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In Death, Insurgent Is Man Of Two Lives: Thai South


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In death, insurgent is man of two lives

Don Pathan

The Nation

Bacho, Narathiwat

NARATHIWAT: -- Mahrosu Jantarawadee's parents had to wait for four hours before Narathiwat Hospital would release newsjshis body because the commander of the Fourth Army Area and other VIPs wanted to see what the 31-year-old man looked like.

Mahrosu was one of the 16 insurgents killed in Wednesday morning's gunfight between heavily armed militants and members of the Royal Thai Marines in Bacho district. About 50 insurgents had walked into a trap. Officials say they had prior knowledge about the planned attack.

To the authorities, Marohso was a fierce militant, a misguided young man they say was caught up in an armed movement that embraces distorted history and false teaching of Islam. He had more than 10 warrants out for his arrest and had been on the run for the past five years.

But to his family and neighbours, he was a responsible person who cared deeply for his wife and children.

"He made sure that our children and I live comfortably. He built this house from the money he made from buying and selling cattle," said Rusanee, 25, the mother of Mahrosu's six-year-old girl and a 17-month boy.

"He bought our daughter a computer tablet and talked about how he would like to see her grown up as an educated woman, religiously pious and possibly go abroad to study," Rusanee said.

"There was this one time that they wanted him to surrender so bad that they took his younger brother into custody thinking that it would get him to surrender," his mother said.

Marohso's funeral drew a huge crowd and was somewhat emotional. Young and old men queued up in an orderly column to pass his body, wrapped in white sheet. In the background there was a constant chant of "Allah Akbar" (God is great).

In spite of the high number of troops in the region, Mahrosu and others on the wanted list move around somewhat freely, mainly because the local community will not turn them in.

Authorities say the villagers are scared of the insurgents but residents say the militants are part of the community. Like the insurgents, they share some of the same sentiments and historical mistrust of the Thai state.

Che Mah Che Ni, 52, said her son's life changed dramatically after the Tak Bai massacre in 2004 that ended in the death of 86 unarmed demonstrators, most of whom died of suffocation.

"He was one of the guys they stacked one on top another in the back of the military truck," Che Mah said.

The massacre, in which no government officials were punished, has radicalised an entire generation of Malay Muslims in an already highly contested region and become part of the local narrative that feeds into the justification for taking up arms in the separatist movement.

A couple of years after the Tak Bai incident, Mahrosu and Rusanee got married. Rusanee said she knew exactly what she was getting into and understood the risks.

The two tried living and working in Malaysia but returned when they were expecting their first child.

Back in Bacho, Mahrosu picked up from where he had left off.

When asked about his insurrection activities, Rusanee replied: "Everybody knows what this is all about."

Mahrosu visited his wife and children three times this past month and made a phone call to his wife before his outfit raided the marine unit just a few kilometres from his village.

"He said he would be home soon and not to worry," Rusanee said.

Mahrosu did come home as he said, but in a body bag. He was buried as a "shahid", or martyr in Islamic tradition.

"This was something he always wanted," said Rusanee, who is proud of her husband and is grateful for the things he provided. She said she has no regrets.

In a way, Mahrosu's death was a blessing in disguise. At least, said the wife, there is no longer any worry about him being caught alive. "He was certain he would be tortured severely if they had got him alive," she said.


-- The Nation 2013-02-15

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6 year old daughter and a 17 month old son. He should have stuck to parenting. Didn't manage to do the soldier bit very well, now sucks as a dad. Pathetic what people sacrifice for religion.

Depends which narrative you wish to believe. Thai authorities say he was motivated by misguided interpretation of Islam and distortion of history, whereas his family say:

"Che Mah Che Ni, 52, said her son's life changed dramatically after the Tak Bai massacre in 2004 that ended in the death of 86 unarmed demonstrators, most of whom died of suffocation. "He was one of the guys they stacked one on top another in the back of the military truck"

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I bets the spooks went through some film taking photo's of all those who attended the funeral.

The tide way well start to turn in favour of the government after such a horrible defeat on the battlefield and having triators amongst the insurgent's ranks.

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Humanizing people who kill innocent people.....

Wasn't he implicated in killing teachers? Misguided?

Both sides of the divide continue with tit for tat killings and become more extreme as times go by, by both parties. How many more deaths and injury justify the stance by the military to refuse to collaborate with the political leaders to commence negotiations for autonomy or semi autonomy for the Deep South. 20th century history has shown us that these conflicts always end in some form of political resolution, it's not achieved by force alone. Does Thailand want to go down the same path as the Philippines where after 40 years of conflict & approx 150k deaths it was finally realised that a political solution is the answer i.e. a gradual implementation of autonomy built upon trust building measures.


