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Why Are So Many Farangs So Dirty

Blue Unicorn

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Your forgetting all the greasy Spaniards and Italians. And don't forget the Israeli's, they generally don't seem to know what a shower is and love wearing tiny vests so you get the full flavour of their aroma. Oh and don't forget Americans, they're generally fatter and as such are inclined to sweat more. Is this too racist? Seems it's not a problem on this topic.

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toptuan. Guessing your an American, so the sarcasm (or irony as you might like to call it) must have passed you by. Everyone was giving the British a hammering (as usual). Just highlighting some other stereotypes for you.

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... bangers and mash...

Yankee emergency! :D ....translation please? This is harder than learning the Isaan dialect! :o

Fried sausages and mashed potatoes, standard soapdodger grub.




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My Japanese friends tell me that we Americans smell like butter (some say lard). Definitely racist!

This is called 'bata kusai' or 'stinking of butter'. The term also has figurative connotations; for example Japanese who have been exposed to Western ideals or something/someone that is foreign. It's not a new concept and it's not just Americans who are labelled with the tag. Apparently, Asians can distinctly smell out a Westerner because we consume a lot of dairy products and red meat on the whole and is simply reflected in our natural BO.

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toptuan. Guessing your an American, so the sarcasm (or irony as you might like to call it) must have passed you by. Everyone was giving the British a hammering (as usual). Just highlighting some other stereotypes for you.

Hey, no problem Alexjw; Likewise, my tongue-in-cheek responses must have also passed you by. When we use the little emoticons (you know, the little faces), it usually means "don't take me serious." Mai pen rai :o

Edited by toptuan
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hmm hmm

I am not sure if I shall agree or not, hmm

I know from fat people they smell somehow butter like.

I know many people claim they can smell it if someone eats much garlic (definitly if you eat very much mokitos does not bite you so much)

I found out that I smell a lot worse in Thailand than I did in europe, I tried for a longer periode to eat nearly full farang and that did not change much, the only changes:

more beer, a lot more

less wine, a lot less close to zero

less fruits

less meat

less sport

less sauna

more work

more hot

less cold

My Japanese friends tell me that we Americans smell like butter (some say lard). Definitely racist!

This is called 'bata kusai' or 'stinking of butter'. The term also has figurative connotations; for example Japanese who have been exposed to Western ideals or something/someone that is foreign. It's not a new concept and it's not just Americans who are labelled with the tag. Apparently, Asians can distinctly smell out a Westerner because we consume a lot of dairy products and red meat on the whole and is simply reflected in our natural BO.

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I know many people claim they can smell it if someone eats much garlic

Case in point: My first trip to Korea, I stepped out of the airport and onto a public bus. Immediately, noxious waves of garlic poured over my senses (filling the nostrils, stinging the eyes)--evidently from the Koreans' favorite dish: kimchee. I swear, it permeates every nook and cranny of that little country, including the breaths and pores of the inhabitants, themselves.

We say, "If you can't lick 'em, join 'em." So, after a few meals of kimchee under my own belt, and stinking right along with the best of them, didn't notice a thing after while. (Until I got back home to my family! Talk about becoming an instant pariah.)

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Indian food does it as well - permeates from your body even after just one nite out. Takes a day get out of your system.

I don't understand it. All those strong things, ingested, make your body reek.

Why can't you eat rose petals and sweat cologne? :o

Like I said before, I'm an English teacher, not a scientist.

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Does this number include the ones you take before and after horizontal exercise or would you consider them as an added bonus :D

Uh no... :o

My point is you normally take a shower after you are out for an extended period of time. If I'm out for a few times over the course of the day - going to shower. (Gets you clean and helps you cool off)

Same here. Shower in the morning before i go out, then if i come back during the day another shower, when i come back in the evening, a shower before dinner and then a final shower before getting into bed :D

Cooling off is definitely a good reason to take a shower. Always before bed, for sure!

I never refer to a thermometer here in Thailand. My heat index is based on the number of showers I take per day. Six showers a day is not altogether uncommon and one shower days are quite rare.

Showers after exercising with the wifey are additional - and a must.

