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Thai Women: What Do You Think Of This White Skin Nonsense?

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One of the older Thai gents I golf with broke it down for me like this. In a general way mind you. Dark skin is seen as something from farmers and people who work in the fields = poor. White skin is a soceity thing and you can live and work in an office or nice house = wealthy. Ladys want to show their friends and people somewhat known they have the money to spend on the high cost of the skin treatments. Yes high end places can get 100,000 Baht a month per lady. So its about skin color being part of the class system. Thailand is very conserned about what people say when they gossip about them.


My 'ideal' Thai woman looks a lot more like Pocahontas than Snow White, but those are cliched Disney images of beauty and everyone has a different view of the world. Based on some of the comments in the latest katoey thread, I'm not sure if some here insist on the presence of a vagina - it's down to a smile and a pulse, apparently. ;)


Do you buy into this dark skin nonsense?tongue.pngbiggrin.png Like what you like, and don't be so prejudiced in your opinions of others, might be a good place to start.thumbsup.gif

Racist. Crass. Idiotic.

Are you for real?

You're being rather obtuse. Some of the folks on this thread are very vocal about their preference for Thai women with dark skin. Now wouldn't that be rather racist? Don't you think they're discriminating against Thai girls with lighter skin? Be fair and objective, now.

I for one think it's a matter of preference, not racism. Some farang guys prefer a darker skin Thai woman. Some Thai guys prefer a lighter skin Thai woman. Purely a matter of taste.

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I dont mind what colour skin they are,as long as they are nice.

However i do have a problem with all these adverts on tv saying white is better,a bit racist against issan i think.Many white skinned thai ladies are not nice people in my eyes,so snobby and racist.They have a 15,000 baht a month job and believe they are middle class,and some farangs buy into this idea too.


One of the older Thai gents I golf with broke it down for me like this. In a general way mind you. Dark skin is seen as something from farmers and people who work in the fields = poor. White skin is a soceity thing and you can live and work in an office or nice house = wealthy. Ladys want to show their friends and people somewhat known they have the money to spend on the high cost of the skin treatments. Yes high end places can get 100,000 Baht a month per lady. So its about skin color being part of the class system. Thailand is very conserned about what people say when they gossip about them.

Racism and snobbism, i rest my case


I don't know if all of the people being Thai's is it called Racism? snobbism I agree but a Thai gossiping about another Thai can't be seen as Racism can it?


Do you buy into this dark skin nonsense?tongue.pngbiggrin.png Like what you like, and don't be so prejudiced in your opinions of others, might be a good place to start.thumbsup.gif

Racist. Crass. Idiotic.

Are you for real?

You're being rather obtuse. Some of the folks on this thread are very vocal about their preference for Thai women with dark skin. Now wouldn't that be rather racist? Don't you think they're discriminating against Thai girls with lighter skin? Be fair and objective, now.

I for one think it's a matter of preference, not racism. Some farang guys prefer a darker skin Thai woman. Some Thai guys prefer a lighter skin Thai woman. Purely a matter of taste.

I love this kind of character. I copy his exact words but instead of “white skin nonsense” I change it to “dark skin nonsense” and all of a sudden I am “Racist. Crass. Idiotic.” Is this guy for real?

At least their are individuals like Berk who understand irony and my use of it.smile.png

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One is not a racist for not being attracted to ugly people, fat people, rude people, old people or any other classification you can think of. You are not even a racist for hating people who prefer lighter skin, but whatever ones opinion is, it won’t change the minds of 60 million Thais who prefer lighter skin over darker skin.smile.png

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Another beaten-to-death topic, but I'll bite. A knowledgeable Thai-American guy told me once that amongst Thai women, obsession with skin color is very similar to American women's obsession with thinness. In other words, a dark-skinned Thai woman is similar to an obese American woman in the US. Think about it in that context.

So if you were a foreigner in America, and you go on top of the tallest rooftop and yell out "Fat women are beautiful! Quit discriminating against fat women!" Do you really think that this would change the minds of the average American male? Doubtful.

By the way, this skin color phenomenon applies mostly to women, as men are more about physical beauty when choosing a mate. Thai women mostly prefer guys with a charming personality and the ability to provide...not necessarily in that order. Skin color doesn't really mean much in that respect. Yes, they dig Korean boy-bands, but it's not the most important thing--unlike us superficial guys.

thats all fine and nice, except thai women are obsessed with "thinness" and that an obese thai woman compares most directly with an obese American woman.

getting caught up in this thread will only end up exposing most here for the misogynists they are.

it really is a hackneyed topic.


Do you buy into this dark skin nonsense?tongue.pngbiggrin.png Like what you like, and don't be so prejudiced in your opinions of others, might be a good place to start.thumbsup.gif

Racist. Crass. Idiotic.

