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Violence Against Women: Men's Sense Of ' Sexual Entitlement' To Blame, U N Study Reveals


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Me, facing imminent bankruptcy and pouring over the statements for the wife's credit cards: "Are you aware that you spent over 35 thousand dollars last year in beauty, clothing and shoe shops?"

Her: "Don't you dare tell me how I can, or cannot spend my money? You're a control freak."

Me: "Are you aware that the monthly interest payments on your outstanding credit card debt is more than a thousand dollars."

Her: "That's none of your business."

Me: "Well it is my business because the debt you are racking up to buy worthless sh_t is sending us bankrupt."

Her: "Stop abusing me. Telling me how I can spend money is domestic violence. If you don't shut up I am going to the police to file charges."

The socio political fabric of Western society is now entirely disfunctional because it has been highjacked by the feminist narrative. Thailand must avoid adopting this narrative at ALL COST.

A woman who feels the need to spend most of her (and your) savings on the beauty products is not a product of feminism, but a product of sexist marketing. Try a little harder to understand what "feminism" means, it doesn't mean a woman trying to look like a sex object or an object of beauty, it means a woman expressing herself through earning her own money so she has control over her own finances, or that is part of the definition.

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also discovered that a quarter of these men admitted to committing rape, while 4 per cent of the men said they had participated in gang rape.

What a terrifying statistic

It does make you wonder where they are finding these 10,000 men for this study.

I don't believe I have known more than one person charged with rape,

and that was a false charge in a very nasty divorce suit that was dropped.

While I have known a few women who have been individually raped;

One lovely lady was gang raped and never fully recovered, dying early in her 40's.

One poor woman, multiple times by her 2 brothers, across 4 different marriages.

The first on her her 13th birthday pregnant with her oldest brothers kid.

This is despicable conduct, and no male who does it should imagine he is a man.

only a warped adolescent in a grown body.

Edited by animatic
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