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Negative Potrayal Of Asia By Western Media


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As I have worked here for the better part of 5 years I have never seen this other than people who blatiantly disrespect the Malaysian culture. Do you have any links to where this can be seen or would you just be making a guess or going off hearsay?

You would not remember the despotic PM Mahithir would you? He had a heavy chip on his shoulder continually crying about imagined offenses to Malaysia by the Australian media. This is the same Malaysian PM that refused to assist Thailand back in the days when Thailand would have been able to effectively contain the southern insurgency. Have a look at his history.

However, you need not go too far back in history. The Australian PM was groveling back in 2011 at the possibility of Mr. Abbott offending the Malaysians when parliament was discussing the negotiation of an agreement between Australia and Malaysia. And you know that senator recently deported from Malaysia. Guess who's implicated? None other than Langkawi's pride and joy, Mahithir.

Now let's get more specific. When a journalist dared to ask a question at the big event where Abhisit went to consult with Mahithir on the southern insurgency, that journalist along with others was shushed. Mustn't offend the Malaysians with embarrassing questions as to just how all these insurgents freely move about in Malaysia and why Malaysia is not as helpful to Thailand as a good neighbour should be.

The Thai stuff I knew but the Aussie stuff I can honestly say I did not. I will check up on it. I suppose governments can get sensitive but I have never seen anything of the such spend 2.5 years here in the last 5.

http://www.pm.gov.au/press-office/australian-malaysian-joint-statement Seems to say a different story all be it a little later in 2011

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I am a weekend warrior, Majic - my opinion means nothing here - but I believe that all of the major news agencies should have a man on the ground in each of the big cities of Asia. Not the archetypal journo who spends most his time in a bar somewhere either - professionals who actually give a shit about the countries they've been tasked to report on. Such people, believe it or not, do actually exist .....

The ABC's Foreign Correspendent and SBS' Dateline teams are brilliant at filing reports where the reporter doesnt look like some bozo who has just flown in from Melbourne to stand around outside a jail waiting for them to drag some hapless Australian drug trafficker out for a photo op ....

It's a pity that John Pilgar is not walking the streets now, in the 60-70s the man from Australia was one of the best reporters on the Planet he was so good that Robert Murdock sacked him so that tells you something about the media

I think it was Maxwell that sacked him. In any case, Murdoch closed down the News of the World, which by your logic should mean that Murdoch is a man dedicated to quality................

I stand corrected I have no time for either of them I remembered that Pilgar was not popular with many governments as he was a bit of leftie but was a great reporter

As for Murdock closing the News of the World do you think he was happy about that?

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I am a weekend warrior, Majic - my opinion means nothing here - but I believe that all of the major news agencies should have a man on the ground in each of the big cities of Asia. Not the archetypal journo who spends most his time in a bar somewhere either - professionals who actually give a shit about the countries they've been tasked to report on. Such people, believe it or not, do actually exist .....

The ABC's Foreign Correspendent and SBS' Dateline teams are brilliant at filing reports where the reporter doesnt look like some bozo who has just flown in from Melbourne to stand around outside a jail waiting for them to drag some hapless Australian drug trafficker out for a photo op ....

It's a pity that John Pilgar is not walking the streets now, in the 60-70s the man from Australia was one of the best reporters on the Planet he was so good that Robert Murdock sacked him so that tells you something about the media

I think it was Maxwell that sacked him. In any case, Murdoch closed down the News of the World, which by your logic should mean that Murdoch is a man dedicated to quality................

I stand corrected I have no time for either of them I remembered that Pilgar was not popular with many governments as he was a bit of leftie but was a great reporter

As for Murdock closing the News of the World do you think he was happy about that?

First of all his name is PilgEr.

He's a very good writer and has done some great and important work. But he is so biased and has such a prominent and all consuming agenda that it detracts very much from the quality of his work as a whole in my opinion and occasionally distorts the truth of his reporting. There are scholars in the fields on which he has written who share my general opinion.