I'm sure you understand that with autonomy the Deep South would remain as Thai sovereign territory.

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6 year old daughter and a 17 month old son. He should have stuck to parenting. Didn't manage to do the soldier bit very well, now sucks as a dad. Pathetic what people sacrifice for religion.

Depends which narrative you wish to believe. Thai authorities say he was motivated by misguided interpretation of Islam and distortion of history, whereas his family say:

"Che Mah Che Ni, 52, said her son's life changed dramatically after the Tak Bai massacre in 2004 that ended in the death of 86 unarmed demonstrators, most of whom died of suffocation. "He was one of the guys they stacked one on top another in the back of the military truck"

I go for the revenge part. He really didn't care for any one else just his desire for revenge no matter what it cost his family or the families of his victims. Some of his victims were devout Muslims and never would have considered murder just for revenge.

The world is a far far better place with out him. I have no concern for his family. They condoned what he was doing then they are equally as guilty.

Couldn't agree more.

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I bets the spooks went through some film taking photo's of all those who attended the funeral.

The tide way well start to turn in favour of the government after such a horrible defeat on the battlefield and having triators amongst the insurgent's ranks.

Could you maybe rephrase "traitors amongst the insurgent's ranks" to

"people against unwarranted violence amongst the insurgent's ranks"

It is people like them who are going to help stop the senseless violence in the south. They more so than the Marines are the true hero's in the situation.

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Humanizing people who kill innocent people.....

Wasn't he implicated in killing teachers? Misguided?

Both sides of the divide continue with tit for tat killings and become more extreme as times go by, by both parties. How many more deaths and injury justify the stance by the military to refuse to collaborate with the political leaders to commence negotiations for autonomy or semi autonomy for the Deep South. 20th century history has shown us that these conflicts always end in some form of political resolution, it's not achieved by force alone. Does Thailand want to go down the same path as the Philippines where after 40 years of conflict & approx 150k deaths it was finally realised that a political solution is the answer i.e. a gradual implementation of autonomy built upon trust building measures.


I'm sure you understand that with autonomy the Deep South would remain as Thai sovereign territory.

tit for tat killings

Are you saying that the Army is planting road side bombs or vehicles with bombs in them parked in public areas.

The Army just walks around shooting people indiscriminately.

what is political about killing teachers.

There is a big difference between political and religious. Why is it if it is a political thing and not a religious thing there is not Buddhist among the terrorists?

Your Islam is showing through your common sense. There is no justification for killing even one teacher and to do it in front of there students just serves to install fear into them that if they don't follow you in your self serving idiocy they may be the next victim.

Edited by hellodolly
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I bets the spooks went through some film taking photo's of all those who attended the funeral.

The tide way well start to turn in favour of the government after such a horrible defeat on the battlefield and having triators amongst the insurgent's ranks.

I hope so, but they had an even worse defeat in 2004, over 100 of them were killed when they attacked military roadblocks on motorcycles. Just seemed to make them angrier.

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Humanizing people who kill innocent people.....

Wasn't he implicated in killing teachers? Misguided?

Both sides of the divide continue with tit for tat killings and become more extreme as times go by, by both parties. How many more deaths and injury justify the stance by the military to refuse to collaborate with the political leaders to commence negotiations for autonomy or semi autonomy for the Deep South. 20th century history has shown us that these conflicts always end in some form of political resolution, it's not achieved by force alone. Does Thailand want to go down the same path as the Philippines where after 40 years of conflict & approx 150k deaths it was finally realised that a political solution is the answer i.e. a gradual implementation of autonomy built upon trust building measures.


I'm sure you understand that with autonomy the Deep South would remain as Thai sovereign territory.

tit for tat killings

Are you saying that the Army is planting road side bombs or vehicles with bombs in them parked in public areas.

The Army just walks around shooting people indiscriminately.

what is political about killing teachers.

There is a big difference between political and religious. Why is it if it is a political thing and not a religious thing there is not Buddhist among the terrorists?

Your Islam is showing through your common sense. There is no justification for killing even one teacher and to do it in front of there students just serves to install fear into them that if they don't follow you in your self serving idiocy they may be the next victim.

I am not a believer in the Islamic faith, just have an interest as my wife is Thai Muslim and no she does not support the killings in the South; thinks they are abhorrent. In any case attempted insults serve no value. Look up my signature & that will inform you of the philosophy to which I am attracted.

