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<I know there could not have been a baby yet (of course), and I know she did not try to make me believe it, but she said "she had to take it out", and that it costed her 6500 thb.>

Of course there was a baby, if she is telling the truth. Just because it's only a few cells, it's still a human being in the making.

<She also said she will not be able to work for 2 months, and not be able to have sex for 2 months (no she does not freelance, at least that is what she told me). And she will probably figure out some financial compensation for that.>

If you believe that, I have a bridge for sale.

Assuming you are saying that she already had an abortion, something that can be induced with pills at a very early stage, why on earth would she not be able to work? Even women with caesareans can look after their babies, and that's hard work.

As for sex, are you sure she didn't have an hysterectomy?

Yes, but if it is just a few cells, I would think the abortion procedure would be much less serious, than if it was already a little baby.

About her saying that she would not be able to work, yes, I do not know, that is why I am asking...

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1) No, about 200bht tops private hospital, free government hospital.

2) TMI = too much information

3) 5-6 weeks

While we're on it.

Morning after pills, good for up to 3-5 days after sex, 40bht at any Thai pharmacy (called Madonna)

They bring on an instant period.

thanks for info


After all, her period was late for only 2 weeks. To me it seems like, at the most, there was a small sperm, that just found the egg, and nothing else. And that a pill would have solved the problem

While it does sound like she is trying to take you (especially the "can't work for 2 months" bit), you need to work on your knowledge of reproduction.

2 weeks late = pregnancy of likely 4 weeks gestation. It's an embryo already.

No offense, but it would also be a good idea to work on remembering to use a condom.

For information on the legality of abortion in Thailand see the pinned thread in the Health forum.


1) No, about 200bht tops private hospital, free government hospital.

2) TMI = too much information

3) 5-6 weeks

While we're on it.

Morning after pills, good for up to 3-5 days after sex, 40bht at any Thai pharmacy (called Madonna)

They bring on an instant period.

thanks for info

Morning after pill 's efficacy drops steadily over time. By 5 days it is down to about 70%. Should be taken as soon as possible, preferrably within 24 hours (hence the name "morning after"). Even when taken immediatey after, efficacy is only about 90%. Obviously worth taking, but a poor substitute for regular contraception.

This is because the mode of action is to delay or inhibit ovulation. If the woman happened to ovulate at exactly the time of intercourse or just before it, fertilization may already have occurred when the pill is taken. The pill does not have any effect post fertilization.

It does not bring in a period, though some women will experience spotting.


Yes, I am pretty clueless about the baby biology stuff, that is why I am asking.

Ok, thank you for the information!


To the thread starter.. i was in almost the same position as you are. It was a nightmare to say the least..

Take her to cabbages and condoms, they have a clinic to check on pregnancy / abortions etc. It was free if i remember correctly or just a minor fee or donation.

(discussion of illegal activity remioved by moderator)

Not a pleasant experience... devastating to say the least.

Call yourself lucky if your girl agrees to the abortion. Once her family and friends get involved you will have a whole sh!tstorm raining down on you..

Good luck!


Yes, I am pretty clueless about the baby biology stuff, that is why I am asking.

Ok, thank you for the information!

You love the girl too much to see a scam, even if there was a baby (which i doubt very much) she should have told you.

On that basis you could both make a decision on what to do from there. The only thing you get now is:

  1. You could have been a father but i got rid of the baby before you knew about it.
  2. My doctor cost were a lot higher than normal but you have to pay.
  3. I am very tired, can't do anything anymore and you have to support me the next couple of months.

Do you realy want a life with somebody who treats you like this?


This woman is probably lying, but 6500 baht isn't out of line for one of the many private illegal abortion clinics. They'd also make her do a test there (ultrasound, but it is too early for that in this case) so it would cost a lot more than a home piss test.

Home tests work after 3 weeks, that's 5 days before the first missed period or (3 weeks after last period).

You can't get any earlier than that.


Conception usually occurs 2, not 3, weeks before menstruation as that is when ovulation occurs.

Most urine tests will detect pregnancy about 2 weeks after conception while blood tests will pick it up after about 10 days. In both instances the risk of a false negative drops considerably with every passing day so if result negative but still in doubt, simply repeat in a few days time.


Just to clarify as there have been a number of incorrect statements in this thread, and forum rules do not permit discussion of illegal activities:

Abortion is NOT totally illegal in Thailand but neither is it available on demand. There are specific medical grounds on which abortion may be legally performed and one of these is for the woman's mental health. It is customary for more than 1 doctor to sign off on the need for an abortion, and doctors differ enormously in their judgement/willingness to certify a need for abortion especially on the mental health grounds which of course is the broadest category.

So neither the case that it must be done illegally (in which case we could not allow it to be discussed in the forum) nor the case that one can just walk into a hospital and on demand get it done on mental health grounds.

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Just to clarify as there have been a number of incorrect statements in this thread, and forum rules do not permit discussion of illegal activities:

Abortion is NOT totally illegal in Thailand but neither is it available on demand. There are specific medical grounds on which abortion may be legally performed and one of these is for the woman's mental health. It is customary for more than 1 doctor to sign off on the need for an abortion, and doctors differ enormously in their judgement/willingness to certify a need for abortion especially on the mental health grounds which of course is the broadest category.

