do atmospheric research study the DPPM and Thailand would maybe have felt more secure and easier access to research results.

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I think this is a load of BS tbh... not a single word on the news or any papers. Is this just a bunch of nerds getting excited about something? I'm sure if something like this were a real possibility then governments everywhere would be working hurridly to try and come up with some sort of mitigation plan. I

There is no mitigation when there is nothing the government can do to prevent the issue.

Referring to links in the early pages of this discussion, and concurring as an electrical fitter/mechanic, a long piece of electrical conductor can produce additional voltage and current due to a solar storm, obliterating any connected device. This includes household wiring and antenna.

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I think this is a load of BS tbh... not a single word on the news or any papers. Is this just a bunch of nerds getting excited about something? I'm sure if something like this were a real possibility then governments everywhere would be working hurridly to try and come up with some sort of mitigation plan. I

Not nerds, scientists, British scientists even rolleyes.gif


"Solar Flares: British Scientists Urging The UK Government To Prepare

"Comprehensive Solar Storm Survival Guide

Updated 03-10-2012"

BTW remember, if you got your copy of the HHGTTG and a towel with you, nothing can go wrong


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I agree. Although the only counteraction would be the disconnection of all electrical supply before the overexposure of EMF and notifying all householders to unplug all devices from their wall sockets within the few minutes of the flare reaching the Earth.

I’d like to mention one example of a government failing to mitigate the floods of Brisbane QLD Australia in 2010, choosing to exacerbate the issue by holding water in the dams due the recent drought and then releasing water from the dams into the river system after they where overfull.

January 2013, ex-cyclone Oswald arrived to Brisbane after travelling 2000km and the government didn’t mitigate that flood too.

Ok I'll wait till June to get my new iPhone then.

Phones are immune due to the lack of length of conductors. The network they are connected to are not immune.

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OMG, I have turned into the doomsayer my wife is! In conclusion, I will say it again. The atmosphere will protect us from most of the EMF. It is up to you if you wish to protect your precious electrical/electronic equipment.

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