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Women Arrested For Pimping 11-Year-Old Girl On Bangkok's Soi Cowboy


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This is unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg. This happens FAR more frequently in the "Thai" brothels/go-go's/bars.

You are right and the ratios of Thai - Farang are probably too big to even think about.

I guess they took a chance to try and get the sort of money that they could never get from a Thai paedophile.

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This kind of thing happens everywhere.

I'm sorry but I don't share your unfounded optimism.

Thailand is the only place I have been offered child pornography in a well known shopping mall. I have seen young girls 'working' in Thailand and Cambodia but at least Cambodia, albeit with its limited resources and funding, is very visible about attempting to tackle the problem. There are adverts for child protection agencies all over the place and phone numbers to call.

I've never heard a Thai admit there's a problem, let alone seen any literature or recommendations of what to do when confronted with such a situation; what should I have done when I was offered child pornography in Panthip for example?

Aside from one or two arrests of foreigners under the coercion of Western NGO's what is Thailand actually doing to tackle the problem? Thailand remains a hub for human trafficking, and sexual abuse of women and minors is still widespread and apparently culturally acceptable.

Also in Cambodia , Vietnam , Philippine

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Happens everywhere.

Yes, that's true unfortunately. For some reason it's even sadder that one of these lowlifes is a foreigner, namely a Cambodian woman. If she wants to commit crimes like this, why doesn't she just stay in Cambodia - not that it would make this matter more acceptable in any way, but the Thai authorities really don't need to be dealing with foreigners committing crimes of this nature in their own country, they have enough on their hands dealing with all the local criminals.

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India arranges marraige at this age. Europeans were married at this age 200 years ago. Your judging the east with a Western mind and education.

Pimping however is not good,we assume it was against her will.

If she were to be partnered off with a drunken slob of a Thai farmer in the sticks you would never know. She very nearly met up with a foriegner and who knows could have changed her life for the better. Certainly better than the slob of a drunken farmer.

It might have been the one and only chance in her life. Gone now!!

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What they really need to do is start "pimping" youngsters undercover, and arresting the scum that "buys," then very internationally and publicly putting them in the Bangkok Hilton for twenty years.

Add some "follow-up reports" at 2 years, 5 years and twenty years, with photos of the incarcerated.

It'll stop.

No, wait ...Thailand would never do that, though. They don't care about the kids.

I think that the fact that these two were arrested shows that Thais do "care" about their kids. This kind of thing happens everywhere. Child porn is a major industry in Russia, and even in the US and I am sure most European countries, men are arrested for sex with minors. Portland, Oregon, for example, considered a nice, beautiful city, has a seamy underground of young runaways selling their bodies to men from around the world.

Thailand used to have this rep, too, and maybe it was deserved back then. I was offered a "young" girl back in 1982 while I was eating dinner. However, from all reports, and even reports by the NGOs that seem to exaggerate the situation, Thailand has gone a long way to stamp out this kind of activity. Ten years ago, it moved to Cambodia where it was pretty much out in the open, but even there, authorities could not turn a blind eye.

Thailand should be commended for what it has done to stamp out the child sex trade. Most of the child human trafficking now consists of Cambodian kids being brought in to beg. This is still pretty bad, and even in the sex trade, any activity is too much. But to say that the Thai government does not care about this and isn't doing anything is not a reflection of the ground truth.

I'm not saying it doesn't exist elsewhere, it does. But this is Thai Visa so we're discussing Thailand. It should be better prosecuted everywhere, for the record.

I'm not saying Thai authorities haven't done anything, I'm saying they haven't done enough. To me, it seems, many of the arrests (for whatever crime) are for show. The International Association of Police Chiefs has long officially recognized that the best way to deal with sex crimes is undercover operations that bust the buyers, with public exposure enhancing the deterrent effect.

I don't see that here. Furthermore, it would be much easier to implement such an operation here, than, say, Hollywood, where it works quite well.

Bottom line is the same as it always has been: corruption disables justice.

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unfortunately it happens time to time , that is the sad reality of Thailand , greedy pedophile foreigners and poor people . Good action from the Labor Right Promotion Network Foundation.

Do you mean that it only happens in Thailand and not in other European or Western countries?

