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Thailand To Deliver The New Un-secretary-general?


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Who will be the new successor of Mr. Kofi Annan* the present UN Secretary-General?

These are the candidates: (do you know of any others?)***edited-see below


1. Thailand: Mr. Surakiart Sathirathai

2. East Timor: Mr. Jose Ramos-Horta

3. Sri Lanka: Mr. Jayantha Dhanapala

4. South Korea: Mr. Ban Ki-moon


5. Poland: Aleksander Kwasniewski

6. Latvia: Vaira Vike-Freiberga

7. England Mr. Tony Blair


8. USA Mr. Bill Clinton

*Kofi Annan will step down at the end of this year. This summer it is to be expected that his successor will be announced. It is likely that it will be an Asian this time.

The 'Lobby-machines' around the UN-headquarters are running at full speed.



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Left off Bill Clinton! :o

Really??? :D I didn't know that. Are they lobbying for him and is he 'keen' to be the UN-secretary-General?

I never read anything about it, but it could well be true.

On the other hand, I don't think a lot of other UN-members will agree to him (USA guy...)

I will have a 'Google' or 2... :D


Hmm...yes you're right, but it was 'old' news from 2003/2004;

although I have another name here: TONY BLAIR; just found this:

source: bbc.uk.


Clinton backs Blair as UN chief

Bill Clinton said Mr Blair's future would earn him 'immense rewards'

Tony Blair would make a "good" secretary general of the United Nations, former US president Bill Clinton has said.

Mr Clinton said he had discussed Mr Blair's future with him and told him there was "a lot of good you can do in the world" after leaving Number 10.



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  • 2 months later...

Kofi Annan will meet 'possible' Thai candidate, Thai Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai.


From another article, same source:

Surakiart, 48, fluent in English and proficient in French, earned his Masters degree in Law at Harvard and another in Diplomacy at Tufts.

Surakiart, currently one of Thailand's caretaker deputy premiers, plans to make the most of Annan's visit between May 25 to 27, the highlight of which will be his audience with Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej to bestow a UNDP award on the monarch for his lifetime of development work.

'He's on the committee organizing the programme for Kofi Annan, so at least he will be very much involved in the visit,' said Thai foreign ministry spokesman Sihasak Phungketkeow.

Although Surakiart got a head start in the race to replace Annan, having announced his candidacy three years ago, his campaign has arguably run out of steam.

After quickly securing the backing of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Thai candidate has fallen victim of Thailand's much-diminished reputation abroad, especially in the field of human rights.

Thailand this week failed to win a seat on the UN Human Rights Council, a development some attributed to its dubious human rights record, especially in dealing with a Muslim separatist struggle in its three southernmost provinces, where more than 1,200 have died in clashes and revenge killings over the past two years.

Surakiart was foreign minister from 2001 and 2005, when Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra launched his get-tough campaigns against the rebels that resulted in at least two mass slayings and the disappearance and suspected murder of one well-known Muslim lawyer.

'Surakiart's in a bad position because Thailand's human rights record is not great,' said outgoing Senator Kraisak Choonhavan, who headed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 'He refused to make any comments when he was part of the administration.'


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I would remove Clinton and Blair from the list (agree there were positive remarks, but they were made jokingly) the issue is that both are citizens of permanent members of the Security Council and their appointment would immensely strengthen thier countries position.

a. this was an unwritten rule that no citizen of the permanent members of SC will be considered as SG

b. the G77 will never agree with Blair or Clinton considering the current standoff in the UN related to reform and having a stronger SG

Surakiart had an excellent performance after the tsunami and personally I like him very much and he could bring some freshness to the UN, however lately I just don’t hear that he is still perusing his dream. Furthermore Prime Minister T. undermined Thailand’s position by making some insults like “the UN is not my father”….we shall see still he is my preferred candidate (regarding the HR record well other countries have HR issues too)

Dhanapala will be 77 by the time he assumes the post and 82 by finishing his first term, do we really think that a person at his age will provide a new vision for the future in a technologically advanced age…..hmm …hmmm

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On June 19th 2005, Aung San Suu Kyi celebrated 60th birthday and has been under arrest for 10 years. :o

To coincide with her birthday, Damien Rice and Lisa Hannigan released a new single - ‘Unplayed Piano’.

