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Dvd And Mp3 Player For Fedora4!

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i installed xmms and installation is successful (no errors) but nothing change (i can't find xmms in my Gnome)

i need some recommanded software for video and sound.

if i want something to uninstall, how can i remove it?

thankz :o



Xmms doesn't appear into your Gnome menu but it's installed, Gnome just not added it to your menu. Just open a console and type "xmms" .

IMHO the Fedora's Gnome choice for default Desktop Environnement is not the best for beginners. You will be more comfortable with KDE (K Desktop Environnement) (more Windows like). Screenshots HERE

You can install it on Fedora with the graphical package manager. To desinstall any software you should also use the graphical package manager ===> YUM.

How to install, desinstall and search packages with YUM: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=25880

As for viewing video, VCD, DVD you van use Xine, Mplayer, vlc, totem, and many more free softwares.

I cannot help more specifically on Fedora as I doesn't use it and don't know the graphical tools. I use Archlinux who is command line oriented and use his own package manager (pacman) and his own package format (xxx.pkg.tar.gz).

Good luck.


i installed xmms and installation is successful (no errors) but nothing change (i can't find xmms in my Gnome)

i need some recommanded software for video and sound.

if i want something to uninstall, how can i remove it?

thankz :o

Hi there,

Wallalai is right , KDE is much easier to start up with. Furthermore i'd like to add that you might want to look into using Suse as well . Than you got it very much look like Windows (and more) but is in fact Linux. It is probably the most user Friendly when starting on Linux ....

rcm :D

As for viewing video, VCD, DVD you van use Xine, Mplayer, vlc, totem, and many more free softwares.


i have 3 player totam, mplayer and realplayer. but i cann't see vcd. when i open vcd, it give me this error.

There were no decoders found to handle the stream in file "vcd://", you might need to install the corresponding plugins



VLC works very well in pretty much all cases, though it's not the best in terms of interface for playing mp3s...for that, you could try Amarok.

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