No, he means that despite most farangs in Thailand being high-quality 40 to 70 yr olds who come here to experience the temples and the culture with girls & boys of legal age, there are some degenerates that come to Thailand too.

Edited by AngelsLariat
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Sweet, but those "Social Development" shelters are nothing more than a "lock-up" where foreign NGO's play with children out of sight of Thai courts. Sometimes they keep them locked up for many many years. Saving a girl is fine, not willing to keep an eye on children and delivering them foreign NGO's is as criminal as pimping out a 11 year old.

<deleted>.....you must be some twisted individual to think like that.

Cowboy is an institution - I dont spend a lot of time there either, but bulldozing it would be the thin edge of the wedge. Stickman and his sycophantic horde like to trot out the possibility from time to time, but I sincerely hope it never happens ? Wa. Square was something else again - clearly well past its prime - but there is still life in Cowboy IMO, even if many of the bars seem to have moved to a pricing policy that defies logic. TiT, I guess.

I have read you mention Sticko many times now.....are you on the payroll...or is there more ??

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India arranges marraige at this age. Europeans were married at this age 200 years ago. Your judging the east with a Western mind and education.

Pimping however is not good,we assume it was against her will.

If she were to be partnered off with a drunken slob of a Thai farmer in the sticks you would never know. She very nearly met up with a foriegner and who knows could have changed her life for the better. Certainly better than the slob of a drunken farmer.

It might have been the one and only chance in her life. Gone now!!

That's a nice spin you put on it F.F. I can just see the Hang -um-high brigade now apoplectic with righteous rage---your be sure to get a lot of red arrows......cheesy.gif

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Happens everywhere.

oh didn't take long. Oh well if it happens everwhere then release them and give them back thier property being the child. Happens everywhere so stop thai bashing. Why do some people immeadiately jump to the defence of some lowlifes whith the same old "It happens everywhere? Edited by chooka
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This is not the first time this has happened in the area. Before they knocked down the bars in Soi 22 I was having a beer with a Thai who warned me about a young shoeshine girl telling me to hunt her if she asked to clean my shoes. He pointed out 5 people to me who were all following her round and told me this was her mother father uncle etc and that she was a prostitute. She could only have been 12 years old and these sick mofos were all living of the poor kid.

By memory I think they were Vietnamese and a couple of day later the cops organized a raid and picked up the lot of them . I can't say for sure what happened to them but by what he told me, a few days, it would seem the were already being taken out of the country and heading back home within hours of being rounded up.

It doesn't surprise they didn't arrest any of her customers because they don't want to bring this sort of thing to the attention of all the sickos who go child hunting in Cambodia every year.

No doubt the one they knew about were told to leave Thailand and never return but as far as I know no one was arrested..........mind you they may have been rounded up as well, flown to Cambodia and dropped off there...........without a parachaute and given a wai2.gif on the way down.

Edited by Tanlic
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Happens everywhere.

Everywhere in Thailand?

Never been offered an 11 year old in the UK that's for sure!

Have you been offered 11 year old in Thailand ?

Just because it did not happen to you in UK, it does not mean it does not happen

I have, and since I work for the Catholic Church it appalls me that anyone would even suggest such a thing. But still I can't help to wonder why it is that whenever one of these stories comes up the regulars on ThaiVisa start tripping over themselves to point out that this happens everywhere but that it very seldom happens in Thailand.

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I know of two 14 year olds that got married here which I can only assume is legal.

Not that I agree with underage sex and it's certainly not for me, however this seems almost to be acceptable here.

I am fairly sure it happens a lot up north with mostly the Thais into it.

Give me a dirty old Bangkok Bar girl over a virgin any day of the week.

Edited by noddy77
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Shocking Yes.. surprising NO !

It's about time they shut Pattaya down..

It's not Pattaya that should be shut down, it's the small minority of scum who live and frequent the place who should be jailed. There are plenty of decent people who visit Pattaya, and plenty of decent people who spend their time in the bars. Like I said, as long as no one is hurt or made to do anything against their will.

Pattaya is one of the very few places apart from Angeles that the foundations were built by women laying on thier backs. Both were 100% American instigated for the entertainment of American forces.