How often does your Thai gf/wife's shower? Sometimes I exercise with the wifey to force her into the shower! :D

Also, I noticed that a Thai diet doesn't produce gas nearly as much. Rarely do I fart here unless I eat farang food.

Edited by Tippaporn
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it may work, if you eat 1-2 kg per day.

you can try eat every day carotes (spelling??) as much as you can do 1-2-3 kg and you get orange.

So you can change some things

Indian food does it as well - permeates from your body even after just one nite out. Takes a day get out of your system.

I don't understand it. All those strong things, ingested, make your body reek.

Why can't you eat rose petals and sweat cologne? :o

Like I said before, I'm an English teacher, not a scientist.

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I read the original post here and had to comment.

It is normal and correct for people to shower before they come into a pool area.

However once you are at the pool, sitting in the sun, going in and out of the water and so on, I have never seen anyone, anywhere, who sits beside a pool and sweats in the sun, take a shower before jumping back in the pool.

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Sweating is one thing, stinking is another. I've walked into air conditioned bars many times, only to be met with very heavy body odor from other farangs. If they were supposed to smell like that, God would have given them antlers.


I havn't enjoyed reading a thread so much in ages. All the soapdodgers are up in arms thinking it's a personal attack on their own "hygene" problems :D

Me....I'm of for one of Brits shaggy showers, far more fun as long as you don't do yourself a mischief on the soap and break something.

Keep 'em coming fellas :D

must agree with the Maejo man on this one...

This thread holds some of the most infantile arguments in the history of this forum.

Fairly amusing..

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Showers before sex......

Showers after sex.......

Sex under the shower..........

Are your shower fixtures separate to your bath tub, or are they combined?

If combined, why not lie down in the tub, under all the bubbly suds and enjoy your sex in the horizontal position?

If you have a shower cubicle, your shower sex must occur in the vertical position. This means leaning against the tiles with the shower taps digging into either yours, or your partner's back.

You can't safely lean against the shower curtain, or sliding glass doors, so what happens when your combined excitement reaches the explosion point?

Which one of you takes the weight of the other, or do you both fall down in a writhing heap of tangled, wet flesh?

.....and if you are in the vertical position and you go the growl on your partner, does your mouth fill up with soapy water, (amongst other things of course) do you swallow it without coughing and aren't you eating all the dust, grime and filth that is washing from his/her body?

(Perhaps this won't worry you too much, but what if your partner has just returned from the Hash House Harriers run and is smelling to high heaven?)

If you lie down in your bath tub with your partner and you go the growl, do you use a snorkle to perform the deed under the suds?

If so, how do you perform the deed and breathe through the snorkle at the same time? :D

If you love having your sex with the sound of splashing water, why not buy a water bed? :o

Is keeping a clean body and keeping a clean mind the same thing?

Too many questions for me to answer. :D

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Showers before sex......

Showers after sex.......

Sex under the shower..........

Are your shower fixtures separate to your bath tub, or are they combined?

If combined, why not lie down in the tub, under all the bubbly suds and enjoy your sex in the horizontal position?

If you have a shower cubicle, your shower sex must occur in the vertical position. This means leaning against the tiles with the shower taps digging into either yours, or your partner's back.

You can't safely lean against the shower curtain, or sliding glass doors, so what happens when your combined excitement reaches the explosion point?

Which one of you takes the weight of the other, or do you both fall down in a writhing heap of tangled, wet flesh?

.....and if you are in the vertical position and you go the growl on your partner, does your mouth fill up with soapy water, (amongst other things of course) do you swallow it without coughing and aren't you eating all the dust, grime and filth that is washing from his/her body?

(Perhaps this won't worry you too much, but what if your partner has just returned from the Hash House Harriers run and is smelling to high heaven?)

If you lie down in your bath tub with your partner and you go the growl, do you use a snorkle to perform the deed under the suds?

If so, how do you perform the deed and breathe through the snorkle at the same time? :D

If you love having your sex with the sound of splashing water, why not buy a water bed? :o

Is keeping a clean body and keeping a clean mind the same thing?

