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Bangkok Sinking Faster


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Now I understand why k. Plodprasop wants THB 120 billion to build a giant wall around Bangkok. Please give the man a budget before I get wet feet rolleyes.gif

May i recommend some galoshes? tongue.png Cause this may take a while lol

On another note, this may be a good time to invest in a floating house manufacturing company.whistling.gif

"in confusion there's profit" Tony Curtis, Operation Petticoat

or for those without a sense of humor

"in the midst of chaos there is also opportunity" Sun-Tzu

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1) to not do anything at all -The most likely response.

2) to relocate cities to other areas - This means handing power and influence to other provinces, it is an impossibility.

3) to create satellite cities - what, up in the sky?

4) to build ducts around the cities like in the Netherlands. - there was talk of this, they built walls and funded the needy jao por of the provinces instead. They now sponsor the same groups through the rice pledging scheme.

5) to reclaim land and practically cover up the Gulf of Thailand area - the issue here is you would need to lower the ground even further, pushing it further below sea level. Or maybe they could trade rice for soil with a country such as Tibet? Reclaimed land also has long term issues such as liquifaction.

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Spending billions and billions on a wall, this is not Roman times.

Why not take out a mountain (not national park) and LAND FILL. Areas in BKK that are precious wall around. Fill in ground floor areas, use many streets as waterways to get around,eliminating so much traffic. While your at it lay your wires underground in pvc. posters will say impossible--nothing is impossible TIT.

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Sink baby sink.

"as most already knew, Bangkok is singing as is many other locations in the world and not rising sea levels."

It is not possible for 'as is many other locations', unless sea level is rising.

Take a drive past the old airport staying on the lower level and look at the barriers next to the pillars that support the tollway above.

At each pillar the support slab that stands on the pillings is a good bit higher than the surrounding road surface. Already they have had to cut the road surface to re-level the road because it's sinking. I know they have cut once, maybe even twice to get things level again.

A few years ago it was like riding a roller-coaster, On the outside lane at each pillar the drivers side of the car was going up and down at least 8 inches as you passed each pillar.

I honestly don't think it's because the tollway support pillars are rising !

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Sink baby sink.

"as most already knew, Bangkok is singing as is many other locations in the world and not rising sea levels."

It is not possible for 'as is many other locations', unless sea level is rising.

Take a drive past the old airport staying on the lower level and look at the barriers next to the pillars that support the tollway above.

At each pillar the support slab that stands on the pillings is a good bit higher than the surrounding road surface. Already they have had to cut the road surface to re-level the road because it's sinking. I know they have cut once, maybe even twice to get things level again.

A few years ago it was like riding a roller-coaster, On the outside lane at each pillar the drivers side of the car was going up and down at least 8 inches as you passed each pillar.

I honestly don't think it's because the tollway support pillars are rising !

That is not a good thing. Venice of the East ?

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Dropping in to comment on how pathetic TV posters are now. The first three comments are ridiculous political motivated comments with no value or reference to the topic of Bangkok's plight with sinking. TV, what a waist of time with moderation aimed at nothing but spanking bad little boy for swearing at each other. What a waist of time.

Thank you for your opinionated contribution. Many will think you are waisting your time. smile.png

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Adding containment walls won't do the trick.

They would have to totally rebuild their storm water drainage system throughout Bangkok. They have too many canals, streams and other man-made drainage emptying directly into the Chao Praya. When the river rises, these things all rise as well, backing up into the city (and beyond). They would have to block these off and add pumps to drain these when it rains as well as the normal city drainage (where they dump the old cooking oil from their street-cart operations, dump their motor oil, empty their used paints and solvents, etc.)

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Sink baby sink.

Short time ago, global warmist idiots were saying the melting ice from global warming will have water level rising and will soon have Bangkok under water. Now they find out, as most already knew, Bangkok is singing as is many other locations in the world and not rising sea levels. There were many alarmists in Thailand that also got on the lets make some money on global warming. Alt energy such as windmills that use more energy than the save or having poor people turn off one light they have to save energy and save the world.

At least we know Bangkok along with its airport are sinking, and the flooding will not be caused by Greenland Ice melting

Couldn't resist this.

Top of the Thai Hit Parade "I'm singing in the excess rain" Cover version by Somjai "I'm sinking in the rain"

How I fondly recall the particularly oafish Thai PM, now departed this life thanks be, who promised that there would be no floods. When a lot of the city was a few feet under, he turned on impudent reporters and said, "This isn't flooding. This is just excess rain fall."

Edited by Bagwan
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Sink baby sink.

Short time ago, global warmist idiots were saying the melting ice from global warming will have water level rising and will soon have Bangkok under water. Now they find out, as most already knew, Bangkok is singing as is many other locations in the world and not rising sea levels. There were many alarmists in Thailand that also got on the lets make some money on global warming. Alt energy such as windmills that use more energy than the save or having poor people turn off one light they have to save energy and save the world.

At least we know Bangkok along with its airport are sinking, and the flooding will not be caused by Greenland Ice melting

Couldn't resist this.

Top of the Thai Hit Parade "I'm singing in the excess rain" Cover version by Somjai "I'm sinking in the rain"

How I fondly recall the particularly oafish Thai PM, now departed this life thanks be, who promised that there would be no floods. When a lot of the city was a few feet under, he turned on impudent reporters and said, "This isn't flooding. This is just excess rain fall."


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Plod will pipe up that he knew this all the time, so the solution will be to increase the budget 15% to build bigger walls.

.....and ensure the continuum of The Phu Yai(spelling) business model, where adversity breaths opportunity.

Right on. Think of the money to be saved by not having to shell out for runway and taxiway maintenance at Swampy. Has Yingluck sent emissaries to Boeing and Airbus asking them to fit water skis to all their aircraft yet? I suggest they that bring bulging brown envelopes, or a cake box, since they are more acceptable in the civilised world rather than vague promises of a large number of virgins in the afterlife - Buddha permitting of course.

A motto for Thailand to follow - We do not have problems. We have opportunities to be bright, clever, opportunistic, even more crooked and above all, richer.

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Remember the story about Sodom and Gomorrah!



I hate to ask but

which one are we? blink.png

I have to check again, but both cities disappeared in a somewhat ghastly way, one not less so than the other.

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Instead of pumping water out of the ground, how about pumping cleaned river water into the aquifer to raise the city over time?

Also, by using cleaned river water instead of aquifer water, less river water will be flowing down stream.

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