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4-In-1 Vaccine For Thailand To Materialise Soon


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4-in-1 vaccine for Thailand to materialise soon

By Digital Media


BANGKOK, Feb 9 – Thailand plans to invest Bt700 million (US$24 million) to produce DTP-HB, a combination vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and hepatitis B, in cooperation with a French pharmaceutical company, according to the Thai public health minister.

Dr Pradit Sintavanarong said local manufacturing of the vaccine will save the country nearly Bt2 billion (US$67 million) over the next 8-10 years.


The GPO-Merieux Biological Products (GPO-MBP), a joint venture of the Government Pharmaceutical Organisation (GPO), has signed an agreement with the France-based Sanofi Pasteur Co to manufacture the vaccine following approval by the cabinet in March last year.

Dr Pradit said the four-in-one vaccine, the first of its kind in Thailand, will be given to 800,000 Thai new-born babies each year, adding that Sanofi Pasteur will give advice and confer technology to personnel of the GPO and GPO-MBP on manufacturing the vaccine under a bilateral agreement lasting 8-10 years.

A vaccine manufacturing plant will be built by Sanofi Pasteur.

Dr Pradit described the cooperation as a step towards pharmaceutical self-reliance for Thailand and laying the groundwork for future production of other vaccines for local distribution and export to Southeast Asian countries.

Dr Pipat Yingseree, chairman of the GPO Board of Directors, said the Public Health Ministry will, under the agreement, purchase six vaccines from GPO-MBP for hepatitis B, rabies, polio, influenza, DTP-HB and Japanese encephalitis (JE) for cheaper than the current prices. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2013-02-09

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Right... 'Cos Thalidomide never happened in the UK... Blue Baby Syndrome never occurred as a result of too much fluoride doctoring the water supplies...

I think you should back off a little on the Thai Bashing..

That said, I'm highly sceptical of new vaccinations.

But, Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Typhoid, TB and Hep B are not new as individual vaccinations which if not taken could have catastrophic results.

I would be inclined question a 'one covers all cocktail' though, at least until thoroughly proven over decades of trials.

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

It's hard to know what's good or bad concernings those vaccines.Even with Western controls, there are many bad stories.
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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

It's hard to know what's good or bad concernings those vaccines.Even with Western controls, there are many bad stories.

Well put...

Penn and Teller


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I had many inoculations as a kid, in the army, starting to travel. As a result I ended up as TV member. Can I sue someone?


Q. Do Vaccines cause Autism? I have heard all over the news lately that the vaccines we give our children can cause Autism. Is this true? Is it dangerous? Should I vaccinate my one year old son?

A. Some parents and families of children with autism believe that the Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) vaccine caused their children's autism. These parents report that their children were "normal" until they received the MMR vaccine. Then, after getting the vaccine, their children started showing symptoms of autism. Because the symptoms of autism begin to occur around the same time as the child's MMR vaccination, parents and families see the vaccine as the cause of the autism. However, just because the events happen around the same time does not mean that one caused the other. To date there is no definite, scientific proof that any vaccine or combination of vaccines can cause autism. It's important to know that vaccines actually help the immune system to defend the body.

or just http://news.doccheck...he-autism-hoax/

and the fraud read this.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Wakefield

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

education but they never caused autism just someones greed simple read


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Yes. The vaccines made by the farangs and as not idiots we are... Come and test it in the low class farmers of Thailand. Hahaha ! It is really similar as what Adolf made with the Jews no?

And the us also experimenting all kind of medicines with all kind of illegrated people around the world!

Woulg you go for 1 shot of that vaccine?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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In his novel 1984, George Orwell explained double speak as the ability to make contradictory statements in one statement and double think as the ability for others to hold those contradictions simultaneously. For example: Newborns are required to receive hepatitis B vaccinations; hepatitis B is transmitted sexually or by sharing needles. Huh?

Reporting on the outbreak, mainstream media (MSM) said the CDC told them that the MMR vaccine was not 100% effective against mumps, but 75% to 85% effective. The percentage range of the mumps victims who did receive both MMR vaccinations was 75% to 85%! These two statements were printed very near each other in the same body of an MSM report. If you agree to double speak, you're conditioned with double think.

Since an attenuated live virus is being pumped into the blood, the very disease vaccinated against can be given. So if a third shot is administered, maybe closer to 100% of the "immunized" will come down with mumps?

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/028422_vaccines_quackery.html#ixzz2KOsIw6K3

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Right... 'Cos Thalidomide never happened in the UK... Blue Baby Syndrome never occurred as a result of too much fluoride doctoring the water supplies...

I think you should back off a little on the Thai Bashing..

That said, I'm highly sceptical of new vaccinations.

But, Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Typhoid, TB and Hep B are not new as individual vaccinations which if not taken could have catastrophic results.

I would be inclined question a 'one covers all cocktail' though, at least until thoroughly proven over decades of trials.