I am saying their are many allegations in the media reports of Thai security death squads use for extrajudicial killings as well as use of torture. Also many allegations that killings are also associated with drug gangs and smugglers. As you well know here in Thailand some police and military are associated with drugs, smuggling and murder. Outcome? some tit for tat killings.

Agree that killing of innocents, by either side of the conflict, is appalling & I have never attempted to justify such acts, nor the use of torture that is supported by many on this forum. In my opinion use of torture is a double edged sword and just escalates increasing cruelty by both sides.

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I bets the spooks went through some film taking photo's of all those who attended the funeral.

The tide way well start to turn in favour of the government after such a horrible defeat on the battlefield and having triators amongst the insurgent's ranks.

Picked this up on my expat newsletter

"Security officials arrested four men believed to be involved in the failed militant attack on a marine base in Narathiwat’s Bacho district Thursday. The arrest came as experts warned the death of 16 insurgents killed in the bungled raid would encourage younger Muslims to join the rebel ranks."

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I bets the spooks went through some film taking photo's of all those who attended the funeral.

The tide way well start to turn in favour of the government after such a horrible defeat on the battlefield and having triators amongst the insurgent's ranks.

I hope so, but they had an even worse defeat in 2004, over 100 of them were killed when they attacked military roadblocks on motorcycles. Just seemed to make them angrier.

You are quite right. The difference with this is that it appears that they have either been infiltrated or have "traitors" within thier organisation. That will sure put a cat amounst the pigeons and make them a little nervous. Maybe a little ' in-house cleaning ' will posssibley be conducted in the near future.

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I met a guy, and am now friends with him, who in his youth was a communist rebel in the south, back in the day. He told me about being a communist rebel, of shooting down a helicoptor, of living in the mountains and fighting the government troops, only to find out that the people who were the higher ranks and command of the "movement" were only in it for personal gain, power and money. He told me about how he learned that they were in Bangkok, playing power games while he and his "comrades" were in the fields fighting and dying. That's when he quit because he realized it was bullshit. Maybe if these poor jokers who are fighting this "holy war" would somehow realize that this, too, is a power play, designed to benefit only a few elite individuals, they would, too, quit this nonsense.

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Humanizing people who kill innocent people.....

Wasn't he implicated in killing teachers? Misguided?

Both sides of the divide continue with tit for tat killings and become more extreme as times go by, by both parties. How many more deaths and injury justify the stance by the military to refuse to collaborate with the political leaders to commence negotiations for autonomy or semi autonomy for the Deep South. 20th century history has shown us that these conflicts always end in some form of political resolution, it's not achieved by force alone. Does Thailand want to go down the same path as the Philippines where after 40 years of conflict & approx 150k deaths it was finally realised that a political solution is the answer i.e. a gradual implementation of autonomy built upon trust building measures.


I'm sure you understand that with autonomy the Deep South would remain as Thai sovereign territory.

tit for tat killings

Are you saying that the Army is planting road side bombs or vehicles with bombs in them parked in public areas.

The Army just walks around shooting people indiscriminately.

what is political about killing teachers.

There is a big difference between political and religious. Why is it if it is a political thing and not a religious thing there is not Buddhist among the terrorists?

Your Islam is showing through your common sense. There is no justification for killing even one teacher and to do it in front of there students just serves to install fear into them that if they don't follow you in your self serving idiocy they may be the next victim.

I am not a believer in the Islamic faith, just have an interest as my wife is Thai Muslim and no she does not support the killings in the South; thinks they are abhorrent. In any case attempted insults serve no value. Look up my signature & that will inform you of the philosophy to which I am attracted.

I am saying their are many allegations in the media reports of Thai security death squads use for extrajudicial killings as well as use of torture. Also many allegations that killings are also associated with drug gangs and smugglers. As you well know here in Thailand some police and military are associated with drugs, smuggling and murder. Outcome? some tit for tat killings.

Agree that killing of innocents, by either side of the conflict, is appalling & I have never attempted to justify such acts, nor the use of torture that is supported by many on this forum. In my opinion use of torture is a double edged sword and just escalates increasing cruelty by both sides.

No insult intended. It is your wife's Islam that is showing through. Care to share with us the last unwarranted Army killing. Tit for Tat should have been last week. Also Tit for tat is a thinly disguised reason for the killings. the Insurgents would continue on with the killing even if the Army did not kill any one.

