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Uk Goverment


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No, but they do have the right not to accept your marriage as legal, if they're in a bad mood !

Which perhaps amounts to almost the same thing as "to say where you can marry" ?

Don't you mean the right to refuse her entry into the UK even if she is your wife!

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I don't even think that the UK government even claim that they have that right.

As much as I think they are control freaks, I have never heard of them banning their citizens from wherever they want to get married. They may say no to Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey or The Houses of Parliament.

Maybe you want to marry your Thai gf in the UK... am I right?

If so, then yes, they can actually block that if your wife does not meet the standard criteria for entry, you don't get extra points on the visa application for your wedding.

Edited by klubex99
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No. The UK Government does not have the right to say where you can marry or who you can marry. However, the UK Government does not recongise certain marriages as being actual marriages.

Examples of this are below:

1) In Saudi Arabia a Muslin Man can have 4 wives. However when he travels to the UK, only the woman he married firstly is legally recognised by UK law as his Wife. The others are not.

2) A Marriage Certificate is not recognised as legal outside of the EU, if it not notarised and translated into English.

3) Marriage is between one man and one woman. (Civil Parnerships are recongised with same sex) There is an ammendment to the law allowing same sex marriages to be legal with very high political backing so it should be legal soon, but not yet.

4) Usually, Buddist Weddings performed by a village monk are not recongised in UK Law.

5) Marriage to a minor under the age of 16 is not recognised. Many Pakistanis who marry 14 year old girls in Pakistan and try to bring them back to the UK, wont get a visa approved because of this ruling.

There are others quirks in the laws, such as in England, you need to a marriage licence to get married and you must be over 17 years old or 16 years old with parental consent. While across the border in Scotland, you can be married from your 16th birthday, without a licence and without parental consent. Just a quirk in the law.

Edited by homeownership
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There are others quirks in the laws, such as in England, you need to a marriage licence to get married and you must be over 17 years old or 16 years old with parental consent.

There's no licence as such, you just have to turn up to give your details, and you have to give 16 days notice ( I recall when I married my current missis in 2005 it was more a case of getting an available date, far more than 16 days ahead) - and you must be over 18, not 17.

If the OP's seriously seeking advice, he could start here:-


Edited by Eff1n2ret
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I think the OP needs to give more information.

Why ask such a question, has the OP been refused something?

Does the OP want to marry on the moon?

Is he questioning the reasoning behind the "Affirmation to Marry"?

Suggest more info before commenting.

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