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Falkland Islanders Vote To Remain British


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Just because you keep repeating that Argentina has a valid claim doesn't make it true, either.

The vast majority of Argentinians agree the claim is valid so objectively "valid" or not it isn't a demand that will easily go away ... ever.

The vast majority of Argentinians think that way because their Gov propaganda machine tells them they have a valid claim, which they don't......... that is all.

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Just because you keep repeating that Argentina has a valid claim doesn't make it true, either.

The vast majority of Argentinians agree the claim is valid so objectively "valid" or not it isn't a demand that will easily go away ... ever.

The vast majority of Argentinians think that way because their Gov propaganda machine tells them they have a valid claim, which they don't......... that is all.

They are a civilized democratic people just like the British. I see no point insulting the proud patriotic Argentinians. Yes they are taught a different version of history with a bias towards their country. ALL countries do that.

The PR vote of the islanders is a thing. The deep feelings of the Argentinian people is also a thing. I think in the long run ... a BIGGER thing. Time will tell.

Edited by Jingthing
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No. My posts have already addressed all that. Trying to make this personal like you are is just silly.

Not trying to make it personal; I'm trying to get you to justify your position.

But even you know that you can't defend the indefensible and what you say in the above quote proves it.

Edited by 7by7
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Just because you keep repeating that Argentina has a valid claim doesn't make it true, either.

The vast majority of Argentinians agree the claim is valid so objectively "valid" or not it isn't a demand that will easily go away ... ever.

It doesn't actually matter what the Argentinian people are led to think by their leaders.

There are Argentinians that criticise their government for trying to use the Falklands to distract from their disastrous economic policies.

...a group of Argentina's leading intellectuals, historians, journalists, constitutional experts and politicians have published an open letter calling on their own government to rethink policy towards the islands they call the Malvinas branding it "crazy" and "absurd".

The 17 signatories accused Mrs Kirchner's government of "harassing" the Falklands population of 3,000, who overwhelmingly want the islands to remain a British Overseas Territory.

The group said Argentina must respect the islanders' right to self-determination and give up its policy of trying to force Britain into negotiating sovereignty.

"It is truly absurd and crazy to force a government and sovereignty on people who do not want it," commented Fernando Iglesias, a former congressman who co-authored the document.

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No. My posts have already addressed all that. Trying to make this personal like you are is just silly.

Not trying to make it personal; I'm trying to get you to justify your position.

But even you know that you can't defend the iindefensible and the above quote proves it.

You are welcome to stop responding to my posts then and also to stop saying I am against democracy for the 100th time, just because I see the PR vote of the islanders differently than someone steeped in British propaganda.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just because you keep repeating that Argentina has a valid claim doesn't make it true, either.

The vast majority of Argentinians agree the claim is valid so objectively "valid" or not it isn't a demand that will easily go away ... ever.

It doesn't actually matter what the Argentinian people are led to think by their leaders.

There are Argentinians that criticise their government for trying to use the Falklands to distract from their disastrous economic policies.


...a group of Argentina's leading intellectuals, historians, journalists, constitutional experts and politicians have published an open letter calling on their own government to rethink policy towards the islands they call the Malvinas branding it "crazy" and "absurd".

The 17 signatories accused Mrs Kirchner's government of "harassing" the Falklands population of 3,000, who overwhelmingly want the islands to remain a British Overseas Territory.

The group said Argentina must respect the islanders' right to self-determination and give up its policy of trying to force Britain into negotiating sovereignty.

"It is truly absurd and crazy to force a government and sovereignty on people who do not want it," commented Fernando Iglesias, a former congressman who co-authored the document.

Indeed, modern Argentina is a democracy and has free speech and open dissent. But the fact remains the majority of Argentinians passionately feel they own the islands.

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No. My posts have already addressed all that. Trying to make this personal like you are is just silly.

Not trying to make it personal; I'm trying to get you to justify your position.

But even you know that you can't defend the iindefensible and the above quote proves it.

You are welcome to stop responding to my posts then and also to stop saying I am against democracy for the 100th time, just because I see the PR vote of the islanders differently than someone steeped in British propaganda.

Both of you can stop your incessant bickering or we can do it for you. Your choice.

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