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Bangkok Bank Dave And Ian, Are You Stiil There?

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I need to ask a question but don't want to start a thread and get the usual rants and raves. If you're still there please respond and I'll send you a PM.

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Correct. Dave was a consultant and good guy. At the end of his contact he and his wifed moved back to Kiwiland in order to get his antipodean credentials renewed. He was sounding a bit too international, saying number instead of numbah.....

I am an officer of the Bank. And EVP. I am going nowhere. I just decided not to get involved in most run of the mill Forum discussions and they can be relatively easily resolved by calling our 1333 line or via answers from other members.

Also, some of the more emotionally unbalanced members of the forum (one in particular) kept insisting that I am "the Bank's representative" on this forum. Which I am not. I do this in my spare time (I am really busy, I have lots of staff and I travel a lot).

Having some loonie insisting that this was the case could only lead to problems, so I decided to stay off except for exceptional situations such as the gentleman recently who was extremely unwell and in hospital. I could not in good conscience see him struggle so I re-engaged.

Anybody who really has a problem (such as the gentleman recently) can always contact me and I will intervene. Apart from that I do look at the forum every now and then, when in airport lounges etc. And when I receive a PM. Thanks


Yes, I remember having a similar brief conversation with Dave at a social event around the time.

Unfortunately there are some people on TV that can't just take things at face value, and they can't grasp that some people in the Thai banking industry would be happy to just help them out as best they could, with no personal reward for doing so.

These particular people have already made up their mind about Thailand, the Thai banking setcor, how negative things are, how bad it is, and how "back home" is so much better. They don't want to hear the positive side, and the idea of someone shattering their stereotypes and generally just being nice and helpful, is something they can't tolerate.

Nice to see you still keeping an eye on things and helping out smile.png

Edited by fletchsmile
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