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How To Avoid Child Kidnapping And Loss Of Assets?


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In all seriousness...

I think it's good to be prepared for the bad times... However if you focus too much on the bad things that could happen, you'll end up ruining the good things you have so far.

I'm guessing the OP has been hurt a lot in the past and he now has his guard up, which is a natural defense... However I'm guessing the OP has a reason not to trust his wife or else he wouldn't be thinking this? You're dooming it all by thinking like this.

Does the OP suffer from stress? I know other posters are saying that you think too much and you're being crazy but all these thoughts could be caused by high stress, causing your mind to go into overdrive?

Either way, I hope the OP's child doesn't get abducted and he doesn't lose all his assets etc. But that's what everyone hopes for in relationships, right?

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From the previous thread:

Anyway, I'm a new father since a few weeks and my feeling is that if anybody ever attempt to take away my child from me, I will not call the police but will go directly to my wife's family and will burn down her entire village and stay there until I get my child back! I have already told her very clearly that if she ever wanted to leave then she will have to leave my child with me, otherwise I will personally follow her and try everything I can in order to find her (including hiering private detectives) and will physically attempt a murder on her krab

Annonymous - you appear to be extremely immature, insecure and psychotic.

See your GP or health professional before it's too late. I feel for your wife and child, I really do.

Now we can guess why he chose his name.

Having said that, I do believe he can be found. Can't be too many writers of textbooks living in Thailand.

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As I was the one on the Pattaya forum that first advised the OP that, contrary to his opinion, all would not be his 100% after any divorce, and because of his extra-curricular activities his wife already has sufficient grounds for a divorce, I only have the following to add:

He repeatedly says that "she will sign anything I ask her to sign". In these matters any document must be filed with the court. The court is there to protect persons who have signed a document under duress, or is incompetent or some other situation and will not accept any document that they believe is signed under such circumstances.

Note: #83

If, as some suggest, that you go to court right now and seek a divorce, it might very well be granted. However, given the reasons you might inform the court as to why you are seeking a divorce at this time, I doubt any divorce would be issued by the court regardless of what your wife is willing to sign without some kind of settlement and provisions for the future care of your infant child.

Edited by JLCrab
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JLCrab, on 24 Feb 2013 - 16:48, said:

...without some kind of settlement and provisions for the future care of your infant child.

The problem is is Annonymous isn't willing to give up custody of the child. If he does, he states he'll murder all the inhabitants of his wife's village, including the wife, to retrieve the child.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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Yes I've read that. I am just trying to see what are his more sensible options given the circumstances However, in the US, the expression is closing the barn doors after the horses are out.

In Thailand, it would be very difficult for a farang male to be awarded custody of an infant. He could certainly live nearby after any divorce. Those vacations to go skiing in the Alps might have to be put on hold.

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JLCrab, on 24 Feb 2013 - 16:48, said:

...without some kind of settlement and provisions for the future care of your infant child.

The problem is is Annonymous isn't willing to give up custody of the child. If he does, he states he'll murder all the inhabitants of his wife's village, including the wife, to retrieve the child.

Posted Today, 17:11

JLCrab, on 24 Feb 2013 - 16:48, said:snapback.png

JLCrab, on 24 Feb 2013 - 16:48, said:

...without some kind of settlement and provisions for the future care of your infant child.

The problem is is Annonymous isn't willing to give up custody of the

child. If he does, he states he'll murder all the inhabitants of his

wife's village, including the wife, to retrieve the child.

Wow , the wife just has to shown the comment to the courts... and who do you think will win .

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The more I get to read your answers and the sadder I get, seriously!

I believe that I have made a serious mistake by opening this thread, I should have asked the right persons directly, the ones who got screwed up, the ones who suddenly lost their child with no reason, the ones who have seen their wife take everything they had (sometime the result of a lifetime work!), the ones who actually suffered from not being prudent.

When I first came to Thailand I was the most caring man on earth, I was the first to share and give everything I had, even credit cards PIN and more, I was not counting nor even considering the possibility that the beautiful girl that kept telling me that she was loving me would eventually abuse my trust. From my perspective I was not alone anymore, we were two, and everything I had would become everything we have, pure love full of innocence.

I had to learn the hard way, most women in Thailand are interested, she left me with nothing but 20 bahts, I didn't know how to pay for hotel or food, in a foreign country with no money nor a return ticket, it took me more than a year to recover from this. Behind their captivating smile, I have personally seen hideous soulless persons.

