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Security Tightened Ahead Of Yingluck's Chiang Mai Visit Following Terrorism Reports


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Now airplanes landed in Chiang Mai airport every 10 minutes. I thought something was wrong. Especially check the internet now and found the message.

I get security alerts from the US Embassy. Received nothing today. Checked the US Embassy website, nothing. Until I see something coming out of the US side I will not believe any of this BS.

I drew attention to the news because noticed oddity with planes today. How do you explain that?

The som-tam lady, fount of all knowledge on things Thai, assures me that it's only an emergency-airlift of Pepsi-Max & Coke-Zero in 1.25-liter bottles, to relieve the ongoing drought-conditions here in the North-West. rolleyes.gif

I can only hope she's right, as usual ! laugh.png

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That US consulate is an accident waiting to happen. Security is very poor which makes it a soft and very opportunistic target for terrorists.

I would disagree. The consulate has in place a state of art security not to mention what's under the consulate. The business's and locals are at risk yes but the worst is that they would destroy the wall perimeter. Try getting into the consulate without an appointment. The chicken shit terrorist thugs would be waisting their time attacking the consulate. This threat comes across to me as a false flag at best.

I would think the Chiangmai immigration, airport, Sat. walking street et. would be more likely targets for these wanna be something's but never will's.

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That US consulate is an accident waiting to happen. Security is very poor which makes it a soft and very opportunistic target for terrorists.

I would disagree. The consulate has in place a state of art security not to mention what's under the consulate. The business's and locals are at risk yes but the worst is that they would destroy the wall perimeter. Try getting into the consulate without an appointment. The chicken shit terrorist thugs would be waisting their time attacking the consulate. This threat comes across to me as a false flag at best.

I would think the Chiangmai immigration, airport, Sat. walking street et. would be more likely targets for these wanna be something's but never will's.

But attacking those other sites wouldn't address the motivation for the Australian drug traders to supply weapons to the Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Their anger is specifically targeted at the U.S. Consulate's assistance with the Thai police to suppress their business.

Well... according to Chalerm it is.


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Now airplanes landed in Chiang Mai airport every 10 minutes. I thought something was wrong. Especially check the internet now and found the message.

I get security alerts from the US Embassy. Received nothing today. Checked the US Embassy website, nothing. Until I see something coming out of the US side I will not believe any of this BS.

I drew attention to the news because noticed oddity with planes today. How do you explain that?

I just read, on the Chiang Mai local-forum, that the annual Cobra Gold military-exercises were launched yesterday in Chiang Mai. So that's it, then. wai2.gif

Edited by Ricardo
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That US consulate is an accident waiting to happen. Security is very poor which makes it a soft and very opportunistic target for terrorists.

I would disagree. The consulate has in place a state of art security not to mention what's under the consulate. The business's and locals are at risk yes but the worst is that they would destroy the wall perimeter. Try getting into the consulate without an appointment. The chicken shit terrorist thugs would be waisting their time attacking the consulate. This threat comes across to me as a false flag at best.

I would think the Chiangmai immigration, airport, Sat. walking street et. would be more likely targets for these wanna be something's but never will's.

In fairness, just about any up country army base is a very very easy target. 18 year olds standing to attention with unloaded M16's, and literally hundreds of members of the public a day going in to play golf or sport. It is incredible to me that there is so little security. I play golf at a base every weekend, and my son goes a couple of nights a week to play soccer and average Thai factory has security that is 100 times stronger. Bearing in mind that there are very large family accommodation blocks inside, it would be absolute carnage.

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Now airplanes landed in Chiang Mai airport every 10 minutes. I thought something was wrong. Especially check the internet now and found the message.

I get security alerts from the US Embassy. Received nothing today. Checked the US Embassy website, nothing. Until I see something coming out of the US side I will not believe any of this BS.

I drew attention to the news because noticed oddity with planes today. How do you explain that?

Ozzie weapons shipments to Al-Qaeda?


I have definitely seen those Australian weapons, if you throw them they come back to you :)

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That US consulate is an accident waiting to happen. Security is very poor which makes it a soft and very opportunistic target for terrorists.

I would disagree. The consulate has in place a state of art security not to mention what's under the consulate. The business's and locals are at risk yes but the worst is that they would destroy the wall perimeter. Try getting into the consulate without an appointment. The chicken shit terrorist thugs would be waisting their time attacking the consulate. This threat comes across to me as a false flag at best.

