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Ghosts ?


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Vinny1967, on 19 Mar 2013 - 20:30, said:

This is the type of carry-on I'm talking about.Was no problem back in Europe,but since moving here it's all escalated.Are the thais talking about this stuff all the time ?.Just seems strange that it's only had an effect on her since moving here.


Looking back I see this is the main thrust of the OP's question.

It was very well answered here, but perhaps others thought uptheos was just taking the piss?

>uptheos, on 19 Mar 2013 - 14:37, said:

Ghosts don't have the ability to cross continents, so she's safe in Europe


This is the real answer. Thai "ghosts" - being much more physically imagined than our ectoplasmic floating figments - are recognized as not existing overseas, they stay in Thailand.

Since the farang collective unconscious isn't as active in this area, and in fact our version of such manifestations is usually suppressed by active skepticism, Thais overseas don't experience much if any such phenomena there.

But of course the local ones back here don't go away in the meantime, so when they come back things go back to normal and the spirit world dominates their consciousness again.

Neil Gaiman's "American Gods", besides being an excellent read, has a great explanation of this phenomenon, as well as some great stories as to what happens to the poor things when they do try to travel - highly recommended read!

i think you need to get out more.

FunFon - how many ghosts have you seen ?

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Each culture/place has its own style of supernatural beings, and Thais don't know nor care about the other kinds, I'm sure they're proud of the fact that theirs kick ass compared to most.

Your SO is right, better to just leave the topic alone as much as possible, ignore it and it goes away. I"ve known a few farang get curious about this stuff and their dabbling has never led to a good result.

"Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster; and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you."

- Friedrich Nietzsche

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cardholder, on 20 Mar 2013 - 12:56, said:

FunFon - how many ghosts have you seen ?

I've experienced a lot of phenomena that I couldn't explain through the mainstream scientist POV, some of which some people might label "spirits" or "ghosts".

I myself simply accept that I don't have an explanation of such things and leave it at that, I have no need to kid myself into thinking I actually have more than a superficial understanding of the reality underlying that tiny bit my senses report to my feeble little brain.

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are the ghosts in Thailand dangerous and the rest of the world not ?

There are usually not any assumption about ghosts elsewhere because is the insularity of the topic.

In South-East Asia, ghosts (especially those in relation to the dead) are perceived as dangerous by some people. Spirit healers usually "educate" people that these visitations are of no threat to anyone and that the perceived spirit (i.e. the ghost) is only presenting itself and nothing more. They usually say that visitations (if any) are brief and should be let go respectfully.

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An ex Thai GF of mine is a dentist. You would think that a woman of science would be skeptical about the afterlife coming back to haunt you, but her superstitions verge on paranoia.

I don't think many Thais are true Buddhist. They mix in a combinations of beliefs, including Animism, passed along through the generations. I understand those spirit homes you see in front of houses have nothing to do with Buddhism They are designed to look glitzy to persuade ghosts to take up residence there, and not in the house itself.

What is ironic to me are all the horror movies and ghost comic books in the market. Just feeding the fear.

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So basically what thai people believe is that ghosts and their like only exist in Thailand ? ,or are the ghosts in Thailand dangerous and the rest of the world not ?.I tried asking me other half about this and she wouldn't even give me an answer.Refused to talk about anything related to the dead.

First of all, judging from your OP, your GF is a little bit overboard. As for Thais in general, it's similar to other societies belief in the devil, witches, the undead, and other supernatural beings. I'll try not to bring God and religion into this, but it's certainly related. No society is immune to superstition and like beliefs. Think black cat, walking under ladders, broken mirrors...I can go on and on.

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Have to add this . We had a murder suicide in our moo baan a few months back . At the time we were looking for a house to buy . I told my wife hey no problem now . We will wait until about midnight tonight put on white sheets and walk down the Soi where it happened and go woooooooooo..... Come back in the morning and pick out which house we want becasue they ll all be forsale !!!!! Truth being it only took about a month and the majority of the houses on that Soi are up for sale now or vacant .....

Belief in ghosts does seem to have more influence in Thailand, e.g. BB's property example. Do the property value recover eventually and how long does it take?

Wasn't their a building in Silom years ago, Pyramid tower or something similar, vacant for fear of ghosts....

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Have to add this . We had a murder suicide in our moo baan a few months back . At the time we were looking for a house to buy . I told my wife hey no problem now . We will wait until about midnight tonight put on white sheets and walk down the Soi where it happened and go woooooooooo..... Come back in the morning and pick out which house we want becasue they ll all be forsale !!!!! Truth being it only took about a month and the majority of the houses on that Soi are up for sale now or vacant .....

