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Hi everybody

I will be applying for an Australian tourist visa in December 2006 for my GF to visit Australia for two weeks.

The background is this:

We met on the internet in late 2005 and I spent a month with her in December. I will be returning and meeting more family for two weeks in April but I want to commence research for tourist visa application now. It’s early days yet of course but if she is able to get tourist visa and all goes well with the relationship we will apply for fiancé or spouse visa at the appropriate time.

She is 43, divorced and has an office job with a Bangkok based multinational company for over 20 years, retiring with a small (by Aus standards) package when she is 45 (great incentive to return). She owns a small rental apartment and has a bank mortgage for the townhouse where she lives.

She has lived and supported her 8 and 10 year old boys alone for the last 8 years (they will NOT be coming with her on the visit – another return incentive). The father left her for his girlfriend when the second child was 3 months old. He now has new family and no contact with his sons (recently she pleaded with him to ring for one of their birthdays but he rang on the wrong day and wished happy birthday to the wrong son!)

I have read just about every thread on this forum and I think I understand all the documentation required for tourist visa (over-kill is better than under-kill) ….. eg

• proof of relationship

• need of incentive to return (letter from her employer/her mortgage/bank documents/letter from children’s babysitter for duration of trip)

• stat dec from me outlining guarantee of support/med insurance and understanding of my responsibilities + my employer letter/bank statements/house deeds etc.

So my questions to the forum are:

1. My job prevents me from being there in Nov/Dec for submission.

Is submitting the application by herself a problem? (she will also fly here without me)

The Aust Embassy site states you can post the application direct to the embassy so is it maybe better for me to post from Australia? …although I worry for original passports etc.

2. Even though the children will not be coming with her, does she still need a consent form from their father just for VISITOR visa?

And from this forum it appears that both Bangkok outgoing and Australian incoming airport immigration might like to view this document – is this correct?

Does this form need to be handwritten? I read somewhere there is a standard form for this?

3. Is it wise to mention that we will be possibly applying for fiancé/spouse visa later on?

4. Regarding proof of her real estate ownership/mortgage payments I imagine these docs are in “Thai legalese” and lengthy.

Is it necessary to translate the whole document?

5. Does EVERY Thai document need to be certified? and do translation services do this ? The VFS info sheet states that both the original and copies need to be presented with the originals returned after certification.

Does this mean that THEY will certify the Thai copies?

6. Can you pay BOTH the visa application fee and the VFS service charge at the VFS?

7. She looks after her two boys by herself/pays mortgage on a not so big salary. So she has minimal money in the bank …is this a problem?

Is it wise for me to transfer money as additional proof of relationship?

8. We will be applying for a two week visit (all the leave she can get) commencing mid December. I assume the visa we get will be a three month visa but is this visa valid for travel ANYTIME WITHIN 12 MONTHS from date of granting?

Or can she travel only on the dates specified in the application?

In other words could we apply now for travel in December? It would be a relief to know she had the visa now.

9. And finally… in this forum there are stories of visitor visa applications having an interview on the spot (with some being knocked back at this interview) together with stories that there is NO interview and that the person behind the counter is just a collector making sure all docs are complete before forwarding to embassy for approval.

Can anyone please tell me definitively is it yes or no for an interview (or a maybe)?

The VFS site states an interview might be required AFTER application is lodged

Sorry about the lengthy post…. I look forward to any responses to the many questions. No doubt the answers will be of interest to other visa “novices”. And no doubt there will be more questions as time passes.



i past with all system for visa tour and /fianice and spouse but my englsih not good so i will try all i can and plase tell u girlfirend read it :o for may be she will see my english more u

1.not use original u passport to give her but need copy and sign from u and letter u invite her for tour and tell in form for appicaiton tour u will spouseser her for home and money and i think she can do by herslef like me not problem for visa tour not hard but with finace need time and step ok

and what for visa tour look good

-her letter form boss show how logn work there and what positon and how much salary

-if her had work lie u say plae aks her boss for give letter let her had 2 week holiday

-her accput for show with her had income and strong for status money (not mean rich but see accout run nroamly had money every monht and use )and had accout soem for show had money collect (not worry with how mcuh but show for knoe her know with keeo for future)

-u passport copy and sing by yourslef and letter show embassy with u wnat her go toure with u and u will take care with money ticket and rest and food