I would think the Chiangmai immigration, airport, Sat. walking street et. would be more likely targets for these wanna be something's but never will's.

In fairness, just about any up country army base is a very very easy target. 18 year olds standing to attention with unloaded M16's, and literally hundreds of members of the public a day going in to play golf or sport. It is incredible to me that there is so little security. I play golf at a base every weekend, and my son goes a couple of nights a week to play soccer and average Thai factory has security that is 100 times stronger. Bearing in mind that there are very large family accommodation blocks inside, it would be absolute carnage.

They need to replace these 18 year olds with Gurkha guards. If there was ever an attack the carnage would be on the attackers.
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Interesting that this coincides with the opening of the first Palestinian embassy in BKK

Then again, when Chalerm gets one of his "sniffs" he normally barks up the wrong distilliary. I remember one occasion where he advised the nation that there were no terrorists in Thailand only to find a bunch of (albeit operationally useless) Iranians blowing themselves limb from limb

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Chiang Mai Police commander Maj-General Kasemsant Boonyakan said he had circulated the names of 15 suspected terrorists to all hotels and guesthouses.

The list of names and country of origin, beginning with the leader:

Umar Al Khatib (Algeria)

Burhanidin Jabir (Eritrea)

Taib Kamal (Algeria)

Abdalhadi al Tahir (Ethiopia)

Yahya Aboulrazak Hamza (Syria)

Abdallah Al Kamil (Syria)

Abdal Baribelhaj (Algeria)

Marwan Al Khatib (Yemen)

Umar Shihab (Yemen)

Khalil Al Qwaydir (Jordan)

Abdallah (Palestine)

Abdal Aziz Al Jalai (Sudan)

Harith Yusif (Afghanistan

Najmudin (Afghanistan)

Abdal Hakim (Somalia)

Daily News



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My take on this is that Jatuporn put a bunch of his expensive gift amulets under his pillow and had a dream that the terrorists were coming, thus checked with the local witch doctor who confirmed it was true. Of course he has told us that when he dreams something it comes true. He then called mr. ear medicine, related the dream to him. The rest is history.

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An Al-Qaeda suspect already fled Thailand while police continue security protection on terrorist target

CHIANG MAI, 13 February 2013 (NNT)-It has been reported that a suspect believed to have planned an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Chiang Mai has fled Thailand and is currently hiding in Malaysia.

The National Security Council has confirmed the arrival of the suspected Al-Qaeda member who traveled to the Kingdom by himself. The NSC Secretary-General, Lt-Gen Paradorn Pattanathabutr, said however that the suspect has left the country after authorities had kept him under surveillance. He believed that Malaysian authorities would soon put the suspect under custody.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Consulate in Chiang Mai said a tip-off about the sabotage could as well be used as a scenario crisis during the U.S. military training known as Cobra Gold in Thailand. And despite the situation, the US consulate is still open for visa application as usual.

However, high-level security remains in place to assure the safety of U.S. officials. Around 5 more policemen have been added to the front gate of the consulate while a number of plainclothes police are providing surveillance around the clock. Police officers in Chiang Mai have also been instructed to watch around car rent agencies, guesthouses and other tourist lodgings on the look-out for any suspicious activities for tourists’ own safety.


-- NNT 2013-02-13 footer_n.gif

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The National Security Council has confirmed the arrival of the suspected Al-Qaeda member who traveled to the Kingdom by himself. The NSC Secretary-General, Lt-Gen Paradorn Pattanathabutr, said however that the suspect has left the country after authorities had kept him under surveillance.

Boy, nothing gets past Immigrations upon arriving in Thailand... well except for Al-Qaeda members.

Boy, nothing gets past Immigrations upon departing Thailand... well except for Al-Qaeda members (and especially those that were already under surveillance). blink.png

Coming on the heels of your denial last week of the existence of the not-so-secret CIA detention center in Thailand, perhaps being Thaksin's "brother" isn't the best qualifier for your position afterall, Paradorn. ermm.gif


Anyway, best of luck to you and your men in thwarting those 14 remaining Al-Qaeda terrorists with Australian explosives that are still in Thailand.