I think Christopher Hitchens summed up my feelings rather well, "I remember thinking that his work from Vietnam was very good at the time. I dare say if I went back and read it again I'd probably still admire quite a lot of it. But there is a word that gets overused and can be misused – namely, anti-American – and it has to be used about him. So that for me sort of spoils it... even when I'm inclined to agree."

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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I think we need to differentiate between governments which are sensitive to criticism and the general attitude of the citizens of a given country towards criticism of their country from outside. Easy to play on nationalism to tell your people that any criticism of your government is effectively criticism of their beloved country. Mahatir had a reputation as a master manipulator - that gets harder when your critics live in another country and are protected by a completely different set of laws. Like all tyrants, he didnt enjoy hearing from anyone who wasnt marching to the beat of his drum - we have politicians like that here, but they don't have their opponents jailed via trumped up sodomy charges. No, not even in Queensland ...

That said, I don't jump into a cab in someone else's country and launch into a diatribe about all the things that I believe are wrong with their government - most cabbies will happily tell you for themselves what THEY think needs to change. About the only places where that hasn't happened IME is Singapore and southern China, but in the latter case there was a major language issue. Sillypore is, apparently, the only country on earth with a perfect crop of politicians who do everything right ;)

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Well... I have noticed in the UK, especially with the younger generation that Thailand is the land of tropical paradise, beaches, ladyboys and hookers. I don't really think this is to do with the way that media in the UK (BBC etc) has portrayed it, but more from word of mouth or experience.

I'm only 25 and I got a lot of comments from people of a similar age group saying "Oh are you going to live over there to find a ladyboy?" and other immature remarks like this. It's kinda frustrating when these people clearly haven't been to Thailand, otherwise they would realise that there is so much more to Thailand than its booming sex industry and fooling ladyboys.

Every now and then we get news of accidents which have affected British nationals in Thailand but in my eyes they don't really paint a bad picture, they're just reporting news which is of interest to the British nation.

You have to realise that Thailand, as beautiful as it is - is a very dangerous country seeing as it lacks on a lot of health and safety laws which are I imagine quite predominant in Australia. There are a lot of Australians killed in Thailand every year, therefore it's only in the country's best interest to warn those of certain dangers one can face in Thailand.

I noticed that you mentioned ladyboys 3 times in your rant. What exactly have you agains ladyboys? unsure.png

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What do ya expect from a country founded by Criminals. They do as they know deflect any attention from their selves. Mad at China cause they own more of the Auzzie ore then the Auzzies. Mad ot Bali for taking away tourist $$ from Auz due to high cost at home. Could go on but I think you get the point

You are right, of course, my great-great-grandfather was a criminal who was sent to Australia. A Scottish criminal.

Mine was Irish.

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Well... I have noticed in the UK, especially with the younger generation that Thailand is the land of tropical paradise, beaches, ladyboys and hookers. I don't really think this is to do with the way that media in the UK (BBC etc) has portrayed it, but more from word of mouth or experience.

I'm only 25 and I got a lot of comments from people of a similar age group saying "Oh are you going to live over there to find a ladyboy?" and other immature remarks like this. It's kinda frustrating when these people clearly haven't been to Thailand, otherwise they would realise that there is so much more to Thailand than its booming sex industry and fooling ladyboys.

Every now and then we get news of accidents which have affected British nationals in Thailand but in my eyes they don't really paint a bad picture, they're just reporting news which is of interest to the British nation.

You have to realise that Thailand, as beautiful as it is - is a very dangerous country seeing as it lacks on a lot of health and safety laws which are I imagine quite predominant in Australia. There are a lot of Australians killed in Thailand every year, therefore it's only in the country's best interest to warn those of certain dangers one can face in Thailand.

