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Negative Potrayal Of Asia By Western Media


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Singapore? First plane stop on the way to the old dart. Not big on the agenda.

Where's the 'old dart'?

hahahaha, sorry about that. Old Dart is slang for the UK. Don't ask me why as I have no idea :)

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Negative comments about Thailand in the Western Media? what else are people who have been robbed by Jet Ski Scams,Tuk Tuk scams,Rapes,Thefts,Paying Bribes,and accidents not their fault,and double pricing,going back home to tell their people about?.... A wonderful time in Thailand?

Reputations are always earned Positive or Negative! welcome to freedom of speech in the Western World!

Edited by MAJIC
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Singapore? First plane stop on the way to the old dart. Not big on the agenda.

Where's the 'old dart'?

hahahaha, sorry about that. Old Dart is slang for the UK. Don't ask me why as I have no idea smile.png

Old Dart? never heard of it! perhaps the Dartford Tunnel, Hardly worth a mention though!

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I think he

Singapore? First plane stop on the way to the old dart. Not big on the agenda.

Where's the 'old dart'?

hahahaha, sorry about that. Old Dart is slang for the UK. Don't ask me why as I have no idea smile.png

Are you sure it shouldn't be 'Earls Court'? biggrin.png

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Unfortunately the trash is what most of the population truly believes to be fact. Take for example the (apparently earth crumbling) story which appears on Australia's Channel 9 program 'A Current Affair' every three months or so condemning the importation of Asian prawns because they're supposedly unhealthy and full of human excement. Nothing more than fear tactics and propoganda by the commercial fishing industry - but Channel 9 runs with it every time.

Having answered the 'are they the prawns full of Asian sh!t' question at my counter for a number of years with the answer 'yes, they are Asian prawns', I came to realise that I wasn't going to sell any prawns.

There is no sense arguing with a customer ... they've seen it on A Current Affair and it's 'true'.

We now sell (Australian) prawn dishes at almost double the price and the customers can't understand the increase.

Sorry OP, simplistic story and slightly off topic maybe, but just an example of the mindset (bordering on racist) the trash news can create.

Well of course if Asian Prawns were full of S*** you were not going to sell many, Sooooooooooo were they??? if so hardly rascist.

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Negative comments about Thailand in the Western Media? what else are people who have been robbed by Jet Ski Scams,Tuk Tuk scams,Rapes,Thefts,Paying Bribes,and accidents not their fault,and double pricing,going back home to tell their people about?.... A wonderful time in Thailand?

Reputations are always earned Positive or Negative! welcome to freedom of speech in the Western World!

I'm not going to document the madness on the streets of our cities here - I'll leave that to the tabloid media - but have you ever read any of the exposes of the way Chinese tourists are treated on group tours here in Oz ? Shepherded from one overpriced business to another, told not to talk to any Australian (particularly the Police) as they are ALL racist and will try to rob you, plonked in cheap hotels that they have paid 4-star prices for - you get the picture.

There are scum in every country - the real crime in places like Patong Beach is that the Police dont seem to give a shit (or are paid specifically to ignore scams). Where are the stories about the cab driver who returns thousands of baht to the rightful owner ? The unexpected warmth of Thais outside the big cities / tourist traps ? Or the night I found myself comforting a German man who had been knocked off his motorbike in Patts and the hi-so Thai kiddies responsible were right there trying to get an ambulance - we couldnt move him from the busy street for fear of injuring his spine, but no-one honked their horns or carried on like pork chops. Transfer that scene to Sydney and I wonder how he would have fared ?

Nope - like the majority of BMs here, all we get is a jaded recital of the evils of Thailand. I'm more than happy to start a thread dedicated to Australian misdeeds but who the hell wants to read that shit ? Much easier to demonise a country with more than double the population where a large proportion of the population lives on something in the order of $10 a day, assuming their employer didnt fire them when the minimum wage was introduced. We can rant about the boys in brown, or the military, or the mai pen rai attitude, but how many of us honestly went to Thailand on that first trip thinking 'Man, this country is absolutely perfect !'. It's an amusement park sited next to a sewage treatment plant (yes, I know that's a schoolboy analogy for something else found in Thailand..) - your choice re which of the two you'd prefer to concentrate on.

All up, the explanation that 'bad news sells' makes more sense than any other response I've seen to this thread, but I can now sit back and wait for the flames re my 'Thai apologist' stance. Bring it on, bitches. ;)

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Negative comments about Thailand in the Western Media? what else are people who have been robbed by Jet Ski Scams,Tuk Tuk scams,Rapes,Thefts,Paying Bribes,and accidents not their fault,and double pricing,going back home to tell their people about?.... A wonderful time in Thailand?

