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Calling To The Welsh Amongst Us In Los


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is this so u can all go to a bar together and speak welsh while ignoring anyone who speaks english just like in your parochial homeland

No doubt you are one of these who complain that the Thais speak Thai as well.

pathetic answer by someone who no doubt thinks just like the people I am describing above

Pathetic? Why because its true. Get a Life!!

Ah you read the Daily Mail, that explains a lot!

Ti'n llawn cachu ......... I like to read all manner of newspapers and literature which gives me an broad outlook unlike yourself who it seems wants to stifle debate with cheap insults

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Pot & Kettle I think!! As I said Get a Life!!

hey I lived smack bang in the middle of Glyndwr country for 5 years and can testify that most of them were arrogant parochial down right unfriendly two faced oiks who were still talking about what Edward 1 did 700 years ago........even the schools in the vicinity insisted on teaching primary school kids in Welsh despite a large influx of English children into the area,the poor little buggers were even told off for speaking english during break time......a perfect example of how nationalism and racist policies are designed by bigots in the welsh assembly to hold back childrens education,even welsh speaking children would be held back studying in an archaic useless language while the rest of the UK is studying in english to compete in the global market.nothing wrong with studying the language as a subject within the curriculum but not for these zealots...some would fly the welsh flag in their gardens and come world cup time they would be supporting any team but England despite Wales not being in the competition.the Welsh are happy for the english to come to Wales on a Sunday and spend their money in the pubs and trinket shops as long as they go home when it gets dark

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Pot & Kettle I think!! As I said Get a Life!!

hey I lived smack bang in the middle of Glyndwr country for 5 years and can testify that most of them were arrogant parochial down right unfriendly two faced oiks who were still talking about what Edward 1 did 700 years ago........even the schools in the vicinity insisted on teaching primary school kids in Welsh despite a large influx of English children into the area,the poor little buggers were even told off for speaking english during break time......a perfect example of how nationalism and racist policies are designed by bigots in the welsh assembly to hold back childrens education,even welsh speaking children would be held back studying in an archaic useless language while the rest of the UK is studying in english to compete in the global market.nothing wrong with studying the language as a subject within the curriculum but not for these zealots...some would fly the welsh flag in their gardens and come world cup time they would be supporting any team but England despite Wales not being in the competition.the Welsh are happy for the english to come to Wales on a Sunday and spend their money in the pubs and trinket shops as long as they go home when it gets dark

Must agree. I am English, not British, English and admire folk who have routes and stick to that. I also have Welsh family. thumbsup.gif
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I went to Uni in Wales and married a local. Lived in Wales for 10 years and both my kids were educated in Welsh. Did not do them a bit of harm. BOth were bilingual by the age of 3 and are proud of their heritage. The area we lived in is Welsh speaking so I did what i did here and made an effort to learn the language. That taught me about the myth of Welsh speakers switching languages to annoy the English.

When people say the Welsh speak English and change to Welsh when English people are around they are totally wrong. What you hear is bits of conversation and you recognise many modern words which are English as the brain constantly looks to understand the world around you. (the English tried to supress the language for 100 years hence the lack of modern Welsh words in common usage). But when you hear the whole conversation it is in Welsh.

Its actually a beautiful language, related to Breton and Cornish. So if you are proud to be,English (as I am) you should doff your cap to the Welsh who have managed to keep their language despite the best efforts of the UK Government of old.

You say your children learnt Welsh and it did them no harm,has it done them any good?

There are approx less than 1 million welsh speakers,could their time and effort been better spent in learning a second major language, such as Spanish spoken by over 600 million,or Chinese spoken by over 1,200 million people.

Is it true that all children in Welsh schools HAVE to learn Welsh?, if so,thank god i don't live there, as I would do everything in my power to ensure that my children did not attend a state school.At the moment both my children are taught here in Thailand,they learn Thai,78million people,English spoken by well over 600 million,and Chinese.These are the languages that I think will benefit them through out their working lives.

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I went to Uni in Wales and married a local. Lived in Wales for 10 years and both my kids were educated in Welsh. Did not do them a bit of harm. BOth were bilingual by the age of 3 and are proud of their heritage. The area we lived in is Welsh speaking so I did what i did here and made an effort to learn the language. That taught me about the myth of Welsh speakers switching languages to annoy the English.

When people say the Welsh speak English and change to Welsh when English people are around they are totally wrong. What you hear is bits of conversation and you recognise many modern words which are English as the brain constantly looks to understand the world around you. (the English tried to supress the language for 100 years hence the lack of modern Welsh words in common usage). But when you hear the whole conversation it is in Welsh.

Its actually a beautiful language, related to Breton and Cornish. So if you are proud to be,English (as I am) you should doff your cap to the Welsh who have managed to keep their language despite the best efforts of the UK Government of old.

You say your children learnt Welsh and it did them no harm,has it done them any good?

There are approx less than 1 million welsh speakers,could their time and effort been better spent in learning a second major language, such as Spanish spoken by over 600 million,or Chinese spoken by over 1,200 million people.

Is it true that all children in Welsh schools HAVE to learn Welsh?, if so,thank god i don't live there, as I would do everything in my power to ensure that my children did not attend a state school.At the moment both my children are taught here in Thailand,they learn Thai,78million people,English spoken by well over 600 million,and Chinese.These are the languages that I think will benefit them through out their working lives.