I noticed that you mentioned ladyboys 3 times in your rant. What exactly have you agains ladyboys? unsure.png

Cuter perhaps

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@Steel Joe

You could be right about bias I did say that Mr Pilger was a bit of a leftie , at that time there was a lot of anti American feeling even among Americans but his articles on Veitnam war shook me up and of course you can always take a second look at history later even Historians disagree,

I recall he was not the Australian government's man of the year at that time but sometimes you need someone to rock the boat and he could do that

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What do ya expect from a country founded by Criminals. They do as they know deflect any attention from their selves. Mad at China cause they own more of the Auzzie ore then the Auzzies. Mad ot Bali for taking away tourist $$ from Auz due to high cost at home. Could go on but I think you get the point

You are right, of course, my great-great-grandfather was a criminal who was sent to Australia. A Scottish criminal.

Mine was Irish.

Glad to see you are not ashamed of your ancestors past deeds

The Australian government was for years

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its actually trendy now to claim such ancestry.....more characteristic than any pompous blue blood running through thy veins.

in fact i even know what crime he commited to be sent to the best country in the world, date, boat, and sentance.......sentances actually as there was 2 of them.

What do ya expect from a country founded by Criminals. They do as they know deflect any attention from their selves. Mad at China cause they own more of the Auzzie ore then the Auzzies. Mad ot Bali for taking away tourist $$ from Auz due to high cost at home. Could go on but I think you get the point

You are right, of course, my great-great-grandfather was a criminal who was sent to Australia. A Scottish criminal.

Mine was Irish.

Glad to see you are not ashamed of your ancestors past deeds

The Australian government was for years

Edited by diddums
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@Steel Joe

You could be right about bias I did say that Mr Pilger was a bit of a leftie , at that time there was a lot of anti American feeling even among Americans but his articles on Veitnam war shook me up and of course you can always take a second look at history later even Historians disagree,

I recall he was not the Australian government's man of the year at that time but sometimes you need someone to rock the boat and he could do that

Of course you are right about the sentiment of the time though I would argue that more prevalent than anti-Americanism per se was anti-Vietnam war feelings and an objection to that policy and others as opposed to a general dislike of and prejudice against America as an entity; to me anti-Americanism isn't about objecting to what the US does on a specific issue or issues - certainly there's plenty of times where that's legitimate, warranted and important - but it's about objecting to things BECAUSE the US did it.

Pilger is and always has been, as some people are, anti-American over and above of his arguably legitimate grievances against the US. And his prejudice is so strong that it interferes with his reportage and causes him to be at times, I believe, deliberately dishonest.

EDIT: And the Vietnam War is a field of study on which I have some expertise and I can tell you that, as any sensible and informed person will, that it was of course in so many respects a tragic mistake where great wrongs were done but that Pilger distorted - as did so many who were quite rightly against the war - a LOT about the characteristic, motivations and conduct of all sides that were involved.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Glad to see you are not ashamed of your ancestors past deeds

The Australian government was for years

I assume that you are hashing together two grievances

- the transportation of Irish and English convicts to Australia, often for very minor offences (the British routinely hanged people for serious crime)

- the treatment of aboriginal people by European settlers and their descendants

As worthy as those topics may be for discussion, I don't see what relevance either has to this thread. If you want to impugn Australians by virtue of our 'convict heritage' or treatment of Aboriginals, please start another thread.

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The popular press on the other hand are just trying to sell newspapers and don't feel that accuracy is as important as the financial press and there is quite a difference.

That is it in a nutshell.

Bad news sells papers and sound bites on TV. People much prefer to hear the naughty news.

Ignorant people don't have time to do proper research themselves. They rely on the tabloid scandal sheets to do it for them.

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Negative Potrayal Of Asia By Western Media

Seriously, does anyone who lives in Thailand really care? blink.png

Yup the OP "Mr Worldwide" cares. If he reads anything negative on Thailand he will start WHINGING and COMPLAINING.

1. Again, Asia doesnt begin and end at the Thai border - clearly, for some here, it does. I believe those folks are known as 'flat earthers'.

