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Attempted Theft Of My Scooter Last Night


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Put the key in the scooter today and noticed the ignition barrel seemed loose and you can now pull it out half an inch. It won't come out completely and stays in place.
Upon further inspection I noticed a green scuff mark against the ignition housing and the surrounding plastic where they had obviously tried to lever it out of place.
I only noticed it today but it is not so evident that it could have happened anytime in the last few days.
The only suspicious times I can think of is when I came out of a bar and one of the kids who parks the bikes had his friend sitting on it when I came out and they looked a little nervy which I thought strange but dismissed it. I can't really accuse them as I saw nothing but he was sat on it facing a wall which I thought strange and literally jumped off it when they spotted me approaching.
I am a bit disappointed as I have been here a year and this kind of thing makes one worry.
And no I have not pissed anyone off.

Edited by sbk
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I got a alarm on my Coocase topcase, will make some noise for a minute to draw attention at least......sure will not prevent stolen but at least may scare off that thief either with the alarm sound or attention from others.



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Been mulling it over and I'm pretty sure it was the parking assistants mate trying to wedge something into my ignition barrel.

Can't really do a lot as turning up and pointing it out will probably get very heated as I imagine if they are allowed to operate 5-8 am they are well connected.

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if it is any help, I was at the Roo Bar in Loi Kroh, then all of sudden the owner and the bar staff member became suspicious of two blokes looking at the bikes lined up along the street, they were dressed like they were very poor and dirty but was told they are gangster's looking to pinch bikes, this was about 9pm and they were walking up toward the moat area but their pressence had people in the local area come out to make sure they moved on, then about 10 minutes later a cop came waddling into the bar with his big big and big torch stayed for 2 free drinks and then left, he reminded me of that bloke Benny Hill use to play in his shows.

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if it is any help, I was at the Roo Bar in Loi Kroh, then all of sudden the owner and the bar staff member became suspicious of two blokes looking at the bikes lined up along the street, they were dressed like they were very poor and dirty but was told they are gangster's looking to pinch bikes, this was about 9pm and they were walking up toward the moat area but their pressence had people in the local area come out to make sure they moved on, then about 10 minutes later a cop came waddling into the bar with his big big and big torch stayed for 2 free drinks and then left, he reminded me of that bloke Benny Hill use to play in his shows.

What night was this?

The kid that was on my bike was fiddling with something down the front bit and I know the locals use parked bikes as seats but the strange thing was that the bike was facing a wall. His friend was behind him so he had his back to his friend.

I have been thinking more about it trying to recall more and when I came out the parking assistant distracted me whilst his friend literally flung himself off the bike. Both were mega friendly with big smiles but I just felt something was 'wrong' if you know what I mean.

The kid was clean looking though definitely not hi so looking.

I am a bit miffed at this as I can't really do anything about it but they have damaged my bike. No CCTV and even if there was the police would not be interested.

I have been introduced to the Roo Bar owner and staff previously and can believe he was looking out for customers as he and his staff are good guys.

Edited by sbk
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Several 'dismantler's' operating in the outlying villages buy these nicked bikes and new deliveries are lined up for the chop daily as all the local scumbags deliver their booty. Some parts are recycled by being resprayed in different colours to the original, some are chopped and many mechanical parts are bought by the local bike repair boys. Village Cops are involved with family members running these outfits so no hope of it stopping in the short term, or possibly even the long term !

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last night I was at the Roo Bar and non of the people there are involved sorry if it came across like that

they were just keeping an eye out after seeing these lads last night

I enjoy my coke zero at the Roo Bar and apologise for any misunderstanding

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last night I was at the Roo Bar and non of the people there are involved sorry if it came across like that

they were just keeping an eye out after seeing these lads last night

I enjoy my coke zero at the Roo Bar and apologise for any misunderstanding

No misunderstanding this end. They are good people and appreciated by neighbouring businesses.

Like you say they were looking out for you.

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A good cable lock - visible - eg through wheel and up over the bike seat.

10 seconds to put it on.

Would not prevent a serious thief but a good deterrent, can't be wheeled or ridden away - they'll ideally look at an 'easier' bike.

and if you try to park in a stupid place; the police will come along and do this free for you!

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. Village Cops are involved with family members running these outfits so no hope of it stopping in the short term, or possibly even the long term !

hmm; did you have the same opinion about the "music police" 4 weeks ago

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. Village Cops are involved with family members running these outfits so no hope of it stopping in the short term, or possibly even the long term !

hmm; did you have the same opinion about the "music police" 4 weeks ago

Didn't have any opinions about 'music police' as I know nothing about those people. Two threads completely unrelated.

Edited by trainman34014
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Starting to think I got off lightly rather than woe is me someone has damaged my bike.

Now have a chunky chain and padlock that I keep under the seat and attach it through the back wheel.

Just annoys me that its OK to steal in some peoples minds.

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Just notice how many Thai people put a lock on their wheels or how hyper vigilant they are about other people in their immediate surroundings..

That should be a tip off.

If anything I think a lot of expats are blinded by smiling faces and used to the relative safety of the home countries.

Note: when I say hyper vigilante I mean their heads are on a swivel. One doesn't burn calories like that without a reason. Has to be stressful also.

Note2: don't tell me about Detroit or E. St. Louis or the worst places in your home country where you would never go anyway. Chiang Mai is the Rose of Thailand so if you want to compare then do so with the Rose of your home country.

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Cable lock is the way to go.

A cable is harder to cut than a chain. Lots of folks have bolt cutters but very few have cable cutters. And don't lock the cable with a padlock. That can be cut with bolt cutters too. Use a dedicated motorbike cable lock. I have one that has a built-in motion sensor alarm. And best if you can lock the bike TO something so it can't just be picked up by three guys and carried off into a van.

The UK has a program established where you can lock your bike to the cable of another. It's much harder to lift and carry two bikes than one. You run your cable through the cable of the other person's bike. If they want to leave, they just unlock their's and it leaves yours still locked. Get three or four locked this way and you have a pretty secure parking setup.

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