The song was written for Suu Kyi following a visit by Damien Rice to Burma in July 2004.

Listen to 'Unplayed Piano':

Higher rate (64 kbps)

Damien Rice said, “I prefer not to interfere too much with what is going on in the world, but when someone has been thrown into a hole and they ask you to throw down a rope, I am happy to look for a rope, especially for a woman of such grace..

Another year on and the "Lady"is still under house arrest and I would personally think that she would be the best candidate for the Position of United Nations Secretary-General.....yes.

(& maybe later on could stick a couple of firecrackers up the Ar**s of a couple of well known despots)

Incid today is international day of protest outside the Ba**ards Embassys around the World...

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On June 19th 2005, Aung San Suu Kyi celebrated 60th birthday and has been under arrest for 10 years. :o

.......................... especially for a woman of such grace..

Another year on and the "Lady"is still under house arrest and I would personally think that she would be the best candidate for the Position of United Nations Secretary-General.....yes.

I fully support your idea!!!



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Several years ago on a late night interview, Charlie Rose asked Jimmy Carter if he'd like to be the next SG of the United Nations. Jimmy flashed his trademark grin and replied, "Oh, they'd never let an American be Secretary General!!"

How about Ireland's first woman president, Mary Robinson? She served as the UN Commissioner of Extra-Judicial Executions.

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How about Ireland's first woman president, Mary Robinson? She served as the UN Commissioner of Extra-Judicial Executions.

The United Nations never had a "UN Commissioner of Extra-Judicial Executions"

Mary Robinson was the "United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights" (1997-2002)

However within OHCHR there is a "Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions"

* Mr. Philip Alston (Australia), 2004

* Ms. Asma Jahangir (Pakistan), since 1998-July 2004

* Mr. Bacre Waly Ndiaye (Senegal), 1992-1998

* Mr. S. Amos Wako (Kenya), 1982-1992

Mary Robinson never hold this position.

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"Thailand this week failed to win a seat on the UN Human Rights Council, a development some attributed to its dubious human rights record, especially in dealing with a Muslim separatist struggle in its three southernmost provinces, where more than 1,200 have died in clashes and revenge killings over the past two years."

I find this facinating, so instead of Thailand, we get China, Russia, Pakistan, Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia, yeah those are MUCH better... :o

The UN - when will people learn... :D

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"Thailand this week failed to win a seat on the UN Human Rights Council, a development some attributed to its dubious human rights record, especially in dealing with a Muslim separatist struggle in its three southernmost provinces, where more than 1,200 have died in clashes and revenge killings over the past two years."

I find this facinating, so instead of Thailand, we get China, Russia, Pakistan, Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia, yeah those are MUCH better... :o

The UN - when will people learn... :D

I have sympathy for your position.I also agree that the general record of the countries you mention is worse than Thailand's on human rights.Nevertheless it's also true that Thailand's record has deteriorated under Thaksin, and despite the hypocrisy of the UN system this failure to win a seat could be a useful reminder to the Thai establishment.

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How about Ireland's first woman president, Mary Robinson? She served as the UN Commissioner of Extra-Judicial Executions.

The United Nations never had a "UN Commissioner of Extra-Judicial Executions"

Mary Robinson was the "United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights" (1997-2002)

However within OHCHR there is a "Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions"

* Mr. Philip Alston (Australia), 2004

* Ms. Asma Jahangir (Pakistan), since 1998-July 2004

* Mr. Bacre Waly Ndiaye (Senegal), 1992-1998

* Mr. S. Amos Wako (Kenya), 1982-1992

Mary Robinson never hold this position.