Reputations are always earned Positive or Negative! welcome to freedom of speech in the Western World!

I'm not going to document the madness on the streets of our cities here - I'll leave that to the tabloid media - but have you ever read any of the exposes of the way Chinese tourists are treated on group tours here in Oz ? Shepherded from one overpriced business to another, told not to talk to any Australian (particularly the Police) as they are ALL racist and will try to rob you, plonked in cheap hotels that they have paid 4-star prices for - you get the picture.

There are scum in every country - the real crime in places like Patong Beach is that the Police dont seem to give a shit (or are paid specifically to ignore scams). Where are the stories about the cab driver who returns thousands of baht to the rightful owner ? The unexpected warmth of Thais outside the big cities / tourist traps ? Or the night I found myself comforting a German man who had been knocked off his motorbike in Patts and the hi-so Thai kiddies responsible were right there trying to get an ambulance - we couldnt move him from the busy street for fear of injuring his spine, but no-one honked their horns or carried on like pork chops. Transfer that scene to Sydney and I wonder how he would have fared ?

Nope - like the majority of BMs here, all we get is a jaded recital of the evils of Thailand. I'm more than happy to start a thread dedicated to Australian misdeeds but who the hell wants to read that shit ? Much easier to demonise a country with more than double the population where a large proportion of the population lives on something in the order of $10 a day, assuming their employer didnt fire them when the minimum wage was introduced. We can rant about the boys in brown, or the military, or the mai pen rai attitude, but how many of us honestly went to Thailand on that first trip thinking 'Man, this country is absolutely perfect !'. It's an amusement park sited next to a sewage treatment plant (yes, I know that's a schoolboy analogy for something else found in Thailand..) - your choice re which of the two you'd prefer to concentrate on.

All up, the explanation that 'bad news sells' makes more sense than any other response I've seen to this thread, but I can now sit back and wait for the flames re my 'Thai apologist' stance. Bring it on, bitches. wink.png

No flames from me.only facts,I guess you haven't been in Thailand long? your Newspapers are reporting what has been relayed to them by Tourist who have had a bad experience,if you don't believe them,UP 2 U. Not that I am saying newspaper reports are always 100% facts!

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I am a weekend warrior, Majic - my opinion means nothing here - but I believe that all of the major news agencies should have a man on the ground in each of the big cities of Asia. Not the archetypal journo who spends most his time in a bar somewhere either - professionals who actually give a shit about the countries they've been tasked to report on. Such people, believe it or not, do actually exist .....

The ABC's Foreign Correspendent and SBS' Dateline teams are brilliant at filing reports where the reporter doesnt look like some bozo who has just flown in from Melbourne to stand around outside a jail waiting for them to drag some hapless Australian drug trafficker out for a photo op ....

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I am a weekend warrior, Majic - my opinion means nothing here - but I believe that all of the major news agencies should have a man on the ground in each of the big cities of Asia. Not the archetypal journo who spends most his time in a bar somewhere either - professionals who actually give a shit about the countries they've been tasked to report on. Such people, believe it or not, do actually exist .....

The ABC's Foreign Correspendent and SBS' Dateline teams are brilliant at filing reports where the reporter doesnt look like some bozo who has just flown in from Melbourne to stand around outside a jail waiting for them to drag some hapless Australian drug trafficker out for a photo op ....

You started this with the opening title of:

" Negative portrayal of Asia By Western Media."

Try to google

"the foreign media are failing Thailand" you will have to click on the links in the article.

Now do you see the problem with "having a man on the ground" ?

There are times and places & situations where you can only tell the truth from afar....

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Singapore? First plane stop on the way to the old dart. Not big on the agenda.

Where's the 'old dart'?

hahahaha, sorry about that. Old Dart is slang for the UK. Don't ask me why as I have no idea smile.png

Old Dart? never heard of it! perhaps the Dartford Tunnel, Hardly worth a mention though!

Australia ? Dartmoor Prison from which many of Australia's early settlers" travelled" ?

Edited by roamer
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Search Tiger economy. You find things like,A nickname given to the economies of Southeast Asia. Some of the tigers are Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea and China.

Two Asian economies that are quietly taking off. Today I want to add to those thoughts with a few more key points that opportunistic U.S. investors should know about.