2. 'Whinging and Complaining' - yep, that's me all over. I log in as any one of a hundred other board members and bitch about Thai people, the strength of the baht, Farang who dont measure up to my high standards. poor Thais, Hi-So Thais, fat Thais and skinny Thais. Man, it seems that I must hate Thailand and its people - makes you wonder why a freak like me would even get on a plane headed for Bangkok, much less seriously consider living in a country like that. Thailand sucks, apparently.

The aim of this thread was to determine if other Western media viewed Asia in the same light as our Australian news editors (mostly negative), and it would seem that they do. As others have pointed out, its simply that 'bad news sells', although I will accept that there is a component of 'cautionary tale' inherent in the stories about Aussies dying from dodgy cocktails in Indonesia. If you don't see a point to a thread, is there really any point posting in said thread ? If I can ignore the 'frying pan' thread, surely you can ignore this one ?

Edited by MrWorldwide
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OP you need to get out more.

Put a brick through the screen of the idiot box and stop reading the newspapers and take up a new hobby or get active.

when it comes time to reflect on your life at the end you think your going to remember the countless hours wasted filling your head with 6 hour newscycle material?

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That is it in a nutshell.

Bad news sells papers and sound bites on TV. People much prefer to hear the naughty news.

Ignorant people don't have time to do proper research themselves. They rely on the tabloid scandal sheets to do it for them.

The tabloids give a voice to the segment of the population that often feels neglected and ignored. They are usually heavy on sporting news.

While it's nicve to have a dig at the Australian news media, I suggest that some of you have a look at the Pattaya One and Pattaya Daily News. There is a significant focus on crime and a week doesn't go by when there isn't an article on a visitor and his interaction with a ladyboy. T

he Australian media doesn't expose the victims of rape or abuse as does the Thai media and one certainly is not treated to vivid photographs of dead or injured people as is common with the Thai media. Teh local thai media does a wonderful job of embarrassing Thailand all on its own. It is unfair to impugn the ethics of Australa's media when the local Asian papers often serve as nothing more than propaganda outlets for the local governments or are so heavily censored as to be unreliable.

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1. Again, Asia doesnt begin and end at the Thai border - clearly, for some here, it does. I believe those folks are known as 'flat earthers'.

Well, as this is a Thai forum, disccussing other countries would just have your post deleted or moved to a more proper subforum. wink.png

Edited by Semper
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That is it in a nutshell.

Bad news sells papers and sound bites on TV. People much prefer to hear the naughty news.

Ignorant people don't have time to do proper research themselves. They rely on the tabloid scandal sheets to do it for them.

The tabloids give a voice to the segment of the population that often feels neglected and ignored. They are usually heavy on sporting news.

While it's nicve to have a dig at the Australian news media, I suggest that some of you have a look at the Pattaya One and Pattaya Daily News. There is a significant focus on crime and a week doesn't go by when there isn't an article on a visitor and his interaction with a ladyboy. T

he Australian media doesn't expose the victims of rape or abuse as does the Thai media and one certainly is not treated to vivid photographs of dead or injured people as is common with the Thai media. Teh local thai media does a wonderful job of embarrassing Thailand all on its own. It is unfair to impugn the ethics of Australa's media when the local Asian papers often serve as nothing more than propaganda outlets for the local governments or are so heavily censored as to be unreliable.

One could almost believe you. You sound so good and logical. One guy really shot JFK and the newspapers didn't know about the financial crisis in 2008 ad the cozy relationship of the press with Obama. United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal, the LIBOR scandal and now the horse meat thing. Power corrupts and power of the press is no exception. Western media and Eastern media all sisters under the skin.

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1. Again, Asia doesnt begin and end at the Thai border - clearly, for some here, it does. I believe those folks are known as 'flat earthers'.

