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Puppy Prefers Catfood


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In moderation it is OK but do't let it be a big portion of her diet as the nutritional needs of dogs and cats are quite different.

My dog also likes the cat's food. That's because she is the Big Boss around here (definitely the boss of me, and I'm the boss of the dog, so she's at least 2 notches over him)...so he assumes that anything she has must be superior.

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In moderation it is OK but do't let it be a big portion of her diet as the nutritional needs of dogs and cats are quite different.

My dog also likes the cat's food. That's because she is the Big Boss around here (definitely the boss of me, and I'm the boss of the dog, so she's at least 2 notches over him)...so he assumes that anything she has must be superior.

I agree, cat food should be more like "treats" while the main meal should be well balanced dog food.

MY cats love to eat dog food, my dogs love to eat cat food, i think they all confused with their identitylaugh.png

Seriosly though, i can not remember which one, but i read somewhere that either dog food is no good for cat or other way around, not sure how true. Maybe someone can confirm or provide more info

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I read on the net, dogs are more omnivorous than cats, so she might think it's more meaty. We had a dog in the UK who would steal apples from the fruit bowl if it was left in reach. Thanks for the replies.

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The flesh from apples is fine the seeds contain small amounts of cyanide. Not enough that eating a dozen apples complete will cause illness but why expose your dog to such risk, there is also the issue that one's dog should not feel free to take food that is not expressly offered to them. This is a training and obedience issue.

Dogs eating cat food is not a problem, cat are true carnivores. Dogs are opportunistic omnivores with a bias toward meat, this is why we fed a basic raw chicken, pork diet with human-food left overs as high-value treat food.

The "special" thing about cat food is Taurine without which their eyesight fails, so it is added to cat food as they can not synthesis this in the pancreas as other animals do.

The OP to my reading implies the dog is fed a commercial off the shelf "pet" food, not a good choice, I suggest investigating BARF as it the best way to ensure a healthy happy dog. Certainly in Thailand it is cheaper to do this than contribute to pet-food manufacturers profits with a primarily rice based food in either can or kibble form.

Edited by Cuban
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The flesh from apples is fine the seeds contain small amounts of cyanide. Not enough that eating a dozen apples complete will cause illness but why expose your dog to such risk, there is also the issue that one's dog should not feel free to take food that is not expressly offered to them. This is a training and obedience issue.

Dogs eating cat food is not a problem, cat are true carnivores. Dogs are opportunistic omnivores with a bias toward meat, this is why we fed a basic raw chicken, pork diet with human-food left overs as high-value treat food.

The "special" thing about cat food is Taurine without which their eyesight fails, so it is added to cat food as they can not synthesis this in the pancreas as other animals do.

The OP to my reading implies the dog is fed a commercial off the shelf "pet" food, not a good choice, I suggest investigating BARF as it the best way to ensure a healthy happy dog. Certainly in Thailand it is cheaper to do this than contribute to pet-food manufacturers profits with a primarily rice based food in either can or kibble form.

Not seen BARF down here, Research has shown that dogs unsupervised are just as sneaky as young kids when seizing an opportunity. We kept the fruit bowl well out of reach 99% of the time.

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Dogs have different nutrients requirements than cats.

Commercial cat food is higher in protein than commercial dog food, hence most dogs liking commercial cat food.

If a dog occasionally steals some cat food, there's normally no reason to worry. But if it happens often, then it is advisable to put the cat food out of the dog's reach, such as on top of a cupboard. Advisable anyway, as cats like to nibble throughout the day, while dogs slobber it up in a split second (generally speaking)

A complete and balanced commercial dog or cat food is a myth.

First because there is still a lot unknown about all the nutrients that exist and the role it plays in our bodies, and

second because each individual dog and cat has their own specific nutritional requirements which differ per emotional state, energy level, health state, age, sex, weather, etc. Giving the same dog/cat food brand with the same and the same amount of nutrients day in day out *can not* provide the nutrient requirement of each individual dog or cat, which is what the pet food industry wants us to believe.

It's just common sense.

If we would be forced to eat the same commercial human food day in day out, no one would agree and scream high and low that with such a diet it is not possible to meet our nutrient requirements. So why 'we' believe so much it is good for our beloved pets?