Edited by Buchholz
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hate to be mr. doom and gloom but when you consider how many tourists visit thailand each month, whether it be north, east, south or west, it's very surprising an attack has not already taken place. indeed if an al-qaeda suspect has fled the country on news of this plot becoming public, it would also seem an attack is imminent. i just hope we see some REAL security measures and not just more hot air. a lot of finger pointing from western governments will happen should their citizens die whilst on holiday here and i really hope this threat isn't carried out.

on a lighter note, the american army is taking place in military exercises in CM province. should be a fun, peaceful place for a few days then!!!biggrin.pngcheesy.gif

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An Al-Qaeda suspect already fled Thailand while police continue security protection on terrorist target

CHIANG MAI, 13 February 2013 (NNT)-It has been reported that a suspect believed to have planned an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Chiang Mai has fled Thailand and is currently hiding in Malaysia.

The National Security Council has confirmed the arrival of the suspected Al-Qaeda member who traveled to the Kingdom by himself. The NSC Secretary-General, Lt-Gen Paradorn Pattanathabutr, said however that the suspect has left the country after authorities had kept him under surveillance. He believed that Malaysian authorities would soon put the suspect under custody.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Consulate in Chiang Mai said a tip-off about the sabotage could as well be used as a scenario crisis during the U.S. military training known as Cobra Gold in Thailand. And despite the situation, the US consulate is still open for visa application as usual.

However, high-level security remains in place to assure the safety of U.S. officials. Around 5 more policemen have been added to the front gate of the consulate while a number of plainclothes police are providing surveillance around the clock. Police officers in Chiang Mai have also been instructed to watch around car rent agencies, guesthouses and other tourist lodgings on the look-out for any suspicious activities for tourists’ own safety.


-- NNT 2013-02-13 footer_n.gif

The bullshit just keeps getting deeper and deeper. Of course they have to keep up the creative thinking to support this non event. A know AQ terrorist that is on the immigration watch list simply going through immigration, boarding a plane to Malaysia. Yeah right.
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Meanwhile, the U.S. Consulate in Chiang Mai said a tip-off about the sabotage could as well be used as a scenario crisis during the U.S. military training known as Cobra Gold in Thailand.

Missed this little snippet earlier.... it could well explain how all this was started by Chalerm.

This "Al-Qaeda going to attack American Consulate" is precisely the sort of made-up scenarios used for operations like Cobra Gold.

A copy of this planned scenario is read by someone unconnected to the training exercise. They take it at at face value thinking it's real as the text of these training scenarios are not identified as training and if the wrong person read it and thought it was real.... they'd very understandably would be shocked and want to pass it along. It eventually ends up with Chalerm, who still thinking it's real, goes over the top and makes a series of blustering announcements (one of which is that the intel came from domestic sources).

The whole while, the American authorities are quiet on the issue, make no change whatsoever to the normal operation of the consulate, and don't ratchet up security on their own, which if the threat was real, they absolutely would. Why?

Because they know it's just a training exercise. It's THEIR scenario and they already know it's just a war game.

However, being diplomatic, they thank the Thai authorities, but do nothing of what one might expect them to do if it was real. They go merrily along their way.

As an added bonus, these war game training exercises often have some cockamamie-sounding side issue built into the main scenario. These are devised and done so that other contingents of the military that may not have ordinarily been involved in the main crisis can be tested and practiced on their response to the side issue crisis.

Chalerm's "Australian drug traders supplying war weapons and explosives to Al-Qaeda terrorists" is precisely the sort of side crisis that would written in and added to the main war game crisis. Cockamamie to hear it, but it's just so some training outside of the main crisis can occur.

Yet another match is that invariably these war game scenarios come up with an operational name for them, often silly sounding, eg. Operation Billiard Ball. wink.png

I hope I'm wrong, but this could all very well turn out to be the situation.

It's a war game exercise that's spun out of control after Chalerm's blundered in and thought it was real.


Edited by Buchholz
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This TIME magazine article explains how these war games like Cobra Gold operations that I posted about are done:

North Korean forces are invading South Korea. Drug gangs along the U.S.-Mexican border are seizing parts of El Paso, Texas. A nuclear device is floating in waters somewhere near the U.S. And, NATO forces are deploying along the border of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to quell ethnic violence. American military minds confronted these crises in detail. But don't worry. It's not yet the end of the world. All were of fictional future scenarios from a U.S. Army war game at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. They are designed to help U.S. forces anticipate and prepare for tomorrow's military problems.