Are you for real?

Racist? I reckon the OP needs a dictionary.

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Dont forget the men are at it as well, not only with the skin but the hair as well, dark/black hair is the order of the day whatever the age.

Thailand where everyone who is anyone has dark hair and white skin, forever young, where is the Avon lady when you need her!

Exactly. Next time you are raking the shelves in Boots for some Old Spice, take a gander at the big selection of skin whiteners for men.

The OP should spare a though for the Isaan blokes, Uni grads and all, who can't get a serious look in on the Bangkok job search because they are a bit on the dark side. With all these farangs in hot pursuit of white, hi-so LOOKING ladies, what chance does Somchai from Roi et have?

Unless the OP is just being sexist of course.


My vote is for light skin. I think wonen also look better as they age with light skin.

I don't usually associate beauty with dark skin, perhaps sexy, but rarely beauty.

My wife has caramel colored skin and a lightish face. She does not use lighteners and we soend lots of time outdoors and especially the beach. I have no gripes if she browns up like a cockroach, love to be outdoors with her.

If everything was the same when we met (her looks, weight, disposition), I would have fallen for her the same - even with darker skin.

I think when men arrive in Asia, they see these women in the bars and whatnot, they ate looking sexy and EXOTIC. I know this true of European men. Im from California we have a 20% + Asian population. Asian women might be more attractive than white women argueably but for me, they are not any more exotic than anyone else. So, for me the desire based on the my bullshit perception of exotic is non existant. Add to this being in Asia for 20 years.

Tired subject.


Speaking as a red headed farang woman with freckled white skin I think it is crazy, but who am I to judge. I would love to have the beautifl golden skin of a Thai woman, but that is never going to happen no matter how much cream I put on or time spent in a tanning salon. Berkshire made a good comment about discrimination against fat women. American women spend billions of dollars each year to try and get skin that matches the natural Thai beauty and it doesn't work. But, for some strange reason, Thai women don't realize what they have naturally. It all goes back to advertising and the very race concious Thai people who separate High society from low society by the colour of one's skin. Dark skin means you grew up in some rice paddy. White skin means your family never had to work for a living. It all comes down to brain washing from an early age. I DO know that if a Thai woman puts that whitening cream on her face and I take a photo with a flash camera then she is going to look like a zombie just out of a grave. The flash refelects all that terrible whitening cream.

Mmm.. I have a thing for red heads, ever since my first kiss many years ago biggrin.png But so temperamental!

The skin thing is a class thing quite obviously. Thailand is still fundamentally a feudal society and the conquered Khmer aka. many Isaan people are at the bottom of the totem pole, while the newest invaders, the Chinese are at the top.

I don't have a preference for skin color as such, but dark skin and low class prostitute behaviour sometimes go together, so it can be a good indicator on which people to avoid, particularly if coupled with a tatoo and smoking.

Possibly the truest reply so Far. A Status thing.Like Girls with Burnt looking ankle bones are lo life, to some.


rolleyes.gif It's not only Thailand.

I had a Burmese woman friend who once told me that when a child was born to a mixed British/Farang and Burmese couple the first question that was asked was, "Is it Fair?" ...meaning light-skinned.

She was from a wealthy Burmese family (I mean VERY wealthy) and she said that fair skin, in that society was a certain gaurentee of a privaledged life.

That's why having a fair skinned child was so important.

In Thailand white skin supposedly shows your family is higher class.... the theory being that your anscestors never had to work out in the fields ... therefore their skin never became "dark".

Of course, genetically, that makes no sense ... but that's what they say anyhow.


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Some world organization needs to start a education campaign to educate women around the world

Billboards, Websites, Radio spots, TV, everywhere.

Men don't care about your skin color, hair, pedicure, shoes, jewelry.

Men like a good shape that is not too fat or too skinny. No flab.

Women could have no toenails, wear a burlap sack and have blue skin. If they are shaped well then it's game on.

Get the word out

Lose some weight and hit the yoga, aerobics or gym, refine the diet etc

Women don't care as much about what men think as they do about what other women think.

An admiring look from another woman is worth 10 times that of compliments from just-another-horny-bloke who'll say anything to get in her pants.

That was exactly the point I wanted to make in my previous. Other women's opinion matter much more to the average woman than what men think. Thai men's opinion may matter some in Thailand, but farang men's opinion in Thailand matter very, very little.

Bang on.

The only instance where I can see the opinion of foreigners being of any consequence to a Thai woman is if/when one is taken out of Thailand to the West. If she's even remotely pretty, she's likely to be overwhelmed by male interest and female envy.

You've got it.

Women dress for women.

And women undress for men.

Same everywhere, dude.