A current-account surplus of $5.42 billion this year through July and the fact that the Bank of Thailand has raised its benchmark interest rate twice this year have also helped the baht post the second-best performance among Asia's most-traded currencies excluding the yen. Thailand, in particular.

Thailand experienced the world's highest growth rate from 1985 to 1995, following which it saw a contraction in economy by 1.9% in 1997.

The money press all over the world has been Thai positive for years since 1998. The only negatives one hears are from a few posters on Thai Visa. biggrin.png They quote long dead American humorists like Mark Twain to try and discredit the modern banking system and all the financial data published about Thailand.

The popular press on the other hand are just trying to sell newspapers and don't feel that accuracy is as important as the financial press and there is quite a difference.

I don't know where you get your figures about Thailand. It has a national debt of $123 billion US dollars which is $1,775 per person, or $7,100 for a family of 4. Link

A big problem is that when Thailand borrows big money, graft gets in the way and no one knows where the money goes. The recent big budget for flood control is exhibit "A".

"Figures don't lie, but liars figure" must have been referring to Thailand.

Add to this the banksters and real estate developers building anything anywhere there is dirt, and demand be damned, and Thailand is sitting on a knife edge.

Thailand is paying borrowing $US5 billion dollars a year in interest on its national debt.

Unfortunately, international reporters take Thailand's lying figures and report and believe them.

I won't try and opine on the accuracy of his post (as I never feel qualified to say much about economics) but CMK has shown in the past that he's big on cutting and pasting (without providing a source or even signifying that they are not his words - he's even been known to a C&P as something he "wrote") whatever might even come close to supporting a positive view of Thailand's economy (sometimes going to truly absurd stretches and even non sequiturs); in this instance he's merely used articles over 2 years old and lifted a bit from another site that references a period 15 years ago.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Search Tiger economy. You find things like,A nickname given to the economies of Southeast Asia. Some of the tigers are Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea and China.

Two Asian economies that are quietly taking off. Today I want to add to those thoughts with a few more key points that opportunistic U.S. investors should know about.

A current-account surplus of $5.42 billion this year through July and the fact that the Bank of Thailand has raised its benchmark interest rate twice this year have also helped the baht post the second-best performance among Asia's most-traded currencies excluding the yen. Thailand, in particular.

Thailand experienced the world's highest growth rate from 1985 to 1995, following which it saw a contraction in economy by 1.9% in 1997.

The money press all over the world has been Thai positive for years since 1998. The only negatives one hears are from a few posters on Thai Visa. biggrin.png They quote long dead American humorists like Mark Twain to try and discredit the modern banking system and all the financial data published about Thailand.

The popular press on the other hand are just trying to sell newspapers and don't feel that accuracy is as important as the financial press and there is quite a difference.

"Figures don't lie, but liars figure" must have been referring to Thailand.

That attempt at folkish humor has been attributed to Mark Twain and American humorist who died a 100 years ago. So It would not have been Thailand it would have been Siam. But somehow I doubt he meant it that way.

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Your first line shows you know bugger all about Australia. Do you even know about the Aussie media? Channel 7 and 9 run the same stories just picked up off the web. Channel 10 can't even afford that so just do local stories and anything an overseas affiliate will give them. Channel 2 is a govt run station but is really anti the Liberal govt, even when they are in power. SBS is watched by the ethnics predominantly in Melbourne and Sydney with a small viewing in other capitals.

I did not claim to be an expert on Australia, although it does seem to be a country that is plagued with as many malcontents and haters of their nation as any other western country.

What I did offer was my opinion of the Australian media. That is why I wrote; "The Australian reporting on Asia is rather well balanced. The large numbers of immigrants and their languages facilitates news coverage." I base my opinion on the Australian newspapers I read and the Australian TV newsfeed I subscribe to. Yes, there are always issues, but I do believe that the Australian media is fairly well balanced. If you disagree, so be it. I wasn't offering my view on Australians either, just on the quality of the established media that I believe was unfairly lambasted. I will try to come back with some negativity next time, in particular, the horrid fashion sense of many Australians.

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Search Tiger economy. You find things like,A nickname given to the economies of Southeast Asia. Some of the tigers are Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea and China.

Two Asian economies that are quietly taking off. Today I want to add to those thoughts with a few more key points that opportunistic U.S. investors should know about.

A current-account surplus of $5.42 billion this year through July and the fact that the Bank of Thailand has raised its benchmark interest rate twice this year have also helped the baht post the second-best performance among Asia's most-traded currencies excluding the yen. Thailand, in particular.