Thanks for the very informative confirmation; that means she held an even higher position. So, whatcha think about her for the top job? How about at least a fast chorus of "God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson, Jesus loves you more than...."?
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  • 3 months later...

It appears that as of today Mr. Ban Ki-Moon (Republic of Korea) is our leading man.

After the second straw poll he received 14 encouragements and 1 discouragement from the 15 member security council.

Wondering who is opposing China or Japan, the big difference is the that Japan has no veto power, but China has being a permanent member of the SC.

There is a very good blog at http://www.unsg.org/ on the progress.

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It appears that as of today Mr. Ban Ki-Moon (Republic of Korea) is our leading man.

After the second straw poll he received 14 encouragements and 1 discouragement from the 15 member security council.

Wondering who is opposing China or Japan, the big difference is the that Japan has no veto power, but China has being a permanent member of the SC.

There is a very good blog at http://www.unsg.org/ on the progress.


It means that there are 3 candidates left according to the above mentioned website:


Encourage Discourage No Opinion

Ban 14 1 0

Tharoor 10 3 2

Surakiart 9 3 3

Zeid 6 4 5

Dhanapala 3 5 7


It also means that Surakiart is still in the race...and even could win...could he? :o


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From that blog:

In contrast, Surakiart’s picked up two more encouragements, giving him the “magic number” of 9 votes necessary to win (if he received no vetos). Given this, we can well expect to see Surakiart remain in the race. Could he be wooing the NAM summit in Havana? Even so, could this gain be a false impression, particularly after PM Thaksin’s remarks after speaking with UK and French diplomats at the ASEM summit?

<deleted> did Thaksin say to them?

Oh, ok, read some more of that blog. After the meeting with UK and French diplomats he said Surakiart has got a 50/50 chance.

On the other hand Surakiart has got 3 discouragements, and if any of them belong to Permanent Five, he's doomed. Similalry the frontrunner, Ban, has not chance if it was Chinese who voted against him.

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I can't believe Thaksin and Surakiart are still pretending to be dreaming of it, only to look good. "Remember rule #1 Surak! The Chrismast Gift Box. Like the ones in the window at the shopping mall, sooo beautifuly wrapped but there's nothing inside of them."

Has anybody read the following? It was published back in July. :D

Original text unmodified except where I specify that a man involved in an incident was mentally challenged.

He must have gone out for a drink and a massage after reading this one :D

What Are Your Qualifications

To Be UN Secretary General,

Deputy Prime Minister?

Asian Human Rights Commission

July 24, 2006

An Open Letter to the Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand by the Asian Human Rights Commission

Mr. Surakiart Sathirathai

Deputy Prime Minister

Office of the Prime Minister

Pissanulok Road

Dusit, Bangkok


Fax: +662 281 1359

Dear Mr. Surakiart

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has since 2004 studied your candidacy to become the next Secretary-General of the United Nations with interest. To be honest, we are a bit perplexed. Try as we might, we have failed to identify the qualifications upon which you could be elected to the job. :D

As a Harvard law postgraduate we would have thought that you would understand how important it is to maintain principles for the rule of law and human rights in Thailand, and how these are supported by the international system, specifically the United Nations. However, looking at the record of your government since you served as Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2001 to 2005 and after that as Deputy Prime Minister (with special responsibility for foreign affairs), it is hard to find any evidence of this.

Allow us to take a moment to go over just a few features of your record with specific reference to international law and UN treaties and mechanisms:

1. FAILED to ratify a key UN treaty against torture: The AHRC has been among other concerned groups and individuals who for some years have been saying that if Thailand's human rights record is to improve it must join the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. In fact, the ministry that you headed has the primary responsibility for this. But still, inexplicably, Thailand has not signed.

2. FAILED to implement any recommendations of a key UN body: The AHRC is not aware of any attempt to implement any of the key recommendations that the UN Human Rights Committee made to you in 2005 after your representatives in Geneva tried unsuccessfully to keep all kinds of gross abuses under the carpet.