Belief in ghosts does seem to have more influence in Thailand, e.g. BB's property example. Do the property value recover eventually and how long does it take?

Wasn't their a building in Silom years ago, Pyramid tower or something similar, vacant for fear of ghosts....


Check out the history of the Erawan's hotel's construction, the shrine there is one of the most venerated spots in Thailand. The whole story of Thaksin trying to take it over its voodoo, his "agent" getting killed or whatever, don't recall the details, but sure wish we knew the whole story around that, most entertaining.

But remember the Reagans consulting fortune-tellers in the White House, this kind of thing's not exactly absent in our home countries either, just a whole 'nother level here. . .

Yes you certainly could take advantage of these beliefs to pick up cheap properties, and a side benefit is that very few teelacs will want to move in with you - great strategy now that I think about it! biggrin.png

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I tried asking me other half about this and she wouldn't even give me an

answer.Refused to talk about anything related to the dead.

First of all, judging from your OP, your GF is a little bit overboard.

It's not that unusual. Some people who have been afflicted by spirit visitations become possessed. There well-know accounts of multi-national factories having to close done for several days, because some female workers got out of control after such incidents.

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Tell her to get a monk round. They are used to dealing with house spirits, and will bless the house and tell her what to do.

And tell them to get 5000 extra if they can make the house total ghost save with whatever it takes on magic things.

Or at least they can tell that they can't find this house in the night as long as it is dark....

Anyway it must be a bit costly so your girlfriend believes it....

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I personally know that the mind can make you see things that are not there. One night I pulled up to an intersection and watched as the stop sign melted in some very beautiful colors. Probably had something with the acid I had done earlier.


Even without any chemical assistance the world we perceive is very much a mental construction, an interpretation of very limited sensory data.

And the more you rely on "certainty" "hard knowledge" the more limited a view it is.

Of course it's much more comfortable to remain secure believing what we perceive is "real", for example that we human beings are separate from each other.

But when you come right down to it, it's all an illusion, a projection.

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cardholder, on 20 Mar 2013 - 12:56, said:

FunFon - how many ghosts have you seen ?

I've experienced a lot of phenomena that I couldn't explain through the mainstream scientist POV, some of which some people might label "spirits" or "ghosts".

I myself simply accept that I don't have an explanation of such things and leave it at that, I have no need to kid myself into thinking I actually have more than a superficial understanding of the reality underlying that tiny bit my senses report to my feeble little brain.

I will take that as NONE, then... smile.png

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I will take that as NONE, then... smile.png


Take it as you like; I prefer to avoid jumping to conclusions, feel I stand a better chance learning with an open mind.

Learning what exactly my dear chap?

There is only ONE God in this life and it's (usually) made of paper, smells faintly of shit and has numbers printed on it.

Oh please don't...You're a smart chap - ish... (judging from your other posts), just don't...

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Take it as you like; I prefer to avoid jumping to conclusions, feel I stand a better chance learning with an open mind.

Learning what exactly my dear chap?

There is only ONE God in this life and it's (usually) made of paper, smells faintly of shit and has numbers printed on it.

Oh please don't...You're a smart chap - ish... (judging from your other posts), just don't...


Learning what is real what is true and how to improve the way I am in the world in accordance with that reality.

And the one thing I am very certain about is that what I choose to believe about the world determines what I think and how I see and therefore creates the reality in which I live.

Therefore please forgive me if I don't go along and set up money as my "one God", but you go ahead if you sincerely think that's best for you.

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The only place I've ever heard a ghost is in Thailand. I was having a 2 hour massage by a masseur recommended by my mother-in-law. He looked after two mute and deaf girls.Half way through the massage I had a strange feeling of incredible sadness and whilst this was happening started to silently cry. I then heard an old women;s voice speaking in Thai for a couple of minutes and since I was face down assumed she was talking to the masseur. After the 2 hours was over my mother-in-law came to pick me up and I said where was the old women that I had heard. The masseur went pale and the hairs on his arms literally stood up. The fear on his face was palpable - there was no such women in the house - to this day have never experienced something so real and seemingly without rational explanation - so I put it down to having experienced a ghost.

On a related point are there any guarantees that come with the spirit houses if not what's the point of them and how do you ensure that they work. Whilst traveling around recently I noticed that the fenced in land around mobile telephone masts don't seembhave a spirit house - so what the hell is protecting them from potential malevolent spirits from playing havoc with the mobile telephony network.Surprisingly my wife couldn't help me with a rational explanation except to say you think too much.


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