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North Korea Voids Non-Aggression Pacts With South


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N. Korea voids non-aggression pacts with South

PYONGYANG: -- North Korea announced Friday it was voiding non-aggression pacts with South Korea and severing a hotline with Seoul, hours after the UN Security Council adopted tough new sanctions on Pyongyang.

North Korea "abrogates all agreements on non-aggression reached between the North and the South," the state-run Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea said in a statement.

"It notifies the South side that it will immediately cut off the North-South hotline," said the statement, which was carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

The statement the North issued Friday comes after the council leveled tough, new sanctions targeting the North's economy and leadership. North Korea already has threatened of a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the United States.

Full Story: http://english.ruvr.ru/2013_03_08/N-Korea-voids-non-aggression-pacts-with-South/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-03-08

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Kim Jong Un is just doing what ALL governments do-

i.e. creating the FEAR of "evil foreigners,"

so as to remain worshipped and in-power.

For him, and N. Korea, it has become too extreme and

I agree that his dictatorship "days are numbered."

(There needs to be some amount of credibility

to base such a an overwhelming threat to the poulation upon.)

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Amazing how China as become so (excuse the profanity) "capitalist like"

now that their economy is running like a well oiled machine.

They want no uncertainty to stall the world economy.

30 years ago, it would have been different.

Its amazing what a little success, money in your pocket, and a nagging wife that wants more,

will do to your ideology! whistling.gif

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Amazing how China as become so (excuse the profanity) "capitalist like"

now that their economy is running like a well oiled machine.

They want no uncertainty to stall the world economy.

30 years ago, it would have been different.

Its amazing what a little success, money in your pocket, and a nagging wife that wants more,

will do to your ideology! whistling.gif

China and its economy is in deep shit. It has crashed. Its lack of demand for products, and its need to keep its currency devalued is killing it. It's in a deep, deep slide. It also has 1.4 billion mouths to feed, being communist. It is looking around desperately for new territories with new resources. It could wind up in a war with Japan which couldn't be ignored by the West.

Let's not forget that unlike the West and Japan and S. Korea, China's government owns the means of production. So the losses in industry are the government's losses. The government was running smoothly on industry's profits.

It has crashed. Overall its industry is running at a loss and that's where it got its money. Its manufacturing output and its GDP are dropping like a rock.

It too will need a bogeyman to justify itself to its people, who are now crowding into unemployment lines.

The Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times" is upon them. It may be upon us.

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Just when you think Kim #3 can't do anything more stupid, he again slips deeper in doo doo. When it comes time for the N.Koreans to wake from their decades-long suffering, will they be able to wake from their mental and physical stupor? Most peasants may be too nutrition-deprived to lift a pitchfork.

It will be interesting (from a social engineering perspective) to see how the masses there deal with being able to think for themselves, after decades of enforced myopic compliance. It won't surprise me if downtown Pyongyang is torn apart brick by brick - when the liberation happens. I wouldn't want to be standing in the politburo members' boots when the masses get free. You can bet there will be a lot of top brass fleeing - within hours of the social implosion. I wouldn't be surprised if they already have planes fueled and waiting on the tarmac - ready to fly on a minute's notice.

Edited by maidu
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Memo to the United Nations.

Judging by Kim's portly appearance, decades of UN economic sanctions against North Korea have done nothing to disrupt his very comfortable lifestyle.

Millions of ordinary Koreans have starved to death over the years because of basic commodity supply problems. That doesn't really seem to be of concern to the autocratic ruling philosophy of Kim, or his father before him.

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Sanctions are an act of war so what do people expect? I can't believe countries can levy sanctions against another country and not expect some sort of response or retaliation. Most likely the response is what the purpose of the sanctions are for anyway.

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Sanctions are an act of war so what do people expect? I can't believe countries can levy sanctions against another country and not expect some sort of response or retaliation. Most likely the response is what the purpose of the sanctions are for anyway.

So any levy or tariff is an act of war? (if so, there's lots or wars in the world)

What is it when nuclear annihilation is threatened?

and what is it when the ENTIRE WORLD levys you?

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Sanctions are an act of war so what do people expect? I can't believe countries can levy sanctions against another country and not expect some sort of response or retaliation. Most likely the response is what the purpose of the sanctions are for anyway.

Sanctions obviously are not an act of war. They are sanctions. Bombing is an act of war.

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When I see him on Tele he is always surrounded by generals and he certainly doesn't look to be the brightest of specimens.

I often wonder just how much say he really has in anything.

Anyone who insists on being clapped all the time and leads the applause, to my way of thinking may well be lacking somewhat in the brains department.

His school boy haircut could be an indication.

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Sanctions are an act of war so what do people expect? I can't believe countries can levy sanctions against another country and not expect some sort of response or retaliation. Most likely the response is what the purpose of the sanctions are for anyway.

And how do you propose North Korea's neighbours impress upon North Korea that;

- Building nuclear weapons and selling the technology to rogue nations under UN sanctions;

- Kidnapping Japanese civilians;

- Attacking South Korean towns;

- Running a concentration and death camp system; and

-Starving a a civilian population while the ruling elite lives in relative luxury

is wrong and unacceptable?

Many countries offered North Korea food aid and industrial assistance if it would forgo the hostilities. And yet North Korea pressed on with its a small penis syndrome. Sanctions are a non lethal, non violent way of encouraging a dangerous nation ruled by antisocial violent wackos to behave.

The trouble is that sanctions are seldom needed when dealing with the rational and seldom successful when dealing with the irrational. Perhaps best to sever all contact with North Korea but don't even bother to announce that's what's happening as any newsflow just feeds their megalomania.

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When I see him on Tele he is always surrounded by generals and he certainly doesn't look to be the brightest of specimens.

I often wonder just how much say he really has in anything.

Anyone who insists on being clapped all the time and leads the applause, to my way of thinking may well be lacking somewhat in the brains department.

His school boy haircut could be an indication.

Did he go to 'special' school in Switzerland ?

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