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Hello all! I have been searching staffies breeders in Thailand, but no luck at all. Can anyone here point me to the right direction please... This is some example of what I'm looking for

Wanting a black or red male puppy



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I would also be interested, i am just finishing my house so i will be looking to get one after the new year, does any one have any information about prices, registration, pedigree etc

Thanks in advance


i have none advertised in the magazine i get,but try the kennel club of thailand,

tel.no.02.990.3618,or 02.990.3428-9.

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Not sure if there are any English Staff breeders in Thailand although there are a few American Staff breeders allbeit not many (such was the case when i was looking for one, although things might have changed now).

At the moment i am looking for a bitch to put with my American Staff so if anyone has an English or American staff please give me a shout !

American Staffs tend to be not as stocky as the English version but a bit taller and more athletic(25-30kg).

Probaly the best way to find a breeder is to go to one of the big shows, i did actually see a billboard advertising a Dog show in Chiang Mai from the 27th ( guessing Feb) so perhaps thats something to think about !

Footnote : just found this https://www.facebook.com/ThailandInternationalDogShow



  • 1 month later...

I am moving to Chiang Mai in July and want to bring my two beloved staffies with me. Has anyone managed to get staffies into Thailand?

  • 4 months later...

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I am moving to Chiang Mai in July and want to bring my two beloved staffies with me. Has anyone managed to get staffies into Thailand?

You can try getting your vet to change there breed on your papers but it's hit or miss, If you get that far and they are inspected at the airport ( which is part of the process ) If he decides they are staffy's they wont be admitted sad.png Sad really because the problem is not with the dogs but with the owners

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Im looking for an American bull terrier ... NOT a pit bull but a bull terrier anyone know a guy?? I can find Pit's by the ton but no actual Bullies

  • 1 month later...

Also looking for a Staffie - has anyone managed to find a breeder yet?

If not I may import a pair - looks like there is an unmet demand here!

I bought mine 4 years ago from a breeder over in Ratchaburi, I have since heard he does not do them anymore as he found it hard to sell that litter. After reading on TV several times about the demand for staffies, I found it strange that he had problems in selling them.


:( :(

Bloody government wouldn't let me bring in my English Staffy 3 years back.

They were adamant that he was a pit bull and even an offer of 20k didnt even raise a dry smile.


:( :(

Bloody government wouldn't let me bring in my English Staffy 3 years back.

They were adamant that he was a pit bull and even an offer of 20k didnt even raise a dry smile.

Was he here for them to inspect?, or were they going from photos? If he was here, what happened? Did you have to go back with him. I have two staffies that im hoping to bring to Thailand .



Photos, Videos and PAPERS made no difference

I must have ended up with the AHOLE from hell because I then moved into our new house only to find actual pitbulls next door who within the first 3 months took a chunk out of another neighbours leg with no punishment

If I can offer any advice for you it would be to refer to them as Mixed Breed. My only conclusion is that if you write English Staffy you are painted with that all too familiar brush straight away.

Now he lives with friends back home. I had to choose between my best mate and my girl.


I should also mention...

I've heard other stories since where people have basically just turned up and paid their way through... stupid me tried to do it the right way


I should also mention...

I've heard other stories since where people have basically just turned up and paid their way through... stupid me tried to do it the right way

I heard the same so I think im just going to turn up with them, depends on the person im dealing with on the day I suppose, might cost me 5000 baht a dog or might cost me 50000 a dog, you know how they can be. I got a boy and a girl, shes in the picture and the boy is a Blue, never bred them before but they are both kc registered with pedigrees etc. If I get them over I might have to breed them judging by the comments on this post.


Its best to do the right way, If he is denied entry some times there is no where for him to go back to. Tuskfish is correct partly, Staffies are a banned breed here and wont be allowed, even a part breed wont be allowed, you may however have better luck if you class them as another breed. Get your vet at home to change all his paperwork so you have proof, call him example " Australian Bulldog Cross " because a lot of these breeds look similar you may be able to get his Import license this way, beware he will also be inspected at the airport and if the vet doesn't pass him he will be refused entry, they mostly look for temperament. If he is a friendly dog all should be well. I wish you luck its a hard decision but let's be serious if your like me, where I go my dog goes

  • Like 1

Shazdeb, a VERY HARD decision indeed sad.png

Having to choose between my best mate and my fiance was one the hardest decision I've ever faced.

I had the little dude from 4 weeks old for 4 years and we travelled >10000km across Australia together.

Thankfully he is now with some very good people and is enjoying beach life instead of Isaan life which is probably better for him (or so I keep telling myself...)

  • Like 2

Shazdeb, a VERY HARD decision indeed sad.png

Having to choose between my best mate and my fiance was one the hardest decision I've ever faced.

I had the little dude from 4 weeks old for 4 years and we travelled >10000km across Australia together.

Thankfully he is now with some very good people and is enjoying beach life instead of Isaan life which is probably better for him (or so I keep telling myself...)

:) Im glad he is happy. I brought my dog with me 4 years ago and the process was hard and really scary because as you know if he is denied entry he cant go back to Australia but I had no choice as he will not stay with anyone but me. Luckily all was good but I know it was thanks to a very kind ( and ridiculously tall ) Thai Vet that works at the Phuket airport, with out this caring wonderful man, that was willing to look beyond all this " bad breed " bull shit my Batman would not have been happily in Thailand with mum for the last 31/2 years


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