Read more:



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An Al-Qaeda suspect already fled Thailand while police continue security protection on terrorist target

CHIANG MAI, 13 February 2013 (NNT)-It has been reported that a suspect believed to have planned an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Chiang Mai has fled Thailand and is currently hiding in Malaysia.

The National Security Council has confirmed the arrival of the suspected Al-Qaeda member who traveled to the Kingdom by himself. The NSC Secretary-General, Lt-Gen Paradorn Pattanathabutr, said however that the suspect has left the country after authorities had kept him under surveillance. He believed that Malaysian authorities would soon put the suspect under custody.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Consulate in Chiang Mai said a tip-off about the sabotage could as well be used as a scenario crisis during the U.S. military training known as Cobra Gold in Thailand. And despite the situation, the US consulate is still open for visa application as usual.

However, high-level security remains in place to assure the safety of U.S. officials. Around 5 more policemen have been added to the front gate of the consulate while a number of plainclothes police are providing surveillance around the clock. Police officers in Chiang Mai have also been instructed to watch around car rent agencies, guesthouses and other tourist lodgings on the look-out for any suspicious activities for tourists’ own safety.


-- NNT 2013-02-13 footer_n.gif

They had an al quaeda suspect under surveillance and let him leave the country. Did he go overland through the south, which would be laughable. Even worse, maybe they let him fly out of svb.

Don't believe this story for a second.

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Another Chalerm Bluff on Terrorism?

This would not be the first time Chalerm has blustered about terrorism or other special information he claims to know. As the U.S. did not issue any warning to travelers and considering Chalerm's past statements on bombings that turned out to be political ploys, it likely that once again these pronouncements have more to do with political bickering than anything real.



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Another Chalerm Bluff on Terrorism?

This would not be the first time Chalerm has blustered about terrorism or other special information he claims to know. As the U.S. did not issue any warning to travelers and considering Chalerm's past statements on bombings that turned out to be political ploys, it likely that once again these pronouncements have more to do with political bickering than anything real.



As an American citizen I can guarantee Chalerm is lying through his stupid drunken teeth. If there was any inkling of a threat to the American Consulate they would have notified every American citizen in Thailand that is registered with the embassy for security alerts. No alert was given and as per the US embassy it is business as usual in CM. Edited by Pimay1
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Another Chalerm Bluff on Terrorism?

This would not be the first time Chalerm has blustered about terrorism or other special information he claims to know. As the U.S. did not issue any warning to travelers and considering Chalerm's past statements on bombings that turned out to be political ploys, it likely that once again these pronouncements have more to do with political bickering than anything real.



As an American citizen I can guarantee Chalerm is lying through his stupid drunken teeth. If there was any inkling of a threat to the American Consulate they would have notified every American citizen in Thailand that is registered with the embassy for security alerts. No alert was given and as per the US embassy it is business as usual in CM.

Funny considering the fuss they got themselves into the embassies issuing warnings after a guy blew his legs off with a bomb.

That's obviously not a terrorist threat huh? This is because chalerm wants his curfew to save face after the army head shot him down publicly.

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As an American citizen I can guarantee Chalerm is lying through his stupid drunken teeth. If there was any inkling of a threat to the American Consulate they would have notified every American citizen in Thailand that is registered with the embassy for security alerts. No alert was given and as per the US embassy it is business as usual in CM.

I'd be happy with an explanation email detailing that the whole situation originated as an intentional war game pretend scenario that got twisted and blown up into a real scenario by a raving alcoholic... but I don't expect they will ever do that as, diplomatically, it just wouldn't be right.

Perhaps a wikileak at some future point will confirm it.


Edited by Buchholz
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Al-Qaeda Won't Be Able To Carry Out Attack, Says Thai Government

The Thai government believes that the Al-Qaeda terrorist group will not be able to carry out its planned attack on the United States Consulate in Chiang Mai this month. Deputy Prime Minister Charlem Yubamrung attributed the belief to the fact that the Thai authorities were on full alert and prepared to handle such a threat.

Furthermore, a numbers of terrorists had left the country upon learning of the authorities' state of preparedness, he told reporters here today. "I was informed by Region 5 Police Chief Lt Gen Suthep Detraksa that a number of them have fled the country.

"Some of the terrorists are still in the country but we believe they won't be able to carry out their threat as the Thai authorities are now on full alert," he said.



Bernama - February 12, 2012

And so why can't they be so vigilent in the South...??? Duh !!

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