So neither the case that it must be done illegally (in which case we could not allow it to be discussed in the forum) nor the case that one can just walk into a hospital and on demand get it done on mental health grounds.

As far as i remember it abortion is only legal if the baby is the result of rape or things like that. You can just walk in a clinic and tell them you are not ready for the kid. The big name hospitals wont help much.

If you got to smaller clinics they will advice you what to do and offer any help they can...


No, it is not limited to rape and incest. There are other provisions including to preserve the physical or mental health of the mother. But 2 physicians must certify that in their judgement the case fit those criteria. And many docs steer clear of it altogether.


Pregnancy test at the hospital by blood test costs around 1500baht! She could have told you the truth.

They normally give you a recipe and can ask a paper with the results.

You should go to a private hospital and do the blood test with her. It only takes 1 or 2 hours!

Ok, interesting, because everyone else was very quick to judge, (me included), thinking 1500 thb is way too expensive, and therefore a scam.

I did ask her to take the receipt, so if she cant show me that, it will be more difficult to believe her.

I can´t go now, as she has already done the abortion, or should I say "done the abortion".

I think you may be misunderstanding what people are saying OP. The fact that it cost 1500 baht instead of 15 is not the question. The scam would be that she wasn't pregnant at all.

IMO, no evidence .... didn't happen.


My gut instinct on this is to say...

"OP. Why didn't you just pay her in the first place?

Like, the morning after."

But before the OP states where and when they met and what her full-time job is I shouldn't be so fast to judge.


Sorry for your predicament Senior but as they say "there is one born every day". As a senior you should remember what your good Dad always said to you. "Son dont be silly, put a condom on your willy". I think you have become a part time ATM. Good luck


Part time? Once it pops out he is the full time ATM for the girl. Sadly or luckily (how ever you want to see it) thailand has very relaxed laws when it comes to pay for the kid.. involves a lot of huzzle and buzzle..

Fingers crossed it all works out like you want it to! If you want the kid, take responsibility - if not, take action before it is too late.


Part time? Once it pops out he is the full time ATM for the girl. Sadly or luckily (how ever you want to see it) thailand has very relaxed laws when it comes to pay for the kid.. involves a lot of huzzle and buzzle..

Fingers crossed it all works out like you want it to! If you want the kid, take responsibility - if not, take action before it is too late.

Read the post properly, there will be no kid.


Pregnancy test at hospital free.

Pregnancy test at home 60bht for the good ones.

Buy one, get her to wee in a cup, do the test yourself ...... takes about 5 minutes for the result.

It's a scam 9/10 times (especially if the bogus test cost 1500bht).

Abortion in Thailand is against the law, do not pay money to her to have one .... real or imagined.

Abortion is perfectly legal for medical reasons, which includes mental health, so basically anyone can get one on demand from one of the legal clinics allowed to perform them

This woman is probably lying, but 6500 baht isn't out of line for one of the many private illegal abortion clinics. They'd also make her do a test there (ultrasound, but it is too early for that in this case) so it would cost a lot more than a home piss test.

This definitely wouldn't require 2 month of work stoppage, a few days maybe. Also they normally recommend stopping sex for 2 weeks, not 2 months.

That's what I thought. The g/f's aunt had 2 abortions at a clinic or hospital in C.M. Her (now deceased) husband was the father. Don't know what the grounds were, but medical of some sort.


Definitely a scam.

Pregnancy tests do not cost that much and if she did have an abortion she would not need 2 months off work.

If I was you. I'd for a receipt for the pregnancy test and receipt from the hospital for the abortion procedure and not give a penny until she produces these documents.

Also... Just a tip: Learn to cover your stump before you hump... Then you won't be getting into these kind of situations or falling victim to these kind of scams.


No reciepts?

This x1000 if you ever mention receipts then the stroy changes. The place where she got it done will have a reciept heck this is Thailand you get a Reciept for everything! Ask for a copy and follow it with a your medical insurance will cover the cost you just need to show them a receipt. BOOM no issue and congrats you saved your self a few Baht


heck this is Thailand you get a Reciept for everything!

There is one ATM in town (I forget which bank) which asks if you wnt a recipt. When you say no it prints one anyway. It's a bit like straws or plastic bags at 7-11.
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Many thai women/girls get pregnant (real or fake) for many reasons unthinkable and impossible for a farang mind/culture to grasp.

Unexpected/unwanted pregnancy is rare among mature females as they have access to and knowledge about contraception.

Excessive drugs use, mental disorder and/or extreme poverty hamper use of contraceptives.

In your case I guess your "friend" is not stupid, more likely on the contrary. Chances her becoming pregnant unwanted are slim.

But if so, let her go back to clinic and ask copy of test report. Even better go with her and inquire about costs also. Same for abortion.

If pregnant chances are many that it is not from you.

Use your brains. These are not in your d!¢ks' head.

Don't follow hard feelings from your pants.

Scam can only grow worse.

Run the other way, don't look back.

Keep your money for your next experience as you like. You must have spend (not to) much on her already in the past. She will scream the hell out of you anyways.

Good luck to you with your own tests.


heck this is Thailand you get a Reciept for everything!

There is one ATM in town (I forget which bank) which asks if you wnt a recipt. When you say no it prints one anyway. It's a bit like straws or plastic bags at 7-11.

so true clap2.gif

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