Thailand experienced the world's highest growth rate from 1985 to 1995, following which it saw a contraction in economy by 1.9% in 1997.

The money press all over the world has been Thai positive for years since 1998. The only negatives one hears are from a few posters on Thai Visa. biggrin.png They quote long dead American humorists like Mark Twain to try and discredit the modern banking system and all the financial data published about Thailand.

The popular press on the other hand are just trying to sell newspapers and don't feel that accuracy is as important as the financial press and there is quite a difference.

I don't know where you get your figures about Thailand. It has a national debt of $123 billion US dollars which is $1,775 per person, or $7,100 for a family of 4. Link

A big problem is that when Thailand borrows big money, graft gets in the way and no one knows where the money goes. The recent big budget for flood control is exhibit "A".

"Figures don't lie, but liars figure" must have been referring to Thailand.

Add to this the banksters and real estate developers building anything anywhere there is dirt, and demand be damned, and Thailand is sitting on a knife edge.

Thailand is paying borrowing $US5 billion dollars a year in interest on its national debt.

Unfortunately, international reporters take Thailand's lying figures and report and believe them.

Standard and Poor's, Moody's and Fitch are not international reporters.

US credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) maintained Thailand’s existing credit rating at BBB+ and forecasted a stable outlook for the country going forward (Jan 2013).

It's rough to say Thailand is doing bad when the three credit rating agencies Standard and Poor's, Moody's and Fitch all say Thailand is doing good. I guess about the only thing you can do is quote a 100 year dead American country style humorists who used to be river boat worker.

Stop the nonsense like, "banksters and real estate developers building anything anywhere there is dirt, and demand be damned." The Thai baht has kicked the heck out of the US dollar and UK pound, sorry you missed opportunity to make some money but all your whining will not bring back the good old days when the dollar and pound were a big item in Thailand. Get used to the change. Thailand is doing well and the international banking community is well aware of that fact.

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Search Tiger economy. You find things like,A nickname given to the economies of Southeast Asia. Some of the tigers are Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea and China.

Two Asian economies that are quietly taking off. Today I want to add to those thoughts with a few more key points that opportunistic U.S. investors should know about.

A current-account surplus of $5.42 billion this year through July and the fact that the Bank of Thailand has raised its benchmark interest rate twice this year have also helped the baht post the second-best performance among Asia's most-traded currencies excluding the yen. Thailand, in particular.

Thailand experienced the world's highest growth rate from 1985 to 1995, following which it saw a contraction in economy by 1.9% in 1997.

The money press all over the world has been Thai positive for years since 1998. The only negatives one hears are from a few posters on Thai Visa. biggrin.png They quote long dead American humorists like Mark Twain to try and discredit the modern banking system and all the financial data published about Thailand.

The popular press on the other hand are just trying to sell newspapers and don't feel that accuracy is as important as the financial press and there is quite a difference.

I don't know where you get your figures about Thailand. It has a national debt of $123 billion US dollars which is $1,775 per person, or $7,100 for a family of 4. Link

A big problem is that when Thailand borrows big money, graft gets in the way and no one knows where the money goes. The recent big budget for flood control is exhibit "A".

"Figures don't lie, but liars figure" must have been referring to Thailand.

Add to this the banksters and real estate developers building anything anywhere there is dirt, and demand be damned, and Thailand is sitting on a knife edge.

Thailand is paying borrowing $US5 billion dollars a year in interest on its national debt.

Unfortunately, international reporters take Thailand's lying figures and report and believe them.

I won't try and opine on the accuracy of his post (as I never feel qualified to say much about economics) but CMK has shown in the past that he's big on cutting and pasting (without providing a source or even signifying that they are not his words - he's even been known to a C&P as something he "wrote") whatever might even come close to supporting a positive view of Thailand's economy (sometimes going to truly absurd stretches and even non sequiturs); in this instance he's merely used articles over 2 years old and lifted a bit from another site that references a period 15 years ago.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Liar liar pants on fire.smile.png If you have anything to say back it up with a quote. The topic of this thread is Negative potrayal of Asia by Western Media. I said to google, Tiger Economy to get an example of portrayal of Asia by the media. My point was and is that with the exception of Thai Visa, Thailand has been getting good financial press for quite some time.

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Search Tiger economy. You find things like,A nickname given to the economies of Southeast Asia. Some of the tigers are Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea and China.

Two Asian economies that are quietly taking off. Today I want to add to those thoughts with a few more key points that opportunistic U.S. investors should know about.