Well not for me! I'd say that one of the greatest joys about living in Bangkok is all the absolutely smoking hot women in lovely short dresses, heels with a bit of makeup and lashes. It's better than a fashion show. No women as a group come anywhere close to the femininity, style, grace of the Thai woman although Japanese are close.

There eas an old saying when I was in Jr High School....you dont F*** the face. First thing I learned when I actually started to do some f***ing of my own is that....that is precisely what you are f***ing!

Of course most men are not looking for an overweight companion but I would just as soon have a woman a few kilos overweight or moreover, not that perfect, curvy Issan body then to sacrifice an oppty to make love to a woman with a beautiful face. I will always remenber a pretty face, a smile, especially lovely eyes. Big tits, not so much...


This topic is 4 pages long and yet I haven't seen any Thai women respond to it. The question clearly asks... THAI WOMEN: What do you think of this white skin nonsense?

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This topic is 4 pages long and yet I haven't seen any Thai women respond to it. The question clearly asks... THAI WOMEN: What do you think of this white skin nonsense?



This topic is 4 pages long and yet I haven't seen any Thai women respond to it. The question clearly asks... THAI WOMEN: What do you think of this white skin nonsense?

Yes! There's the not inconsiderable "ladyboy's using skin whiteners" market that the OP has chosen to ignore as well as the regular blokes that want white skin.

My vote is for light skin. I think wonen also look better as they age with light skin.

The phrase "Black don't crack" comes to mind.

Darker skin tends to age to a lesser degree than white skin.

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I'm not Thai, but am a woman, so I'll respond. biggrin.png

I also get sick of all the Thai women I meet saying to me, "Ohhh your skin is so white. I will trade my skin for yours!" It saddens me when my Thai friend's daughter (who is 6) tries to make her face white with powder and family members will actually tell her it's too bad that she's so dark skinned. Talk about growing up with low self-confidence. Of course, many people say it in jest...but still.

Has a lot to do with "class." If you're :Hi-so, then you should have white skin...but that's not always the case. I assume it's the same way in places like India, etc, where they follow the class system very seriously. Personally, I am kind of relieved they like white skin here in a way, because I hate tanning (sunburns, ouch!) One my my falang friends tans all the time, and she is going to get old way too soon! Not to mention, skin cancer...

Whenever my students at school tell me they want my white skin, I tell them that I think their dark skin is beautiful (which it really is) and they are always shocked when I say that. rolleyes.gif


Another beaten-to-death topic, but I'll bite. A knowledgeable Thai-American guy told me once that amongst Thai women, obsession with skin color is very similar to American women's obsession with thinness. In other words, a dark-skinned Thai woman is similar to an obese American woman in the US. Think about it in that context.

So if you were a foreigner in America, and you go on top of the tallest rooftop and yell out "Fat women are beautiful! Quit discriminating against fat women!" Do you really think that this would change the minds of the average American male? Doubtful.

By the way, this skin color phenomenon applies mostly to women, as men are more about physical beauty when choosing a mate. Thai women mostly prefer guys with a charming personality and the ability to provide...not necessarily in that order. Skin color doesn't really mean much in that respect. Yes, they dig Korean boy-bands, but it's not the most important thing--unlike us superficial guys.

thats all fine and nice, except thai women are obsessed with "thinness" and that an obese thai woman compares most directly with an obese American woman.

getting caught up in this thread will only end up exposing most here for the misogynists they are.

it really is a hackneyed topic.

Get real. Obesity is not near the problem in Thailand as it is in the west. So if most Thai girls are not obsessing about their weight, what are they obsessing about?

Besides, the guy was just giving me a context, basically to say that every society has their own vision of feminine beauty. Very few in that society lives up to it, but they all strive for it. Thailand is no different.


I'm not Thai, but am a woman, so I'll respond. biggrin.png

I also get sick of all the Thai women I meet saying to me, "Ohhh your skin is so white. I will trade my skin for yours!" It saddens me when my Thai friend's daughter (who is 6) tries to make her face white with powder and family members will actually tell her it's too bad that she's so dark skinned. Talk about growing up with low self-confidence. Of course, many people say it in jest...but still.

Has a lot to do with "class." If you're :Hi-so, then you should have white skin...but that's not always the case. I assume it's the same way in places like India, etc, where they follow the class system very seriously. Personally, I am kind of relieved they like white skin here in a way, because I hate tanning (sunburns, ouch!) One my my falang friends tans all the time, and she is going to get old way too soon! Not to mention, skin cancer...

Whenever my students at school tell me they want my white skin, I tell them that I think their dark skin is beautiful (which it really is) and they are always shocked when I say that. rolleyes.gif

╔═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╗

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong black woman ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

╚═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╝

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