Well, as this is a Thai forum, disccussing other countries would just have your post deleted or moved to a more proper subforum. wink.png

Isn't the thread heading " Negative Potrayal Of Asia By Western Media" ? And isn't Thailand part of Asia ?

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@Steel Joe

You could be right about bias I did say that Mr Pilger was a bit of a leftie , at that time there was a lot of anti American feeling even among Americans but his articles on Veitnam war shook me up and of course you can always take a second look at history later even Historians disagree,

I recall he was not the Australian government's man of the year at that time but sometimes you need someone to rock the boat and he could do that

Of course you are right about the sentiment of the time though I would argue that more prevalent than anti-Americanism per se was anti-Vietnam war feelings and an objection to that policy and others as opposed to a general dislike of and prejudice against America as an entity; to me anti-Americanism isn't about objecting to what the US does on a specific issue or issues - certainly there's plenty of times where that's legitimate, warranted and important - but it's about objecting to things BECAUSE the US did it.

Pilger is and always has been, as some people are, anti-American over and above of his arguably legitimate grievances against the US. And his prejudice is so strong that it interferes with his reportage and causes him to be at times, I believe, deliberately dishonest.

EDIT: And the Vietnam War is a field of study on which I have some expertise and I can tell you that, as any sensible and informed person will, that it was of course in so many respects a tragic mistake where great wrongs were done but that Pilger distorted - as did so many who were quite rightly against the war - a LOT about the characteristic, motivations and conduct of all sides that were involved.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

I know exactly what you are saying I often wonder why America continues to be the Worlds policeman it's a thankless task but as far as I'm concerned what would the free world do without them.

I can recommend a book by Karl Marlantes ;what its like to go to war. He was a Marine in Vietnam and it is about his experience in the war it's well worth a read

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@Steel Joe

You could be right about bias I did say that Mr Pilger was a bit of a leftie , at that time there was a lot of anti American feeling even among Americans but his articles on Veitnam war shook me up and of course you can always take a second look at history later even Historians disagree,

I recall he was not the Australian government's man of the year at that time but sometimes you need someone to rock the boat and he could do that

Of course you are right about the sentiment of the time though I would argue that more prevalent than anti-Americanism per se was anti-Vietnam war feelings and an objection to that policy and others as opposed to a general dislike of and prejudice against America as an entity; to me anti-Americanism isn't about objecting to what the US does on a specific issue or issues - certainly there's plenty of times where that's legitimate, warranted and important - but it's about objecting to things BECAUSE the US did it.

Pilger is and always has been, as some people are, anti-American over and above of his arguably legitimate grievances against the US. And his prejudice is so strong that it interferes with his reportage and causes him to be at times, I believe, deliberately dishonest.

EDIT: And the Vietnam War is a field of study on which I have some expertise and I can tell you that, as any sensible and informed person will, that it was of course in so many respects a tragic mistake where great wrongs were done but that Pilger distorted - as did so many who were quite rightly against the war - a LOT about the characteristic, motivations and conduct of all sides that were involved.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

I know exactly what you are saying I often wonder why America continues to be the Worlds policeman it's a thankless task but as far as I'm concerned what would the free world do without them.

I can recommend a book by Karl Marlantes ;what its like to go to war. He was a Marine in Vietnam and it is about his experience in the war it's well worth a read

Yes heven forbid we let people sort their own issues out.

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@Steel Joe

You could be right about bias I did say that Mr Pilger was a bit of a leftie , at that time there was a lot of anti American feeling even among Americans but his articles on Veitnam war shook me up and of course you can always take a second look at history later even Historians disagree,

I recall he was not the Australian government's man of the year at that time but sometimes you need someone to rock the boat and he could do that

Of course you are right about the sentiment of the time though I would argue that more prevalent than anti-Americanism per se was anti-Vietnam war feelings and an objection to that policy and others as opposed to a general dislike of and prejudice against America as an entity; to me anti-Americanism isn't about objecting to what the US does on a specific issue or issues - certainly there's plenty of times where that's legitimate, warranted and important - but it's about objecting to things BECAUSE the US did it.

