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Why Asian Women Are So Popular


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I was talking to one of my friends back home the other day, and he was telling me about his new gf, a Chinese girl. After thinking about it, I realized that out of all of my good college friends (we're all late 20's early 30's), around 70% of us have Asian girlfriends (Chinese, Korean, Thai, etc....). This got me thinking as to what white women think about this relatively new phenomenon. After trolling the internet, I found an article in a women's magazine called "Marie Claire". The author of the article tries to explain the explosion in the popularity of Asian women amongst the current young generation of western males. The article is as follows:

What is it about Asian women that drive American men wild? Why do many white men prefer Asian women? Here are the top six reasons why American men are completely captivated with Asian women.

1. Plain and Natural. Western guys go for women who already look beautiful in her natural state and this exactly what Asian girls exude. They are plain and natural even without the need for colorful makeup, pompous accessories and Avant-garde wardrobe. They can be beautiful even with simple clothes and light makeup.

2. The Loving Asian Woman. One of the best traits that Western men couldn't simply resist is the love and care that Asian women are known for. Asian women are some of the most affectionate women in the world behind closed doors.

3. Not Aggressive. A lof of men are intimidated by strong women. What a Western man wants is someone who really needs him. For these guys, Asian women's non aggressiveness can mean being devoid of those vixenish ways. She's not the type who makes the first move and definitely not promiscuous.

4. Loyalty. When a Asian woman decides she loves you she will love you forever. She will stand by you, rich or poor and make the best of you both. Now of course there are failed marriages there as well as in our western countries, but the statistics are far lower than here.

5. Stir-Fry Skills

Your Asian lover likely can throw together a five-course meal on a last minute basis with apparent effortlessness. She’ll also turn that meal into a work of art with her presentation skills – and a smile when you tell her that the food is delicious, of course.

6. Think About It

Admit it: nothing’s sexier than smarts. Ever worry you’ve missed a detail or need an expert opinion? Just ask your Asian woman – while she may tend to keep her thoughts to herself behind those dark eyes and enigmatic smile, but she will likely come up with the solution to your problems before you figured out you had a problem in the first place.

Interested in whether any men out there agree with any of these points? wai2.gif

Edited by nietzche
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The following are the 48 countries of Asia:

1. Russia

2. Mongolia

3. China

4. India

5. Sri Lanka

6. Maldives

7. Nepal

8. Bhutan

9. Bangladesh

10. Myanmar

11. Thailand

12. Laos

13. Vietnam

14. Cambodia

15. Indonesia

16. Malaysia

17. Timor Leste

18. Brunei

19. Singapore

20. Taiwan

21. Philippines

22. Japan

23. North Korea

24. South Korea

25. Pakistan

26. Afghanistan

27. Tajikistan

28. Kyrgyzstan

29. Kazakhstan

30. Uzbekistan

31. Turkmenistan

32. Georgia

33. Armenia

34. Azerbaijan

35. Iran

36. Iraq

37. Syria

38. Lebanon

39. Jordan

40. Israel

41. Saudi Arabia

42. Yemen

43. Oman

44. UAE

45. Qatar

46. Bahrain

47. Kuwait

48. Turkey

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If you travel a bit more you'll discover that just about all non-western women are like this. The problem is that many western women have shunned femininity which to many men is a real turn off. Now men are forced to go abroad to find a mate which is quite sad.

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Just to clarify.

You mean all Asian women (which is a big variety), not simply referring to Thai, Korean and Chinese?

Think he means the E. Asian kind. But really all Asian women are like this. I know of a guy who married an Indian girl and he says they are just incredible. Very feminine and committed. Real women.

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If you travel a bit more you'll discover that just about all non-western women are like this. The problem is that many western women have shunned femininity which to many men is a real turn off. Now men are forced to go abroad to find a mate which is quite sad.

Yeah....I'd rather date a bloke meself than a western chick.

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ALL magazines have ONE purpose... to sell copies. If they don't have anything truthful to print then they make stuff up. In women's magazines it's a case of the more shocking the better. Western men in Asia NATURALLY prefer Asian women... there's more of them to choose from.

Generalities are just that... broad sweeping statements that cover everything and try to lump it all in one category. It's pure BS. I used to read women's magazines and I even wrote for a few, but they are all the same. I could make a list right now that would apply to almost all of their topics printed month after month after month.

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