A current-account surplus of $5.42 billion this year through July and the fact that the Bank of Thailand has raised its benchmark interest rate twice this year have also helped the baht post the second-best performance among Asia's most-traded currencies excluding the yen. Thailand, in particular.

Thailand experienced the world's highest growth rate from 1985 to 1995, following which it saw a contraction in economy by 1.9% in 1997.

The money press all over the world has been Thai positive for years since 1998. The only negatives one hears are from a few posters on Thai Visa. biggrin.png They quote long dead American humorists like Mark Twain to try and discredit the modern banking system and all the financial data published about Thailand.

The popular press on the other hand are just trying to sell newspapers and don't feel that accuracy is as important as the financial press and there is quite a difference.

"Figures don't lie, but liars figure" must have been referring to Thailand.

That attempt at folkish humor has been attributed to Mark Twain and American humorist who died a 100 years ago. So It would not have been Thailand it would have been Siam. But somehow I doubt he meant it that way.

Samuel Clemens is also widely regarded as one of the great authors of his time (some would argue of all time) and a renowned lecturer.

"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please." - Mark Twain

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Get your facts straight. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was a humorist/writer and not a financial writer. Samuel Clemens was not an economist and has no standing writing about economics. And he died in 1910. Twain is often quoted by the economically illiterate about, "

"Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments. It is also sometimes colloquially used to doubt statistics used to prove an opponent's point.

The term was popularised in the United States by Mark Twain (among others), who attributed it to the 19th-century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881): "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." However, the phrase is not found in any of Disraeli's works and the earliest known appearances were years after his death. Other coiners have therefore been proposed, and the phrase is often attributed to Twain himself."

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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"That attempt at folkish humor has been attributed to Mark Twain and American humorist who died a 100 ...a 100 year dead American country style humorists who used to be river boat worker. .."

Samuel Clemens is also widely regarded as one of the great authors of his time (some would argue of all time) and a renowned lecturer. By the way, not sure why it would matter to anyone than an elitist snob if he had a humble job in his past , (or when he died) but he was a master riverboat pilot on the Mississippi; a job with possibly the sort of status an airline pilot might have and of arguably more importance.

"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please." - Mark Twain

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Get your facts straight. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was a humorist/writer and not a financial writer. Samuel Clemens was not an economist and has no standing writing about economics. And he died in 1910.

My facts, as can be seen, are straight. Whoever claimed or implied he was an economics or had 'standing writing about economics'?

Do we really want to bicker about someone's joke (that you are attempting to take absurdly literally)?

EDIT: Apologies for clumsy editing and posting problems that have got my posts out of sync with your quoting of them.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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The topic of this thread is Negative potrayal of Asia by Western Media. I said to google, Tiger Economy to get an example of portrayal of Asia by the media. My point was and is that with the exception of Thai Visa, Thailand has been getting good financial press for quite some time.

My interest in Asia doesnt begin and end with Thailand, but given that the forum is 'ThaiVisa', I accept that I am in the minority. The 'Tiger' economies proved to be a double-edged sword on their last outing, and I suspect that many of the same folk who are currently wirting positive stories will quickly turn their hands to 'I told you so !' autopsies when things go south. C'est La Vie - I just hope any meltdown isnt accompanied by rioting, but that's a topic for another thread. And, yes, I accept that is a very negative prognosis. ;)

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The Australian reporting on Asia is rather well balanced. The large numbers of immigrants and their languages facilitates news coverage. Considering the number of Australians murdered, killed and maimed through misadventure etc. in SE Asia, I think there is a great deal of restraint. Why not deal with the reality.

- The Japanese have never apologized for their war crimes and still engage in the senseless and unnecesry slaughter of whales. They also did a nice coverup of their nuclear catastrophe.

- The Chinese over fish and have no regard for the enironment or many of the things Australians hold dear such as fair play and human rights. China has mounted assault after assault on the IT systems of the west with some nasty hacking of Australian companies and government websites. The Chinese have their own agenda and if it means walking over a few people they will.

- Vietnam: if you read the media, you will see that while Vietnam's problems are addressed it gets a sympathetic portrayal in the media.

- Indonesia: can you blame the Australians with Indonesia's incessant over fishing in Australian waters and its pivotal role in the transit of bogus refugees? The place is annoying.

- Myanmar: Well, considering that journalists are all but banned, what do you expect.

- The Phillipines: The place is a basket case. Nothng the Australian media could say or write can make it seem any worse than it is.