-her photo

- bill with her pay for her room or pape show her is onwer room her stay

-go at VFS and yes keep all money there for pay commition for accpitcati and service form VFS and them will check u paper fisrt and if ok them will give paper for tell u when coem to pig up passport

** every with assest Aus not look with rich but look she had money for take care her life and future or not so if can show with accput her use and keep that enought and not worry

2. not worry with baby if she go only her for tour that do only her visa tour not over for fix and if them had qestion them will aks u girlfirend ok but alot more 90% not them aks ok but only tell what u not complte and now VFS helpfull more in past but use time more in past

so if u had time 2 weeks i think enlught for can appication if all paper u ahd in hand

3.i think plase take care u girl firend for toure and see u life there and weather and life stype and for show enbassy with u sincere for let her go see u life there and fmaily so after her come wit time around 2-3 monht will still run relastionship so after u can apply for finace ok

4. fiance it;s visa with u and her will go wedding at Aus but spouce that mena Visa for give who will go stay at Aus and them weddign withAus alredy so that if u and her weddign and coem for do u need spouse visa

5. with translate all thai-english or english-thai easy and cheap at http://www.mfa.go.th/web/1.php cost not much and had garuntee or easy for go transalte everyway them show tell with them transalte but chsoe with ok cost u ok and queslity too

6. but if u will apply at Aus u need sepcail transalte go at who had RG number palse go read websdie

and anotehr qestion i will come answer now time i go work

take care

My questions to the forum are:

1. My job prevents me from being there in Nov/Dec for submission.

Is submitting the application by herself a problem? (she will also fly here without me)

The Aust Embassy site states you can post the application direct to the embassy so is it maybe better for me to post from Australia? …although I worry for original passports etc.

No need for you to be there if only applying for a tourist visa.

I suggest that you forward all your documents direct to her. That way she can include everything in her application. (after all, it is her application.) If you are going to see her in April, take everything with you.

All copies of originals that you send will need to be verified. Your supporting letter should be original.

2. Even though the children will not be coming with her, does she still need a consent form from their father just for VISITOR visa?

And from this forum it appears that both Bangkok outgoing and Australian incoming airport immigration might like to view this document – is this correct?

Does this form need to be handwritten? I read somewhere there is a standard form for this?

For a tourist visa you will need to indicate who has legal custody of the children. As they are not travelling with you, you don't need consent from the father, but you should include a statement from the person who will be looking after them whilst she is in Oz. The statement should indicate that they are physically and financially able to take good care of them.

It becomes more complicated when the children are to travel or when a permanent visa is applied for.

3. Is it wise to mention that we will be possibly applying for fiancé/spouse visa later on?

You can mention this in your covering letter of support if you wish. It indicates to some degree the strength of your relationship and the future, as you see it.

4. Regarding proof of her real estate ownership/mortgage payments I imagine these docs are in “Thai legalese” and lengthy.

Is it necessary to translate the whole document?

Yes. Translate and verify. The supervisor or person who makes the decision at the Embassy, may be an Aussie.

5. Does EVERY Thai document need to be certified? and do translation services do this ? The VFS info sheet states that both the original and copies need to be presented with the originals returned after certification.

Does this mean that THEY will certify the Thai copies?

All copies need to be verified, irrespective of whether you attach the originals. The translating service should verify all copies for you.

6. Can you pay BOTH the visa application fee and the VFS service charge at the VFS?

I'm not sure on this as the system has changed over the last couple of years and it's a long time since I used it. I have a feeling that they must be paid separately.

7. She looks after her two boys by herself/pays mortgage on a not so big salary. So she has minimal money in the bank …is this a problem?

Is it wise for me to transfer money as additional proof of relationship?

Include a copy of her bank book in the application. Whatever money she earns from her job is obviously sufficient to support herself and her children. I wouldn't be transferring your money into her account just to bolster the application.

She will supply a letter from her employer stating position, length of service and salary.

You will already have supplied proof of your financial situation and this should be enough to show that whilst in Australia she will be supported financially by you.

She should submit copies of her mortgage arrangement and record of payments. This is strong evidence as to her need to return to Thailand.

8. We will be applying for a two week visit (all the leave she can get) commencing mid December. I assume the visa we get will be a three month visa but is this visa valid for travel ANYTIME WITHIN 12 MONTHS from date of granting?