Also, if we would eat the same few ingredients (for example rice, 2 root veggies, 2 kind of fruits, 3 kind of greeny veggies, 1 kind of protein, loads of additives) over time we will build up a nutrient lack.

For a cooked or raw food diet (prey model or BARF) it's the variety of ingredients (animal products and vegetable products if you prefer) that will make the animal get all the nutrients it needs.

Giving only chicken carcasses (happens a lot now in Thailand) or only chicken and pork with some veggies fruits and maybe some supplements can also lead to nutrient lacks. And it certainly is not the prey-model or BARF diet as meant and promoted by the vets who introduced the diets (Lonsdale and Billinghurst).

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What baffles me is why your cat hasn't done anything about the dog stealing her food. In my household that brings down the wrath of God....

Oh dear Sheryl, the cat would never survive. At least, our dog "lady" would take vengeance

peeing in cat's feeding dish bah.gif .

BTW, believe it or not, our dogs like fish food (ahaarn pla) very much. But it's not their main course.

Some years ago, our curious female dog stole some when feeding the fishes. Both of our dogs had choosen by

themselves. We offered them commercial dog food (P...) and fishfood in different pots. Their choice saved us a lot

of money. 30 Baht a big bag, approximate wight of 500 g.

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Sheryl your dog saw the packs of cat food with the picture of a moggie on. It thinks it is getting even with the boss of the house as he thinks the food is made of cats. He would not dare take on the boss of the house himself...he is a dog and has brains.

Edited by harrry
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...and fishfood in different pots. Their choice saved us a lot

of money. 30 Baht a big bag, approximate wight of 500 g.

And exactly what is in that? Are you talking about the bags of brown pellets?

Although they probably do smell interesting to a dog (opportunistic omnivore) a diet based on what is probably fish meal and rice that has be extruded and cooked to give a long shelf life sounds like poor man's kibble. For your price/weight feeding chicken bodies provides a 'better' investment in food.

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guess our more feral puppies on the farm are different as in wolves vs cougers...ie in nature they will eat most anything.

As most say probably not aproblem....

Our pups have the following diet:

When 1-2 months I saw that my milk for coffee got strangley depleted?

We feed 'em, boiled fish ( pilchard size) and rice mostly

treats include chicken carcasses cooked and chopped with rice

other diet:

leftovers, wild birds, monkeys, rats, mice, rubber seeds,drink latex, chew cup rubber, orchids, grass, brooms, shoes, washing off the line,socks out of my wellies,tool handles, coconut husk, bananas the blacker the better,stones,leafs, their plastic food bowls....

..hmm can't think of anything they don't try to eat....? ah yes curried veggies get left...

cat food ...loooxury!

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My dog eats Tesco beef flavored dry dog food mixed with the Tesco canned mackerel cat food. He turns up his nose if there is no cat food mixed with the dry dog food. I think the fish keeps his coat shiny.

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What baffles me is why your cat hasn't done anything about the dog stealing her food. In my household that brings down the wrath of God....

She has felt the wrath of mog a couple of times, and is learning to stay out of their way.
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My dog eats Tesco beef flavored dry dog food mixed with the Tesco canned mackerel cat food. He turns up his nose if there is no cat food mixed with the dry dog food. I think the fish keeps his coat shiny.

My dog loves an occasional treat of fresh mackeral. Just once in a while. I think it is a good idea to vary their diets and get occasional oily fish in.

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She would rather eat that than the food we were given for her when we got her

Maybe the dog is fed up with eating the same food since the day you got her. Try changing the food, give her a big juicy bone with plenty of raw meat on it. She will chew away on it for hours and ignore the cats food. Feed the cat on a height, this will prevent the dog from getting the cats food

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Cat food has more protein than a dog needs, in a dog the protein can convert to urea and damage the kidney. But owners like to see pets enjoy food. If I were doing on a regular basis (which I would not) for the sake of what it costs at vet I would have kidney function test done now and again as dog gets older.



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Cat food has more protein than a dog needs, in a dog the protein can convert to urea and damage the kidney. But owners like to see pets enjoy food. If I were doing on a regular basis (which I would not) for the sake of what it costs at vet I would have kidney function test done now and again as dog gets older.



Both web-sites offer examples of Circular Logic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_reasoning

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