- Cambodia - The land where people go kaboom when they step on one of the leftover mines and a place that has a well deserved reputation for pedos and corruption.It's the creepy country because of its Khmer Rouge genocide that still has the people implicated walking around. Yet, the Australian media has usually taken a sympathetic view to the Cambodian people's plight.

- Malaysia- The Australians have to walk on eggshells because the Malaysians are a sensitive lot. The media tries to ignore the place lest it be accused of anti muslim bias again.

- Brunei? Well the media does like to profile the opulence of the Royal family.

- Singapore usually is treated nicely. it's the only place in SE Asia where the bathrooms are clean and you can drink the tapwater. Australians bathe from time to time and they can identify with a country where after you wash your clothes, they don't come out stinking of sewage water as is the case in Thailand.

- South Korea: The land of non smiling people doesn't interest a nation where people are friendly.

- Taiwan? No one cares except when the MPs get into a fist fight.

As I have worked here for the better part of 5 years I have never seen this other than people who blatiantly disrespect the Malaysian culture. Do you have any links to where this can be seen or would you just be making a guess or going off hearsay?

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Get your facts straight. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was a humorist/writer and not a financial writer. Samuel Clemens was not an economist and has no standing writing about economics. And he died in 1910.

My facts, as can be seen, are straight. Whoever claimed or implied he was an economics or had 'standing writing about economics'?

Do we really want to bicker about someone's joke (that you are attempting to take absurdly literally)?

EDIT: Apologies for clumsy editing and posting problems that have got my posts out of sync with your quoting of them.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

No of course not. Who would want to use 100 year American colloquiums to bash the Thai economy? I am sure there are many more current topical sources of information.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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I am a weekend warrior, Majic - my opinion means nothing here - but I believe that all of the major news agencies should have a man on the ground in each of the big cities of Asia. Not the archetypal journo who spends most his time in a bar somewhere either - professionals who actually give a shit about the countries they've been tasked to report on. Such people, believe it or not, do actually exist .....

The ABC's Foreign Correspendent and SBS' Dateline teams are brilliant at filing reports where the reporter doesnt look like some bozo who has just flown in from Melbourne to stand around outside a jail waiting for them to drag some hapless Australian drug trafficker out for a photo op ....

It's a pity that John Pilgar is not walking the streets now, in the 60-70s the man from Australia was one of the best reporters on the Planet he was so good that Robert Murdock sacked him so that tells you something about the media

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As I have worked here for the better part of 5 years I have never seen this other than people who blatiantly disrespect the Malaysian culture. Do you have any links to where this can be seen or would you just be making a guess or going off hearsay?

You would not remember the despotic PM Mahithir would you? He had a heavy chip on his shoulder continually crying about imagined offenses to Malaysia by the Australian media. This is the same Malaysian PM that refused to assist Thailand back in the days when Thailand would have been able to effectively contain the southern insurgency. Have a look at his history.

However, you need not go too far back in history. The Australian PM was groveling back in 2011 at the possibility of Mr. Abbott offending the Malaysians when parliament was discussing the negotiation of an agreement between Australia and Malaysia. And you know that senator recently deported from Malaysia. Guess who's implicated? None other than Langkawi's pride and joy, Mahithir.

Now let's get more specific. When a journalist dared to ask a question at the big event where Abhisit went to consult with Mahithir on the southern insurgency, that journalist along with others was shushed. Mustn't offend the Malaysians with embarrassing questions as to just how all these insurgents freely move about in Malaysia and why Malaysia is not as helpful to Thailand as a good neighbour should be.

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I am a weekend warrior, Majic - my opinion means nothing here - but I believe that all of the major news agencies should have a man on the ground in each of the big cities of Asia. Not the archetypal journo who spends most his time in a bar somewhere either - professionals who actually give a shit about the countries they've been tasked to report on. Such people, believe it or not, do actually exist .....

The ABC's Foreign Correspendent and SBS' Dateline teams are brilliant at filing reports where the reporter doesnt look like some bozo who has just flown in from Melbourne to stand around outside a jail waiting for them to drag some hapless Australian drug trafficker out for a photo op ....

It's a pity that John Pilgar is not walking the streets now, in the 60-70s the man from Australia was one of the best reporters on the Planet he was so good that Robert Murdock sacked him so that tells you something about the media

I think it was Maxwell that sacked him. In any case, Murdoch closed down the News of the World, which by your logic should mean that Murdoch is a man dedicated to quality................

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