Or can she travel only on the dates specified in the application?

In other words could we apply now for travel in December? It would be a relief to know she had the visa now.

In the application you should nominate the dates that you wish to travel. The visa will be issued to cover these dates. The alternative is to apply for a multiple enty visa. There is a separate informative thread on this subject in the visa section.

9. And finally… in this forum there are stories of visitor visa applications having an interview on the spot (with some being knocked back at this interview) together with stories that there is NO interview and that the person behind the counter is just a collector making sure all docs are complete before forwarding to embassy for approval.

Can anyone please tell me definitively is it yes or no for an interview (or a maybe)?

The VFS site states an interview might be required AFTER application is lodged

In 99% of the cases no interview is required for a tourist visa. The Embassy however, does reserve the right to request an interview, but usually only when there is something in the application that needs to be verified.

Under the current system, your g/f will submit all the required documents and wait approximately six days, return to pick up her passport with visa stamped therein.

Sorry about the lengthy post…. I look forward to any responses to the many questions. No doubt the answers will be of interest to other visa “novices”. And no doubt there will be more questions as time passes.


I have given bare bone answers only as you state that you have read most of the other threads in the visa section and so should be up to speed on most of the requirements.

Get heaps of dated photos with her family members when you visit in April.

Photos save a thousand words and are always asked for by the Embassy.


Some of my responses will confirm what the others have said already.

But first remember it is only a tourist visa that she is applying for and it is not as strict as a lot of people before made it out to be.

You dont need to be there to submit the application...However it is advised that the application be filled out in English...so it is a good idea to print the form from the website or get a form sent to you and fill out as much as you can and have her fill out the rest. If you do this then fill out where it says "did you have assistance in filling this form" ..YES...and then the part where it says did you receive payment or gifts for the assistance and say NO there. Send this to her 4 to 6 weeks before you intend for her to travel with all your supporting docs. She will have to submit her passport with the application as well as her docs....send your docs to her so the application remains in one lot. A copy of your passport nor your passport is required.

For children not travelling with her, no parental consent is required, neither is a letter from a carer although I guess it doesnt hurt, I have not needed a letter from a carer. For a tourist visa you wont need to indicate who has legal custody of a child unless that child is travelling with her. In fact having a letter from a rellie saying that this person is happy to care for the child could be seen as a reason not to return.

I wouldnt mention what your intentions are...as it doesnt form part of the application and may cause them to ask "why you not apply for Spouse/fiance visa now"....That even in your mind is a maybe situation and wouldnt be relevent to this application.

All documents in Thai that are a part of your application need to be translated and certified, present both the original documant and the certified translation....you can request that all original docs be returned to you once the application is processed, She will be asked that at the VFS and will have to tick and sign a form. So certified copies of English docs isnt essential...but with legal documents such as a mortgage I would submit certified copies.

The embassy I believe have a translation and certified copy department however it does come at a cost...The VFS office will not do translation or certifying....It is mainly a collection point for applications and payments.

You can Pay all the fees at the VFS office...they will give you a bank cheque for the application fee and you can pay the service fee in cash there also....Take the correct change for each.

If you are supporting her while she is here or even part supporting such as paying for her flight, providing accommodation...then provide proof of your income, payslips etc...do a stat dec showing your level of support and how long you have known her etc... If she is going to be self supporting then she will need to show enough funds for the trip...If you are supporting her then she doesnt need to show funds. If you have sent her any money even as a gift then show the receipts for that. If she does show her bankbook then it will need to show all transactions for the previous 6 months...this is to stop the bolstering of accounts by the sharkheads and pimps. A sudden increase in her funds will be viewed with suspicion.

The letter from her employer in addition to length of service and salary will also need to show that she is allowed the time off work and that she will still have a job when she goes back...in english. This and her mortgage papers will be sufficient to show cause for return....her having kids there is not considered to be cause enough on its own.

The visa has a life of 3 months after being granted...she must travel before that date expires...the actual visa will activate on her arrival...Usually on the visa as Must depart within 3 months of arrival for a 3 month visa. There are only 3 types of tourist visas...a 3 month and 6 month single entry and a 12 month Multi entry....the 12 month ME allows for multiple visits of upto and no longer than 3 months during a 12 month period from the date of the visa being granted. Recently 12 month ME visa have been granted when the applicant has applied for a 3 month visa, They usually ring the applicant up and ask her a few questions before this happens...this would be the only interview required for a tourist visa unless there was something amiss with the application and they need to confirm something...So for a tourist visa...usually no interview required.