I once again point out to you that the supposedly political terrorists are all Muslims no Buddhist what so ever. What you fail to understand is to a Muslim religion and politics are all the same. Look at all the middle east countries. Look at Malaysia. They have separate laws for the Muslims. It has been years since I was there at that time the Lawyers were trying to make it illegal for Christians. Buddhist and all non Muslim men and women to hold hands.

I don't know how that turned out but it just went as a sign of how intertwined the Islamic religion and Politics are.

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To Don Pathan, The Nation, Bacho and Narathiwat:

Please inform me if you have any intentions of gathering together at a locally owned and operated foreigner's bar where a lot of burly foreigner men hang out, so you can espouse and regale us with your noble cause. I can suggest a few places where you can meet. I want to be there when all of you hold hands and get teary-eyed over these murderers, and then I want to sit back and enjoy a nice cold beer while I watch you all get the crap kicked out of your senseless heads. The first round for your assailants is on my tab. Aw Hell! The second round is on my tab also.

Your article does not deserve a response using utterances.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Both sides of the divide continue with tit for tat killings and become more extreme as times go by, by both parties. How many more deaths and injury justify the stance by the military to refuse to collaborate with the political leaders to commence negotiations for autonomy or semi autonomy for the Deep South. 20th century history has shown us that these conflicts always end in some form of political resolution, it's not achieved by force alone. Does Thailand want to go down the same path as the Philippines where after 40 years of conflict & approx 150k deaths it was finally realised that a political solution is the answer i.e. a gradual implementation of autonomy built upon trust building measures.


I'm sure you understand that with autonomy the Deep South would remain as Thai sovereign territory.

tit for tat killings

Are you saying that the Army is planting road side bombs or vehicles with bombs in them parked in public areas.

The Army just walks around shooting people indiscriminately.

what is political about killing teachers.

There is a big difference between political and religious. Why is it if it is a political thing and not a religious thing there is not Buddhist among the terrorists?

Your Islam is showing through your common sense. There is no justification for killing even one teacher and to do it in front of there students just serves to install fear into them that if they don't follow you in your self serving idiocy they may be the next victim.

I am not a believer in the Islamic faith, just have an interest as my wife is Thai Muslim and no she does not support the killings in the South; thinks they are abhorrent. In any case attempted insults serve no value. Look up my signature & that will inform you of the philosophy to which I am attracted.

I am saying their are many allegations in the media reports of Thai security death squads use for extrajudicial killings as well as use of torture. Also many allegations that killings are also associated with drug gangs and smugglers. As you well know here in Thailand some police and military are associated with drugs, smuggling and murder. Outcome? some tit for tat killings.

Agree that killing of innocents, by either side of the conflict, is appalling & I have never attempted to justify such acts, nor the use of torture that is supported by many on this forum. In my opinion use of torture is a double edged sword and just escalates increasing cruelty by both sides.

No insult intended. It is your wife's Islam that is showing through. Care to share with us the last unwarranted Army killing. Tit for Tat should have been last week. Also Tit for tat is a thinly disguised reason for the killings. the Insurgents would continue on with the killing even if the Army did not kill any one.

I once again point out to you that the supposedly political terrorists are all Muslims no Buddhist what so ever. What you fail to understand is to a Muslim religion and politics are all the same. Look at all the middle east countries. Look at Malaysia. They have separate laws for the Muslims. It has been years since I was there at that time the Lawyers were trying to make it illegal for Christians. Buddhist and all non Muslim men and women to hold hands.

I don't know how that turned out but it just went as a sign of how intertwined the Islamic religion and Politics are.

Agree that there is no separation between politics and faith in Islam, never said otherwise. Of course the various interpretations are used for power plays against each other. I understand the Deep South is nearly all Sunni. Thai Buddhists are generally aligned with central government policy and "Nation, King, Religion", so disingenuous to query why they are not taking up arms against the State.

I subscribe to the opinion that the conflict is being driven by separatists movements - public domain info there are four main groups. Into this mix we have corruption, drugs and smuggling by various groups, including members of security agencies. Plus currently no single agency or unified militant command identified for negotiations, nor will the military do so. Every entity seems to be dancing to their own tune and chaos is the rule of the day.

Regards allegations of security agency death squads, as an example, read the URL below:



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To Don Pathan, The Nation, Bacho and Narathiwat:

Please inform me if you have any intentions of gathering together at a locally owned and operated foreigner's bar where a lot of burly foreigner men hang out, so you can espouse and regale us with your noble cause. I can suggest a few places where you can meet. I want to be there when all of you hold hands and get teary-eyed over these murderers, and then I want to sit back and enjoy a nice cold beer while I watch you all get the crap kicked out of your senseless heads. The first round for your assailants is on my tab. Aw Hell! The second round is on my tab also.

