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Is Thailand The Best Country In The World For A Fugitive?


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I just read an article on the person named the "No 1 deadbeat dad" here in the US because he owed over 1 million USD in back child support (just search "robert sand and thailand" and you will see what I am talking about). I had no idea the article had anything to do with Thailand, but then it said that he had been living in Thailand for the last few years, and I thought, "that makes sense"

In my opinion, Thailand is the best place in the world for fugitives for two reasons:

1. It is not a bad place to live for a Westerner - inexpensive, good food, some English, and friendly people.

2. The legal system (police, prosecutors, judges) is somewhat "flexible".

What confirms my opinion is that he was never actually caught in Thailand. According to the news reports, he went to the Philippines, and then was caught.

Is there a better place in the world than Thailand if you are on the run? (of course, not that I have any personal experience).


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He divided half his time between Thailand and The Philippines and had businesses in both. From my experience there are far more fugitives from the law in the Philippines than in Thailand. But both do attract quite a lot.

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No, not very good actually. If your home country is actively looking for you and inform the local authorities, it is very bad. Thailand deports foreign criminals every day. It is difficult for a non Asian foreigner to hide if they're looking for you. If the US or some other big country wants you, you will be handed over. If they aren't really looking for you though, it is good because it is cheap and a nice place, so many people can afford to live here comfortably without working.

I searched for the case you're talking about, in the Philippines it looks like they arrested and deported him because of no or invalid identification, not because he was caught for the child support payments. He wouldn't have been able to get a new passport from the US embassy because he owed child support. That will happen anywhere, that's how the government catches deadbeat dads. Their passport runs out eventually and they get stuck with no documents or fake documents in a foreign country and eventually they get deported.

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It is probably easier being a fugitive in Asia if you have a lot of money to bribe officials and can stay out of the places where you are likely to get caught. It still takes money to live anywhere. And, high rollers don't tend to hang out in bamboo shacks in some rice paddy in Nakhon Nowhere. Borders and airports are not a good place to hang out if you don't have the necessary documents.

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