With her application you should also provide...

any photos....letters...cards..phone bills...e mails etc...anything that shows you actually know her...it is not necessary to show an ongoing relationship for a tourist visa...only that you have known the applicant for a reasonable (6 months min) amount of time.

proof of income as mentioned above. This will need to be recent and show at least 6 months worth of payslips etc..

A photocopy of your personal ID with your address, a photo drivers licence will suffice, A government workers ID will also benefit as well.

Keep to things that are relevent to the application...dont fill the application with irrelevent junk, it wont impress them. More is better but only if it is quality more. I have seen bare bone applications passed...my girls first app was 1/2 dozen photos, 3 letters, 2 cards, receipts for money sent and received, stat dec, claimed her as unemployed so no employers letter needed, 6 months of payslips and photocopy of my Justice ID, her passport, her bank ATM receipts. Got the visa first go...oh and she had travelled O/S twice before to holland to visit her Mum and step dad and I had brought a girl here 9 years before, neither of us had any breach record.

Hope this assists.

Thanks for the link Thaicat....I have put it in the links section at the top of the topic....

Good post and some good advice too....nice to see someone else getting involved...keep working on the english... :o


Many Thanks Guys,

I really appreciate your lengthy replies.

It will take me some time to digest this info and I will reply/ask more questions when I get time on the weekend (have to go to work)

One quick question to thaicat who obviously put great effort into his? reply.......I checked out that website for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand.

Is it their Legalization Division that does the Thai-English translation and certification?

Can she just walk in with her docs for translation?

This would be very convenvient as she works on Chaengwattana Road at Laksi.

Cheers from Aus


Hi everyone..........In relation to translations for documents submitted in support of a tourist visa application............

I have personally rang the VFS on 2 occasions, once in January when I spoke to an Australian guy answering the phone and once a few weeks ago where a Thai woman aswered...........both times I was told it was NOT neccessary to have documents or statements in Thai translated into English that were submitted in support of a tourist visa application.

Has anyone else here actually made the same enquiry ?

I know it clearly states in the info for other visa types that translations are required..........but is it the case for tourist visas?

Any input is of interest to all I guess.. Thanks John



My partner was granted 2 tourist visa's last year and on both occassions he didn't get is thai documents translated into english.

Now we have applied for a de facto visa and he was required to get the same documents translated.



Translations and certified copies are required for spouse/fiance visa applications....not for tourist visas....Although having translations and copies of important documents may well assist in your tourist visa being granted a lot easier.

hopefully that clears it up



Thanks Mighty Mouse, gburns & thaicat

Once again I really value your replies and I am certainly a lot more enlightened, although I have a few more questions


When I am there in April I will give my gf an indexed ring binder so that she can slip her docs and my up-to-date docs/emails/phone records etc that I send from Aus in the appropriate sections.

I think her originals in plastic sleeves with the copies/translations hole-punched and inserted in a reasonable order and indexed.

Is that a reasonable presentation?

The 48R would I assume have to be separate, or can I hole-punch this and insert all in one folder.

Custody document

From Mighty Mouse I understand that I will need to indicate who has legal custody.

Is a legal custodial document required?

The Children’s carer

I will include a letter from the carer just in case they ask.

Do you think I can type out a letter stating that her sister (who doesn’t speak English) will be staying at the children’s house and looking after them only for the time she is away and then just get the sister to sign it?

Or would the sister have to write it herself and then have it translated and certified?


I will get her mortgage docs translated and certified just as a precaution (will need them down the track anyway)

Is there anything to watch out for with Bangkok translation services?

Or are they all the same?

I am still not sure as to the services provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as per thaicat’s response (but I have sent them an email)

The visa itself

gburns said the visa has a life of three months after being granted so I think we will apply very early November for mid December flight here. That way we have plenty of time to book a ticket after it is hopefully approved.

Cheers and thanks again


When I am there in April I will give my gf an indexed ring binder so that she can slip her docs and my up-to-date docs/emails/phone records etc that I send from Aus in the appropriate sections.

I think her originals in plastic sleeves with the copies/translations hole-punched and inserted in a reasonable order and indexed.

