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Falkland Islanders Vote To Remain British


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Things change. There were those that thought the Panama canal would never go back to Panama. But it happened.

Certainly won't be changing for quite some time yet.....the Falkland Islanders (the people that actually live on the islands) are still celebrating the result of their vote, ink on the ballat papers not even dry, most of them waving Union Jacks and brandishing banners proclaiming that 'The Falkland Islands are British to the Core'.

I for one wish them well and salute them for coming out in such numbers to cast their votes. Good on ya guys, enjoy the party.

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Argentina has a dark history. England has a dark history. We are talking about now and the future over these islands which the democratic modern nation of Argentina feels a strong claim to. You can act like this is going away, but it isn't. This board is dominated by Anglo people so I am not surprised at the bias here but that's all it is, a bias.

Edited by Jingthing
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So would you consider a vote of the Argentinian people on whether they should or shouldn't contest the F-lands legit as well? Kirchner doesn't want violence.

That would be akin to the UK having a vote on if Hawaii should remain a US State.

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The Falklands have only ever been disputed when the Argentinian Junta/Dictator/President of the day has needed smoke and mirrors to distract the Argentinian people away from internal troubles.

That simply isn't true. The Argentinians overwhelmingly feel those islands belong to Argentina. Wishing that weren't so doesn't make it not so.

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Will you answer my question: Why do you not support the wishes of the islanders; do you not believe in democracy?

I do but you fail to admit it is a DISPUTED territory. So that calls for NEGOTIATIONS.

The Argentinian government claim the islands; the people that live there don't want to be Argentinian.

If you believed in democracy you would respect and support the wishes of the islanders.

If the UK government demanded the return of the original colonies of what is now the USA, would you support them?

Or would you support the wishes of the people actually living there?

Edited by 7by7
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Will you answer my question: Why do you not support the wishes of the islanders; do you not believe in democracy?

I do but you fail to admit it is a DISPUTED territory. So that calls for NEGOTIATIONS.

The Argentinian government claim the islands; the people that live there don't want to be Argentinian.

If you believed in democracy you would respect and support the wishes of the islanders.

The disagreement continues. As long as the UK won't talk even TALK to Argentina about their claims:

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Don't get your panties in a twist. Brazil is on Argentina's side and Brazil is a rapidly emerging superpower. I don't believe in the LONG RUN those islands will remain British. Could be 100 years though so it's a safe prediction. (We won't know.)

Hopefully the Irish & Spanish won't have to wait so long ; the restitution to the rightfull owners of the northern provinces of Eire is WAY LONG OVERDUE....the UK should never have been allowed to be part of the EU due to occupation of 2 member states' territory.
Spain 'occupy' Morroccan territory. The colonial era has left a legacy of territorial disputes. Just be glad we don't live near China.
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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

And if they invade again so will we kick their ass again its been British for 180+ years almost as long as America has been America

We might have a problem there, if the argies did invade again we wont have aircover, without aircover we would get hammered. Too many fighting men are involved in wars we cant win, that idiot in number 10 has practically neutered the military and i think we would seriously struggle to retake the islands now. Absolutely no offense to the military but their ability to do anything is now very limited.
There is an airbase there now and the islands are much more heavily defended than in 1982. If they attempted an invasion now, they would incur more damage than they would consider acceptable.
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I think what upsets a lot of other nationalities is that both The Falklands and Gibraltar wish to remain British where as other countries overseas territories vote for independence .

There is something in this. I remember talking to a Filipino airport official when a flight was cancelled; He asked where I was from, I replied the UK, to which he paused and replied.. I wish we'd been colonized by you lot instead of the Spanish then things might run a bit better around here.

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

You may be right,no one knows what will be changed in the future.

But Argentina's claim to the Falklands is spurious to say the least,considering the Falklands are 946 miles (1523 k) away from Argentina,so no flouting of International law connection there,and has been occupied by Falklanders of British descent for 180 years.

Looking at the map,it would seem if distance is anything to go by,then several other South American countries would have a more feasable claim than Argentina.

The Falklanders right to choose should always be paramount,and not for the first time they have given their descision to remain British,very close to a unanimous vote.

As did the Gibraltarians a few years ago.

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