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Taling Ngam 3 Houses Broken Into

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Just a quick note to those living in the Taling Ngam area, there has been 3 houses broken into 3 nights in a row.

One was in daylight and they squeezed through his open window when he popped to the market, the other 2 I am not sure about the details but our local police have been doing extra rounds and warned me to be more vigilant.

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Without pointing the obvious , you should always lock all your windows and doors before living the house as you become less of a target ! ( most break ins I here about in samui are caused by just that .. Unlocked doors and windows ) , it maybe an island paradise , but there are still burglers outnthere

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Without pointing the obvious , you should always lock all your windows and doors before living the house as you become less of a target ! ( most break ins I here about in samui are caused by just that .. Unlocked doors and windows ) , it maybe an island paradise , but there are still burglers outnthere

That will certainly deter the opportunists - they're mainly big kids anyway.

But the small court where my friend lives was turned over in broad daylight by pro thieves last year - police reckoned they just came from the mainland for the day and did about 20 houses in different locations . . . must have scoped it all out first.

They used a tranquiliser gun on the one dog in residence, then power tools to cut right through the window bars in the brickwork and just ripped it/them out in one piece.

Plus they took only small expensive items - watches, jewelry, laptops iPads/iPhones etc etc. Everything else untouched, no mess, four Thai men in and out in just a few minutes, and were away in a van stolen the day before from Surat, by the time the police eventually turned up.

You'd be stupid not to to take precautions and secure and lock your house. But if the thieves are pros and determined to get in, the way things are with the police and public services here, I doubt if you'd stand much of a chance.


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I've got images of a CCTV camera on all my windows and doors... Easy to get off clip art and just print out and stick! ..... whether i actually do a CCTV camera, or not, I am not saying!..... but it may help, but there is never a guarantee one is not going to get broken into.

Obviously locking windows and doors is a good idea whether you are in Samui, London or Timbuktu.... blink.pngcoffee1.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

A lad of 19 was shot yesterday morning at Laem Sor market and the police told my wife that he lived in Taling Ngam and was a well know thief...just saying whistling.gif

Shot by the police ?

No, persons unknown.

The speculation was disgruntled house owner who had been burgled

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