The UN recommendations which you appear to have ignored include to

a. Better support and review the work of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (an attempt on the life of one commissioner recently obtained no reaction from your government);

b. Investigate the "extraordinarily large" number of killings during the so-called war on drugs in 2003 (virtually none are known to have ever been investigated or have gone to court);

c. Investigate the mass killings in the south in 2004 (instead survivors of the killings are themselves being prosecuted while perpetrators in the police and military have been promoted);

d. Investigate the killings and abductions of human rights defenders and social activists (not one successful investigation or prosecution);

e. Consider establishing an independent civilian body to investigate complaints against police (no evidence that it is being considered);

f. Bring the Emergency Decree for the southern provinces into line with international law (the decree was recently renewed without modification, despite condemnation from the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions);

g. Change procedures to allow detainees prompt means to challenge their detention, and access to lawyers and doctors (not done; again no evidence that it is being considered);

h. Investigate alleged cases of torture, illegal detention and death in custody (no investigations or prosecutions); and,

i. End routine shackling of detainees (they are still in chains).

3. FAILED to cooperate with UN special procedures: We are not aware of a single case of alleged torture, forced disappearance, extrajudicial killing or other gross abuse in Thailand before the UN working groups or special rapporteurs that your government has properly addressed. Furthermore, Thailand has deliberately snubbed the repeated requests of the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions to visit the country, and has also failed to extend standing invitations to UN experts interested to do the same, for no known reason.

4. FAILED to be elected to the new UN Human Rights Council: For all of the above reasons, and many others besides that we have not mentioned here in the interests of brevity.

On the other hand, the AHRC is aware that you have chastised journalists in Thailand for reporting on gross abuses and other deep problems there, lest their reports throw your candidacy into a bad light, and when a man (mentally challenged) was beaten to death in the tourist district of Bangkok for damaging a religious effigy you showed the extent of your commitment to human rights by paying commiserations to the effigy.

You would have to admit that for someone trying to become the Secretary-General of the United Nations this record of involvement with the UN and its agencies is not very good, is it? :D In fact, it is better characterised as persistent non-involvement and deliberate negligence.

In short, we cannot understand how you can contemplate becoming UN Secretary General from a position as Deputy Prime Minister in a government that refuses to join key UN international treaties, fails to consider or implement the sound recommendations of UN international treaty bodies and keeps UN experts at a distance.

We also cannot understand how you can contemplate becoming UN Secretary General from a position as Deputy Prime Minister in a government that pursues a policy of extrajudicial killings and disappearances against parts of its own population, tacitly endorses the use of torture by its police, has been recognised globally as an enemy of free speech, fails to protect even its own officially-appointed human rights commissioners--let alone the thousands of environmentalists, community leaders, journalists and others with lives at risk in Thailand--and has caused untold damage to the rule of law.

As you will understand, the role of the UN Secretary-General at this time in world history is of critical importance. We are concerned that the right person gets the job. Looking at your record, we are worried. It doesn't seem like you are up to the task, considering that your government has managed to make such a thorough mess of countless lives and numerous institutions in Thailand. Imagine the damage you could cause globally. :D Being based in this region, the Asian Human Rights Commission would share some blame if an unqualified Asian candidate was somehow to get the job and make a misery of the lives of people in other countries around the world in addition to his own. It is for this reason that we are compelled to write. :D

We trust that when it comes time to vote, the international community will share these concerns, and common sense and recognition of the need to preserve the integrity of the UN will rule the day. Assuming that this is so, we expect that you will be looking for other work. :D Unless of course, you really can answer the question, what on earth are your qualifications to become Secretary-General? :o

Yours sincerely

Basil Fernando

Executive Director

Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong


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I`d say the Polish Guy.

His nation is not as tied up in international affairs of the moment, therefore of the emotion of people.

His nation just provided a relatively popular papacy.

And, he`s not as polticised as the others.

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Saw an article the other day that stated the candidate from South Korea had taken a strong lead in the voting (or at least in the opinion of those that will be voting).