What about after 'Phone sex"? Hmm.....I wonder...do I need a shower too? :D

The body is mostly clean....but not my mind though!

Too many questions for me to answer. :D

Edited by BKK90210
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My greyhound (God rest his soul) used to smell terrible on returning from our regular walks in the local farmer's field. This was because he took great pleasure in rolling around in fresh cowpats.

I had an awful job getting him to stay still while I washed him down with the hose.

Should have bought a poodle, they're far more civilized when it comes to the showering stakes! :o

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Showers before sex......

Showers after sex.......

Sex under the shower..........

If you have a shower cubicle, your shower sex must occur in the vertical position.

Unless you are smart and build a little bench in there for either of you to sit on

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My greyhound (God rest his soul) used to smell terrible on returning from our regular walks in the local farmer's field. This was because he took great pleasure in rolling around in fresh cowpats.

I had an awful job getting him to stay still while I washed him down with the hose.

Should have bought a poodle, they're far more civilized when it comes to the showering stakes! :o

You should have got Brit to train him, he would have been taking 4 or 5 showers per day on his own.

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The Dude thinks that the majority of posters here have it all wrong. From my experience, it is the Germans and the French that have foul odors emanating from them. I never had the heart to tell my German bud that he reeked something fierce. The upside is that clearly he saves cash on deodrant and laundry. The only thing I can do is keep my distance be4 I wretch. How mighty undiggable catching a whiff

Having lived on that side of the water Ive got to agree with this.

Not seen your comments for a while, welcome back The Dude. Or is it me thats been missing....! :o


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Showers before sex......

Showers after sex.......

Sex under the shower..........

Are your shower fixtures separate to your bath tub, or are they combined?

If combined, why not lie down in the tub, under all the bubbly suds and enjoy your sex in the horizontal position?

If you have a shower cubicle, your shower sex must occur in the vertical position. This means leaning against the tiles with the shower taps digging into either yours, or your partner's back.

You can't safely lean against the shower curtain, or sliding glass doors, so what happens when your combined excitement reaches the explosion point?

Which one of you takes the weight of the other, or do you both fall down in a writhing heap of tangled, wet flesh?

.....and if you are in the vertical position and you go the growl on your partner, does your mouth fill up with soapy water, (amongst other things of course) do you swallow it without coughing and aren't you eating all the dust, grime and filth that is washing from his/her body?

(Perhaps this won't worry you too much, but what if your partner has just returned from the Hash House Harriers run and is smelling to high heaven?)

If you lie down in your bath tub with your partner and you go the growl, do you use a snorkle to perform the deed under the suds?

If so, how do you perform the deed and breathe through the snorkle at the same time? :D

If you love having your sex with the sound of splashing water, why not buy a water bed? :o

Is keeping a clean body and keeping a clean mind the same thing?

Too many questions for me to answer. :D

...maybe we could ask the "sex under the shower" poster (too lazy to look up who it was....) to add some pictures or better a video for clarification.. :D

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Hi guys

I'm Robert2 and new on ThaiVisa.

About this topic of smelly farangs the egghead sciencetists has actually found that westerners are sweating more than Southeast asians. This is backed up by recognized genetic resarch.

(oh yeah, they also found that SE asians can't drink as much as westerners, genetics too...)

But whereever you're from, a quick 1 minute shower 3 times a day in Thai weather conditions is good for anyone. And refreshing too methinks.

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About this topic of smelly farangs the egghead sciencetists has actually found that westerners are sweating more than Southeast asians. This is backed up by recognized genetic resarch.

The research is carried out every day in my classroom. Thirty comfortable dry students and one wringing-wet teacher. This is even when THEY should be the ones sweating--like at final exams.

Also, I believe the body thermostats are set at quite different levels for Asians vs. Caucasians. The battle over the A/C controls between students and farang teachers are unending. In my class, the majority wins. Thus, wet teacher. This, despite the situation in which the foreigner's diet and body weight (and lean-to-fat ratio) may be near-identical to the Asians'.

It's OK. I came voluntarily. If it was unendurable, I could also leave voluntarily. That freedom keeps me pluggin' away... :o

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