Is that a reasonable presentation?

The 48R would I assume have to be separate, or can I hole-punch this and insert all in one folder.

Custody document

From Mighty Mouse I understand that I will need to indicate who has legal custody.

Is a legal custodial document required?

The Children’s carer

I will include a letter from the carer just in case they ask.

Do you think I can type out a letter stating that her sister (who doesn’t speak English) will be staying at the children’s house and looking after them only for the time she is away and then just get the sister to sign it?

Or would the sister have to write it herself and then have it translated and certified?


I will get her mortgage docs translated and certified just as a precaution (will need them down the track anyway)

Is there anything to watch out for with Bangkok translation services?

Or are they all the same?

I am still not sure as to the services provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as per thaicat’s response (but I have sent them an email)

The visa itself

gburns said the visa has a life of three months after being granted so I think we will apply very early November for mid December flight here. That way we have plenty of time to book a ticket after it is hopefully approved.

When you go to the VFS office all the documents will be put into an individual courier satchel while you are there...That satchel will then become your file for the application...Most times they will take the documents out of your folders, files or envelopes and put them in loose including the 48R form, which by the way I would not punch holes in it :o I wouldnt worry too much about the presentation side of things...They dont.

Custodial papers WILL NOT be required unless the children are travelling, You only need the custody papers if the children physically travel either with her or alone.

They will not ask for a carers letter in my experience, it is not part of the application. If you wish to supply a letter from the sister, it would need to be written in her own hand and translated.

Early November application for a mid December flight sounds ok...it only takes about 5 or 6 days for the tourist visa to be processed.


a few years ago i went thru this stuff and on my own, thank god burnsy and mousy are on the case, you guys do a good job and hopefully get some other relationships settled in OZ, great advice guys

a few years ago i went thru this stuff and on my own, thank god burnsy and mousy are on the case, you guys do a good job and hopefully get some other relationships settled in OZ, great advice guys

Thanks Bronco..... :o


Burnsey has covered everything well. I'll just add a few comments.


You don't need an elaborate presentation folder. Any loose papers that you have eg. copies of email, letters ets., should be kept together, possibly in an A4 plastic paper protector.

An index may help but is not really necessary, certainly not for a tourist visa.

Custody document

From Mighty Mouse I understand that I will need to indicate who has legal custody.

Is a legal custodial document required?

You won't need to provide this information for a tourist visa. It will be required for a spouse visa, as will other papers.

Under the former system of being questioned prior to being granted a tourist visa, we were asked about custodial arrangements for my g/f's child. Providing brief information in your covering letter of support ties up any uncertainty that may be present in the mind of the person making the visa decision, but it is certainly not a strict requirement.

Currently, you shouldn't face any questioning for a tourist visa, and there would be many Thai mothers being granted tourist visas without supplying custodial detail about their children.

The Children’s carer

I will include a letter from the carer just in case they ask.

Do you think I can type out a letter stating that her sister (who doesn’t speak English) will be staying at the children’s house and looking after them only for the time she is away and then just get the sister to sign it?

Or would the sister have to write it herself and then have it translated and certified?

As above, this is not strictly necessary. The location address for the children during the absence of their mother is required, but it's your decision whether you want to mention it in your covering letter and/or if you want to provide a letter from her carer.

According to another thread about tourist visas, there is now no need to translate thai papers into English, so if that is true, you won't need to translate any written statement from the carer written in Thai.

You certainly won't lose any points if you do decide to include this information in your application. At the very least it does show that you have fully provided for the children's care during their mother's absence.


I will get her mortgage docs translated and certified just as a precaution (will need them down the track anyway)

Is there anything to watch out for with Bangkok translation services?

Or are they all the same?

I am still not sure as to the services provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as per thaicat’s response (but I have sent them an email)

In Thailand we used a travel agent to translate all the Thai documents. They obviously had the proper accreditation as everything that they provided was accepted by the Embassy.

Many travel agents advertise this service on the signage outside their shop.

The visa itself

gburns said the visa has a life of three months after being granted so I think we will apply very early November for mid December flight here. That way we have plenty of time to book a ticket after it is hopefully approved.

The very first question in the application asks when do you wish to visit Australia. The Embassy will grant you the visa to cover these dates. You should therefore try and buy your airfare to also cover these dates.