Your article does not deserve a response using utterances.

I can't make it but I will send you the money and could you kindly purchase a Virgina ham for them with it.

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Both sides of the divide continue with tit for tat killings and become more extreme as times go by, by both parties. How many more deaths and injury justify the stance by the military to refuse to collaborate with the political leaders to commence negotiations for autonomy or semi autonomy for the Deep South. 20th century history has shown us that these conflicts always end in some form of political resolution, it's not achieved by force alone. Does Thailand want to go down the same path as the Philippines where after 40 years of conflict & approx 150k deaths it was finally realised that a political solution is the answer i.e. a gradual implementation of autonomy built upon trust building measures.


I'm sure you understand that with autonomy the Deep South would remain as Thai sovereign territory.

tit for tat killings

Are you saying that the Army is planting road side bombs or vehicles with bombs in them parked in public areas.

The Army just walks around shooting people indiscriminately.

what is political about killing teachers.

There is a big difference between political and religious. Why is it if it is a political thing and not a religious thing there is not Buddhist among the terrorists?

Your Islam is showing through your common sense. There is no justification for killing even one teacher and to do it in front of there students just serves to install fear into them that if they don't follow you in your self serving idiocy they may be the next victim.

I am not a believer in the Islamic faith, just have an interest as my wife is Thai Muslim and no she does not support the killings in the South; thinks they are abhorrent. In any case attempted insults serve no value. Look up my signature & that will inform you of the philosophy to which I am attracted.

I am saying their are many allegations in the media reports of Thai security death squads use for extrajudicial killings as well as use of torture. Also many allegations that killings are also associated with drug gangs and smugglers. As you well know here in Thailand some police and military are associated with drugs, smuggling and murder. Outcome? some tit for tat killings.

Agree that killing of innocents, by either side of the conflict, is appalling & I have never attempted to justify such acts, nor the use of torture that is supported by many on this forum. In my opinion use of torture is a double edged sword and just escalates increasing cruelty by both sides.

Agree that there is no separation between politics and faith in Islam, never said otherwise. Of course the various interpretations are used for power plays against each other. I understand the Deep South is nearly all Sunni. Thai Buddhists are generally aligned with central government policy and "Nation, King, Religion", so disingenuous to query why they are not taking up arms against the State.

I subscribe to the opinion that the conflict is being driven by separatists movements - public domain info there are four main groups. Into this mix we have corruption, drugs and smuggling by various groups, including members of security agencies. Plus currently no single agency or unified militant command identified for negotiations, nor will the military do so. Every entity seems to be dancing to their own tune and chaos is the rule of the day.

Regards allegations of security agency death squads, as an example, read the URL below:



I read it a long and rambling pointless article.

"All that changed on November 14 when gunmen, believed to be part of a pro-government death squad, killed an imam in Yala's Yaha district. Abdullateh Todir, 49, was a member of the Islamic Committee of Yala, as well as chairman of the Imam Association of Yaha. He is a resident of Tambon Patae, an extremely volatile area in this highly contested region of Thailand"

That was the only case cited for pro government senseless killing. Even at that they could not say for sure it was pro government forces and not just some nut job (well they all are) who wanted the people to think it was the government to cover up and justify in there minds the wanton killing of innocent people.

The rest was unsubstantiated allegations with no specific cases sighted. Also the article was jumping all over the place in time.

You like the tit for tat. Might I suggest it was and is tit for tat and tat and tat and tat and tat and tat and tit and tat and tat and tat and tat and tat,

Do you see the progression here. Will the tit for taters now claim that the Muslims must kill more solders to get even for there losses in there recently failed attempted at tating. Tating as in an on going jihad of senseless killings.

There are a awful lot of Muslims in the south and to date very few of them have come forward to do some thing about it. Such as in the last failed attempt when a hero ratted them out. Given enough hero's such as he/she the problem would have been over long ago. Lets face it the problem stems not from anti government feelings it is from the feeling that they are superior.

The North has many different hill tribes some with out official recognition from the Thai government. Villages that are Chinese refugees. All have been able to settle into a social network of different beliefs with out bombs or guns. In the whole world Islam is the only different culture that needs guns and bombs to believe in it's self.

If you wish to accuse me of being closed minded on the subject you would be right.

I am quite sure you have many innocent friends who are Muslim but do you know what they do

behind closed doors. Who is it funding these terrorists. Who is it sitting idly by while innocent people are killed.

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