Kerryd! Don`t be ridiculous man!

You bloody fool! Are you still frostbitten from your days in Canada or wot, man?!

South Korean as the leader of the UN... Bloody Ridiculous. I mean, it would be like having Yanks as leaders of the democratic world or something.

Tsh! Never heard of such a thing!

Now shut up and get back to your basic training camp, man!



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Latvia: Vaira Vike-Freiberga....Maybe?

The Baltic states are pushing Mrs. Vaira Vike-Freiberga, also on the list of Forbes' most powerfull women in the world.

It wouldn't surpise me if a complete outsider will take (get) the job :o

If China is the (only one) opponent to the South Korean Ban Ki-Moon, they will/canNOT deliver the next UN secretary.

Let's wait and see........... :D


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"""Mr. Surakiart Sathirathai :D

Deputy Prime Minister

Office of the Prime Minister

Pissanulok Road

Dusit, Bangkok


I suppose Mr. Surakiart is EX-candidate for the function of the new UN Secretary General...now being in London with EX-PM Thaksin............ :o


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  • 2 weeks later...


sorry to tell you I told you so, Surakiart... but.. for the sake of a little remaining dignity, give it up:

Surakiart falls further behind in UN race

South Korea's foreign minister Ban Ki-Moon was the only candidate for UN secretary-general to receive the required majority of votes from the UN Security Council in an informal ballot conducted Thursday. Former deputy prime minister Surakiart Sathirathai fell even further behind, probably because of the military coup back home, diplomats said. Mr Surakiart, who was the first to announce his candidacy last year (sometimes being first doesn't mean squat), received five favourable votes and seven against, worse than the last U.N. vote, just before the coup. The 15 council nations checked one of three boxes for each candidate:

"Encourage," "discourage," and "no opinion." In the next straw poll, set for Monday, the five veto-wielding members of the council will use different coloured ballots than the other 10. A veto from one of the five — Britain, China, France, Russia or the United States — would doom their campaigns entirely.

Continued here:


Also a further bruising to Surakiart's ego AND chances for success:

Surin Pitsuwan Gets Backing For Top UN Job thread.

Surakiart's prospects:


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Interesting news.

Nobody knows (yet) what's going to happen....it's like being in a casino now...


""" In the next straw poll, set for Monday, the five veto-wielding members of the council will use different coloured ballots than the other 10.

A veto from one of the five — Britain, China, France, Russia or the United States — would doom their campaigns entirely.




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Perhaps with Surakiart's shameful resignation from the shameful TRT Party today, we can finally put his laughable attempt to become UN Secretary-General to rest.

It was doomed from the start... but that didn't stop the Thai taxpayer's from footing the bill to fund his grand attempt.

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It's going to be more and more interesting who's goin' to be the next UN Secretary General, according to this website:

http://www.unsg.org/ (thanks to Zoltannyc)

1. "Japan and Sri Lanka back Ban (S. Korea)

October 1st, 2006"


2. "Jayantha Dhanapala, Sri Lanka’s candidate for UNSG, has withdrawn his candidacy.

September 29th"


3. "South Korean candidate Ban Ki Moon is coming under wider criticism for development agreements made by South Korea during the course of his campaign."

September 29th"

But also:

"Ban Ki-Moon closes in on UN's top job

October 2.



4. "Ban (Ki Moon SK) slips but holds, Vike Freiberga (Latvia) pushes into third

September 28th, 2006"


5. "A Thai Race?

September 28th, 2006

Less than 24 hours after reporting that the U.S. was quietly encouraging Surin Pitsuwan, Thailand’s former Foreign Minister, to enter the race, The Nation is now suggesting there is yet another Thai candidate whom the P-5 wish would take Surakiart’s place."

"“The person right now being most mentioned and most likely to be recruited as UNSG by [the five permanent Security Council members] is Dr Supachai [Panitchpakdi] who is acceptable to all sides, moderate, and the right mix of outsider and insider,” the source said"

It's hot there in New York :o


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