After a few more bad experiences and after promising to myself to not fall in love again, I did it again and this time I got married. As someone just said a few posts ago, it's statistically proven: it's just a matter of time before it happens again, be it 2 years or 10 years, seems like most mix couples in Thailand are likely to break, just look at this forum and compare it with any western forum... when love already made you blind in the past, you HAVE to accept the reality and conceive the inconceivable and the probable.

From my end, I love my wife and I want only one thing is to stay with her for the rest of my life. I wanted the same with the previous girls I loved, and I was left on the street with nothing to eat, so "be trustful and positive" no thank you, I am realistic and try to get a bit tough for the next time, if any (I hope not, who would hope for something like this?)

Thanks god my own experiences are not as bad as the ones I've read right here on ThaiVisa, and those even worse experiences justify that I be even more careful and should consider all possibilities of kidnapping etc., and because now I have a child it is my responsibility to make sure that no harm is made to him.

Regarding assets, the law is absolutely unfair when it comes to one of the spouse having or earning in one day more than what the other spouse can earn in one month. Why should it be fair that a marriage followed by a divorce make the poor spouse 100x richer than she was before the marriage? Looks to me like marriage is a perfect, legal scam to foreigners.

Strange how your past has not given you the education to be stronger in your life ? You live in Europe with your wife and that makes it that you have the upper hand with everything, Your wife is in an alien country and only has rights afforded any normal person, No advantage over yourself! From what you have written it really sounds like you some serious problems and you should see a doctor very soon! My thoughts are if you don't this will manifest in your mind and you will eventually do something really stupidblink.png

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As for 100x richer, she would only be entitled to half of what you had earned before the marriage.

You mean after the marriage.

yes. i did. thanks

She is entitled to half the savings, debts and acquisitions you accumulated during the marriage.

Which is slightly different (and usually considerably less) to half your earnings.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Anonymous, it sounds like there is a significant wealth disparity between you and your spouse at the time of entering into marriage. I will recommend what lawyers recommend in such cases. In your home country, have a prenuptial agreement made up, and then have your wife sign it. If craziness occurs in the future, the assets that were yours at the time of marriage will still be yours.

In the U.K. you do not need an agreement to keep what is yours before the marriage.
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Anonymous, it sounds like there is a significant wealth disparity between you and your spouse at the time of entering into marriage. I will recommend what lawyers recommend in such cases. In your home country, have a prenuptial agreement made up, and then have your wife sign it. If craziness occurs in the future, the assets that were yours at the time of marriage will still be yours.

In the U.K. you do not need an agreement to keep what is yours before the marriage.

In the UK with a small child, it is unlikely you will keep anything, apart from the right to pay the mortgage on the house you no longer have the right to live in. Pre-nups are also canceled when a child is born to a marriage in the UK.

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to save my ass as a farang with money married to a village girl with none.

Why did you get married to this "village girl without money" and more important, why did you get her pregnant if you already knew what kind of problems you would end up with? blink.png

Your question is the answer, if I knew about all the stories I have read during the last couple of days here on ThaiVisa, I would have probably stayed with her while not getting married, and would just forget about going to Europe (as to obtain a schengen VISA for her, the only possible path for us was marriage).

Now that I know that such horror behavior exists here in Thailand, I'm looking for ways on how to not find myself posting on ThaiVisa "help my wife left with my child and now wants half of my assets for which I have worked really hard for years", I don't want to learn the hard way, I don't want to be one of many here on ThaiVisa with horrible experiences with their ex-wives, no! I just want to block it, make it impossible, no extortion possible and surely not using my child as a tool.

I believe prevention is better, I'm sure you do to.

Now if you people can't give a good tip on how to not get screwed up, don't even bother, please

You worry too much,better go talk to a professional about your feelings

Edited by FritsSikkink
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Actually, their is hope for our friend presuming he finds a good lawyer and a sympathetic court. From the Civil Code of Thailand:

Section 1495. The marriage which is made against Section 1449 ... shall be void.

Section 1449. A marriage cannot take place if either the man or the woman is an insane person or adjudged incompetent.

Section 1498. The void of marriage will not create property relation between husband and wife.
-- As to Section 1449 I would add or both. And there are provisions in section 1499 that a party to the marriage should not become destitute, etc
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