I am not in the least "Thai bashing" - Big Pharma is global and responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths annually. The fact the Thai administration is being sucked in like the rest of the sheeple obligates my conscience I warn about it. Unfortunately not too many Thai's read TV. But would agree with the sensibility (and common sense) this needs decades of testing especially as it is a cocktail and in my opinion, extremely dangerous as a panacea which is how they are trying to 'sell' it.

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Pure nonsense and hogwash, and like someone already mentioned you should back off a bit with the Thai bashing, reading several of your postings I wondered why your nick is " Locationthailand" since there is not much which seems to please you about the country. And it`s not really that you are spreading knowledge, now is it.

No one is asking you to read TV. In answer to your comments on hogwash, perhaps I would suggest you continue to live in ignorance and experience the vaccinations. Yes, there are many arguments for the benefits of polio and small pox et al, but what you appear to be condoning is collateral damage i.e. so what if a few kids end up disabled? So each to his own. At what cost a life?

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

tell that to Jenner who single handedley saved the world fro the curse of smallpox or old mate Louiis Pasteur. The rabid anti everything seem to forget that a lot of the diseases have disappeared BECAUSE of vaccination and are now reappearing becaue of their holier than thou preaching of the vocal minority.

F_uck off. Show me the research where Autism is caused by vaccination... more probably genetic or environemental exposure. Having said that I do agree that it is every parents right to choose vacination or not ...the same as I believe it is societies choice to choose to have the same children excluded from public places, education etc. ...........home school them if that is in fact your choice of health lifestyle.

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Pure nonsense and hogwash, and like someone already mentioned you should back off a bit with the Thai bashing, reading several of your postings I wondered why your nick is " Locationthailand" since there is not much which seems to please you about the country. And it`s not really that you are spreading knowledge, now is it.

No one is asking you to read TV. In answer to your comments on hogwash, perhaps I would suggest you continue to live in ignorance and experience the vaccinations. Yes, there are many arguments for the benefits of polio and small pox et al, but what you appear to be condoning is collateral damage i.e. so what if a few kids end up disabled? So each to his own. At what cost a life?

You are right, no one is asking me to read, but I do, and when I read nonsense, I comment. Is anyone asking you to post?

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Vaccinating people against a specific disease rife in their area and giving very young children multiple vaccinations at a very young age are two completely different things.

If there was a cholera epidemic in Thailand, I would have no problems allowing them to give me the vaccination.

If they want to give my baby MMR vaccine at age 1 month ...... different thing.

Unfortunately if you live in Thailand you have no choice.

Say no, and they will take your baby out of sight and vaccinate without parental permission.

If you avoid that happening, schools will refuse un-vaccinated children entrance until jabbed.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Right... 'Cos Thalidomide never happened in the UK... Blue Baby Syndrome never occurred as a result of too much fluoride doctoring the water supplies...

I think you should back off a little on the Thai Bashing..

That said, I'm highly sceptical of new vaccinations.

But, Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Typhoid, TB and Hep B are not new as individual vaccinations which if not taken could have catastrophic results.

I would be inclined question a 'one covers all cocktail' though, at least until thoroughly proven over decades of trials.

"I think you should back off a little on the Thai Bashing.."

If only there were a vaccination to prevent the widespread Pukka Sahib Syndrome. It's terribly contagious, primarily amongst farang.

All the retired shop assistants, taxi drivers and factory shift workers who retire to Thailand seem especially susceptible. The vector may be barstools. The symptoms involve pontificating, an unwarranted sense of superiority and a speaking in slurred tongues.

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Yeah, very reputable websites. I can show you a link to a website that claims there are aliens living underground too

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

tell that to Jenner who single handedley saved the world fro the curse of smallpox or old mate Louiis Pasteur. The rabid anti everything seem to forget that a lot of the diseases have disappeared BECAUSE of vaccination and are now reappearing becaue of their holier than thou preaching of the vocal minority.

F_uck off. Show me the research where Autism is caused by vaccination... more probably genetic or environemental exposure. Having said that I do agree that it is every parents right to choose vacination or not ...the same as I believe it is societies choice to choose to have the same children excluded from public places, education etc. ...........home school them if that is in fact your choice of health lifestyle.

Ignorance is bliss. Sadly there are as many articles in support of vaccination usually written by spin doctors and PR companies as there are against. The ones that work worked well yes, but had side effects, and the ones that failed absolutely failed with dire consequences. Having seen first hand results of some really seriously sad results of them, I retain my opinions and could not care less whether anyone choses to inoculate their offspring. Perhaps some education if anyone finds the time, a very good book on the subject written in plain English is from Jake Anthony http://www.amazon.com/THE-GUERRILLA-GUIDE-VACCINATION-ebook/dp/B002TX6ZFK

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Ah yes, just pull that foil hat on a bit tighter and all will be fine.

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