Pilger is and always has been, as some people are, anti-American over and above of his arguably legitimate grievances against the US. And his prejudice is so strong that it interferes with his reportage and causes him to be at times, I believe, deliberately dishonest.

EDIT: And the Vietnam War is a field of study on which I have some expertise and I can tell you that, as any sensible and informed person will, that it was of course in so many respects a tragic mistake where great wrongs were done but that Pilger distorted - as did so many who were quite rightly against the war - a LOT about the characteristic, motivations and conduct of all sides that were involved.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

I know exactly what you are saying I often wonder why America continues to be the Worlds policeman it's a thankless task but as far as I'm concerned what would the free world do without them.

I can recommend a book by Karl Marlantes ;what its like to go to war. He was a Marine in Vietnam and it is about his experience in the war it's well worth a read

Yes heven forbid we let people sort their own issues out.

Like the Arab spring that kind of issue and the problems in Africa

If North Korea builds a nuclear bomb who would the world look to.

Right or wrong I don't know

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1. Again, Asia doesnt begin and end at the Thai border - clearly, for some here, it does. I believe those folks are known as 'flat earthers'.

Well, as this is a Thai forum, disccussing other countries would just have your post deleted or moved to a more proper subforum. wink.png

Isn't the thread heading " Negative Potrayal Of Asia By Western Media" ? And isn't Thailand part of Asia ?

Whatever the heading the OP would be whinging. Whats wrong with you Aussies. Grow some skin

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@Steel Joe

Of course you are right about the sentiment of the time though I would argue that more prevalent than anti-Americanism per se was anti-Vietnam war feelings and an objection to that policy and others as opposed to a general dislike of and prejudice against America as an entity; to me anti-Americanism isn't about objecting to what the US does on a specific issue or issues - certainly there's plenty of times where that's legitimate, warranted and important - but it's about objecting to things BECAUSE the US did it.

Pilger is and always has been, as some people are, anti-American over and above of his arguably legitimate grievances against the US. And his prejudice is so strong that it interferes with his reportage and causes him to be at times, I believe, deliberately dishonest.

EDIT: And the Vietnam War is a field of study on which I have some expertise and I can tell you that, as any sensible and informed person will, that it was of course in so many respects a tragic mistake where great wrongs were done but that Pilger distorted - as did so many who were quite rightly against the war - a LOT about the characteristic, motivations and conduct of all sides that were involved.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

I know exactly what you are saying I often wonder why America continues to be the Worlds policeman it's a thankless task but as far as I'm concerned what would the free world do without them.

I can recommend a book by Karl Marlantes ;what its like to go to war. He was a Marine in Vietnam and it is about his experience in the war it's well worth a read

Yes heven forbid we let people sort their own issues out.

Like the Arab spring that kind of issue and the problems in Africa

If North Korea builds a nuclear bomb who would the world look to.

Right or wrong I don't know

Hmm Nuclear Bomb.... I am sure that there is enough of this in places we don't know. And do yo uthink big brother China will let their neighbour North Korea start a Nuclear war while being so close? I for one think let the other places in the world sort them selves out they have been doing quite a bit longer than the world police have been around. Why should people get involved in a civil conflict 1/2 way around the world that has nothing to do with them other than oil?

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1. Again, Asia doesnt begin and end at the Thai border - clearly, for some here, it does. I believe those folks are known as 'flat earthers'.

Well, as this is a Thai forum, disccussing other countries would just have your post deleted or moved to a more proper subforum. wink.png

Isn't the thread heading " Negative Potrayal Of Asia By Western Media" ? And isn't Thailand part of Asia ?

Whatever the heading the OP would be whinging. Whats wrong with you Aussies. Grow some skin

Whats your problem? The OP started a discussion ! If your not interested go read something else!thumbsup.gif

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