Lets not forget what it is and always will be along with the 1000,s of mines left in Cambodia blowing legs of daily then we judge a 11 year olds trying to get out of it.

I suppose you think she should get a job as an accountant!!!!

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The Bangkok Post reports that an arrest warrant has been issued for the Swede, but he has since fled Thailand.

Good job for letting the guy escape. Hopefully he will be detained back in Sweden and will get a long prison sentence instead of the few time he would have done here.

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This is not a Thai story only, this is a global problem. At least in Thailand the justice pursuing pedophile abuse. There are worse countries in the world. I have been working in Cape Verde, West Africa. A girl is seen as an adult when 16 years old, 13, 14, 15 is still under tolerance. Nobody cares. The only known case there where the police took action was when a 10 years old girl got pregnant.

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Shocking Yes.. surprising NO !

It's about time they shut Pattaya down..

It's not Pattaya that should be shut down, it's the small minority of scum who live and frequent the place who should be jailed. There are plenty of decent people who visit Pattaya, and plenty of decent people who spend their time in the bars. Like I said, as long as no one is hurt or made to do anything against their will.

Pattaya is one of the very few places apart from Angeles that the foundations were built by women laying on thier backs. Both were 100% American instigated for the entertainment of American forces.

Lets not forget what it is and always will be along with the 1000,s of mines left in Cambodia blowing legs of daily then we judge a 11 year olds trying to get out of it.

I suppose you think she should get a job as an accountant!!!!

Personally I believe that the only people who will support the idea of an 11 yr old being sold for sex would be the pedophille community.
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Instead of a 12hr day @bhat 300 or less in an electronics factory the women would rather sell sex at bhat 1500 or more , its easier work and can make bhat 1000s in a day.

Isn't that the same reason why prostitution all around the world exists? It's about destroying kids' futures.....wai2.gif

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after reading the second report - the swede needs to be jailed as well - if he was not a part of nabbing them and he was the part of buying the girl - he should be put away for a long time - I am sure if he were half smart and knows about the sting he is already out of the country

wonder if they have a good enough description to nab him at the airport (?)

Edited by siamjimi
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Maybe unrelated to the OP....but IMO Soi Cowboy should be bulldozed anyway!

Why? A lot of people depend on it for their livelihood, and not just bargirls, never having frequented these places, I still think people should be allowed to work in any employment as long as no one is harmed or made to do anything against their wishes.

100% agree. As long as everyone is over 18 and not being forced into anything ... better to legalize it IMO and regulate.

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It doesn't look good seeing prostitution being defended in a thread about child prostitution.

There's a temptation to blame the defenders as being twisted in their thinking - maybe deep down they are pedos, it's already been alleged.

But then when you go back to the first page and you find we get here because people wrongly connected adult prostitution with this incident. "shutdown Pattaya", yeah right. Here's a challenge, go to Pattaya and see how long it takes you to find the first child for sale. Don't worry, you can call the police when you find her/him so you will be saving a child. Tell us how long it took you.

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NGOs often seem to exaggerate the human trafficking in Thailand, where every bar girl is a sex slave

A lot of NGO's exaggerate everything, that's how they keep their big salaries going.

While the problem certainly exists around the globe, clearly you have a valid point. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_of_children#Extent

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Sad when greed, the lack of basic moral standards and a sick mind get together. As for the guy, they should lock him up and give photos of his own siblings and all youngsters in his family to his fellow paedophile inmates...

Dude, the Swedish guy was part of the sting operation. He was one of the good guys.

Did you even bother to read the article ??

The < Link to Bangkok Post removed per forum rule 31 >reports that an arrest warrant has been issued for the Swede, but he has since fled Thailand.
Edited by metisdead
: 31) Bangkok Post do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post publications will be de
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Happens everywhere.

Have you been offered 11 year old in Thailand ?

Just because it did not happen to you in UK, it does not mean it does not happen

I have, and since I work for the Catholic Church it appalls me that anyone would even suggest such a thing. But still I can't help to wonder why it is that whenever one of these stories comes up the regulars on ThaiVisa start tripping over themselves to point out that this happens everywhere but that it very seldom happens in Thailand.

Being in the catholic church I would have thought you would have seen it a lot more than most..

You're a little slow, aren't you?

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