November/December is high tourist season in Thailand, not an ideal time to be buying an airline seat for a certain date.

The Embassy can change the date on the visa but they don't like doing it, so plan it carefully.

You are obviously putting a lot of thought into this application. Good preparation normally leads to success. I wish you well. :o


Thanks once again to gburns and Mighty Mouse for their input. I really appreciate it, and thanks for the good wishes, I’ll keep you informed and post any relevant info I get into the forum. Very early days at the moment.

But it certainly cleared up a lot of the issues I am going to encounter and importantly it cleared the issue of presentation. I think I would have laboured over this fruitlessly for many hours.

I'm sure it will help many others as well.

Nevertheless I might make a reconnaissance trip to the VFS in April with the gf to familiarise her with the process.

Regarding translations:

I spoke to the gf last night and she is going down to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during her lunch break today to see them because she said she “have many document” and is unsure as to which she needs, but as Mighty Mouse has indicated, travel agents provide this service so I don’t foresee a problem now.

But I am curious does the fact that they are translated, automatically make them certified?

And flights:

I have taken on board Mighty Mouse‘s point about December being a Bkk-Aus peak period … I didn’t really think of that, and I'll certainly visit a travel agent in April to check out our flight options.

This must be a well journeyed problem for visa applicants …..that is, whether to book before approval or take a chance with flight availability and book after it is approved.

Any ideas or problems encountered on this from people who have gone before?



If you use an accredited translator service they stamp all papers with some type of official stamp.

Keep in mind that not all travel agents offer this service.

We used a travel agent in Soi Post Office, Pattaya.

With regard to booking your flight, most travel agents will book you a seat on a flight without taking a deposit. It holds the seat for you until you are in a position to confirm and pay for the booking.


for the booking of the ticket....upto you, it depends on if you are going there and bringing her back with you...if that is the case you could be under a time limitation and pre booking maybe necessary with or without a deposit...I did it this way to make sure she was on the same plane as me....the plane was half empty when we left BKK.

However if she is coming solo then it maybe better to wait till the approval is given and then just buy the ticket straight out. She should get a flight fairly quickly


Thanks once again guys,

I will check on flights when I return in April. She will be flying here by herself .... and yes I wouldn't imagine large numbers of people flying Bkk-Bne in December except maybe for expats returning home. So I imagine it would be ok to book after approval ..... given that with luck, she should get the visa four to six weeks before the flight.

For anyone that's interested she rang the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday and was told they only do certification and not translation. So this will be something else for us to check out in April.


Thanks once again guys,

I will check on flights when I return in April. She will be flying here by herself .... and yes I wouldn't imagine large numbers of people flying Bkk-Bne in December except maybe for expats returning home. So I imagine it would be ok to book after approval ..... given that with luck, she should get the visa four to six weeks before the flight.

For anyone that's interested she rang the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday and was told they only do certification and not translation. So this will be something else for us to check out in April.


Thanks for the info from the MFA



1. You dont submitt the application she does, and she can do that in person a the Thai CC building in bangkok.

2. not sure

3. i dont think u need to mention it, in the application you just need to state in her application that she is coming to see her boyfriend (you) and show proof of your relationship (emails, phonebills and photo's) also you should do a stat dec about your love/relationship.

4. u could supply her mortgage statement, as long as it has her name and address on it i dont think u will need anything else, it goes to count her stability as a person and a good phrase to use is a "fit and proper person"

5. my fiance and i didnt do any cert of docs for a tourist visa

6. my fiance just paid at the thai cc building?

7. money will be an issue, i transferred 2k to my fiance's account before the application and also wrote a stat dec saying that i will provide all accomodation and food and travel and anyother expense that may arise during her stay, and said that the money in her account was for spending money when she was in aus

8. apply for a 3 month tourist visa, but wait until october to apply

9. my fiance applied for her tourist visa at the thai cc building and got an answer within 3 or four weeks.

good luck, if u want to ask anything else just ask

9. my fiance applied for her tourist visa at the thai cc building and got an answer within 3 or four weeks.

Why did it take so long ???

Most tourist visas are decided on within one week....I havent heard of any taking that long.


9. my fiance applied for her tourist visa at the thai cc building and got an answer within 3 or four weeks.

Why did it take so long ???

Most tourist visas are decided on within one week....I havent heard of any taking that long.

Yeah it's usually about 3 days...

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