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Saw A Chinese Girl Break Her Leg In A M/c Accident Today.

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I was running up to Wat Doi Suthep, just paused for a drink near that very sharp steep bend about 400m before the temple area (approx 10:30am). Two Chinese couples come round the corner on m/cs, the follower loses control round the corner traveling up the hill, weaves across both lanes and into the oncoming traffic where he meets a large white Fortuner. The Thai driver has no chance to avoid them. Bang and they're off the bike and into the front side of the car. Not too hard, I think they are OK. The lead m/c then falls off while looking back at the accident, his gf is trapped under the bike. Back to the first couple, I wheel the Fino off the road, front mudguard smashed. Chinese guy carries his girl away from the car. She has an open gash in the leg about 4 inches long and gaping open, no blood, looks like the bone has smashed out of the flesh. Three undamaged, one hospital case, Thai driver calls for ambulance, I slope off.

Cause of accident hiring a m/c and not being able to drive it.

Made worse by bare legs and floaty dresses.

At least they were all wearing helmets.

When will they ever learn!

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That curve you mention is the most dangerous on Doi Suthep.

Ive been riding for 25 years and it still gets me sometimes, the safest way to hit that switchback is to take the inside line motard style with your left leg out even on a streetbike.

That turn truly sucks.


Yes, I know the turn. You need to go to a really low gear there, if you don't know it most people just come to a stop. (So leave some space when following another car or bike up that turn.)


The turn below the big hairpin and in front of the falls is off camber and often has a little water trickling across.

Have seen a number of people wreck on motorcycles. On the bicycle it feels like a dead spot in the road and I have scared myself a few times.

A few years back a tour bus just went straight off the big hairpin after losing its brakes. Crashed thru the guard rail and went down a big hill but nobody seriously injured.

A few days later they dragged the bus out and its probably repaired and back on the roads.


"Back to the first couple, I wheel the Fino off the road, front mudguard smashed."

Once, many years back, I, too, thought I was being helpful by clearing a damaged motorcycle off the road so that other cars could get on their way. The Thais just stood there and wouldn't help. Grrr.

Well, it appears to be Thai law that all vehicles involved in a crash should remain unmoved until the police have arrived and given the OK to clear the road. Just saying.


The most interesting part of the climb eh TP, always something to stop and watch...........remember the biker last week, turned the corner, stalled it and she came rolling back onto the high kerb with motorbike ontop of her....ouch!....we of course were too knackered to offer any helpsad.png


"Back to the first couple, I wheel the Fino off the road, front mudguard smashed."

Once, many years back, I, too, thought I was being helpful by clearing a damaged motorcycle off the road so that other cars could get on their way. The Thais just stood there and wouldn't help. Grrr.

Well, it appears to be Thai law that all vehicles involved in a crash should remain unmoved until the police have arrived and given the OK to clear the road. Just saying.

The other bike and car had already been moved off the road ...... danger of a big pileup if it had been left in place.


She was lucky - I have seen 4 motorcycle crashes in last 3 weeks around CM. Two - both Thais - were fatalities. Both hit by cars at intersections. I don't know who was in wrong/right but it doesn't matter. Even experienced local riders can get badly clipped, and I forever worry about the happy innocents that come here and hire a bike without any real experience. And on top of lack of skills, they don't understand patterns of driving (mis?)behaviour here.

I do love the renter in Pai that provides some basic instruction before hiring. Wish it was more common.


She was lucky - I have seen 4 motorcycle crashes in last 3 weeks around CM. Two - both Thais - were fatalities. Both hit by cars at intersections. I don't know who was in wrong/right but it doesn't matter. Even experienced local riders can get badly clipped, and I forever worry about the happy innocents that come here and hire a bike without any real experience. And on top of lack of skills, they don't understand patterns of driving (mis?)behaviour here.

I do love the renter in Pai that provides some basic instruction before hiring. Wish it was more common.

Agree. +1


Well, it appears to be Thai law that all vehicles involved in a crash should remain unmoved until the police have arrived and given the OK to clear the road. Just saying.

Screw that. If it's in a dangerous spot (and that turn definitely qualifies) then Thai law can go to hell.

Also with a small accident there's no reason to involve police. I had an accident once, but both the other party and myself told the police guy that his "assistance" was not required. Then insurance came over and sorted it out. We didn't stay in the same spot either, just moved over somewhere safe, and not obstructing traffic.

The only reason I might stay in the same place was if it was the other party's fault, and that person wasn't accepting blame. So far that never happened to me though. With most accidents it's pretty clear what happened.

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"Back to the first couple, I wheel the Fino off the road, front mudguard smashed."

Once, many years back, I, too, thought I was being helpful by clearing a damaged motorcycle off the road so that other cars could get on their way. The Thais just stood there and wouldn't help. Grrr.

Well, it appears to be Thai law that all vehicles involved in a crash should remain unmoved until the police have arrived and given the OK to clear the road. Just saying.

The rule is , as in most other countries in the world, that the position of the vehicles involved has to be marked on the road before they are removed.


It is a bad corner and I've learned to go down to first gear on any bike with gears. The problem is the downhill traffic often cuts the corner and a motorbike has to make a tight, 180 degree turn up hill. But, I've seen down hill Thais pass busses on that corner without knowing who or what is coming up hill. I've even got a video of it happening. I just stayed behind the bus until I got further down the mountain.


Sad people commenting on others misfortune and acting like they know better. The next thing we know they will be on here complaining about everything.

OP when will you learn, when will you ever learn?

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