If your Welsh why not learn Welsh. Are you stupid or do you want them to learn Polish to fit in, in WALES. coffee1.gif
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is this so u can all go to a bar together and speak welsh while ignoring anyone who speaks english just like in your parochial homeland

Is that from personal experience, or just rumour?

Afraid to say but it has happened to me in some pubs in south west Wales.....and I'm Welsh (but have a london accent)


Right then , ya bunch of anti welsh morons ( trans: carrot heads basically) , a cousin of mine Llanelli once went into a bar in Bala, and it hushed , with the odd murmer of "bedd di hwn" or something similar, it was accepted that the lads in the bar ( in the 70's) spoke a different dialect and all was forgotten, as it was under stood that this was what they were speaking in the bar before they walked in , Not English swahili or anything else , ( as also do in Thailand) , mind you it did kick off when an english couple walked in and the conversation went the same way, but they couldnt speak Welsh and one of lads at bar made comment , about the english gf , and my cousin ( S WALES ) felt ashamed to be Welsh and told locals the same, and all kicked off. He never went to north wales again after that. But a lot has changed since then , as a lot of the English are the only ones who can afford to buy the homes there now due to past London based politics and a new Assembly more recently, but when the Welsh critics walk into their local bar , it would be wise to remember that when in the local remote villages near their local idyllic holiday cottage , they cannot change the language of the locals who have been brought up there. I for one do not speak Welsh and am somewhat ashamed of this fact, but my heart is there and always will be , and the language will survive, I hope, and that is why i was happy when my english paritner at the time, agreed and was enthusistic to send my daughter through school in the welsh medium.


so if you are english and have a thing against the Welsh or don't want to attend the St David's day party, stay the fuc_k off here and away from the party , it was not a post to generate opinons on the Welsh race, which is one of the few original Gaulic races in the UK , the rest and all of of the English are no better than illegal immigrants anyway, are you ?? it was meant for the Welsh amongst us, not the usual TVn drongos and trolls.

Edited by daiwill60
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A poster asked if speaking Welsh helped my kids. Being bilingual helps with language aquisition so they pick languages up much quicker than me. Also my daughter loves living in North Wales and is in the Police there. You cannot join the North Wales Police wiithout fluency in Welsh. Has it helped? I'd say so.

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Not many sheep in LOS

there are some : )


Yes Little Swiss Farm or something in Ratchaburi , haven't been there yet, may do when all bar girl options dry up . thumbsup.gif

i love a leg of blodwyn and mint sauce.its lovely
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I went to Uni in Wales and married a local. Lived in Wales for 10 years and both my kids were educated in Welsh. Did not do them a bit of harm. BOth were bilingual by the age of 3 and are proud of their heritage. The area we lived in is Welsh speaking so I did what i did here and made an effort to learn the language. That taught me about the myth of Welsh speakers switching languages to annoy the English.

When people say the Welsh speak English and change to Welsh when English people are around they are totally wrong. What you hear is bits of conversation and you recognise many modern words which are English as the brain constantly looks to understand the world around you. (the English tried to supress the language for 100 years hence the lack of modern Welsh words in common usage). But when you hear the whole conversation it is in Welsh.

Its actually a beautiful language, related to Breton and Cornish. So if you are proud to be,English (as I am) you should doff your cap to the Welsh who have managed to keep their language despite the best efforts of the UK Government of old.

You say your children learnt Welsh and it did them no harm,has it done them any good?

There are approx less than 1 million welsh speakers,could their time and effort been better spent in learning a second major language, such as Spanish spoken by over 600 million,or Chinese spoken by over 1,200 million people.

Is it true that all children in Welsh schools HAVE to learn Welsh?, if so,thank god i don't live there, as I would do everything in my power to ensure that my children did not attend a state school.At the moment both my children are taught here in Thailand,they learn Thai,78million people,English spoken by well over 600 million,and Chinese.These are the languages that I think will benefit them through out their working lives.

If your Welsh why not learn Welsh. Are you stupid or do you want them to learn Polish to fit in, in WALES. coffee1.gif

TS . There are more people that speak polish in wales, than people who speak welsh, , but its good to see that many schools are now getting proper funding to teach welsh in schools,and so they should

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the same people who are spouting Wales for the Welsh are quite happy to send their kids to English universities....work over the border in England or happily accept the massive subsidies that the English taxpayer gives them to run their little fiefdom.........bleedin hypocrites

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the same people who are spouting Wales for the Welsh are quite happy to send their kids to English universities....work over the border in England or happily accept the massive subsidies that the English taxpayer gives them to run their little fiefdom.........bleedin hypocrites

I think it it fair to say that every country has its Nationalists and bigots including Wales. To view all Welsh speakers using the actions of a few bigots would be the same as using the views of the National Front to represent all English people. The majority of Welsh speakers I know (including my own family) are proud of their language, culture and heritage but also totally cognisant of the fact that they are part of the UK. They know that tourists bring much needed money into the region and do not want to be Independent.

As in any rural community with little industry, the Welsh will move away to work but most want to return to Wales at some point in their lives. My kids both worked in Australia but did it in order to save money to return home to settle down.

Don’t let the bigots bring down a whole nation.

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